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So just a question...


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Have any of you ever really put the time and effort into writing a story, or a series of stories, and had someone literally 'CHASE' you from email to email, site to site, board to board, with the same cruel complaints....trying to HECKLE you in the most negative ways possible? Even when you fucking IGNORE the shit out of them because they're being an asshole?


You know...there's a little fast food place that opened up near my house a few years ago. I didn't like it. Not to my taste. And I haven't been back. Nothing wrong with the place, I'm just not a fan. I don't like what they're selling. 


Why can't people treat my stories the same way? I mean, really? The world is full of gun violence, rape, murder, war, drugs, deceit, and horror...and they want to chase ME for the stories I write?


Well, where is THEIR story? Where's THEIR answer, or THEIR expression? I put my heart and soul on the line to try ti have a positive impact, and these fucking idiots haven't done a damn thing but tear down the creativity of other people in an attempt to get attention for themselves.


there was a time when I was reading Nifty and other websites online, and I didn't really get into the porn and smut that I was reading over and over again. But you didn't see ME whining and complaining about what somebody else was writing. I put my money where my fucking mouth was and I wrote my OWN damn stories. Might as well, since I knew so goddamn much about story structure and entertainment, why not? Instead of having a negative presence online, I chose to make a positive impact. And it's not for everybody. It never will be. So if you don't like it...fine. That's cool. I can take criticism. But don't make it your mission to  'chase' me everywhere I go online and try to tear down everything I do JUST because you have your own agenda to push through gay erotic fiction. Because I figure...if you had an agenda to push, and a fucking OUNCE of courage, then you'd be writing your OWN stories instead of telling me how to write mine. you don't like what I have to say? Then stop at the first story and two and go find somebody you DO like! I've got no issue with that at all. But after the ninth or tenth insult, I figure that you're reading my stuff on purpose! And frankly, I'm sick of having to hear your asshole comments about it! So knock it the fuck off!


Sorry. Honestly, folks....I've bitten my tongue through QUITE a few of these senseless attacks since this 'person' has been around. And it's all been the same complaints. IOver and over and over again. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but he doesn't know how to leave it alone. If you've got something CONSTRUCTIVE to say to me, then say it. Otherwise, I'm just going to keep ignoring you and your flame emails. These are MY stories. All of them. And I'll write them the way I want to. Period.


If you know how to do a better job, then I CHALLENGE you to do so!


Put YOUR heart and soul on the line. Write the story YOU want to see online. And post it here so other people can SEE it! Let's see if you get the applause and praise and attention you're looking for. Instead of complaining about MY creativity and means of expression, why don't you stand up and show me how it's done? Huh? No? Right...that's what I thought.


Keep your mouth shut. I got the point. It's done. Stop trying to make a spectacle of yourself. Ok? This bullshit has gone on for months now. Just stop it.


And I'll have you know that a *LOT* of people still love "A Class By Himself" and "Billy Chase" to this day! So your nasty comments are about as effective as tossing pebbles at Mt. Everest. Find yourself another target. Because this one isn't flinching.


I've been through a lot worse. Believe me.


Get a life....


Ps- This is the LAST bit of attention that you'll get from me. Write something of your own...THEN comment on how it should be done...

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Thanks, dude.


I really do apologize. I TRY to be cheerful and positive and maintain a certain level of grace. But this shit just pisses me off.


Who is HE to follow me around, making mean comments in order to get my attention? I ignored it once, twice, three times...he just keeps doing it. I'm SICK of it!


In my opinion....until you've got a body of successful work worthy of mention...then don't treat me like some piece of trash who's only purpose in life is to entertain 'YOU'. You know?


ANYBODY can look at all of the story reviews I've done on this Cafe, and they won't see a single one where I'm tearing somebody down for the story they wrote! I mention what I like, I mention what I didn't like, and I gave suggestions as to how to make it better. Stronger. I don't get a kick out of insulting somebody's work or telling them how it 'should' be done. I give every author who takes a chance and actually CREATES something my love, understanding, and respect. I deserve the same.


I've turned the other cheek until I don't have any left. Now he can just kiss my ass. :P

Edited by Comicality
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The internet is full of those sorts of trolls. This one is clearly not much different, and honestly not even worth your time. Don't let the small stuff wear you down; you know damn well what you write is loved by the readers and is a source of happiness and inspiration for others. In my eyes, that can't possibly be a bad thing.


So ignore him! And know that we <3 you lots. :)


Much love!


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Love you lots too, dude.


I just...ugh....it's NEVER enough! You know? Nearly 15 years online and I STILL can't hold my head up without somebody going out of their way to cut me down. It's just gotten to be ridiculous at this point.


Hate me all you want. I just want to be left alone. Enough is enough already. You know?


I guess it just hurts some days more than others....

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Don't let the arseholes and the haters get you down :hug:


I love all of your stories, but my fav has always been A Class by Himself. 


I'm just glad that there are quality writers like you out there who are willing to put so much effort into providing so many free stories for the gay community.


I can live with how ever often you post a new chapter or chapters.  I'd much rather continue to read the same quality of story I've loved over the years, than some half-assed effort being churned out daily just to keep a few whiners happy.


These trolls need to learn that no author owes them anything.


Much love and respect



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Don't let assholes like that tear you down and make you feel bad. it takes a ton of guts to write stories and share them with people, and someone poking and stabbing at them can really eat away at the courage it takes to share. I hope you won't ever let him or anyone like him do that. Those people aren't capable of creating, all they know how to do is destroy. It takes such a small mind to belittle and tear down and it's a shame those people don't spend more time finding their own outlets and creating something positive as they do being negative and mean.

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well...I'm making a valiant attempt this year to be a better person. And also to push hard to be a better writer as well. I'm not letting anybody ruin that for me. Or for you guys either.


So thank you for the support.


I can only try to be the best that I can be. nd that will just have to be enough.


I LOVE you! thank you! ((Hugs))


to the rest...they'll never be happy. So whatever. Enjoy misery, haters.


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Loyal readers are a precious gift that can’t be bought or sold. As an author their value is greater than mountains made of gold. If you shall ask God for a gift be thankful if he sends not diamonds pearls or riches but the love, trust, and respect of loyal readers.


I, like a lot of others around the net, love and respect your work. Hang in there and that jerk will fade back to where he came.


However, I bet it felt awesome to get it off your chest ;)

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Loyal readers are a precious gift that can’t be bought or sold. As an author their value is greater than mountains made of gold. If you shall ask God for a gift be thankful if he sends not diamonds pearls or riches but the love, trust, and respect of loyal readers.


I, like a lot of others around the net, love and respect your work. Hang in there and that jerk will fade back to where he came.


However, I bet it felt awesome to get it off your chest ;)


I love my readers, but I'm just wondering...how big are these mountains made of gold?   :whistle:  :D

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