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Edit feature for reviews, please!

Pete Bruno

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Just today I added a review to 9.11 and once again hit post too soon.  In the past I have failed to properly proof my review (it's just so exciting to get a new chapter) and have made errors.  The last time was typing 'Will' when I meant 'Brad'.  Today, I realized after posting that I had forgotten to mention that Stef seemed puzzled when Will informed him that Marie had yet to apologize.  That was important information when reading the dinner scene, apparently her parents and grandparents were under the impression that she had. 


So my question is, how many readers agree that a edit function on reviews would be helpful?  Certainly on a site as well constructed as this, it shouldn't be that hard. 

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And how many mod issues will be be faced with where reviewers flame authors and then retract the reviews or change them? That happens on a lot of other fiction sites and is the reason why we have the reviews set that way; it removes that element from coming into play and creating a very large headache for the site staff.


You have 2 options to circumvent having the issues you stated Pete. 


1) Write your review in word and only post it when you're satisfied it is correct and complete. 




2) If you have a major gaffe or sent a blank/incomplete review by hitting the reply button on accident I'm more than willing to help members out by deleting their review so they can start over. Just send me a pm. I won't do this for every little mistaken typo, though.


Also remember, reviews are not the only way to contact an author about their stories or writing in general; it is just the most convenient when you're reading. You can post a comment in their forum topic; most authors create those. You can also pm an author directly.

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Your reasoning makes sense CIA, even though some of us try our hardest not to disturb you more than we already do. When an author replies to reviews they also only get one shot at it, can that be changed? I've found myself correcting an annoying autocorrect issue in a reply to a different review. Not the classiest on my part, but it partially satisfied my OCD.



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I don't believe we can change that either, Myk. It all sort of ties in together. I cannot delete the author's response without also deleting the review from the reader though; so that isn't as easily removed and re-done.  

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I don't believe we can change that either, Myk. It all sort of ties in together. I cannot delete the author's response without also deleting the review from the reader though; so that isn't as easily removed and re-done.  

Somehow that's what I expected. Thanks! :)

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  • Site Administrator

At the time we released the Stories Archive, the underlying forum software did not allow for the editing of comments.  That has changed since, but any major code changes to Stories is a hefty fee.  We won't be changing any code significantly until IP.Board 4.0.0 rolls out later this year.  (And maybe into next year. It is a major, change)

We'll have a number of feature changes at that point.  The ability of authors and reviewers to edit their posts (for a short time) will be included.


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If you oops up on a review, correct your booboo and write another one... if it is a spelling/grammar error, I wouldn't worry about it too much. That sort of thing happens to the best of us. 

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