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What do you think about the RoboCop Reboot?


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I hate that costume. Hate it. They took a classic costume and made it generic matte black with a red line on the visor and it just, looks like total crap.

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I am thinking: That I never really got to watch much of the originals....

They were big when I was a kid but i've not seen them on television since... and when i was a kid I only got to see bits and pieces...

-_- I am actually tired of seeing stupid reboots of older movies....

Case and point...Total Recall, and Red Dawn.

Total recall wasn't bad, however it left me with a considerable gap in what the heck was going on in the movie exactly...

As in the background for instance... giant war of some kind and hole in planet... what.... I am lost.. please explain more In the movie... :/


Red Dawn the new version is an insult to well everything....

I could numberate what was wrong with that movie....

however i will put it as this...

Its a movie adapted to be a pretty boy fanservice movie... with little in the way of good plotting...


Also I do have some problems with the prequil to the Aliens Series, Prometheus...ie Realism...

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no no no more reboots. I'm sick to death of them remaking things, people need to get original for crying out loud!



I couldn't have said it better myself.  In fact I think that I have.


I call the re-makes  regurgitation- something the Hollyweird people barf out to cash in on someone else creativity.  


If you are going to re-imagine a movie, do what was done with Judge Dredd. Make it much, much better than the original.

Edited by jamessavik
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