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Vince Gill Confronts Westboro Baptist Protesters


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Vince Gill took exception to Westboro Baptist Church members picketing his recent Kansas City concert:




Country singer Vince Gill, due to the fact that he is divorced and remarried, was the target of Westboro Baptist Church protestors on Sunday at his concert at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts in Kansas City, Mo. The confrontation was captured on video and uploaded to YouTube (by a user who claims to be against the WBC) and begins with a protestor asking, "Vince Gill, what in the world are you doing out here?" Gill answers simply: "I just came to see what hate looked like."

When asked by the woman "What are you doing with another man's wife? Don't you know that divorce plus remarriage equals adultery?" America's newest hero fires back: "Don't you know you fuckers are lucky that you don't have a sign that says something about my wife?"

Gill also lets the protestors know they're lacking in grace and, then turning toward another protestor, says, while laughing: "I've seen you on TV, man. You're a big dipshit."

The glorious video ends with Gill asking, "Are any of you guys Phelpses? Or are you guys like the C-team?"

A spokesperson for Gill told CMT on Monday that he has "no plans" to comment on the encounter. The next musical artists targeted by the WBC will be Mumford & Sons on September 20 in Bonner Springs, Kansas.

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This kind of protest is pointless. And, you could almost ignore these people entirely except that that may lead them to ever greater or more dangerous efforts to get noticed.

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Woo HOOO!  Three cheers for Gill!   Honestly, aren't there better things the WBC could turn their efforts to?  Like spending the money they put into useless protests towards feeding hungry children or supporting safe shelters for the homeless?  Maybe I better cut off here and move to a blog before I wander into forbidden subjects in the forum! lol

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If they are basing everything on the Bible, where does this stance come from.  Many Biblical patriarchs had multiple wives - Solomon supposedly had 500 wives, so how does divorce and remarriage + adultry?  They are so freaking stupid, but you can't argue with people whose IQ is lower than their age.  . 

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500 wives is polygamy. Not quite the same as divorce. Besides, look at all the cattle and goats and whatever else the dowries probably brought King Solomon. I wonder what 500 husbands might bring King Ron? Hmmm, I can see it now.

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