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2024 Anthology Entries Due Tue October 1 ×

How smart are you?


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Ah, so these quizzes have been floating around the Internet for awhile, and I found them to be a great deal of fun. They're verbal challenges and they test basic knowledge of familiar facts and sayings. They're highly addictive and a great deal of fun. How many can you get right without cheating?


I got 22 for the first one and a friend got all but one (She's apparently insane smart)

For the second I'm currently at 15 on my own and am at 17 with collaborators.


So, how far can you get? And please, don't post the answers here.


Part One

Part Two


Our english friends may have an easier time of Part 1, as it contains several UK specific references. (Though, again, my smart American friend got all of the British ones, but one).



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I haven't finished taking them yet, but I'm really upset that they won't accept my answers for certain ones like 101 D (I put 101 Dalmations which apparently is incorrect :-p) I do however plan on figuring every damn one of these out!


Thanks for giving me more things to aimlessly waste hours of my life doing, I do appreciate it. ;-)

Edited by Caipirinha
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101 Dalmations


ok, this one is explainable -- try an a instead of an o. They're named after the region of Dalmatia somewhere in Croatia. I learned that such a place existed from a jar of fig marmalade that advertised figs from Dalmatia. (Fig marmalade -- mmmm!) :2thumbs:

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Come on! It didn't accept "3 Blind Mice" for the 3 B M one! :P


EDIT: Nevermind, I had it right I just didn't put (See how they run)


So cheap!


I haven't finished taking them yet, but I'm really upset that they won't accept my answers for certain ones like 101 D (I put 101 Dalmations which apparently is incorrect :-p) I do however plan on figuring every damn one of these out!


Thanks for giving me more things to aimlessly waste hours of my life doing, I do appreciate it. ;-)


101 dalmatians :D

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I got 27 on part one (haven't looked at part two). If anyone got numbers 6,14,24,28,31, and 33 right, would you please PM me. It's driving me nuts. I think I have numbers 6 and 24 but it says I'm wrong.



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I didn't get 32 even though I swear it's 1000 years in a millenium.


I got all of the rest. Grrr...I hate myself. What did I do wrong?

-- :,( Greg

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Well apparently I spell like ass. Dalmation/Dalmatian same thing in my feeble little mind.


And for the record, I did the same thing with "1000 years in a millennium" (which I'm still not sure I spelled correctly. I should probably stop failing first grade spelling if I ever want to get the rest of these...)

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I got 24 on the first one and if I sat here longer instead of writing... which could be dangerous to my health, I might have gotten more... Haven't tried part 2 yet :P


Off to PM Sharon!

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for test 1:


correct answers 33/33

nuff said


for test 2:


correct answers 20/24

I have *acceptable* answers for #'s 10, 22, & 24

and no clue for #19

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