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Leonardo DiCaprio producing new Twilight Zone series


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America is getting ready to take one more trip back into the Twilight Zone. Warner Bros. is developing a Twilight Zone TV series from writer Joseph Rothenberg and producer Leonardo DiCaprio.



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Wow, I didn't see that twist coming :o


Leonardo DiCaprio is still an A-List star, but I am glad to hear Rod Sterling Gem is not going to be forgotten by this new generation.


Wonder if they'll redo "To Serve Man" or "Eye of the Beholder" or "Masks". However, if they do "It's a good life", please get a kid that can do that weird eye thing.

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Will they use new or old scripts? Will they do 1 play per show or 2?


Lot's of questions here. Damn good idea. I didn't think modern production companies had the skills to pull it off.


I just hope they do it right.

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I hope they try some new ideas as well.  I don't mind them redoing some of the old scripts, but I'd like to see some new material too. 


PS. even though Rod was older than me, we grew up in the same area, so I had a personal connection to a lot of the real-life locations he used in some of his scripts.  . 

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I hope they try some new ideas as well.  I don't mind them redoing some of the old scripts, but I'd like to see some new material too. 


PS. even though Rod was older than me, we grew up in the same area, so I had a personal connection to a lot of the real-life locations he used in some of his scripts.  . 



Did you grow up on Maple Street, I heard that could be a tough neighborhood? :P


As for new ideas, I've got a couple, like this one:


A seemingly skittish guy with a crush for his new gay neighbor finds out that his neighbor is in the witness protection program. Despite fears and dangers, they get together. However, unbeknownst to him, he is actually a trained assassin, who used psychological programming to create the false personality of a skittish gay guy. Throughout the story, he has two personalities: the cowardly gay guy and the ruthless assassin. Worst still, other assassins are hot on the same guy's tail and the witness protection service wants to relocate the guy again. At the end of the story, the skittish gay guy seemingly kills one of his assassin associates and he leaves with his new boyfriend as part of the witness protection program's relocation. The twist is that his ruthless personality is actually in control and he just wants to wait for a perfect time, when they are alone to take him out and collect the full reward alone :o


or for Science Fiction:


In a futuristic world, "synthetic beings" are used as toys by average people for various needs. There is no longer a need for war or labor, since "Synths" can take care of it. A Synth, however begins to experience something strange that his master's do not understand, when he goes into his regeneration cycle, he sees images of a particular Synth, who he works besides. The Synth begins to think about life and his own existence, calling itself Steve. His masters are wary of this self awareness. He teaches other Synths about self awareness and stops working in protest to his treatment. In the end, his masters terminates the defective synth, but the damage has been done as synths have now learned about self awareness.

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