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Speak Week Q 3 & 4


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Question #3: Do you find any promise in your average internet 'hook up'? Or do you thnk that it's only for sex and the occassional one night stand?


Does the idea of an internet 'sexcapade' excite you? Have you ever met up with someone knowing exactly what was in mind when he date was made? Maybe more than once? Did you enjoy it or not? Let us now what happened, what you 'expected' to happen, and whether or not you'd love the chance to do it again!




Question #4: Have you ever, would you ever, do you ever...SWALLOW? :)


What looks like a nice warm snack in a skin flick, isn't always such a wonderful flavor in real life for everybody. Then again, there are people who want it by the glass full! So let me know, whether you've done it before or not, would you swallow? When did you first do it? And do you like the taste...or is that beside the point? Go ahead...get graphic with this one! Hehehe!

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Question #3 - Is there any promise in internet hook ups?


I don't think it's *impossible* to find someone special from an internet hook up, because it happens all the time. A lot of people from the Shack alone have met in real life, gotten together, and ended up living happily ever after. So, it's not impossible...but the odds are against it. Most internet hook ups are made for one reason...sex. It's a quick fix with low risk, you know? A lot of times, it doesn't require you to know anything about the other person other than what they look like and whether or not you're physically attracted to that image. I tried it myself, attempting to meet up with people online, having sex all night long, and then trying to 'fill in' all the missing parts you were looking for by trying to get to 'know' this person that you just had your mouth on for the last few hours. I had my fill of it, and won't do it anymore. If I fall for someone, it'll be for reasons other than 'They're in my area'.


Question #4 - Would I swallow?


Hehehe, I have to admit, I used to be REALLY squeamish about swallowing! I was! I've tasted my own, and it's fine when it's a drip on the end of your finger. But having a mouthful blasted into you all at once is a whole other story. And it used to terrify me, because I didn't want to try it and suddenly start coughing and gagging and looking stupid. But...since then I've learned the error of my ways. ::Giggles:: I took the plunge with a guy that I was having sex with, and I didn't swallow the 'first' load, because I figured the 'second' load (only ten minutes later!) would be a bit smaller. So that was my first time doing it, and since then, I don't have a problem with it. :)

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Question #3: Do you find any promise in your average internet 'hook up'? Or do you thnk that it's only for sex and the occassional one night stand?


I've only hooked up with people I've met on the internet a few times. The first guy was a skank, the second was a leg-hound and the other was a big fat liar (he was married and I don't do married men- EVER). :rolleyes:


I kinda blew off internet dating after that.



Question #4: Have you ever, would you ever, do you ever...SWALLOW?



Yes- but only with someone I really, really :wub:

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