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Elders React To #Selfie


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So this week in Viral Videos, I'm going to post an Edlers React to #Selfie, the viral video with nearly 59 million views that basically serves as the Valley Girl for the Millennial Generation. It's now a Top 20 hit.


I gotta say, I'm mostly on the side of the elders. I'm not sure that's going to leave a desirable digitial history. I don't really do the selfie thing, but I remember Adam once going off on how narcissistic and self-obsessed my generation is...and I gotta say, I can really see it. So many people chase online social media fame these days. It was an interesting mirror, I think.


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"It just goes to show you that we need... we need psychiatrists."  LOL!


I have to say I'm on the side of the elders, too.  I don't think I've ever taken a selfie and probably never will. 

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I don't really do the selfie thing, but I remember Adam once going off on how narcissistic and self-obsessed my generation is...and I gotta say, I can really see it. So many people chase online social media fame these days. It was an interesting mirror, I think.


Can I ask how much of this is perception and how much is reality? I'll accept that this current generation is more open online than older generations, but how much of the current generation is actively involved in social media to the extent of being labelled "narcissistic and self-obsessed"? Is it a case of a 'vocal minority' that's visible and becoming the stereotype for a more quiet majority?

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I admit that I've taken the odd selfie... Usually they involve wine or another alcoholic beverage. :P


To me social media is more about being heard than about being seen. I'll use Twitter and Facebook to share things that are important to me, to bring up things I think people should know about. That said, there's definitely a culture of entitlement here, especially among people even younger than myself. Some kids seem to value their entire existence on how many likes they can get on Facebook, and that's sad. And of course people want validation. We're pack animals, so it's only natural that we want to know that we take up a valued space in our community/circle/group of friends. But the extent to which some people will get upset or feel depressed if they don't get the attention they seek I think brings up an alarming reality with regards to the younger generations. 


While some of it has simply grown out of technology and social media, I also think that school systems can be partly to blame. I'm all for positive reinforcement myself, but I think that this culture of participation trophies, show and tell, rewards for simply being present gives kids the wrong message at the same time as constant guidance, safety regulations and what-not teaches them to be codependent rather than trusting in their own judgment. That's no way to build confidence. Instead it breeds insecurity when the real world fails to provide the same kind of positive reinforcement and guidance.

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"Let me take a selfie!" I can't say i've ever been one to take a ton of pictures of myself at least not in the sense of OOOH I"M CUTE UPLOAD FACEBOOK! WILL BRAD "POKE"me or "Like" me. And i'm only using the name Brad as an example lmao. , heck i hardly take pictures of other people. But as the world seems to change around me in this sort of self obsession or really cool photos. I've decided that once my tablet arrives i'll use my Tumblr for that. After all i plan on taking a ton of photos in toronto when i go, It's not every day i see Skylines of tall buildings and nothing but lights in the dark. CN Tower views. Maybe i'll throw a ton of me in there trying out clothes at the Mall lmao. 

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I should add that I'm pretty sure that song is at least partly meant to be ironic. The first time I heard it I interpreted it to be a satirical comment to the selfie culture. But, of course, I can't really say anything about the intentions of the writers. 

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"Let me take a selfie!" I can't say i've ever been one to take a ton of pictures of myself at least not in the sense of OOOH I"M CUTE UPLOAD FACEBOOK! WILL BRAD "POKE"me or "Like" me. And i'm only using the name Brad as an example lmao. , heck i hardly take pictures of other people. But as the world seems to change around me in this sort of self obsession or really cool photos. I've decided that once my tablet arrives i'll use my Tumblr for that. After all i plan on taking a ton of photos in toronto when i go, It's not every day i see Skylines of tall buildings and nothing but lights in the dark. CN Tower views. Maybe i'll throw a ton of me in there trying out clothes at the Mall lmao. 

*pokes you and likes you* :P lol.

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Okay, a moment of honesty if you please. Raise your baaaaaaa sign, everyone who's written a post on GA they thought was clever and then felt a little bit disappointed when nobody pressed like.



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To me social media is more about being heard than about being seen. I'll use Twitter and Facebook to share things that are important to me, to bring up things I think people should know about. That said, there's definitely a culture of entitlement here, especially among people even younger than myself. Some kids seem to value their entire existence on how many likes they can get on Facebook, and that's sad. And of course people want validation. We're pack animals, so it's only natural that we want to know that we take up a valued space in our community/circle/group of friends. But the extent to which some people will get upset or feel depressed if they don't get the attention they seek I think brings up an alarming reality with regards to the younger generations. 


While some of it has simply grown out of technology and social media, I also think that school systems can be partly to blame. I'm all for positive reinforcement myself, but I think that this culture of participation trophies, show and tell, rewards for simply being present gives kids the wrong message at the same time as constant guidance, safety regulations and what-not teaches them to be codependent rather than trusting in their own judgment. That's no way to build confidence. Instead it breeds insecurity when the real world fails to provide the same kind of positive reinforcement and guidance.

 that is so true and... :sheep:

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Okay, a moment of honesty if you please. Raise your baaaaaaa sign, everyone who's written a post on GA they thought was clever and then felt a little bit disappointed when nobody pressed like.



lol no, i've never had that experience....

mostly because i don't think that any posts i write are especially clever :P

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lol no, i've never had that experience....

mostly because i don't think that any posts i write are especially clever :P


Well, that post was at least somewhat clever.  :)  (I like it)


Anyways, I took some selfies in the last years, partly because I want to be young again.  LOL.  I know some older folks take selfies of themselves regularly....  But I really hate taking photos of myself.


But what I think of the selfie video shown to the elders in the video..., from an artist's POV (if not hipsterish), it's a social commentary, an intelligent inquiry of our time and culture.  From an ordinary person's POV:  Don't think too much.  The selfie takers probably didn't think that much.  In any case, I really don't know what people are thinking nowadays.  Parents used to be very cautious about posting their own kids' photos online, and now those kids are posting their own photos for everyone to see, probably just as a reaction toward their parents.


People around me tend to ask why I never post stuff online, my reaction has always been..., why would anyone want to know about it?  LOL  Honestly, my cousin came to see me, and I must admit, the number of photos feature myself has been exploding....   I told her we probably have taken more photos of myself than the last ten years combine....  I am not a fan of taking a photo of myself.  Just look at my face, I am a flower!

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Okay, a moment of honesty if you please. Raise your baaaaaaa sign, everyone who's written a post on GA they thought was clever and then felt a little bit disappointed when nobody pressed like.



I'm not a member of the 'like' generation :P I've only recently started using "like's" here at GA and I'm still not used to doing so. What I like about things here is that there are multiple ways to show appreciation for something that's posted. My preferred method is post something that shows my support for a point of view, but even quoting something and commenting on it shows that I care :) I may not agree, but unless I blast the person in my response, it shows that I appreciate their post and (hopefully) have offered a polite rebuttal.

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Elder here. Never had a cell phone for years, wouldn't buy one, My first one was a gift from my brother and I duly promised to keep it charged and to carry it with me always. I did that for years and hardly ever used it. Most of the time it was turned off in my pocket. Then I bought my first laptop. It was hard to resist them finally and I succumbed to their siren call. Anyway tech changed the way I lived and I came to love my smart phone as well. Basically my favorite part of the phone is the camera! I can take pictures anytime anywhere and send them to my laptop where I can play with them. I love doing this. Taking selfies is fun. You can see anything negatively or you can join in and play the game. Giving likes to people you care about, is more how I see the issue. I like taking pictures including selfies. I take them of me. But I do think it is rude to take pictures of others and post them on the internet without their permission. 



This selfie will self destruct in short order. :P

Edited by Foster
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