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Life lessons learned from books, music, TV, and movies


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From the Tales of the City books, I learned that you could build your own Chosen Family who would support you in ways that your biological family couldn’t.


And I thought that ST:NG’s life lesson was that there was a reset button between each episode!  ;-)

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Musically I was inspired by David Bowie. Of course there was the bisexuality rumors. As a teen, his expression was fascinating to me. Whether or not it was gimmick. He helped me express myself and find out who I was. The man produced some fine music.

Life lesson: Be free to be you.

Edited by BlindAmbition
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Lord of the Flies - William Golding - I learned that immaturity will cause problems in any group setting, and that if you're different, you will be singled out. We were required to read it in High School, and while I enjoyed the book and both movies, there was some insight into High School behaviors from the book.



Star Wars: EP4, 5, and 6 - Dream big, and Good will always defeat Evil in the end.



M*A*S*H - Find humor in the most darkest of places.



Stand in the Gap - Petra (Christian Rock) - A Two-for on this one. 1. Sometimes, all you have is Prayer (positive thoughts, good mojo, etc.) to rely on to get through the tough times, and 2. Always help out friends, even if it's just being there.

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Pinocchio (I learned what happens if you tell a lie) and the other Grimm's fairy tales. They were read to me when I was young and scared the shit out of me. No way did I want to grow a huge nose, get lost in the woods, or eaten by wolves! Fairy tales indeed, they should come with a warning - not to be read to sensitive little boys - gave me nightmares. Oh and life's lessons: don't tell lies and never go down to the woods alone (you can't rely on breadcrumbs)!

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