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Notification Bug - Clubs

Go to solution Solved by Myr,

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I have myself set to "Follow" for the Writer's Circle Club's Writer's Forum, and I have not received any notifications of new threads, or posts. I have received them for individual topics I've followed, but none for the full club. Same for the others, I am in as well. I have it set to following, and to send a notification for each new post.

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When you follow a forum, you only get notified of new topics.

You must follow a topic to get notifications of replies.

(This single level down of notifications is what has been giving us issues with chapter comment notifications, btw)

I'm getting them. 


Is there a time they stop for you?

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4 hours ago, Myr said:

Is there a time they stop for you?

I've never gotten them, for new topics posted into the forum. Could it be a setting, I'm overlooking, even though I'm set on following the forum?

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I get no notifications of new topics in any clubs, writers circle, Sci-fi etc. I have to go look and follow the topic. I see that there is a FOLLOW button so it could be you need to follow each tab, like DISCUSIONS and RESOURCES. 


It might not be a system error, it's just all become pretty complicated with lots of buttons to press to follow everything. Just a suggestion, but maybe the club's FOLLOW each tab could be the default and you can opt out of threads that don't interest. After all you join a club because you are interested in what is going on there.


Anyway I end up always clicking the club to find out what's new, but sometimes come late to the party, because there is a lot going on - which is good.


Edited by William King
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