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'Technical Difficulties'...


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Now, I'm not exactly sure what is going on or why, because me and 'technology' are passing acquaintances! Hehehe, an occasional Grindr hook up at best! :P


But I wanted to put out a short note to let all of you guys know what was going on so you don't flip out on me. Hehehe!


There has been a recent issue on the site, and it might take some time to fix, as it's not an easy problem to deal with. So please be patient as things work their way to getting back to normal. My apologies for the inconvenience, but hang in there with me, k?


Now, this is a SERVER problem, not a website problem. So...for the time being, Imagine Magazine, The GFD: Blood Bank, The Comicality eBook section, and a few other popular sections of the site are currently offline. I will make sure to let you all know the second that there are any new developments on this situation, but until then, please bear with us. Cool?


Love you all! And we won't be slowing down! More stories will be posted on Monday morning! This is just a hiccup in the master plan for now. Stay tuned for more info as I get it. And SUPER thanks for your love and support! Hehehe, and big hugs to even MORE new visitors!!! Including a few of you who are just months away from prom and graduation! Congrats! My heart is with you!


AND...I was super anxious to finally reach the 350 Subscriber mark on the ComicalityShack YouTube channel...and I think I missed it! LMAO!!! I'm now sitting at 353! That was just in the last two weeks! So THANK YOU guys for being a part of the family! MWAH!!! It's good to meet ya! And feel free to jump in wherever and whenever you like! Not that I don't love keeping you guys all to myself! Hehehe! That part is fun too! :P


Seezya soon!


Ps- While things are settling down behind the scenes, I'm going to do my best to get another email marathon going this weekend! So I hope to talk to you guys soon! Cool? The show must go on. XD

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Despite the most valiant of attempts, this server problem is basically shutting us down again and again, and I don't expect anyone to put up with the frustration of trying to keep things running smoothly under the current circumstances. My DEEPEST apologies for the inconvenience, you guys! I'm not a techy guy, myself, but I will do some research and see if I can tackle this problem on my own. I'll take the added pressure on my shoulders, and do my best to keep things running smoothly from now and into the future. I'm not sure how I'm going to do that, but I'll start doing my research this weekend and learning how to keep up with the momentum that we've worked so hard to build over the past six months or so! And I might have to dig into my 'go home to Chicago' savings, but I truly believe in this project, and I'm passionate about getting it to work. This is a project that is bigger than I am. And, much like when I first started the Shack online, I am dedicated to doing whatever I can to make a difference any way that I can.

I don't need money. I don't sleep. I don't need protection from online bullies. I just need to know that I did all I could to help out, and provide guidance for others when I had the chance.

I didn't have a Shack Out Back when I was growing up. You guys do. I don't want to let you down in providing that for you.

More info to come as I get things in order. If you guys know of servers that might host Imagine Magazine, the ebooks, and the GFD: Blood Bank...please let me know at Comicality@webtv.net as soon as possible! I don't sleep! Hehehe! So I'll start setting things up IMMEDIATELY! I might even get April's issue up in time for the 1st! Dare me to do it? Let me know! I bet I'll surprise ya! I'm working HARD, dammit!!! LOL! I'll get it done!

Anyway...soooo sorry for the bullshit, you guys. It happens. I'll fix it. Promise.

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