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Hey all ^_^ ,


I'm a new member here at GA, and I have read a couple of stories by Domluka, Julien Gregg, Viv, Comically, dkstories, but I have noticed that there are hundreds upon hundreds of stories out there and I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations?






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It's hard to go wrong with the authors that you listed. They are all very good but I've been here for over a year and still haven't read half of what we have herel.


It is difficult to point at any one author or story and say that's my favorite. They come in all genres, moods, blends and flavors.


For a newcomer to GA, I suggest Comicality's My Only Escape and Dom's The Log Way. They are classics that deserve special mention.


As far as promising newcomers go- Check out Little Buddha or Vance Lister.


The fun part is that there are dozens of authors and stories to explore.


Just pick one and dive in!

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It's hard to go wrong with the authors that you listed. They are all very good but I've been here for over a year and still haven't read half of what we have herel.


It is difficult to point at any one author or story and say that's my favorite. They come in all genres, moods, blends and flavors.


For a newcomer to GA, I suggest Comicality's My Only Escape and Dom's The Log Way. They are classics that deserve special mention.


As far as promising newcomers go- Check out Little Buddha or Vance Lister.


To avoid any confusion, I thought I'd mention that Vance's story page is VLista on the hosted authors' menu.

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Comicality's stories are really great and like jamesavik said, "My Only Escape" is a classic. I also read Julien Gregg's Charmed Spin-off which is based on the TV show though the witches are three gay guys. And one of my favorites is "Desert Dropping" by Domluka. That story really touched me and he really knows how to breathe life to his characters and make them unforgettable so yep, awesome. :)


I remember my first GA story. It was "A Class by Himself" and that was what kept making me want to keep reading Comicality's work. It eventually led me to this site to gain access to other writers' brilliant projects.


Happy reading, bKite! :read:

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Hi bKite

I agree with all the suggestions above. IMPOV, I would add :

Stories by Aleric in http://stories.alinoe.com, the story is "Singularity"

Ghostryders stories in http://ghostryder15.gayauthors.org, the story is "Kombat Kids".

I hope you like stories with weapons and love :2hands:

Tell me your opinion

Old Bob

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Thanks for the responses...I'm going to read the stories in the order that was posted (chronologically):


My only escape

Stories by Little Buddha

Stories by Vlista

Charmed Spinoff


Kombat Kids


I have a lot of free time over this weekend so I'll probably get done with about half of these... ;) oh, and I've read all the other suggestions (log way, DD, class by himself)


Thanks guys!


ps. I've heard great things about Harry Potter fantasy stories, but I'm not really a fan of spinoffy stuff...so I was wondering if it was worth it to get into some of the fan-fiction?

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Thanks for the responses...I'm going to read the stories in the order that was posted (chronologically):


My only escape

Stories by Little Buddha

Stories by Vlista

Charmed Spinoff


Kombat Kids


I have a lot of free time over this weekend so I'll probably get done with about half of these... ;) oh, and I've read all the other suggestions (log way, DD, class by himself)


Thanks guys!


ps. I've heard great things about Harry Potter fantasy stories, but I'm not really a fan of spinoffy stuff...so I was wondering if it was worth it to get into some of the fan-fiction?



I'm not really into the spin-off stories either, but given the quality of the other stories by dkstories and Myr, I just have to suggest trying out the spinoffs too.

The one area that I hadn't noticed a mention of was the Efiction area here. some of the stories there are really good(they even say good things about mine) :D

Have fun reading :2thumbs:

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I also read Julien Gregg's Charmed Spin-off which is based on the TV show though the witches are three gay guys.

I never realized that's what it was about! That sounds delightful; I'll have to check it out.


Thanks for the responses...I'm going to read the stories in the order that was posted (chronologically):


My only escape

Stories by Little Buddha

Stories by Vlista

Charmed Spinoff


Kombat Kids


I have a lot of free time over this weekend so I'll probably get done with about half of these... ;) oh, and I've read all the other suggestions (log way, DD, class by himself)


Thanks guys!


ps. I've heard great things about Harry Potter fantasy stories, but I'm not really a fan of spinoffy stuff...so I was wondering if it was worth it to get into some of the fan-fiction?

Welcome to the forum Bkite! WOW! You sure are an avid (and fast) reader :D . It's a good thing this site's so big, that way you won't get bored! lol The suggestions made sound really good, though of the list you just generated I'm only familar with Vance (Vlista) and Little Buddha's work. Oh and you should definitely read all of Vance's stuff ;) , especially the current serial Cameron, but of everything I'd say my favourite is Shane ;)



I'm not really into the spin-off stories either, but given the quality of the other stories by dkstories and Myr, I just have to suggest trying out the spinoffs too.

The one area that I hadn't noticed a mention of was the Efiction area here. some of the stories there are really good(they even say good things about mine) :D

Have fun reading :2thumbs:

Yep, yep! Efiction is really great, sadly I haven't explored it as thoroughly as I should, but I must say as far as stand out stories (that I've read) you should definitely look into NickolasJames8, I really like all his work but particularly My Jump Off. Camy's Albert's Day is also excellent, and I just started reading and enjoying Nicks_A_Writer's Out There.


As far as other suggestions go, I strongly recommend Replay by Rhawes16 (also check out his short stories, Best Friend is incredible). Also don't forget Luc, I just read his Interlude and cried my eyes out :P (both these authors can be found on the main hosted page.


Anyway take care and let us know what you think! Also please drop by the forums of the hosted authors, and leave comments after the chapters of the authors in Efiction. Feedback is generally very important to and much appreciated by the writers!



Edited by AFriendlyFace
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