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FOR THE LOVE OF HELP! (discussion)


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If you are looking for the place to post your questions, comments, suggestions, or feedback in general about the "Poetry Questionaire!" you found the right place. Post away......... B)




PS. If you didn't get a chance yet to see the poll, here is the link: https://www.gayauthors.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5329

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I guess I will kick it off. I hope you found the poll short but easy to follow. I am really interested to see how the poll turns out. Like I said the poll will only be open for two weeks. Thanks again for participating! :2thumbs:



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Now that Silven is all mad at me for teasing him...I figure I'd better Post in the right spot.


but now I forgot what I was going to say...oh yeah, poetry...I am not a regular reader of poetry, but I do feel that Poetry needs a special place in our conunity. If it was strictly up to me, Poetry would be given equal billing with the Efiction.

Thank goodness there are people that keep me well contained, :lmao: (they only let me out when the moon is full)


As a member of the Writers Support Sub-Committee, I eagerly await the results of this poll. Being that this is our first project posted, I am hoping that we get a good turn-out with lots of feedback.


Thanks for dropping by, Hugs,


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I'm not a poetry reader (sorry) but I think it's a very important genre, and should have it's own special place here.


Everyone, please go vote in this poll if you have not done so already: It's not just for Poets and poetry readers, but is for everyone at GA.

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I'm all for expanding poetry here at GA. I confess the way I generally treat it is much like I treat the stories: if I know and like the author and consistantly enjoy their work I'm likely to read it...otherwise I may not get around to it. However, despite essentially treating it the same myself I don't think it's necessarily a good idea for it to be treated the same in terms of classification


but I do feel that Poetry needs a special place in our conunity. If it was strictly up to me, Poetry would be given equal billing with the Efiction.

I'm really ignorant about what goes into web building and site design, but if it wouldn't take many resources to do it I'd definitely say we might as well give poetry it's own place. Would it be practical (in terms of expense and effort expended) to simply break the Efiction section into "Epoetry" and "Estories" or something?


I'm just assuming based on the high number of forums and subforums that we have that it wouldn't be that difficult to creat a "Poetry announcement" forum and a "Poetry discussion" forum, so I don't see why we shouldn't. Of course I really don't know about the mechanics of of how the site is designed, or what increases cost, so maybe it would be costly.


Anyway I look forward to finding out how the poll turns out and I'd be happy to see more support for poets and poetry-readers. I'll also change my signature to link to this discussion and the poll, and hopefully maybe someone will click on them.


Take care and have an awesome day everyone,


Edited by AFriendlyFace
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Well actually I talked to someone about this subject the other day. I would like to see Poetry seperated. It would make it easier to find Poetry on eFiction and instead of the being over looked by the stories a person writes there will be a spot that won't cram everything an author wants shown into one huge posting site.


It would probably help in getting people feedback and we all want feedback. I do read poetry occassionally. I used to write it and poetry is inspiring for me to read when I'm having problems with Writer's block.


Anyway, I hope to see this project happen. :)



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I have read many types of peotry in the last few years. I love reading about anything and everything..I have read a few authors here on the site..and was truely amazed (and still am! lol) at the talent here. I truely enjoy reading it all.I write poetry as well..but im still very immautre with my writing of poetry..i hope someday that i will be as great as some of the authors that i have read. :worship:

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So far so good! I think there are a few changes that could be made. Some little things here and there, and one or two major changes. B) I am not allowed to discuss specifics..... :P .....but I can say this much, the changes will not be drastic nor huge. The poll indicates some sort of changes need to be made, and with time they will.



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