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AUGUST 11TH, ***2005 ***


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There are tons of just ASTONISHINGLY AWESOME people here at GA. And undoubtedly one of the "brightest stars" in the rapidly growing GA membership is NICKOLASJAMES8 !


You don't have to surf around here in the forums long before you"ll find a post from Nick ... and it'll probably make you laugh, or at least smile.


Nick has also become an excellent and prolific writer ... with his stories not only posted here, but several other sites as well. And just days ago Nick was awarded "shared hosting" author status here at GA. He blogs, here and elsewhere. And he has a personal website for his stories, as well. He's also stepped up to help run things here at GA as a committee member. Do you ever sleep, Nick?


Quite impressive, huh? Especially for a 15-year-old !


It was one year ago today that Nick "officially" became a GA member. Nick recalls that time and some of the events in his life in the year since, in his blog today. Go read it.


Please join me in wishing Nick ... H A P P Y :2thumbs: A N N I V E R S A R Y ! ! !


From one Domaholic to another, Congratulations, Nick ! You've certainly brightened many of my days. I'm proud you're here at GA !

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  • Site Administrator

Happy Anniversary, Nick!


That puts me almost one year behind you... but I'm not going to even attempt to catch up. :)

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