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Gay Dad

Jack Scribe

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Here are portions of an email I received this morning from a reader concerning his reactions to Professional Courtesy. It is shared with his permission:



... I ran across your story about a month ago and really really enjoyed it. I've got a little boy of my own and my wife died a little over a year ago so I kind of know what your characters were going thru...I think that you captured the characters perfectly, especially the boy.


You pretty much inspired me to start my blog, which is helping me work thru some of this stuff by putting it down in writing. It's here if you want to check it out http://diaryofagaydad.blogspot.com/ It isn't much...writing about it helps.


I was very touched by his blog and pleased that I played a small part in the resolution of his personal grief.



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  • Site Administrator

:hug: Jack


I was touched by his blog, too, and I've left some comments (as another gay dad, though one still married).

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