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  1. Wow you look extremely similar to my eldest brother when he was around your age lol
  2. I loved it. Loved Cher and Christina Aguilera (both of whom I'd never listened to before) and loved the songs too. The guy is hot btw ^^. My favourite songs are "You Haven't Seen The Last Of Me" "Express" and "Show me how you Burlesque"; i've been blasting them while we hang out in the pool since i went to see the movie haha
  3. Um, hell no! I wouldn't enter a haunted house on an ordinary night. I'd probably get scared in my own house if there weren't always people in it. As for the hugging, it was me hugging him 'cause he's smaller and so huggable ^^
  4. I downloaded the first episode of this show and turned it off when the guy walked into the emergency stairs that were pitch black, I just knew there was gonna be some half-rotten zombie waiting for him when he lit up that match. I turned it back on when my bf got home and I didn't have to watch it alone lol...turns out there were no zombies there . Anyway, I kinda liked the pilot so I'll watch a few more episodes
  5. JamieD

    Free Hugs

    Some people actually tried this in a shopping mall here and they did pretty good, loads of people got their hugs, it was fun to watch and of course we joined in
  6. No! It wasn't lol, not because the story wasn't sad, but because the acting and the writing were soo bad...we're big time movie critics and it was just impossible to get immersed in the story. I kept thinking that no two teenagers can spend so much time without saying a word and only stealing furtive glances at each other. The woman who played Nathan's mother was even worse than the actor that played Nathan and then there were the sexual scenes that were handled so very poorly lol. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't get touched by this movie but I myself could not enjoy it. I think the lighting was the best achievement he-he.
  7. The first one I can remember was pokemon (the first movie). It was so powerful when Ash was brought back to life by all the pokemon (good and "evil"). Of course I was like 10 when I saw it ^^ so maybe it wouldn't be as moving now. Other movies I cried in that I remember were Erin Brockovich, A Walk to Rememeber, King Kong (the new one), Click (lame i know)...ohh and Lion King every time My bf got Dream Boy so we can see it tonight...hope its not that sad. Edit: Another one that I watched a couple of times and then showed it to my friends to see if they would find it powerful too was "Alphadog", which is based on a real story and has some pretty good performances (especially by Anton Yelchin, Justin Timberlake and Sharon Stone) and also touches on some really tough topics that are so common nowadays like parents not being responsible about their kids or not listening to them. There's also drugs and reckless partying that are cause of rich teenagers having too much time on their hands and no one to stop them....I dunno lots of stuff lol. I think its pretty good AND it has some hot boys and girls in it ^^
  8. Hah, that was awesomee
  9. Guys greet each other here with handshakes or kisses on the cheek, kissing a guy on the cheek to say hello is totally normal. In fact a hug is a much more personal thing than a kiss on the cheek; you only hug a friend. Oh and that 'kiss on the lips' thing between two guys to get girls excited definitely works ^^
  10. The first one I read was "Perks of Loving You" by Camilo
  11. Nah lol, I meant penis as in "it would really suck if I had been born a girl, there's nothing as interesting in girls as a boys thing "
  12. All the time. yep. quenching the horniness are the best parts of my day. don't know what i would do if i didn't have a boyfriend or a...um..penis..
  13. My favorite gay thing is a gay penis...or any other body part I can touch
  14. I organize parties in my house that are promoted by everyone who helps as the most gay-friendly parties in town so, yeah, I think EVERYONE know i'm bi lol
  15. Haha i started reading them when i was nine and i remember wishing every day that I would get a letter when I turned eleven ...i was so disappointed when it didn't come. Guess I wasn't magical enough, stupid hogwarts.
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