Because CJ had just left Miami, I tried to include people and events that would resonate with him. It's why I chose Marco Rubio. And once I had him in my claws, I've kept using him. In the Capitol Hill chapter going live tomorrow, Senator Rubio returns. It was fun to write their interaction 10 years after their initial meet. CJ benefitted from his internship and will apply whatever he learned to future endeavors.
LMAO - Either late or early since my birthday's next month.
I looked at the date I posted this chapter and was a bit surprised. Eight years? Where the heck has the time gone? Hell, I wasn't even 60 yet, and now I qualify for Medicare.
It's been going on forever. At some point, extramarital sex went underground and wasn't talked about. I think some of it is a reaction to the morality policy demanding sex be only for procreation. Hard to enforce when nature made it so pleasurable.
Just remember this is gay fiction not gay erotica LOL
I do write hot scenes, but mostly when they serve a purpose and help advance the story. Just wait until CJ gets laid. LOL
CJ can defend himself and could be dangerous. It'll be up to his fathers to harness that ability in a way it doesn't get him in trouble. A 15to kid with training and anger issues can be deadly.
The kissing bit is based on real life. My brothers and I always kiss Mom and Dad when we saw them.
CJ's exile is something he'll never forget. To this day I touch upon it from time to time. And I can't say more because it would be a spoiler. LOL
Chatri's going to stick around for a long, long time.
Aunt May, Sawyer, Finn, Bruce... you, lady, are magnificent. I LOVE playing with my characters' names.
Oh, and nice switch of POV. Worked well to get the other side of the story.
Think Marc would be interested in a job in DC? I have 4 rowhouses on 10th between Independence and North Carolina that need rehabbing. Blank check. 😂
I've tried to portray gay relationships in all their flavors. While some are monogamous by choice, others are more fluent whether by agreement or by cheating. This won't be the last breakup I illustrate.
CJ's mature for his age, but he's still 15. And in typical teenage fashion, he'll act 30 one day and his actual age the next. Once he starts school, he'll make friends his age and those will be interesting.
You made me wonder how many chapters I've already published in the CJverse, but couldn't find the statistic anywhere. Thirty-five stories so far, though.
Thank you for reading and glad you enjoyed it. When CJ has kids of his own, he'll draw on how Brett and Cesar dealt with him. Their approach to treat him as an adult as much as possible will echo through the years.
All these men he's met briefly in the past CJ will get to know better and they'll all play a part in the type of person he becomes. Some he'll emulate some he'll learn how not to behave from.
I often say we're the product of our experiences and CJ will prove me right. Even when I'm writing him as a 25yo instead of a 15yo, we can see how his fathers' influenced his makeup.
This was the fourth time I've read this chapter, and I still got goosebumps. Trevor showed he has a huge heart and isn't afraid to stand up and speak out in the presence of what is wrong. My only complaint is Cassidy's still alive. May she soon encounter a band of wolves and have her throat ripped out. Wonderful writing.
Cesar and Brett will help CJ recover from the trauma and allow him to be himself as he grows older. He won't be the typical teen full of angst but will become a man of action.