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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 8

    I get to be the filling in a Wolf/Austin sandwich. 🤞
  2. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 8

    I loved the shout out and Wolf including himself. I wrote myself into the first book of my series and wound up being a recurring minor character. And I do shout outs to other authors now and then. Writing's a hobby and shou,d be fun.
  3. One thing I love about binge readers is getting reactions and comments on old chapters. I often wind up reading them again. Some make me cringe, but I think for the most part you're right; a lot of the old stuff holds up well. A few time-sensitive comments/jokes may not resonate as well, but overall I'm happy.
  4. Thanks, Dugh. I guess the wine analogy is apt since there's a Liston involved. I remember approaching the chapter with some trepidation. I wanted CJ's proposal to be memorable and romantic without crossing the line into sappy. It wouldn't have fit his personality at the time.
  5. I once volunteered to become the fourth in a throuple. At the time I was in my 40s and the three guys were in their 20s, 30s, and 50s. I offered to plug the hole. LOL
  6. Carlos Hazday

    No Surrender

    Unfortunately, it happens. Then again, a lot of authors struggle to write the simplest of dialogues and their characters often sound like babbling idiots trying to channel English college professors. One of the first things I was taught by my editor was we all use contractions, and we rarely speak in complete sentences all the time. I try to keep that in mind.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    No Surrender

    Dinner parties wound up becoming a regular feature. Although writing conversations for multiple individuals can be tricky, I like bouncing multiple subjects around. Most of the time, that's more fun and realistic than limiting conversations to one topic.
  8. Carlos Hazday

    No Surrender

    Although not as frequently, I still use those bedtime chats. They're often a way to quietly end a chapter while providing insight into past or future events.
  9. Although his fathers may not be the type to make the news, they still know people that CJ will be introduced to. Those older individuals can often provide guidance. If CJ's smart, he'll learn from them. Colonel Edwards being a prime example.
  10. @Will Hawkins usually had great insights, but unfortunately, he's not been around in a while. He was older and I fear he may have passed away. Will, if you read this, drop us a note.
  11. Speculation's good. LOL
  12. Carlos Hazday


    Although CJ can act extremely mature at times, he is 15 and will at times act his age. You're right, he's a typical teen who'll pivot from wise to silly at the drop of a penny.
  13. Carlos Hazday


    Not my invention. LOL Living in South Florida, I grew up with most outdoor restaurants doing it. Kinda hot down here most of the time and warm beer's not what sweaty people want.
  14. CJ's as atypical as they come. Take an angry 15yo with a group of older, big men surrounding him, and his bravado will show. I'm sure knowing who would back him up if necessary helped.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 7

    Wolf pheromones apparently have a stronger effect on humans than lycan. After the Shannon fiasco, Cassidy should be a nice, distracting summer fling. No way old she be more than that as long as she remains human. Let's hope she doesn't get so clingy they find her in a lava tube with her throat ripped out. Maybe part of her attraction is he has a foot-long instead of the six-inchers she's accustomed to. BTW, spank your editor; he missed a couple of things.
  16. Max, you should write your story using something like Word or Google Docs. Once you're finished writing, reviewing, and cleaning, then you can follow the steps for posting it on GA. As a new author, anything you post will not be immediately available since it must go through moderation. Depending on volume and time availability, that could take a couple of days. Once established, moderation won't be required.
  17. I think I've been around too long; I've read 7 of the 9. A couple of them more than once. Having written one and edited another one, I'm strutting around like a proud papa this morning. Thank you @Myr for the effort you put into this project.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 6

    Daddy would take good care of a young, fit, hairy, hung--damn! Drool's making the keyboard slippery.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 6

    I was momentarily distracted when Thad had a thick piece of meat in his hand... Based on personal history, no matter how well one does in school, there's nothing like practical experience. Pit River will benefit from his schooling, and Trev from real-life work. And after the fiasco with Shannon, let's hope he gets laid soon.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    Embers 5

    I agree. Too many cliffhangers can ruin a story. As for how long readers should wait? Depends. I ended a story with one. It was solved in a different story for other purposes, but it didn't need to be to make that kind of ending work. It's definitely a fine line to walk.
  21. LMAO Yeah, I may have exceeded my initial plans. This went from a story about a kid being rejected and spending a summer discovering himself and his new hometown. Then I figured I'd write about his first year in DC, but I couldn't stop his school experience after his first year. And after I'd written about high school, it seemed natural to follow up with his 4 years in college. After that, it's been a free for all.
  22. Carlos Hazday

    Fade Away

    CJ's gone from a middle-class family to one without financial concerns. His fathers may spend money on him as if it was going out of style, but I'm sure they've had conversations about the risks and responsibilities associated with wealth.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    Glory Days

    The degree of acceptance shown gay people varies by country or region, and I think the Middle East isn't the most accepting area around. Religion has a firm grip on most of those countries.
  24. Ritchie will definitely remain in CJ's life. As for that ginger, here's a spoiler, he has an older, hotter brother. LOL Don't worry, you'll meet him real soon.
  25. Carlos Hazday

    Fade Away

    Wait until you read about a shopping trip to New in 2022. LOL Cesar and Brett definitely took shopping therapy a little over the top. But in a way, it helped cement in CJ's mind he had a new life and he might as well go with the flow.
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