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Carlos Hazday

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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    She's a manipulative scoundrel. But she's not yet learned she's fighting a losing battle. LOL In Newport, she had a brief appearance in the final chapter but in this story, she shows up in every single one. A toddler can work well as a foil but sometimes they make it difficult because I have to account for them. Luckily, Grandpa Cap and Grandpa A won't mind babysitting too much. Did you notice I connected this one to Key West and Newport? Ritch bought her green crocks in Florida, and her fathers bought her an inflatable lighthouse in Rhode Island. In a couple of chapters, her choice of footwear will tie back to a previous story too.
  2. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Kids often learn a new word and tend to use it ad nauseum. Calling her father mean is the equivalent of an older kid saying, Ozzie's an ass. LOL
  3. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Good to have you along for the ride, my friend. I won't have CJ and Owen take a belt or a hand to her behind, but they will forcefully correct errant behavior. Too many kids these days are not disciplined by their parents and a bunch of them wind up being horrible adults. It's tougher on them because she's the first one; by the time the twins arrive, she'll pass those lessons to them.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    I'm going through a period where I can't stand reading/watching the news. Again. CJ & Co give me a chance to escape and I'm glad it provides a similar respite from the world to other. Thanks, Jose
  5. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    LMAO - Anyone willing to compile all the recipes has my blessing to collect them into one book. I'll save the history behind what you made for the chapter it shows up in.
  6. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    @Clancy59 It's been a minute since I dealt with a toddler on a regular basis, so a lot of what I have Liebe do and say is based on memory. Probably not the best idea but hopefully it sounds realistic. For living half a world away, I've tried to show CJ and Owen making an effort to visit Oz frequently. It's easier for them since finances are not an issue. Pam's breakdown the last time they saw each other will be an issue since, as Geoff mentioned, she's not the same woman he married. I liked writing him. He shows concern while acknowledging she's not all there. Let's hope she doesn't do anything to piss off the guys so much CJ decided to bitch slap her.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    One of the stories I skipped, but will eventually write, is a visit to Michigan for the mentioned wedding. It'll be short and will give me a chance to bring back a couple of CJ's high school friends. Of course, CJ will use the visit as a way to make more political contacts. If Newport was full of Republicans, Democrats will populate The Grand Hotel. I'm trying to show CJ straddling a fence between conservatives and progressives.
  8. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Oops... Pam may put her foot in her mouth a couple of times. There are five Fridays in March this year, and Capitol Hill is conveniently five chapters. I've got you for the rest of the month.
  9. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Thanks, Tony. Glad I was able to fill your Friday morning. As for making Liebe cry, she may be a little precocious, but she's still in her terrible twos, and tantrums are to be expected. CJ and Owen may be permissive parents, but they'll discipline their kids when necessary. Hell, they keep doing it even when she's 27 and about to marry. They (I) don't want her growing up a spoiled brat incapable of behaving properly, particularly when in public.
  10. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Since the grandparents are visiting, Liebe gets a lot of ink in this story. She allows me to show how CJ and Owen deal with her in contrast to how Pam would. When she throws a tantrum at dinner, Pam wants to coddle her, but Geoff suggests it would be better to allow her fathers to deal with her. Grandparents rarely find fault with their grandchildren.
  11. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Product placement, baby, it's all about product placement. @Mann Ramblingsposts pictures of his ceramic work on Instagram, and I liked those mugs when I saw them. Been waiting a bit to mention them.
  12. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Mostly family and friends in this one, with an occasional reporter and politician showing up. As for food and wine, I may have gone a bit overboard. @WolfM was intrigued by the egg salad and avocado soup in this chapter, I sent him the recipes but have no idea if he tried them. @Reader1810 did try something I describe in a later chapter and she liked it. A CJ cookbook might be a nice companion to the series.
  13. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    It's good to be back. I hope the story lives up to expectations.
  14. “This is gonna be Liebe’s room when we move her out of the nursery.” Owen placed the suitcase he carried atop the chest at the foot of the bed. “Jesus, Mum, what do you have in here? Rocks?” Holding her granddaughter in her arms, Pam shrugged. “I may have forgotten how hot it’s here in summer and over packed. I probably won’t wear most of what I brought.” “Except for lunch at the club and dinner Saturday night, you can get away with shorts the rest of the time. Ozzie and I walk a lot
  15. Geoff and Pam Liston, Owen’s parents, fly to Washington for a visit. It’s the first time they see their son and granddaughter since the fiasco in December 2020 when Pam wanted to baptize Liebe behind CJ’s back. Although therapy and drugs have helped her deal with anxiety and depression, the girl’s kidnapping in Mexico has negatively affected her behavior.
  16. Maybe that refers to BANNER HOYT, the main character in my story Inked?
  17. @gdaniel and @Luca E I agree with @Mrsgnomie, those advertisements help keep the lights on, so they don't bother me. A couple of suggestions: Purchase a Premium membership and the ads go away. https://gayauthors.org/subscriptions/ As for the site's suitability in a work environment, a few years ago some idiot suggested the name Gay Authors not be used because it could be a problem for those in the closet. I'll repeat what I said to her at the time--- Employers pay us to work not to sit around reading stories or playing games. Anyone scared of being seen visiting a site with gay content should refrain from doing so at work. PS The ads are often based on an individual's search history and websites visited.
  18. Have I mentioned I'm in love with WolfM? Yep, there you have it. The problem's my comment elsewhere about being the filling in a Wolf/Austing sandwich conflicts with the paternal feeling he inspires. I'm a sucker for people who battle what seems like insurmountable odds and triumph. That's Wolf. I also love how his characters adapt to circumstances and grow. And to make things clear, whatever he's learned from me, I've benefitted from working with him just as much. Editing his work forces me to pay attention to things that also benefit my writing. Now, as for his future plans, I have a few ideas of my own. How about since Brandon's in SoCal, he winds up working for JPL and eventually joins the first expedition to Mars? I'm still trying to figure out the space suit issue when Bran shifts.
  19. Hey, Mark- CRV has a great inventory of older stories I enjoyed reading over the years. I always felt what it posted were quality stories. I fear a lot of those authors have stopped writing or passed on like Scribe. As far as I know, the site's a one-man show, and the webmaster faced some health issues that interrupted regular postings for a bit. I'm pretty sure you can contact him at wbmaster@CRVboy.org. Although I shared a bunch of stories on the site, the inability to edit stuff myself has kept me away. Whenever I wanted to fix anything, I had to ask the guy in charge to do it. And to be honest, I'm addicted to the interaction with readers at GA; I had maybe a couple of emails each chapter compared to a few dozen here. Marc McNally began working on the third installment of Love on the Rocks a long time ago. I read the first few chapters while he was writing, and tried to recruit him to GA. He was also looking for a new editor at the time, connected with someone here, and I don't think he liked some of the criticism he received. A couple of years later, it showed up on CRV. I don't read as much as I used to and have been limiting myself to GA content. Thanks for the compliment.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 9

    I think this was the first chapter I mentioned running a train on somebody; I may have repeated the suggestion a few more times. A cocksucking Marine is always a good find. The initial meet with Sky had me grinning, and Hannah's comments on the drive frowning. She's a bit full of herself for my taste.
  21. Thanks, Gary. Portrayal of gay characters in media has definitely improved in my lifetime, but I'm not sure something like the CJ series will be seen anytime soon. The closest production I can think of is Tales of the City. By the way, I binge-read that series over a couple of weeks after someone gave me book one as a Christmas present. Devoured that one in a day or two.
  22. Considering I'm not a poetry person, really weird this is the first thing that came to mind.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 8

    The vehicle towing the chipper is perfect! Instead of coffins, it carries black plastic bags full of "mulch." As for Trevor's pictures, if you won't help, maybe your other readers will. Anyone have a picture of someone they imagine looking like Trevor?
  24. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 8

    my panties just got wet.
  25. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 8

    I've tried to kill characters off in different ways--result of a story I read years ago where breast cancer and car wrecks killed everyone. I'm adding falling into a wood chipper as a future option. Is there a picture of a shirtless Trevor? He might not come from a big city originally, but Trev's still exotic in Burney. To humans and wolves alike. I'm glad he's not a dick who'd use it to manipulate others.
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