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Carlos Hazday

Classic Author
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Everything posted by Carlos Hazday

  1. Carlos Hazday

    Animal Party

    @Clancy59 How many parents have told children they can't have a treat because it might spoil their appetite? Pam's actions and comments are not that outrageous except when juxtaposed to CJ and Owen's parenting approach. While she sweats the small stuff, the guys are obviously much more lenient. We saw Owen discipline Liebe in the last chapter and he was called mean. In this one, CJ says no to a live flamingo and is also called mean. It might be Liebe's go-to word for a while when she doesn't get her way. Both instances were teaching moments, but Pam sees it all from her POV without acknowledging their tactics might be just as valid. They're trying to raise a little human and will make concessions for her age without being ogres or excessively permissive. Pam, because of age, location, or grief, finds it difficult to accept her way isn't the only one.
  2. Carlos Hazday

    Animal Party

    I recently called someone here on GA a nag, and they tried to bite my head off. She reminded me of Pam and so many others who think they know better and constantly criticize but don't realize what a pain in the ass they are. Let's hope Pam doesn't go overboard; CJ may be learning how to control his temper, but it's still there. If she pushes too much, he'll push back.
  3. Carlos Hazday

    Animal Party

    When I started the CJ series, I said Washington would be a major character. It's too great a city not to pick locations all over town as settings. I'm doubling down on that now that the guys are back in D.C. for a while. The zoo's perfect for a precocious 2+ year-old, but I plan to have J and Owen also expose her to museums, monuments, sporting events, and arts. Those two will want to raise well-rounded kids.
  4. Carlos Hazday

    Animal Party

    There's no cure for that CJ addiction; there's only treatment. That's why I keep publishing new stories. If you start feeling withdrawal symptoms, read two chapters and check back in next Friday for a new one LOL
  5. Carlos Hazday

    Animal Party

    You're right. Pam's changed, Geoff confirmed that in the last chapter, and she'll probably never be the same. However, much like an alcoholic must learn control, she has to start keeping some of her comments to herself. Owen might be her son, but he even admits his "family" are CJ and Liebe
  6. Carlos Hazday

    Animal Party

    Excellent point about the male-centric environment. Having Taisha next door should provide some balance. As we saw in Flying Circus so will Lucy Wilkinson. In an upcoming Summer of '22 entry, we'll see he interact with Cristina Prado and her daughter Caroline. Liebe will grow up as a rough and tumble girl thanks to CJ's exploration gene, but she'll also learn how to act like a lady in public.
  7. Carlos Hazday

    Animal Party

    It's not the first time I use interviews in the series, and it won't be the last. Heck, next chapter has part two of this one. They give me a chance to delve into details without using pure narration. We get to hear from CJ and Owen themselves. There's a possibility Pam's triggers are CJ, Owen, and Liebe. The girl because of the resemblance/connection to Liz, Owen because he tends to side with CJ, and CJ because he can be a sarcastic, hard bastard who she's already scared of. Apart from a few snide comments, all made with humor and not malevolent, I tried to show him practicing patience. The problem's when you poke the bear once too many times, the bear will strike back. Thanks, Dugh!
  8. “G’day, mate.” Owen held the door open so the smiling man could step inside. “James Fairfax, Mr. Liston. Good to meet you, and thanks for inviting me to your home.” The man extended his hand for shaking, but his gaze shifted to the girl behind Owen when she spoke. “Who’s he?” In CJ’s arms, Liebe was being an inquisitive toddler as usual. “He’s the reporter we told you about at breakfast. Remember I showed you his picture on the tablet?” When Owen agreed to the interview, he reques
  9. Carlos Hazday

    Higher 10

    I love Wade, almost as much as a built, furry ginger. Can I operate one of the cameras in the Only Fans shoot? In the past I may or may not have brought home a trick from Publix. The one from Office Dept was the hottest one ever, though. Trevor being open to new experiences will serve him well in life.
  10. Carlos Hazday

    GMA I

    I'm that predictable? Myr once praised me for having a great opening that hooked readers; it's something I try to replicate frequently. Starting with a bang is fun. The close-knit group of friends started with Harley and Thiago and grew over the years, I've tried to retain some of the ways they dealt with each other while taking into account changes due to them growing up and facing different circumstances.
  11. Carlos Hazday

    GMA I

    Better a late reply than nothing. LOL Maybe CJ read Melvyn Ford, and it inspired him?
  12. Carlos Hazday


    Welcome back into the fold! I look forward to reading your comments as you work your way through CJ's graduation, the Squad's spinoffs, and CJ and Owen's life once out of school.
  13. Glad you enjoyed it, Libby. I think the two stories I suggested are heavy on the sappy/sentimental side which isn't always how my work goes. LOL Careful with CJ, he's been known to entrap readers and force them to binge the entire series. I love seeing someone react to the first chapter in Summer and following as they work themselves through the CJverse.
  14. It's actually a side effect of his addiction to Four Loko.
  15. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Thanks, Fae. It would be easy to place them in situations similar to what they have experienced before, but finding new angles to show their lives is fun.
  16. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Hmmmm... keep writing new stuff or spend time combing through 29 stories to find food references. Tough choice, but I think I'll write for now. LOL Thank you, my friend; these guys have wormed themselves into my heart and it's truly a pleasure to write them.
  17. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Although I try to maintain consistency in the series' main theme, varying locations, supporting characters, and events hopefully keep it fresh. What happened in Mexico has changed CJ and Owen's lives and I want to explore what they did last (2022) summer. The nine stories outlined to cover it I split between Washington and various other locations. Key West I'd used before, but Newport was new. At some point I'm having them spend a week in New York (Manhattan/The Hamptons/Fire Island) and also taking them to Michigan and Cuba. And although the locations are fun to write, the main goal is setting the boys and Liebe up for what 2023 and beyond will bring. Geoff I see as a stereotypical laid-back Aussie; let's hope Pam doesn't do anything silly to ban her from their lives.
  18. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    And a companion wine/cocktail list. I'm sure Gunny would be willing to try some of that stuff for you.
  19. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Those are the benefits of Hazday's Time Machine.
  20. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    @frosenblum True story. The family's gathered at my brother's house for something or other and his daughters are going out with friends after dinner. They are 16 and 18 at the time. Their grandmother (my mother) kisses them goodbye and tells them not to drink alcohol, smoke pot, or spread their legs for their boyfriends. Cue simultaneous eye-rolls from the girls, their father, and their uncle. Pam's helicoptering is loosely based on my mom.
  21. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    I think the white letters against the bright blue background makes it pop in this one. Did you see my comment about the image?
  22. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    I aim for consistency in the series and the character's behavior. In Flying Circus, one of the twins tried a similar move with oysters. CJ slapped him down while telling him to keep his 'slimy hands off the slimies. It was almost 5 years to the day from the current incident, but it showed CJ and Ozzie not slacking off from their parental duties. Even in Loving Anniversary, CJ put his foot down about who could be invited to Liebe's wedding. Too many stories out there with Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde characters who change the way they act. Hell even with Pam, when I turned her from a pleasant mom to a psycho, I took pains to show why it happened. With this long and complicated series, I try to build on what's happened.
  23. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    The font is the same one I used for the first 10 0r so CJ books and I'm bringing it back for a few more. Graphite.
  24. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    Salud! Thanks, Gary. Not having kids of my own, I rely on what I've seen from my brothers and from friends. By setting parameters early on, their lives will be easier in the future. One example's cussing. CJ has a potty mouth, but they're already teaching Liebe some words are for grownups. Even when she and her brothers eventually learn to curse like sailors, they'll know such language isn't acceptable in public.
  25. Carlos Hazday

    Pool Party

    @Clancy59 At her age, an airport gift shop trinket works. Was she older, they may have bought her jewelry or something a bit fancier than an inflatable. I do keep track of what she wears, though. As far as jewelry, all we've seen is a little fabric bracelet. I showed them shopping for clothes in New York early in the year, and we'll hear about another outing in this story. Losing a child's tough, and some people never recover from such a tragedy. Some turn to alcohol, drugs, or religion for comfort. In her case, we know from Flying Circus she continues to lean on the church five years hence. Maybe getting three new grandchildren over the next few months will mellow her a bit. As for the two, even though I've alluded to CJ being the primary disciplinarian, I'm trying to show the two of them being active participants in raising her.
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