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    James Morey
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    Livermore, Iowa, USA
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    Building my family tree, reading stories, and looking at male pictures

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  1. jamesm

    Take Me Chapter 10

    I said it before that I smelled trouble and whoa and behold! As long as the majority of the world's countries are power hungry we will never agree on anything. Maybe, just maybe if Terb Sua's nads grow bigger some of the things suggested above just might work.😣😈 Can't wait for the next chapter.
  2. jamesm

    Take Me Chapter 9

    I agree with Chris but before we get too excited we need to at least wait until after the UN meeting. I smell trouble possibly coming from it. Though I hope not.
  3. jamesm

    Chapter 17

    Perhaps now we will find out why Bonaparte keeps his hand in his coat, 'maybe'?🤣 One never knows what will happen when they meet. After all George has a reputation of being quite a smooth talker when he wants to be. Also, even though George says he wont be going to Amiens for the Peace talks, I have a hunch that he will be there.
  4. jamesm

    Outdoor Education

    I agree trouble is coming from more than one direction. 1) The Shire: They didn't get to see what was done at the beach nor were they told about it. 2) Protection measures: The safety of those being under protection I believe has been compromised. 3) Therefore putting their whole OEC in possible jeopardy. What are the governments that sent the protected witnesses there going to say? Something in rotten somewhere and is about to create one hell of a stink.
  5. I do hope they can find a jamming device for drones and fast. This is getting down right ridiculous . I believe it is time for some big time interference from someone with the right power. Why can't charges be filed against the local authorities?
  6. jamesm

    Drone Search

    I think Giles may have to cut his training short and come home to handle the local so-called law officials or someone higher up the ladder.
  7. jamesm

    Family Arrives

    I disagree as testing would leave a paper trail and put all in danger. Unless there is a way that it can be done right there on the farm. It would be like changing their birth certificates, BINGO! paper trail. If they got married, same thing again.
  8. Beautiful story so far. I just hope that Brian's massage therapy doesn't cause a big snafu in their relationship down the line. I can't wait for the next ticklish chapter.
  9. jamesm

    Chapter 76

    Who appointed Lord St. Vincent and removed Lord Spencer? I am guessing the Cabinet and if so they should be able to fire him. Also, if George does go back to sea who will look after the children and his estates? I am sure he won't let them go back to Caroline or his parents after what they tried to do.
  10. jamesm

    TV Chapter 22

    Oh no! Two more chapters and no adventures for the young lads. Perhaps while helping their guardians or a school bully?
  11. jamesm

    Lord Chapter 11

    Something tells me that when grandma finds out that she will be travelling to the great northeast.😄 But let's not forget about Canada and what will be found there.🕵️‍♂️
  12. jamesm

    Chapter 40

    Thank You for a wonderful story. Take a break and perhaps we will see you after New Years with the next wonderful, suspense filled book. I am sure we all await with baited breath and your next cliff hanger.😄
  13. jamesm

    Chapter 20

    I agree wholeheartedly with CaJu & BigBen. I pray that illness has not damaged your health in any way, nor has injuries of any sort. This also goes for your family as well. From personal experience I know how hard it is to get back in the groove again, but if I was a betting man my money would be on you. Best wishes to you.
  14. jamesm

    DSNW Chapter 8

    It says THE END but what about the loose ends. I agree with Butcher56 and bottomguy. Our Prince is not completely safe yet from this group. I feel that this should have been cleared up before moving on to the next exciting adventure. There is always mystery and mayhem around royalty.
  15. jamesm

    The Corregidor

    There is an old saying that says "Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back". So my question on this date of 6/6/2022 is now that you have updated all 19 chapters will chapter 20 be coming soon?
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