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Everything posted by kbois

  1. (Im)Patiently waiting on ch 1 ....🤣🤣😍😍 (Yeah...I know you're busy!) Fortball?...I guess better than Fartball 🤣🤣
  2. Was gonna comment earlier but got sidetracked. Hubby put Kim's Convenience on Netflix. That show is hysterical. Then the dogs stared me down until I caved into walking them. I love how Matt is finally seeing all of who Seamus is. I know how the next few chapters go so I won't give anything away. It's sad to know it's winding down. It feels like the clock is ticking.....tic tock tic tock. You've done a great job with this story.
  3. This one I could get on board with! Or anything with peanut butter Or caramel Mmmmmm.....caramel.....🤤
  4. I saw this online today and knew it needed to be shared: Your impact on other people is bigger than you think. Someone still giggles when they think of that funny thing you said. Someone still smiles when they think of the compliment you gave them. Someone silently admires you. The advice you give has made a difference for people. The support and love you've offered others has made someone's day. Your input and opinions have made someone think twice. You're not insignificant and forgotten. Your existence makes a positive difference, whether you see it or not.
  5. kbois


    If there is a light You can't always see And there is a world We can't always be If there is a dark Now we shouldn't doubt And there is a light Don't let it go out -U2 "Song for Someone" These lyrics have spoken to me loudly, ever since my son revealed his struggles with his own darkness. There is always light, even when we can't see. It's there, hiding behind the shadows we've created for ourselves. Your words are moving. They're powerful. They're the tinder that will ignight your light when you're ready tim.
  6. I never liked that one either. Whenever I saw one on one of my stories "I read it", I always wanted to reply...."I wrote it." Obviously you read it if you made it all the way to the end and tapped on the choices...duh. I do rather like the rainbow thumbs up. My favorite so far.
  7. There's new emojis for the reactions!! Love 'em!❤❤
  8. Ok we're halfway thru the week. Here's a little chuckle in case you need it. Why did the new restaurant on the moon get a bad review? 🤣🤣
  9. Didn't mean to post this twice....hit the wrong key!
  10. This was Camden as a puppy. Now you know why my friend blindsided me by bringing him with her when I met her to pick up my kids. Between those puppy eyes and a pleading six year old and a begging ten year old.... I really had no choice but to take him. 😁
  11. He is adorable. Puppies are irresistible. The fat little black dog/sausage is Camden. He just turned 12 this past weekend. Zeke is the goofy tan one. Box o'rocks for brains. They've been walked.
  12. This is what I have staring at me Every. Single. Day! The puppy is cuter! As much as I would love to be lazy for the rest of the night..... I'll go. They get too antsy once it's dark. I can't move without them attaching themselves to me like Velcro!
  13. I really don't feel like walking the dogs tonight...I need some motivation.
  14. For all you fellow Star Wars fans. Have a great day!
  15. We're there any new ones?....always looking to expand my vocabulary. 🤣
  16. Don't blame you one bit for going mama bear and ballistic at this idiot's behavior. Obviously he received his PhD in stupidity at the same institution as my brother. As far as venting. You go ahead and vent all you want. That's a huge part of why this forum is sooooo important. It's a family.
  17. I bought a breadmaker for myself for Mother's Day and tried my hand at a loaf of wheat bread. It came out pretty decent. Really tasty but a bit on the denser side. I think it was because I used Almond milk. The only thing I did wrong was grab the wire handle without a pot holder while it was still in the warm mode. Oops. Tomorrow is the start of another six day work week. My bank account loves it, but I don't. Can't wait for vacation at the end of the month! Have a good night!
  18. kbois

    Chapter 14

    Every new chapter is a new insight into Will. It's fun watching him grow up. He's so much better at looking at things with a more "adult" eye now. Yes, Connie is blowing him off, but he's now capable of handling it so much better. Stef, as always is fun to be around. I do hope Will changes his mind and goes to dinner.
  19. I'm a big fan of 'gut wrenching'. As in: "It was gut wrenching to realize that Wayne had screwed up." 🤣🤣
  20. New story??!! **ears perk up***happy dance** Looking forward to it Wayne. Enjoy your night!
  21. kbois

    Chapter 11

    Interesting chapter! Ethan seems to be much more self-aware. He's socially awkward, but learning to navigate being around other people. Jonathan is a good balance for him, gently coaxing him our from his self isolation and showing him he's not the bad person he thinks he is. Life was so odd sometimes. Beautiful and terrifying all at once. I think these two sentences sums it up nicely.
  22. My poetry skills are mediocre at best. But to celebrate the end of snowbird season I tried my hand at a limerick: There are lots of birds called Snow South to Florida they flow With dollars to spend And Sun with no end Season is over, NOW GO!! 👵🧓👵🧓👵🕊🕊🕊🕊🤣🤣 Have a good day everyone!
  23. kbois


    Very nice tim. My first thought was- what a pretty poem! You certainly do have a wonderful way with words.
  24. kbois

    A case of jealousy

    Still NOPE! 🤢
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