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    UK in Kent
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    I like reading and going out, I from Moldova but live in UK on a boat. I like going out, shopping and just like outdoors alot but read more than anything.

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  1. dannyportwersburghuk


    It really cool story
  2. That cool painting. It look like some of cartoon figures on netflix
  3. That so sad. I only start read his stories few week ago and they really good and even helps me with school things and thinking what to do. Feel sorry for all his friends here to.
  4. Cheery is call word as not so long. It what feel when weekend comes.
  5. Really cool story. It first I read from author. Think be reading loads more.
  6. Suppose. If like sequel then not so bad and some villains like in films ot tv turn out to be cool but not read any yet that want see win. Yeah know life not happy all time and books show that cool 2 as me can relate to them to. Just if like read book where all sad at end just not so good as if bit happy ending. But mix good 2 suppose.
  7. Think endings that happy better. As I read alot and helps me escape from things like being bullied or feeling awkward. Can have sad bits in middle of stories as then I relate to them but just feel better if ending more happy.
  8. When I think of a truck in usa, it like the one see on advert at xmas for coca cola. Ones here ok but not look nice like that one. Ones in Moldova are really old and hear them coming, then smell them coming.
  9. Truck 1s in USA look cool on tv but ones here are rubbish.
  10. dannyportwersburghuk

    en pointe

    Ot sad but powerful too
  11. My nan says that word, like all time to me. Especially when she says time to wash boat deck.
  12. Ok it cool they do have it there. Dunno why no one likes it. Here most do. So good to know have it there as well.
  13. I heard they not have marmite in USA. Where I live shops often run out of it. As everyone eats it. On youtube saw a guy in the USA giving people marmite on toast and most spat it out.
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