Good and evil have evolved over time. Some tend to think that there is no such thing. That is called moral relativism. I do not buy into that particular philosophy. I happen to look at two things. The first is whether or not actions are more harmful or good for other people. The second is utility. If the utility outweighs the evil, then it is justified. However, that is a rarity. Also, I think some moral wrongs, as defined by law, are accurate. Lying, killing, and stealing are bad. All are considered unlawful. (Remember that perjury is a form of lying.) However, there are times when lying and killing are permissible. Stealing appears to be the ultimate social wrong. There are many people out there who do not care at all about other people. They will go by the "ends justify the means" philosophy. If it's good for them, there's nothing to stop them except for time behind bars.
I would say that my own thoughts and reasoning are the major factors in whether or not something is good or evil. Harming other people is wrong according to most philosophies except Machiavellianism. Despite the fact that I have many attributes of a Machiavellian (as in I know how to pull strings), I find taking advantage of people as being wrong. I could go on and on forever about what is wrong with such backward thinking.
I happen to disagree with many about law. Laws are there for a reason. They are meant to guard against the worst of social wrongs like child molestation, murder, rape, and armed robbery. Is it the only influence? I certainly hope not. There are plenty of bad things you can do without breaking the law. For example, someone might decide that it is okay to cheat on your partner even though doing so is perfectly legal.
Good to me is anything that benefits people, both individually and collectively. I don't expect anyone to do as the Bible says, because I find religion irrelevant for judging what is morally wrong. In their short-sited vision, religious folks have historically had a tendency to do what is wrong. The Christians have improved dramatically while Muslims have not. However, stating that what they do is always right is far from accurate. Smear campaigns against the GLBT community are unacceptable. While there are others, they are too political for me to mention. Evil, on the other hand, is something that harms just as defined in the poll. Harm does not have to be physical. Emotional pain can be just as bad or worse than physical pain.