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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Tiger


    Mike, I'm sorry to hear that. It's most unfortunate, but some Alzheimer's patients are not "old". There is a rarer form that attacks people as young as their 20's. I hope that's not the case, but if it is, I'm sure you'll take care of him. It certainly isn't fair, but that's the way life goes sometimes. I never thought I would lose my own father by age 23, but it happened.
  2. Michelle, I love this song. It had been a while since I had heard new Nickelback. I was definitely happy.
  3. God help us all.
  4. Don't worry, Eric. He was evil all along. Ask Brandon while he's still alive.
  5. Happy birthday, Angelo.
  6. Well, in any case, the skulduggery has ceased, except for the fact that Brandon is in grave peril.
  7. Yes, that is a whole new level of postwhorism. Congrats CJ.
  8. Now this is interesting. You're trying to avoid 7,000 posts just so we don't point out the fact that goats are postaholics. In any event, you're still not off the hook. Brandon must be saved. :2hands: Added: If that's Joe doing that, you're just as evil as the goat.
  9. Shadowgod is not the author of Let the Music Play or CLIFF. He may make suggestions, including those regarding plot and character development, but you have ultimate responsibility for the content of the story. If, in fact, Shadowgod suggested such a predicament, you had every right to disapprove of the changes. In a literal sense, that may be true. In a figurative/literary sense, it is far from true.
  10. I personally like novel-length stories. I have no idea why so many people lack appreciation for them. I read a novel-length story in a day in the summer of 2007, and it was great. I think, as both an author and a reader, reading novels is a truly enriching activity. However, I doubt I would read one of Stephen King's books, but his are longer than most. I have heard that he writes, on average, 7 pages a day. Then again, he can afford to stay home and write all the time. It makes me a little jealous.
  11. That's an interesting chapter title. As far as whether or not The Scar is evil, I think that was established in the prequil.
  12. This one is called "Gotta Be Somebody". Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP7VsPb9ZpY
  13. I must say. That video is hilarious. I love that show by the way.
  14. That sounds like fun, Mike. Can I join you? I've never hard goat, but I'm sure it's tasty.
  15. My favorite gay movie is Shelter. My favorite gay song is "Somethin' for the Fellas". My favorite gay television series is Queer as Folk. My favorite gay icon is Randy Harrison (Justin from QAF). Added: James mentioned my most favorite of all.
  16. Wen, Steve aka Shadowgod is the nanny maker. Perhaps he can be of service. :2hands: Oops... sorry master.
  17. Happy birthday, Dom! I hope we hear from you soon. We miss you!
  18. How can something evil not, in some way, be erroneous? Okay, I have used evil cliffhangers once or twice. Still I am still your Sith Apprentice oh Sith Lord of Evil Cliffhangers. I suppose that means I am occasionally erroneous. Eh, maybe I'm not so sweet and innocent after all. My own master blew my cover.
  19. I came across something. It's a line that struck me. See, even if Steve did add an evil cliffhanger, it is still your fault. This evidence would even hold up in a court of law. Thus, one can only conclude that you are guilty of using evil cliffhangers. By the way, how could I be under anyone's evil influence? I'm a sweet and innocent tiger. Everybody knows that.
  20. Tiger

    Two Gripes

    Yeah, asshat is one of my favorites. I heard that back in my Yahoo! days.
  21. One has to wonder if Eric will end up with Brian. That would certainly be an interesting development.
  22. Tiger

    Two Gripes

    Well, this is the first order of business. I have a problem. A friend of mine calls me several times a day. She is so draining after a while, and I really don't know what to do. At the same time, she's going through a lot of shit these days. In fact, she lives down in the Houston area, and it looks like a war zone there. Thus, I do not know what I should do. Should I say something about it, or should I just continue to be "drained". Now, for my second gripe. I realize that people don't always get along. It's no big secret. This is a web site. It is meant for enjoyment. A few months ago, I decided to use the ignore function on one of our members, one who was subsequently banned. Now, I can easily explain how to do this for those who simply cannot get along with certain people. It's actually quite simple. First, find one of that particular user's posts. Use the drop down menu to select his or her profile. At the top left side of the profile, use this particular drop down menu to select ignore. This will take you into your own control panel. Simply select update ignore list. That will essentially add that person to the ignore list. You will see the name in the forums, but the message shall say, "You have chosen to ignore all posts from: <name of asshat>."
  23. Bon anniversaire, Sacha! Have a good one.
  24. Worry not, Drew! I have already started the discussion of such an organization!
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