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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. That was a tense chapter but an excellent one. I wonder if Brandon will survive. It is looking rather bleak, hence the name of the chapter.
  2. I'd like to wish you a very happy 21st birthday! Don't party too hard!
  3. I wouldn't know anything about that. CJ is the master.
  4. I would definitely prefer Helen being sacrificed for the greater good. Brandon should live happily ever after with Chase.
  5. I tend to agree. Krista has not read the stories. Thus she has missed the evil cliffhangers. It's one of those two issues that is clouding her judgment.
  6. I want nothing to do with them. I like them normal. Okay, I totally want to know to do the popping thing. Is there a trick to it?
  7. Joel, I am glad GA aided you in your decision. I hope you find someone better in the future. In the mean time, happy reading!
  8. You're a bad boy, Jack. Anyway, I'm sure I can find some weird news. My search continues!
  9. I'm quite sure it does actually. The scent becomes an intoxicant and makes you want to get closer to that person.
  10. I sometimes call him Andrew. It's one of the cutest names I know. For some reason, it also reminds of the character from Desperate Housewives. Damn, he is so cute. I wish I had a better explanation for using the name I do, but I don't. Tigers just so happen to be awesome creatures. How could anyone not admire their power and superb hunting skills. They're also beautiful.
  11. Welcome to GA! I too am a sci-fi fan. I happen to agree about dkstories too. He's great at sci-fi. Beyond that, enjoy GA feel free to look around for lots of stories to read.
  12. Krista, are you even reading Let the Music Play? If not, you should read it before making such judgments.
  13. I have always had a fascination with tigers and other big cats in general. I also have assertive tendencies.
  14. I would have a heart attack and die.
  15. Not only was he disgusting. He was also a moron. He may very well end up earning a Darwin Award someday.
  16. I heard about that. I have no desire to see that. The thought makes me want to puke.
  17. I have never thought of doing something like that. I don't want to go to jail.
  18. Music is another. When I'm sad, I often listen to happy songs. Natasha Bedingfield has some good ones for that. Other times, I will listen to something instrumental like a Chopin nocturne.
  19. Let's see. I think the goat is roasting on the spit. It should be ready by dinner time.
  20. Congratulations Ben. May you and the wife have many more.
  21. I hope that means you don't eat rotten meat either. I happen to like mine fresh and cooked. Hmmmmm... roasted goat sounds good, minus the brain of course.
  22. You'll be eating alone. I don't eat brains.
  23. Zilar, you are cute.
  24. I have to admit that chocolate is a nice pick me up. I happen to like chocolate pie and chocolate shakes the best.
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