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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Frost, I'm just glad Tiff talked you into joining our community. Happy reading!
  2. Thanks Greg! We're glad you liked it. Thanks for the feedback.
  3. Steve, I wouldn't be surprised if he's alive. I'm looking forward to the final chapter to find the answer to that question. At least he doesn't have the cell phone. However, that doesn't mean that someone won't end up dead.
  4. That sounds like a violent death even for a mouse.
  5. Have you ever had an animal under the hood of your car? Had someone asked me that yesterday, I would have said no. However, if I said no to that question now, I would be lying. I left my house around 2 and went to Missouri. Before I left, I noticed a kitten crawling underneath my car. I thought nothing of it. I put my key into the ignition, turned it over, and let the engine roar. Once I arrived at my destination, I heard a distinct meow, one I had heard before. So, I open the hood, and nested on the right side is a kitten. I was afraid to touch it, because that kitten was rather wild. I asked my cousin to help get the kitten out. At first, the cat was in fairly good place, but then my cousin's dog decided to investigate. Thus, the cat decided to go back down into the part where the transmission is. Finally we got the kitten to land on the ground beneath the car. I fired the engine, and the kitten ran away, presumably to be eaten by my cousin's neighbor's dogs.
  6. Seether "Rise Above This" Some of the lyrics are in my signature, and I love the video. Seether is one of my favorite bands. Snow Patrol "Chasing Cars" I've always loved this song, but I decided to see the video. It's awesome!
  7. I must say it was a most interesting interview. I felt more comfortable than I expected. It was cool being able to interview my favorite author and someone I consider a friend. I think I can attribute the latter to the comfort level. Thanks for the feedback. We appreciate it.
  8. That's wonderful. Happy Canada Day!
  9. The month sure went by quickly. I would like to thank everyone who contributed to the June edition. Feel free to comment about the newsletter. Enjoy! Thanks, Tim- Newsletter Co-coordinator
  10. That's really sweet, Kev!
  11. That was a good chapter. The final words gave me goosebumps. Okay, I'm ready for the final chapter.
  12. I'll probably get rotten tomatoes thrown at me, but I will say Barbara Walters. She is a great interviewer. All the stars seem honored to be interviewed by her and seem comfortable enough to share more than they would with someone else.
  13. Tiger

    30 past prime

    Steve, I know you're working on a degree, and that should help you in the future. I too have an overall shyness, but that is just part of my personality. You just have to be yourself and be content with it.
  14. The regular stories- While I may read some stories from Anthology, I tend to read more of the Hosted Author stories as well as a select few in e-fiction. Live Chat- I must admit that I probably spend way too much time in chat, but it's a lot of fun. The 'community' feel and aspect of the forums- I am still an active member of the forums and happen to enjoy the discussions we have. I particularly enjoy story discussion and political discussions as they are more interesting to me than the rest. If I could choose a fourth, it would probably be the blogs, because you can find out a lot about people and their lives from their blogs.
  15. Nick, I hope you don't mind me adding this one as it was on your blog, but I figured this is a good place for it as well.
  16. That was a powerful message, Nick. Thanks for sharing it!
  17. Yeah, and I never have violence in my stories.
  18. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I would never get married. I will say that I would never marry a woman, because I could never be the husband she deserves. As for marrying a man, things would have to be really serious, and I'd have to be sure that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. It would take a long time for me to get to that point.
  19. Enjoy your holiday, Steve. Blackmail is bad. Perhaps you need... :2hands:
  20. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the advice. It takes a while to put the pieces back together. Right now I'm operating only on sheer will power of positive thinking. I still feel a little blue, but I am getting better.
  21. About every five years, there seems to be a pattern of depression. It comes on slowly, and at first, it
  22. Tiger


    The Fourth of July represents the day when the United States declared itself independent of England in defiance of the crown. Fireworks, to me, represent two things. The first is the firing of muskets as the colonists fought the British in an attempt to finally be free from tyranny. The other is the fact that fireworks are now part of celebrations. I, for one, am proud to live in this country, and I always remember the sacrifices of the colonists on Independence Day. If not for them, we would probably be part of The Commonwealth of Nations. The US would not have been able to have the success it has had. As for this Fourth of July, there isn't much of anything special planned. We usually have a cook-out at my aunt's house, but she is going to be having surgery.
  23. I am surprised this poll is as close as it is.
  24. It may very well be foreshadowing. Also, I seem to remember something about "who lives", so that tells me someone is going to die. It may be Brandon.
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