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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Two cliffhangers in a row... though I suspected it would be. Well, at least Eric is not dead. Still, he is injured, and that means there's still a price to pay! Speaking of which, CJ has been even more cruel to poor Chase. He's been kidnapped by a psychopath. The tactic with the phone is such a typical one, but it was nicely done. Great chapter, you EEEVIL goat.
  2. Well, I'd have to see it to make any judgments, Viv. Anyway, I look forward to part two.
  3. You're the expert. I suppose that means that any paragraphs or sentences after a supposed cliffhanger negate the said cliffhanger.
  4. My vote is for too soon to tell. CJ, along with being The King of Evil Cliffhangers, is a master of misdirection. Thus, we could have it all wrong.
  5. That's hilarious! I was wondering if it might show up like this. I will say this. All my sentences were sweet and innocent.
  6. Once again, you are the voice of reason, Steve.
  7. I just finished the final chapter of Dark Earth: The Prophecy. I am quite happy about that. I have been working on it since October, and it has taken longer than I wanted it to. However, I think the extra time has allowed me to grow as an author, and that is certainly a good thing. Now I am back to Second Chances. It has been a while since I posted a chapter. My plan is to get several chapters ahead and start posting it again. The important thing is that I know where the story is going. As some might have noticed I said that I intend to only post chapters of future stories when they are finished or at least close to finished. I am still intending to have it that way for my next story. My plan, for right now, is to work on one story in between Second Chances and the second part of Dark Earth. My thought right now is that it will most likely be a murder/mystery vignette. However, I am apt to change my mind and either work on the second part of Dark Earth or a fantasy story I have already started writing. Regardless of what I decide, I do intend to write every day, even if it is just a paragraph or two. This is because I want to write more. I am slowly gaining more confidence and not feeling overwhelmed by the fear of not having a good ending. Endings are somewhat problematic for some, and I have a strange apprehension about it because of wanting it to be perfect. Regardless, that is slowly fading.
  8. Well, I think we can count this as yet another evil cliffhanger, CJ. You truly are the King of Evil Cliffhangers. However, you have been exceedingly cruel to Eric and, as a member of SPiCE, I have created that infamous poll and have written the scenario, for such cruelty cannot go unpunished.
  9. That's interesting, Robbie. I think we must remember that there is a growing sense of community and pride among all minority groups. This sense of belong makes people stronger and increases self-worth. Thus, being a minority can be a blessing no matter the reason a person is a minority.
  10. Graeme, in all due respect, I do have the impression that there's some shame there. These are emotions I have felt, and I know that it's hard to accept. I personally do not use gay as a political label. I use it to describe my sexual preference. I do believe I have adequately described my feelings about gay pride parades in that thread about them, but I will say that I don't fit into such stereotypes simply because I happen to be gay.
  11. I really want to go to the next one! I think it will be awesome. <crosses fingers>
  12. Jonnie, I think from what you said (despite saying otherwise) there is still some shame there. Perhaps you need to work out some of the issues. I know it is not easy. It never is for any of us, but we learn to accept and even embrace our sexuality as we get older.
  13. I agree on one point. The bikes crashing is definitely Shadowgod. However, the rest fit you to a T.
  14. Well, the altar is ready for you.
  15. CJ, I have taken the will of the people into consideration. You will not be thrown over a cliff. That I can assure you. I'll let you know more about your fate later.
  16. Well, I see there is a tie again. However, I am still going with the one that was ahead at the time of my previous statement. As for how I am including the idea, that will have to wait for the time being.
  17. That was a great history lesson, CJ. I have always had a particular fascination with Vikings. As far as I can tell, the information regarding their colonies is accurate. I must also applaud the ending. One could not expect the story to have a happy ending, because, in such circumstances, there would not ever be a happy ending. I really liked the insight into the character as he watched the destruction of his family and people before meeting his own doom.
  18. Well, I am actually writing this scene now. The alter of sacrifice is ready, and the will of the people shall be respected.
  19. Unfortunately, the woman from the A+ training place called this morning and said that we needed to reschedule. While I was a little disappointed, I know I will be able to go some time next week. In the mean time, I am going to focus as much as possible on writing. I have actually made some good progress already today. I hope to continue with that today, because I really want to wrap this one up so that everyone can see how it ends. Anyway, I just thought I would still update as promised even though there really is not much more that can be said about it yet.
  20. You all did a fantastic job as usual. CJ, you're awesome! Graeme, the formatting was definitely great. I would also like to thank Gary for helping me format my own and, of course, for beta reading and editing. And Steph, from what I can tell, you worked hard as well! Kudos to all the editors and beta readers. Also, I would like to thank the authors and the members of GA!
  21. Tiger


    Jamie, We've talked about the whole situation. We learn from our mistakes, and, in the end, we grow stronger as people as we learn more about ourselves and human nature in general. There really are people who are not what they appear to be. Thus we have to learn to take things slowly and figure out the best course of actions, ones that will be better for us in the long run. You're still young, and, even though you are a really smart guy, you still have much to learn about life. Hell, I'm 25 and still in need of learning. Anyway, anyone who would hurt such a sweetheart like you should be kicked in the junk really hard and punched until face so hard that his nose is broken.
  22. I have teeth, Gary. They are razor sharp, and if you are not careful, they'll rip flesh.
  23. That's hilarious, Graeme.
  24. I am rather skeptical. After all, you are the King of Evil Cliffhangers. I may not be much on using evil cliffhangers, but I know one when I see it.
  25. I just have the dagger and an alter by an edge of a cliff.
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