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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. That's a good one Gary. I really like how you included the echidna and the eagle. However, you forgot the Tiger.
  2. Joe and Mason can come over to my house. I will help them deal with any and all stress.
  3. I should have added that one to the poll.
  4. Given the evil cliffhanger of Chapter 43 and the fact that Eric is inches from death, SPiCE has a responsibility to decide on an appropriate course of action. Given the choices above, how shall SPiCE sacrifice the goat? I will vote later.
  5. That's terrible. Here we use toilets with indoor plumbing, but I have heard of snakes getting into plumbing. In such a case, I'd be too be screaming to pee in the sink. My first, and most important task, would be feeling the bathroom.
  6. We must have a meeting now! How shall we sacrifice the goat? Shall we roast the goat over an open fire or sacrifice the goat over an alter to our deity, Shadowgod?
  7. That is the most evil cliffhanger yet. As a member of SPiCE, I am certainly appalled.
  8. Gary, we all know that the real reason CJ picks on Steve is because he has a crush on him. Hmmmm... I guess that means there could be an eventual battle. :2hands:
  9. Bob, happy birthday! It's nice to have you around. You're a nice young man! And yes, I meant young intentionally, because you do have a young spirit about you!
  10. Those were simply classic. I'm glad you all had fun.
  11. It's also supposedly good for teeth, but that doesn't mean I'm in a rush to try it out.
  12. When I was a teenager, my parents were taking care of a girl. She actually peed in the bathroom sink. Needless to say, she was in trouble, especially because she thought it was funny to tell my parents.
  13. I figured I would revive this thread and mention the novel I am reading. It is called The Girl Who Heard Dragons by Anne McCaffrey.
  14. Situational depression can often lead to clinical depression. I know from experience, and I do believe that is the case as of right now. Hopefully, medication will help. I already know of one I cannot take and a few that do not work. Hopefully, Wellbutrin can work for me.
  15. Now I definitely need to go next year.
  16. Sorry, but that was not the only one. I still say Chapter 19 qualifies, and most members agree. That chapter is what earned you the title King of Evil Cliffhangers.
  17. Kevin, I do happen to think there are some situations in which sex without condoms is acceptable. However, those are a very slim minority. It requires a level of honesty, commitment, and trust that many are unfortunately uncapable of in today's society. Thus, people often risk their lives by engaging in unsafe sex with someone they trust. I will not mention names, but one of our members was in a situation where he narrowly escaped being diagnosed with HIV. His former partner was HIV+. Fortunately, the guy who dodged the bullet was strictly top. Otherwise, he definitely would have been infected. I can say that the member was not me.
  18. Procyon, it does not hurt to take an extra shower on the really hot days. I certainly do at times. June is hotter than... <insert crude cliche>. Anyway, I really am not a summer or winter person. Spring passed way too quickly.
  19. I'll have to see what happens, Gary. I hate needing medication, but I definitely need it for a while. I realize a lot of it has to do with my past. It still eats away at me. I really should go to therapy.
  20. Jamie, I agree whole-heartedly. I could never risk my life like that. Condoms break, and then it starts. I will not allow that to happen to me. I have stated emphatically that if anyone infects me with HIV, there will be a murder/suicide. I am not one to kill, but that would drive me over the edge. Besides, I figure I'm just speeding up the process at that point. I know I am being overly blunt here, but that is how I feel about the matter.
  21. It's more of a matter-of-fact outlook. Until I am on the medication I need for long enough, it will happen. I guess I need to see a therapist... ever notice what happens when that is separated into two words after the first three letters?
  22. Yeah, I guess that means I have not felt depressed today. I know it's bound to happen again though.
  23. Kev, I don't want to either. I've just had such a bad week. I need a healthier coping mechanism. I guess nervousness brings out a bit of an oral fixation.
  24. Wellbutrin it is then! I have to be sure of it. Along with the low risk of sexual dysfunction, it will help me not want to smoke. I'm sorry to say, but I have smoked some cigarettes lately to calm my nerves and because cigs are supposed to be good for depression. It also is supposed to lower appetite. What more could a guy want?
  25. I can understand that, Jamie. I happen to live in hostile territory as well. While I will always consider this region home, there is a part of me that eventually wants to leave. That is a personal decision I have to make for myself. However, I can understand sentimentality, because there is a side of me that would be content with living closer to the city (Kansas City) but still in driving distance to where I live now.
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