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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Tiger

    Dead Baby Jokes?

    So true, Chase.
  2. Tiger

    Dead Baby Jokes?

    Oh my.
  3. So I'll get to the point. Dead baby jokes are the only ones arguably even more controversial than racist ones. So I decided to start this poll. Personally, I don't think they go too far. I love babies and am sad whenever one dies, but I also have a sick and twisted side. I will not post any dead baby jokes or links to them, so if you really want to read some, use a search engine.
  4. Not everyone is quite so cynical, James. I say anyone who wants to wait for someone special should. What's right for one person is hardly ever right for someone else. Just be yourself and don't worry what anyone else does.
  5. What an exciting chapter 19 turned out to be. I was so glad that Granger was able to help John Travers the way he did. What he went through was one of the worst things that can happen. It's difficult to get past it. Granger is an amazing person all the way around. Now, where is Mr. Calvert? I think it's time for George to spend some time with him!
  6. I would like to thank my team: TalonRider, Nephy, Cia, and Lugh!
  7. Happy birthday, Lughbie!
  8. Actually it's Cabo San Lucas. And yes, Mark takes us everywhere. He's wonderful. I'm surprised there hasn't been a vacation to Amsterdam though. I'd think that the crew would love it there.
  9. That's true. He may very well have had something to hide. But he was actually most known for being opposed to the aristocracy. I can honestly say that I would probably feel the same way. He wanted everyone to be on equal footing in the military.
  10. I think it would be nice for GA to have a lesbian section or a site partially or totally devoted to lesbians. Lesbians are part of the gay community as well, and I'm sure there are some talented authors who could write lesbian fiction. Some are already here at GA who could.
  11. I actually meant that in jest. One can understand his sentiments. The aristocracy has been reduced in importance, but at one time, they were the ones who ran the UK, more or less. They were given favoritism, and his beliefs were likely shared by many people. The Brotherhood would definitely not be a good fit for him. I didn't actually mean that he would have been a member. I like to joke sometimes.
  12. Happy birthday to one of GA's hottest hotties.
  13. The Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas. It's the one ran by Fred Phelps. Here's more info. But it's safe to say they're a hate group.
  14. It's bound to be an interesting chapter. It won't be an easy read though. I'm sure Steven is going to be deeply disturbed. Luckily, he won't be going into the military just yet. He's still in high school. It sucks that he doesn't survive the war though.
  15. Maybe they'll come out next. Anyway, I think we all already knew he was gay.
  16. I was teasing. I just wouldn't mind him and George...
  17. Maybe he was a member.
  18. That's a wonderful idea! I love the irony of it. More cities should do this!
  19. That's very possible. They do seem to be extremely dysfunctional. Robbie certainly had his issues with his family. It seems that he hates going back to Ohio almost as much as Stefan because of it. Of course, his c**t of a mother doesn't make it any easier. Anyway, I'm practically aching for another chapter!
  20. Indeed it was a good chapter. I can't help but think that Granger has mixed feelings about Jervis. He obviously respects him, but he certainly doesn't like all of his methods, particularly when it came to harsh discipline, his baiting, and his moodiness. I'm sure Granger will be glad to be rid of him.
  21. Tiger

    Right to Die

    I've changed that part. It was supposed to be court. I think it's great that people from France at least have somewhere nearby. Only two US states let you go to the hospital to end your life, and they're both in the same part of the country, so it's far away no matter what unless you live in or close to those two states.
  22. Well, he did have some issues arise, memories that weren't so nice. Still, some of us do have horror stories, so really, it was more of an example. Of course, losing good friends to AIDS is difficult. Oh, and Mark, it's been a while since I've read The Land Whore, but that sounds like a very hot scene indeed!
  23. Happy birthday!
  24. Tiger

    Right to Die

    I looked for topics about the right to die, but the one's I found were locked. I figured started a new one was a bad idea. So I'm going to talk about it here. I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy. A woman with cancer wanted to die, and it just so happened that a state where physician assisted suicide is legal, which is Washington. Only two other states allow such measures, Oregon and Montana, though in the latter, all that is allowed is the buying of a prescription that will kill you. Texas, ironically, has a law that allows for physicians to pull the plug with a court order regardless of whether or not the family wants it. I think that is a good thing, because some people are too afraid to let go while their loved one has no chance of recover and has a need to die in peace. In my opinion, both options should be legal in every single state. There is an established right to live so why not a right to die? It is more compassionate to allow someone to die than it is to allow someone to suffer. Even animals are treated better than humans. It is actually a legal requirement for veterinarians to end the lives of suffering animals in similar circumstances. I don't understand why people have that level of compassion for animals but not their own species. It's totally f**ked up.
  25. I don't blame you one bit, Mark. I could never write an autobiographical story. It would be too painful. The fact that you even started such a story shows that you have a lot more guys than I do. Fictional stories allow you to attach yourself to characters who are not you, and it's a lot easier even when they go through difficult times, because you're not reliving your own worst nightmares in the process.
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