I looked for topics about the right to die, but the one's I found were locked. I figured started a new one was a bad idea. So I'm going to talk about it here. I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy. A woman with cancer wanted to die, and it just so happened that a state where physician assisted suicide is legal, which is Washington. Only two other states allow such measures, Oregon and Montana, though in the latter, all that is allowed is the buying of a prescription that will kill you. Texas, ironically, has a law that allows for physicians to pull the plug with a court order regardless of whether or not the family wants it. I think that is a good thing, because some people are too afraid to let go while their loved one has no chance of recover and has a need to die in peace. In my opinion, both options should be legal in every single state. There is an established right to live so why not a right to die? It is more compassionate to allow someone to die than it is to allow someone to suffer. Even animals are treated better than humans. It is actually a legal requirement for veterinarians to end the lives of suffering animals in similar circumstances. I don't understand why people have that level of compassion for animals but not their own species. It's totally f**ked up.