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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. That sounds pretty hot. I have heard of people stroking and driving. I think it's really hot, though I don't have the guts to do so myself.
  2. It was just a thought. It was definitely the quintessential summer song of 1995. It also featured the best performances of the late Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopez. Oh, and if there's cheating, Creep is a good one. Or... for a steamy sex scene, there's Red Light Special. See? Right there you've got 3 awesome songs to choose from. I remember that era in music so well, which is surprising since I was like 12 at the time.
  3. And this is a bad thing because? He was a total jerk. Good riddance.
  4. Yeah, in Kansas there's really nothing to do. Also, I'm used to the Hypochristians in Kansas and Missouri, so it's nothing new to me.
  5. If I remember correctly, one of my favorite songs came out in 1995, Waterfalls by TLC, which also happened to be the second biggest hit of the year. Should someone in the story do something totally self-destructive and die because of it, it'd be a good one to add. Edit to add: I suppose a link to the song would be good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-n-jZJhpT4 Also, Sheryl Crow's debut album came out in 1993. Several of the songs were released in 1994, and there are some memorable ones like "All I Wanna Do", "Strong Enough" (Are you strong enough to be my man <hint, hint>), and Leaving Las Vegas. *sigh* It seems so long ago. It so reminds me of younger days thinking about such music. Oh, and 1994 was when Madonna's songs "Take a Bow" and "Human Nature" came out... such awesome tunes!
  6. I have a feeling that Marcel is going to become confrontational. Max and Stef flirting won't sit well with him. There's no doubt about that. I look for Stef to really put him in his place though. It's going to be an interesting chapter for sure, as all of them are of course. I'm not one to get bored with the story. I want more, more, more...
  7. It seems like yesterday that I left a small town in Kansas and moved to an outer suburb of Dallas. How do 7 months pass so quickly? It's crazy. So what is a still fairly young gay guy doing here? I needed a change in my life. I really did. As much as the mostly isolated area south of the KC metro has been home for most of my life, I was miserable there. At the time it was winter. I could not find a decent job, I was tired of the cold winters, and there's nothing there for someone my age. Sure, I could have wasted more days being miserable and returning to my old habit of being stoned off my ass most of the time, but that's not a life. What am I up to now? Well, I have a job as a security guard. Up until recently, I was working close to 50 hours per week. However my hours have been cut to around 32 hours per week in the form of two 12-hour shifts and an 8 and
  8. Tiger


    My next car will likely be a Toyota, just an FYI to everyone, though if I get rick, I just might by a Cadillac Escalade.
  9. If you're going to see a movie try Transformers 2 (I saw it a few days ago) and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (will see next Thursday).
  10. Tiger


    I like speeding in my Buick. FYI, I'm not old.
  11. He certainly did. If I remember correctly, it was mentioned in Be Rad that he had make quite a chunk of change from the company as well. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on that point.
  12. Welcome back! Don't sweat it. I sometimes go weeks without posting (though some might think I'm lying due to my post count.) We all get busy sometimes. Up until recently, I was working 49.5 hours a week. Talk about busy! Anyway, I hope you're having a great summer.
  13. Yeah, the mid-90's were when Ecstasy really became a major part of the club scene. Since you like being true to life, having drug-free gay clubs would be totally out of character. I'm not saying the drugs are a good thing, because they're certainly not. However they are part of life no matter how many would like to minimize that particular counter-culture. As for the lack of newly HIV-infected characters, I think it's a good thing. By the way, I think some are being too hard on Marcel. He's a very sexual guy. He may be smart, but he can be influenced, and he is known for the occasional sexual misadventure. He'll grow up some day hopefully. He's actually a lot like Stefan used to be in his younger days.
  14. I think the longer story he's working on now is The Wardroom to be honest. This one I do not think is meant to be as long. However, there could be some misdirection on his part, so you never know. The ending of the chapter was great though. This is what I thought should happen. Finally, JP and Stefan can be together. I'm excited.
  15. I think I'd play Stefan from Mark Arbour's Predator series. He's full of life. He's kind-hearted to most and downright cutthroat to those who do wrong by him. In some ways he's like me. In other ways he's a lot less inhibited as I would like to be. I'd have to have aging make-up later on as the story progresses of course.
  16. Me too, especially thick ones.
  17. I'd have to be really drunk to mate with a woman. Anyway, I love the series. So... when is the next chapter coming out.
  18. Well, I had to work yesterday. I still couldn't help but strongly believe that better times are ahead for the US though.
  19. Sneezing is disgusting. People actually have that fetish?
  20. 1) I think it's selfish to be one or the other. Versatile for the winner. 2) Sometimes you need to switch it up. By the way, I'm Loving this story. Stefan has always been my favorite character. I know I'll probably be flogged for saying this, but he needs to end up with JP! They're perfect for each other. As always, your stories keep me enthralled, my fellow tiger.
  21. It's about time! This had been an issue for quite some time. My understanding was that the punishment was life imprisonment. While the worst punishment (mostly in the Middle East), that was certainly a close second. Congratulations India! Welcome to the 21st century.
  22. Yeah, and I'm working in the heat these days. Today, it was like 103 degrees and humid. It's horrible! I knew it was going to be hot, but it's only June. Maybe that means it'll be 120 next month. I have always disliked summer. Now I dislike it even more.
  23. Tiger

    Pure Evil

    I don't understand why anyone would do this, but this sick bastard, Philippe Padieu, infected women with HIV, and he knew he had it. This story is about the case.
  24. I'm a gay male, primarily bottom, though I'm definitely one who likes both as well. You should have put Versatile/bottom and versatile/top on the list.
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