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Story Worlds

Worlds Must Contain 2 Stories to be viewed in the Browse by Worlds list
  1. Volvo Tales

    Alarik (AL-a-rik) came to me fourth-hand and at least 230 thousand miles on the odometer. As reliable as he could be, there were always those moments, and so long as I had bubblegum, bailing twine, radiator clamps, slipknot electrical tape and duct tape, a few coat hangers in my toolbox, we'd find a way out of any jam.

    • World Building Link: --   
  2. Winden Metaverse

    Winden is the middle region of two large expanses I have created in a significant universe where all my stories take place. Widen is very much like a mash of Southern England and the Western coast of the United states. The land is vast, has large mountain ranges, lush state parks, bustling cities, some marshlands and tumbleweed deserts.

    • World Building Link: --   
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