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Penguin - 10. Epilogue

Epilogue – Five years later


I hated wearing suits in general; wearing a tux was pure torture. I fiddled with the bowtie, trying to get it to look right. I sighed in exasperation and gave up. Eric came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders. “Relax…everything will go just fine!” He turned me around and fixed the bowtie.

I took a deep breath. “Thanks. I just keep worrying that I’m going to screw something up.”

He smiled at me and patted my cheek. “You’ll be fine!”

“Of course he’ll be fine…he’s got me to kick his ass if he isn’t!” Robbie grabbed me in a headlock.

“Hey! You’re going to mess up my tux, asshole!” I tried swatting at him.

Robbie let me go with a big grin. “Since when do you care so much about your looks, your Royal Highness? Or should I say Bridezilla?”

“Bride… oh you are so going to get it for that one, dick! Just wait until I’m out of this damn tux!”

“I’d like to think you’d rather be with your new hubby after you get out of your tux, but what the hell? I’m game.” He leered at me. “I’ve never had a threesome with two other guys before.”

Eric got between us as I playfully lunged at my best friend. “Ok guys. You can get rid of your latent sexual attraction for each other later. Right now, you both need to behave and keep those tuxes neat! Can I trust you two to be alone while I check on the rest of the wedding party?” He shook his head. “Look who I’m talking to, of course I can’t!”

I laughed and chucked him lightly on the shoulder. “Get out of here. We’ll be fine.”

Eric and I had become quite close after Sean was shot. He was an absolute godsend when it came to helping take care of Sean’s wounds and helping me repair my friendship with Robbie. He also helped tremendously with restoring my ability to trust men. Of course, Sean helped with that, too. So did a lot of therapy. I’d come a long way in the healing process; regaining my self-confidence and learning to live with what Trevor did to me.

I looked in the mirror and sighed.


“Huh?” I looked at Robbie, puzzled.

“You deserve this. Stop whatever you’re thinking right now.”

“How’d I ever manage to get this lucky?” I whispered.

Robbie drew me in for a hug and held me tight. “You’re so special, Danny. You have no idea how special you really are.”

I held onto him even tighter. There was only one man I loved as much as Robbie, and I was amazed that shortly I would be exchanging wedding vows with that man. I had never allowed myself the fantasy of considering marriage before I met Sean. That tumble down the bank I took five years ago changed my life in so many ways. I would be forever grateful to him for that.

I stood in the back of the church next to Robbie’s dad, nervously fidgeting. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. I smiled at him warmly and put my hand on his. Robbie’s family was always there for me when my own let me down. I couldn’t think of anyone other than Robbie’s dad that I wanted to escort me down the aisle. He cried when I asked him.

Some light classical music started playing as I watched Caitlyn, Robbie and Siobhan’s little girl, walk down the aisle ahead of us. She had a basket of rose petals in one hand and Penguin’s leash in the other. Penguin darted at the rose petals and batted them out of the air as Caitlyn tossed them. Once they reached the end of the aisle, Caitlyn dropped the basket and the leash and ran crying to Siobhan. Penguin trotted over to Sean and leaped onto his shoulder as he bent down.

I teared up as I walked down the aisle, reflecting back on everything that happened over the past five years. I never imagined Robbie ever settling down with one woman, yet he was happily married to Siobhan and had a three-year-old daughter. Siobhan was a force of nature who didn’t put up with any of Robbie’s shit.

Sean and I went through a few rough patches; mainly having to do with my lack of confidence and distrust of men, thanks to Trevor. We got through them, though, and I sobbed into Sean’s chest when he actually said ‘yes’ after I proposed to him at the spot I fell off the bank in Meadowlane Park.

The tears started to flow freely when I looked at the man I was going to share the rest of my life with standing at the altar. He looked incredible and having Penguin perched on his shoulder just completed everything perfectly. Sean had bought a little bowtie to go on his harness. He said every tuxedo cat should have one.

I took Sean’s hands and saw that he was as teared up as I was. We pledged our hearts and souls to each other for better or worse. We’d already been through the ‘worse’, so all we had to focus on was the ‘better’. After the minister pronounced us husbands, Sean took my face in his hands and kissed me deeply. Penguin head-butted me and purred loudly.

Thank you so much for reading Penguin's story. :) I know it was a bit of a roller coaster, but I hope the ending was worth sticking around for. ;) I really appreciate all the 'likes' and reviews. I have started working on a new story and am a couple weeks away from posting, so keep an eye out for Sam and Alex's story (title not yet determined). Thanks again!
Copyright © 2014 Valkyrie; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Chapter Comments

What a lovely story! Im especially glad Robbie found someone to love and Penguin got to attend. Ive enoyed the ride. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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On 05/29/2014 06:36 AM, Cole Matthews said:
What a lovely story! Im especially glad Robbie found someone to love and Penguin got to attend. Ive enoyed the ride. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Thank you so much for reading and leaving all the reviews. It really makes my day knowing that people like my story. Robbie deserved to have his own HEA and the wedding wouldn't have been the same without Penguin ;)
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On 05/29/2014 08:41 AM, fiedlerbob101 said:
that was such a good story, thanks somuch for taking the time to write it



Thanks for reading. :)
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Awww, I love it! the man with the cat on his shoulder is back! And I appreciate your grittily realistic treatment of the flower girl's behavior... ;)

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On 05/29/2014 09:13 AM, Irritable1 said:
Awww, I love it! the man with the cat on his shoulder is back! And I appreciate your grittily realistic treatment of the flower girl's behavior... ;)
LOL Thanks for reading :)
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Absolutely loved your story. It had everything a good story needs, love, happiness, drama, tears, fear, more love and a happy ending.


I run out of "likes", but I´ll try to give them next time I´ll read this wonderful story.

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You had me tearing up there also! It was a beautiful wedding and of course it wouldn't be a wedding w/o Penguin, the Tuxedo Cat. :P


I'm glad things worked out well for everyone: Robbie and Siobahn (I spelled that wrong, didn't I?), and their little girl, and especially Daniel and Sean. :)


Terrific story, Val! I can't wait for your next one! =)

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The End. To think, it all began with a prompt story--imagination can take you anywhere. One aspect, and for me a special one, of the story that I enjoyed was the friendship between Daniel and Robbie. Their relationship was unfailingly convincing throughout the story. Nicely done, Valkyrie.

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Sometimes it's a compliment when someone doesn't leave reviews lol. Your story was wonderful. As an animal lover, Pen made it worth it--he was just adorable! And pet therapy is such a great thing. I always wish I could get my parrots certified....at least the ones I think would be good at it. Everyone does expect it to just be dogs doing that work. The only thing that would have been an improvement of Pen's story would have been if he and Timmy got together :lugh::heart::lugh: hehe

The story was written at a nice pace (though that was improved by the fact that I caught it first when it was complete already. God, was I glad when you gave that terrible scare!) And about that scare, lol I thought you were going to have him meet Eric when taking Pen to do the therapy job. I was like 'no she didn't..this is not going to be about Pen joining men up!' lol. You had me nervous for a few moments there.

I really enjoyed the side character of Robbie and I guessed that he and Sean's sis might hook up...good thing she's a tough one...he needs to be reigned in. I am hoping for her sake, that Sean, Danny and him had a hot night together :D b/c that boy was definitely bi-curious! That was so funny to imagine their daughter walking throwing roses with the cat batting at them. lol And then she ran to her mom crying. we've all seen kids who end up not making it down the aisle or have to be carried half way. lol it was cute.

I was glad you put the epilogue a few years later and gave credence to the fact that it would be necessary for him to recover from the abuse and damage done by Trevor, despite the love from Robbie and Sean. I was thrilled that Trevor :devil: got his in the end. He was horrible. I thought the emotions came through very well when describing poor Sean getting a 'Dear John' break-up text. And the difficulty a friend (or family) goes through watching someone they love being abused. The helplessness of the loved ones and the isolation of the victim by the abuser or by the abused to protect their loved ones.

Thanks for the story.


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On 05/29/2014 10:40 PM, Suvitar said:
Absolutely loved your story. It had everything a good story needs, love, happiness, drama, tears, fear, more love and a happy ending.


I run out of "likes", but I´ll try to give them next time I´ll read this wonderful story.

Thanks so much for your kind words and all the reviews. :)
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On 05/30/2014 12:19 AM, Lisa said:
You had me tearing up there also! It was a beautiful wedding and of course it wouldn't be a wedding w/o Penguin, the Tuxedo Cat. :P


I'm glad things worked out well for everyone: Robbie and Siobahn (I spelled that wrong, didn't I?), and their little girl, and especially Daniel and Sean. :)


Terrific story, Val! I can't wait for your next one! =)

Thanks so much for reading and the reviews. I'm hoping to start posting my next story in a couple weeks. :)
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On 05/30/2014 04:08 AM, Ron said:
The End. To think, it all began with a prompt story--imagination can take you anywhere. One aspect, and for me a special one, of the story that I enjoyed was the friendship between Daniel and Robbie. Their relationship was unfailingly convincing throughout the story. Nicely done, Valkyrie.
Thanks so much, Ron. :) This was one prompt story I just had to know more about. I'm glad you liked it. :)
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On 05/30/2014 05:55 AM, Cannd said:
Sometimes it's a compliment when someone doesn't leave reviews lol. Your story was wonderful. As an animal lover, Pen made it worth it--he was just adorable! And pet therapy is such a great thing. I always wish I could get my parrots certified....at least the ones I think would be good at it. Everyone does expect it to just be dogs doing that work. The only thing that would have been an improvement of Pen's story would have been if he and Timmy got together :lugh::heart::lugh: hehe

The story was written at a nice pace (though that was improved by the fact that I caught it first when it was complete already. God, was I glad when you gave that terrible scare!) And about that scare, lol I thought you were going to have him meet Eric when taking Pen to do the therapy job. I was like 'no she didn't..this is not going to be about Pen joining men up!' lol. You had me nervous for a few moments there.

I really enjoyed the side character of Robbie and I guessed that he and Sean's sis might hook up...good thing she's a tough one...he needs to be reigned in. I am hoping for her sake, that Sean, Danny and him had a hot night together :D b/c that boy was definitely bi-curious! That was so funny to imagine their daughter walking throwing roses with the cat batting at them. lol And then she ran to her mom crying. we've all seen kids who end up not making it down the aisle or have to be carried half way. lol it was cute.

I was glad you put the epilogue a few years later and gave credence to the fact that it would be necessary for him to recover from the abuse and damage done by Trevor, despite the love from Robbie and Sean. I was thrilled that Trevor :devil: got his in the end. He was horrible. I thought the emotions came through very well when describing poor Sean getting a 'Dear John' break-up text. And the difficulty a friend (or family) goes through watching someone they love being abused. The helplessness of the loved ones and the isolation of the victim by the abuser or by the abused to protect their loved ones.

Thanks for the story.


Thanks for the great review. :) I am beyond thrilled that people have enjoyed the story so much. Your review made my day. :)
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Awww Jeez!! Sniff sniff. Yeah I cry at weddings and any wedding with a cat with a bow tie definitely deserves tears. This was such a wonderful story. Robbie met his match and then had a daughter. I loved how she reacted after she dropped all the flowers and then Penquin sat on Sean's shoulder....that was just the height of cuteness. And this story came from a prompt??? Wow!! Excellent job, V. Thanks so much for giving us this story. Bravo.

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On 05/30/2014 11:36 AM, LadyDe said:
Awww Jeez!! Sniff sniff. Yeah I cry at weddings and any wedding with a cat with a bow tie definitely deserves tears. This was such a wonderful story. Robbie met his match and then had a daughter. I loved how she reacted after she dropped all the flowers and then Penquin sat on Sean's shoulder....that was just the height of cuteness. And this story came from a prompt??? Wow!! Excellent job, V. Thanks so much for giving us this story. Bravo.
Thanks so much for reading and reviewing and for your kind words. :) This story was an expansion of my response to Prompt 308. The first chapter is the original prompt. I couldn't just stop at the note. I wanted to know what happened after Sean/Penguin received the flowers. I'm so glad I decided to find out. I had a great time writing the story and to know that so many people enjoyed it is both humbling and very gratifying. :)
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I cried reading this chapter especially the part when Robbies dad agreed to walk Daniel down the aisle :,( Don't tell anyone ! :P

What a great story, I really like your writing. Thank you so much for sharing !! Well done ! :hug:



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On 06/11/2014 09:40 PM, Slytherin said:
I cried reading this chapter especially the part when Robbies dad agreed to walk Daniel down the aisle :,( Don't tell anyone ! :P

What a great story, I really like your writing. Thank you so much for sharing !! Well done ! :hug:



I teared up a bit myself when I wrote it. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story and thanks so much for leaving all the reviews. I enjoyed reading them. :)
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Absolutely beautiful epilogue. You made me cry...it all came together so well..this is the kind of story I love to read...thanks for that...cheers....

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On 09/13/2014 07:29 AM, Headstall said:
Absolutely beautiful epilogue. You made me cry...it all came together so well..this is the kind of story I love to read...thanks for that...cheers....
Coming home and seeing all the reviews for Penguin really made my day. Thank you! I'm so glad you liked the story. Thanks so much for reading! :)
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Val, this was a great story. Having been there I know what recovery is like. Penguin was so cute. Beautifully done.

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On 11/17/2014 09:40 PM, Jaro_423 said:
Thanks for a great story. I loved Pen being in on the final act and the final line, no less!

GAH! How did I miss replying to this? So sorry, Jaro. Thank you so much for reading and reviewing, even if it was two years ago... :facepalm:

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On 12/30/2016 07:53 PM, comicfan said:

Val, this was a great story. Having been there I know what recovery is like. Penguin was so cute. Beautifully done.

Thank you so much for reading and leaving me a review, Wayne. So sorry that you've been there. :hug: I'm glad you liked the story. :)

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Really glad grooms don't wear mascara, well they usually don't, theirs would have been a mess.

Healing takes time and that's what Sean and Robbie gave Danny. We know Trevor was going to steal that from him too and likely sooner rather than later.

You've done impressively well with the story. Thank you for sharing it.

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