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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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All In - 8. Chapter 8

Chapter 8


Jason cleared his throat, trying to get his shock under control that the kid had finally relented and showed some manners. "Um, yeah, okay. After lunch, okay?"

A spark of hope lit the azure eyes as he cast one last look out the window. His hand dropped to his side as he turned away, wiping furtively at his face before turning back towards the stairs.

Jason couldn't turn back down the stairs fast enough. This version of the kid compared to the one who'd cussed him out without a voice just didn't compute with him. He wondered if he was being played, but the kid had said please and that was what he'd demanded of the boy. And those tears seemed so real.

He'd almost gotten to the point where he didn't think the kid had any emotions other than anger and hate.

"Don't forget shoes," he called over his shoulder.

He reached the kitchen and sat at the table with the sandwich as Trent came in from the laundry room.

"Hey," Trent greeted, "How's it going?"

Jason just looked up at him, still in a state of shock. "Weird."

Trent frowned. "Weird? What's that suppose to mean?"

"I mean the kid--"

He stopped suddenly as Devyn appeared in the kitchen. Instead of sitting down, he moved to stand next to the door.

Trent raised his brow and looked at Jason, wondering if there was going to be another battle of wills.

"Devyn, I said after lunch. Now eat something," Jason said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

Trent watched the kid slowly move to the kitchen counter.

"I gather you've come to an understanding about the going outside?"

Jason shrugged as he watched the kid hover next to the counter. "He finally asked nicely."

"I see," Trent smiled, his gaze sliding over the thin boy. For a second, he couldn't figure out why the boy was standing so still next to the counter, but then he saw where Chris had left the large knife sitting on the cutting board next to the sliced tomato.

"Devyn," Trent said cautiously, drawing the boy's attention, "if you want to go out, you need to eat quickly."

When Devyn picked up the plate and moved to the stool at the kitchen bar, Trent breathed a little easier. Not that Devyn had tried anything in a couple years, but there was a reason the knives stayed locked up.

After a few minutes of eating in silence, Chris breezed back into the kitchen. "So, everyone get something to eat?"

"Yeah," Trent answered. "Maybe you should clean up a bit," he said, casting a pointed gaze at the knife, then at Devyn sitting at the bar.

"Oh, shit," Chris breathed, "Yeah, thanks."

"Doesn't Sam still need to come make his sandwich?" Jason asked in confusion as to why they felt it necessary to clean up so quickly.

Chris was already washing the knife and drying it. "Yeah, but I can clean up some of it, since he doesn't like tomatoes." He pointedly slid the knife back into its place in the knife block and locked the cabinet.

Jason realized he must have missed something as Chris cut his eyes again at the kid hunched over his sandwich. Had Chris been worried about Devyn grabbing the knife? Devyn didn't look very volatile at the moment.

He shrugged and watched the kid pick at his sandwich. Apparently, the boy wasn't going to eat much right now. So he wiped his mouth with his napkin and took a last swallow of his glass of tea.

"Alright, Devyn, come on," Jason said, getting up and heading to the alarm panel. He used his body to hide the code from the kid as he punched in the numbers. Then he used his key to unlock the deadbolt on the patio doors.

Devyn was right behind him as he swung open the glass door. As he turned to close it, the boy darted past him towards the stable.

"Shit," Jason grumbled at how fast the boy could move. He started to run after him, thinking he needed to keep right on top of the kid, but then he realized that he knew exactly where the kid was heading. It wasn't like he was trying to run away or something. So Jason slowed down and sauntered across the expansive lawn, watching the blond kid race toward the stables.

Jason smirked as he slowed, taking in the eye-candy of the man stacking hay. He sauntered closer, trying not to appear too obvious in his appreciation of the other man's solid body. Jason sighed. Damn, it's been too long, he thought, realizing that with the failing of his garage business and trying to take care of his father, he'd sorely neglected other 'aspects' of his social life.

Lyle looked up as they headed across the lawn and smiled widely. Then Jason noticed the kid on the back of the truck hesitate. As he got closer, he realized it was the teen he'd seen at the party, the dark-haired good-looking one who'd tried to chase after Devyn.

His eyes narrowed on the tall teen standing in the back of the truck. He wondered just what this kid was up to and what he wanted of Devyn. Jason felt his protective instincts kick in as Devyn slowed and approached Lyle cautiously.

Devyn's eyes darted briefly to the boy in the truck, who was now glaring down at Devyn with his hands on his hips. Lyle patted Devyn on the back, greeting him congenially.

"Serenity will be happy to see you," Lyle said as he smiled at Devyn. Jason noted the look of ease faltered as he cast his gaze between the two boys.

Devyn's eyes dropped. ^I miss Ren, too,^ he worded, using Serenity's nickname. ^Can I see her?^

"Yeah, sure," Lyle said, casting a look at Jason, just to be sure. When Jason nodded discretely back, Lyle gave Devyn a soft shove in the direction of the barn. "Why don't you go get her out and put her in the pasture?"

Jason watched the boy cast one last glance toward the truck before darting off into the shade of the stable. He noted that the kid in the truck followed Devyn's movements carefully before turning to throw the last bale of hay off the truck.

The dark-haired kid wiped his brow with his forearm after jumping down from the truck bed. He pulled off the work gloves as he glanced back the barn door. "Um, Lyle, I'm, uh, going to go work on those saddles now, okay?"

A small smile quirked at the corner of Lyle's lips as the kid looked between both adults. "Yeah, sure."

The kid trotted towards the barn.

Jason narrowed his eyes, not trusting this dark-haired kid at all. He felt certain he was going to cause trouble for Devyn. Jason started toward the barn but suddenly felt a firm hand on his shoulder.

His amber eyes darted to Lyle in surprise. The man's grey eyes were soft and smiling. Jason felt like he could get lost in them.

"Hey, can you help me with these?" Lyle said casually, as if he hadn't just stopped Jason from following his charge into the barn.

Jason managed to drag himself out of the spell of the crew-cut stablehand. "I should probably keep an eye on Devyn."

"He'll be fine," Lyle waved off his concerns, his hand sliding over Jason's shoulders, squeezing at his neck slightly. "He's just getting Serenity ready to come out to pasture. He'll be out in a minute."

Jason darted an uncertain look towards the barn where the dark-haired kid had just disappeared. "Who's that other kid?"

Lyle looked back like he'd forgotten about his helper. "Oh, you mean Michael. He's the kid from over yonder," he said jerking his head toward the northern estate. "He helps out here a few times a week."

Jason slowly moved to help stack the hay; still slightly torn between keeping an eye on Devyn and spending time with the sweaty crew-cut stablehand. Lyle's beefy body won out. "He any trouble?

Lyle grunted as he hefted a bale. "Trouble? Nah. Good kid. Straight A student and all. His dad wants him to learn some work ethics, and he's good with the horses."

"I see," Jason said noncommittally, still not sure if he should trust the bigger teen. He'd looked pretty pissed at Devyn at the party on Saturday night.

Lyle finished putting the bales in place, then grabbed the keys to the truck from his pocket. "I'm going to move the truck. You want to ride?"

Jason shook his head. "No, I'll stay here. Look around a bit."

Lyle looked a bit disappointed, but then cut his eyes to the barn before he climbed in the truck. "Okay. There's some chairs right over there," he pointed to the side of the horse ring, "if you want to relax while Devyn gets Ren out."

Jason nodded. "Thanks. I appreciate that."

He watched the tall man with the military cut slam the door on the huge truck and drive off. Instead of heading for the chairs, he made his way over to the barn door. He hesitated at the threshold when he heard a rough voice that made his heart freeze.




When Devyn stepped into the barn and the familiar 'smells' of the stable washed over him, he couldn't help but feel his body relax. Here was the only place he felt at ease and happy. Serenity had gotten her name for a reason; the beautiful bay mare had been his solstice for years, especially after his mother died and he'd been left with Brad Milburn as a guardian.

He grinned as his horse nuzzled against his hand then bumped his shoulder with her nose. He held her, dropping his forehead to her neck as he felt the tears threaten to spill again. Fuck, he thought, quickly blinking, what the hell was wrong with him lately?

"Devyn," the familiar deep voice rumbled behind him.

Devyn's shoulders tensed and he trembled. He wanted to throw himself at Michael, beg him to help him, to just get in his jeep and drive them both away. But he knew he couldn't; Brad had threatened his grandmother if he ran away or tried to expose him again. Hell, he'd probably do something to Michael or Michael's family if he ever found out that Devyn like him.

"Fucking look at me!" Michael's voice snapped, growing angry at being ignored.

Devyn could only shake his head, as he tried to hide against the stable door.

"Damn it!" Michael grabbed Devyn's shoulder, whipping him around and causing him to slam backwards against the stall. Serenity shied and snorted her disapproval.

Devyn's aqua eyes snapped up to Michael's amber ones, hating the hurt that was burning in their depths.

"Talk to me," Michael demanded. "Please."

Devyn felt those tears he'd been fighting slip down his cheek. His hand to come up between them, pressing against Michael's sweaty chest. He knew he needed to tell Michael he couldn't see him anymore. It was the right thing to do. To end it now, before anyone else got hurt. It was why he needed to come out here to see him again. He couldn't continue to let the other boy hope there could be anything between them. Because Brad would never allow it. And because Devyn was too ashamed of what he'd done to let that taint Michael.

But now that he was here, he didn't want to let go.

Michael abruptly caught his lips up in a devouring kiss. Devyn gasped as the bigger teen's tongue swept over his lips, demanding entrance. He melted under the delicious onslaught of urgency radiating from Michael. When he broke from the kiss, they were both panting, but Devyn couldn't meet Michael's gaze.

"What the hell is going on, Dev?" Michael whispered close to his ear, his voice sounding like it was being ripped from him.

Devyn could only shake his head, pushing back against Michael's warm chest. His body was shaking with terror at having to let Michael go. To tell him that he didn't want to be around him anymore. To lie to him.

Copyright © 2014 craftingmom; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

So, so sad. Poor Devyn. Poor Michael. It's so unfair, but then life is unfair. Hopefully this will nudge Jason in the right direction

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What was it that Jason heard? Was the voice in back of him or was it Michael's voice from in the barn?


Poor Devyn. He's so conflicted; he wants Michael but he doesn't want Brad finding out and hurting Michael or Michael's family. Or his own grandmother. And then of course there's the whole matter of Devyn feeling dirty b/c of all the things Brad makes him do.


I really like Lyle; he really is nice to let Devyn and Michael have some alone time. Hmm, I'm just thinking, if Jason heard Michael talking gruffly to Devyn and pushing him against the wall of the stables, that what might have made him freeze in his steps. Or maybe Lyle came back and told him not to go in there. Idk...whatever it is, I hope it's not bad for Devyn and Michael.

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  • Site Administrator

My heart is breaking for poor Devyn. I understand his desire to protect Michael. I hope Jason gets a clue soon about what a horrible person his 'benefactor' is and does something to get Devyn out of that situation. I have a feeling that things will get worse before they get better, though. :( Great story, CM :)

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On 11/07/2014 04:15 AM, Valkyrie said:
My heart is breaking for poor Devyn. I understand his desire to protect Michael. I hope Jason gets a clue soon about what a horrible person his 'benefactor' is and does something to get Devyn out of that situation. I have a feeling that things will get worse before they get better, though. :( Great story, CM :)
Things will definitely get worse... guess that's a given with the way I write, hehe. Thanks for reading! Next chapter will be up soon--which was honestly the hardest one to write, so I hope it's okay. I think I rewrote it about 3 times... and I still tweak it
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On 11/07/2014 04:10 AM, Lisa said:
What was it that Jason heard? Was the voice in back of him or was it Michael's voice from in the barn?


Poor Devyn. He's so conflicted; he wants Michael but he doesn't want Brad finding out and hurting Michael or Michael's family. Or his own grandmother. And then of course there's the whole matter of Devyn feeling dirty b/c of all the things Brad makes him do.


I really like Lyle; he really is nice to let Devyn and Michael have some alone time. Hmm, I'm just thinking, if Jason heard Michael talking gruffly to Devyn and pushing him against the wall of the stables, that what might have made him freeze in his steps. Or maybe Lyle came back and told him not to go in there. Idk...whatever it is, I hope it's not bad for Devyn and Michael.

It's Michael he hears at the barn door, who to him, sounds like he's threatening Devyn. I'll try to go back and make that more clear. Hopefully the next chapter comes across okay; I had a really hard time writing it, not because it's really bad, but because there are certain things I wanted to convey without giving up too much... if that makes sense.
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On 11/06/2014 06:18 PM, Nephylim said:
So, so sad. Poor Devyn. Poor Michael. It's so unfair, but then life is unfair. Hopefully this will nudge Jason in the right direction
;) Thank you for reviewing. Jason's eyes will start to be opened just a little bit next chapter...
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I felt that Devyn was going to feel the need to protect Michael. It's going to hurt both of the boys so much. I'm wondering if Jason is witnessing the scene between the boys. Can't wait for more. :P

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