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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Song and Dance - 8. Chapter 8 Take My Breath Away

U Can't Touch This

Song and Dance



Chapter 8



“You owe me a stir fry, wolfie.” Arron came awake at the whisper in his ear. It hadn’t been a dream then. He was still lying in front of the fireplace. Strong arms encircled him and thick stubble tickled his neck as heat from the body behind him permeated his. It was a delicious feeling, one that was wondrously new to him. Any supposed connection before this had turned out to be a sham. Dwayne had not been genuine in his affection. This time he was being held in a loving embrace by someone he loved. As weird as it was to be thinking that, he knew it was right. He felt protected, no longer vulnerable, even though the guy nestled behind him held Arron’s heart in his hand. The fear had left him, replaced by faith in this green-eyed man. Gentle fingers stroked his cheek while warm lips planted soft kisses on the back of his neck, giving, not demanding. Stretching and twisting, Arron maneuvered around and took in Chet’s contented looking face. Zeroing in on the sleepy grin, he claimed it as his own with a possessive and passionate kiss. There was only compliancy from Chet as he acquiesced willingly, and both savored the change their newly sworn commitment had made to them. Together, they had conquered past hurts, and started the process of moving beyond them.

“What time is it?”

Chet looked into his eyes and smirked before answering. “Well, you’ve been snoring for almost a couple of hours now, so it’s coming up to eleven o’clock.”

“I do not snore, smartass.” Arron's indignant reaction made them both laugh.

“Yeah, you do, but it’s a real cute little snore. I wouldn’t mind hearing it every night.”

“Really?” Arron didn’t know quite how to respond to that, but his heart sped up at the possibilities Chet was hinting at.

“Yup, really… don’t freak out on me, but that’s where I see us heading eventually. Hopefully sooner than later. I love having you here, and I already hate the thought of you leaving. I’ve been living in a kind of solitude, and I’m tired of my lonely life; I feel like you’re a gift that’s been given to me,” he murmured softly.

“You say the most amazing things. I think I’m the one that’s been given a gift, and don’t worry about me freaking out because I don’t want to let you out of my sight either, but I really should get home.” He yawned and stretched on the carpet. Looking back at Chet, he saw the wheels turning in that expressive face.

“You know, I think you should stay here tonight? After what we’ve been through, I think we deserve this, don’t you?”

“There’s nothing I’d like better, but do you think we're ready for this? I mean, we said we were going to take it slow and there’s work tomorrow… and I don’t have my stuff here and….”

“I’m not talking about sex, Arron, although I’m ready whenever you are.” Chet was giving him the eyebrow waggle. “I mean going to sleep together and waking up together, and you know, just cuddling all night, knowing each other is there. It’s been a long time since I’ve had that, and I want it with you; I don’t want to wait. So what do you say? Will you stay over, please?”

Arron leaned back in and gave Chet a lingering kiss. “How can I say no to you when you say stuff like that, leaf eyes?” Chet looked both happy and perplexed at Arron’s agreement.

“Fantastic. Thank you. I would've had a tough time sleeping if you’d walked out that door. I don’t mind telling you I really need you with me tonight; I don’t want to watch you leave again.” His words made Arron wince, but he hid it. “Can you believe it’s only been a couple of days, and I’m already addicted to you?”

“I never would have thought you could feel this close to a person this fast, but I’m in the same boat you are. I’m feeling exactly the same, and I’m sorry about walking out on you the way I did.”

“It’s all right... I understand why you did it… Arron, why did you call me Levis?” The question caught Arron off guard.

“What are you talking about?”

“You just called me Levis… you know, like the jeans, when you agreed to stay over.”

Arron started laughing and as hard as he tried, he couldn’t stop. Eventually he managed to get himself under control. “Oh, man. I didn’t say Levis… like the jeans… I said leaf eyes, as in green eyes.” Arron started chuckling again, watching Chet’s face as he finally clued in. He started laughing too.

“Okay, I get it now, but why did you call me that?”

“I’m not going to tell you, but if you stay at my place tomorrow night, I’ll show you.” Chet caught on quick to what Arron was saying, and his face lit up like a little kid’s does at Christmas.

“Deal, wolfman. It’s a date. That’ll be two nights in a row!”

There was that exuberant little boy again, the one who could melt Arron’s heart in an instant. How could he have ever doubted his sincerity or devotion? He wanted to always make this beautiful man happy. “I’ve got a proposition for you.”

“You’re propositioning me now? I like it. Do you want me to get naked?”

Arron snorted, and rolled his eyes in mock disgust. “Shut up, fool. I’m being serious.” Arron had to kiss away the pout that appeared on Chet’s stubbly face.

“I was being serious too. You just say the word.” Again with the eyebrows.

Arron tried his best to ignore the offer. “Okay so here’s what I’m thinking. You said we deserve it, time together, and I agree, but I want to be greedy. We could wait till the weekend… I’m off Friday and Saturday for this rotation… or if you can work it out, I’ll take tomorrow off and we can spend the day together, and I could make us that stir fry I promised you. I have ten emergency days a year and I haven’t taken any, and it’s November already. All I have to do is call dispatch. What do you say, handsome? Can you work it out?”


Chet knew Arron was making this gesture for him, and he felt the bond between them grow even stronger. Maybe they were moving fast, but nothing in Chet’s life had felt more right. “Hell yeah, I can work it out. I’ll just need to check emails tomorrow at some point. I have no scheduled meetings at all, and I did all my property inspections today, so I’m good. I’ll just call the office and leave a voicemail. Thank you for this, Arron. You’re giving me just what I needed, and I love you for it.”

“You don’t have to thank me. It’s what I need too. I thought I’d lost you and I’m so damn thankful I didn’t. You’re like the answer to all my prayers, and I love you too. The only thing that could make me happier is if you gave me something to eat. I’m starving, man.”


Sitting at the kitchen island, eating peanut butter on toast and sipping hot chamomile tea, Arron enjoyed the domesticity of it. It felt right. They had both made their work calls and were very relaxed in each other’s company. As Chet talked, Arron’s eyes subtly caressed every part of him, marveling that this gorgeous man was his. A couple of times little doubts crept in, when he worried Chet was too good to be true, but he smacked them away instantly. With Chet, what you saw was what you got, and the way he looked at Arron couldn’t be questioned. This handsome hunk of man was enamored with him in every way. It was reciprocated. They sat in silence for a few minutes lost in their own thoughts.

“What if we’re not sexually compatible, green eyes?”

Caught completely off guard, Chet choked at the question, and sprayed his tea across the island. “Jesus, wolf, are you trying to give me a stroke? Why would you ask something like that?”

Arron was amused as he watched Chet wipe up the mess his question had caused. “Sorry. It’s because it seems so perfect between you and me, and that’s the one thing we don’t know about. What if we don’t click or something… what if you think I’m a dud in the sack?”


Chet tried to hide the astonishment he felt at the question, because he knew this was important to Arron. What the hell had Dwayne done to him? “Okay, let me ask you a question. Do I push all the right buttons when you look at me? Do I turn you on?” His eyes lasered in on those wolf-like eyes, letting him know he was taking Arron’s concern seriously.

“Absolutely. You’re without a doubt the hottest man I’ve ever seen. Just your chin dimple can set me off, never mind the rest of you.” He returned the eyebrow waggle, and watched Chet’s neck and face flush at his answer.

“Just so you know, those eyelashes do it for me, and that’s just for starters. So do you think you’ll be disappointed in me? I mean we’ve kissed quite a bit and we seem to be doing well in that department. Going by how you feel when we’re kissing, do you think there will be a letdown when we go further?”

“No way, not for me. I don’t have any doubts about you… it’s me I worry about. There had to have been a reason why I wasn’t enough for Dwayne.” And there it was.

Chet got up and stood behind Arron, wrapping his powerful arms around his equally powerful man. “Listen to me, please. Dwayne cheated on you because that’s who he was… an asshole, and I’m sure now that Ian cheated on me. I wouldn’t let myself think it was possible but the blinders are off now, and Arron, that is not our fault. We can’t blame ourselves for their shortcomings as partners, or as people. I know there’s no way in hell I’m going to be disappointed in you in any way. That image of you in the changing room at the gym is seared into my brain as the sexiest thing I have ever seen. The way you say you see me is the way I see you… trust me on that, okay?”

That sexy, sultry whisper in his ear sent shivers through Arron’s whole body and turned his cock to a rigid steel bar. He groaned when Chet nibbled on his neck.

“So tell me, hot stuff, what turns you on… what do you like to do?” The whisper had lowered with that last question.

“Both, Chet… everything, I want everything with you,” Arron whimpered out, the sensations caused by Chet’s sexy voice making him turn to jelly. Chet smiled into the side of Arron’s face.

“So versatile?”


“Perfect. Me too… I want you inside me as much as I want to be inside of you. Does that sound good to you, baby?”

“Fuck yeah, and Chet… I am your baby, I’m sorry I said I wasn’t.”

That memory hit Chet again. “No worries. We got through that and we’re stronger for it, okay, baby?” Chet drew that word out, sending more shivers through Arron.

“Goddam, your voice is driving me crazy. Yes, we are; I can feel it… so much stronger.”

Chet chuckled into Arron’s ear again before pulling back from him, trying to adjust his erection as Arron turned around and watched his attempt, a smirk breaking out on his face. “That’s what touching you does to me.”

Arron was mesmerized by the clearly visible hardon covered by a layer of cloth. Standing up, he revealed his matching state and watched Chet’s tongue touch his lower lip at the sight. Arron reached into his pants and pulled his cock upward toward his hip, staring into Chet’s eyes the whole time. “That’s what your voice in my ear does to me.” Both pair of eyes shifted up and down enjoying the connection and the view.

“I think it’s time to get ready for bed, now. Would you care to share a shower with me, wolf? No pressure if you don’t want to. We can go separate. I meant what I said about just cuddling tonight. We’ll take it as slow as you want.”

“I would love to share a shower with you. Gifts shouldn’t be left unopened and I think I need to touch my gift before I go crazy,” he delivered with a quiet intensity in his voice that had the desired effect on his man. It was returned through the look in Chet’s eyes as he digested what Arron had declared.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying? Because we don’t need to do anything right now. I don’t want you to feel pressured… I know you wanted to take this slow and I don’t want to….”

“Going slow is overrated. I say we get in the shower and see how we feel once we’re in there.”

Watching Chet watching him as they undressed was such a turn-on to Arron. He wondered if anyone else had ever really looked at him the way Chet did. There was a flat-out look of sexual hunger, but that was only part of it. There was also a look of complete devotion that Arron hadn’t seen from another person before, and it was the biggest turn-on of all. It told Arron that Chet truly was his gift, and did belong to him.

The strip tease this time was much quicker but equally effective. When Chet’s impressive cock sprang into view, Arron was able to take in the complete picture without holding back, and he didn’t. He claimed this god-like man with his eyes, taking in the whole of him, the combination of masculinity and beauty, honed to perfection by years of dedication. Everything about him said man, from his sexily stubbled jawline to the power that showed in every line of his body. Chet oozed sexuality, just standing there, watching Arron. His eyes were locked on the hands opening Arron’s pants. When Arron shed them, Chet groaned at the sight before him. He couldn’t stop his hand from going to his own cock as the view of Arron, in all his naked glory, completely overwhelmed him. He couldn’t imagine a hotter, more perfect man. Arron’s upper body was a masterpiece of definition. This wasn’t a change room; this was the intimacy of his bathroom and he didn’t have to hide his interest or his reaction.

The room was filled with the scent of healthy male arousal and both men reveled in that, feeling it trigger the lust in them and send it soaring. Chet found himself fascinated with the shapeliness of Arron’s long, powerful, hair-covered legs, his lower body a perfect complement to the exquisite torso on display. The swirls of black hair on his lower belly thinned out until it reached the middle of his chest, splaying out from there in a perfect pattern, accentuating the large round pink nipples Chet felt drawn to. He could feel his mouth watering at the sight of them.

They were only a few feet apart but neither one moved toward the other. Arron was just as fascinated with Chet’s body, enjoying the barrage of feelings it gave him. He watched Chet’s arousal build as he visually devoured Arron. Chet’s hand was gripping his own cock and pre-cum began oozing from the helmet-shaped head that had been exposed by the up and down movement of his hand. When Arron saw those heavy looking balls move upward he cautioned Chet, who seemed almost in a daze.

“Chet, baby, let go of your cock,” his voice rumbled out of him with a slight crack in it.


“You’re getting close, and we haven’t made it into the shower yet,” he stared into Chet’s eyes with a promise present in them. “Let me get you there, okay?”

“Hell yeah… sorry I got carried away there but… you are so fucking hot.” The raw feeling in Chet’s voice sent a jolt of pure sexual energy to Arron’s own almost painful hardness, causing him to burp out the same clear liquid. That Chet desired him was undeniable. Arron walked up to Chet, allowing their cocks to touch for the first time, and pulled his enraptured face in for a kiss that had passion and love in equal measure. He pulled back from that mouth, teeth gripping Chet’s lower lip in a gentle tug till he was forced to let it go, and looked into those hazy green eyes.

“That was a dumb fucking question I asked earlier, green eyes. There is no way any of this could ever be disappointing… I know that now,” he whispered, as he planted kisses on the thick column of neck that was at his mercy, nuzzling Chet where his neck met his jaw. Chet’s whimper was a sensual reward. “This is so fucking good already and we haven’t done anything yet.”

“Told you. I have never been more turned on in my whole life, and I don’t think I’ll be able to last very long with that beautiful dick of yours rubbing against mine. I can feel it throbbing, and I want it, anywhere you want to put it, wolf.” Chet was offering himself fully to Arron, and the effect that had on Arron was an emotional one. He used to have to beg Dwayne, and it only happened a handful of times in three years.

“I’m going to take you up on that, baby, but I don’t think I have the stamina for it right now… I’m right on the edge,” Arron leaned in and whispered, “but we have all day tomorrow, just you and me.”

Another groan escaped from Chet, as he let Arron lead them wherever he wanted. “Anything you want… I’m all yours, and we’ve got all the time in the world.”

Arron turned away to adjust the shower controls to the desired temperature, giving Chet a view that elicited one more throaty moan. This was the same spectacular ass he had first seen in the change room at the Spectrum, where he had to avoid looking at it, and now it was here in front of him in his own private domain. Reaching out he gently stroked the muscled smoothness of it, thanking God he was allowed to do this. Arron truly was a gift he’d hoped for and dreamed about. It was Arron’s turn to moan as the caress became more possessive and the first hand was joined by the other. Chet had moved up close to him, and slowly moved his hands upward to encircle Arron’s chest drawing them tightly together, feeling the hardness of Arron’s nipples, his leaking cock centered between those firmly perfect globes.

“Jesus Christ, Arron, you blow me away… I want every part of you in every way. If you want me half as much as I want you, we’re golden. Everything, baby, and I mean everything, is so fucking perfect. What did I ever do to deserve you?”

Arron leaned his head back and sighed as Chet trailed his fingertips down Arron’s stomach, heading for his cock. Arron grabbed his hand to stop him. “I am so fucking close, Chet; if you stroke my dick now, I won’t last long… I won’t be able to hold back.”

“Arron, turn around,” his voice was low and husky, “I can’t wait any longer… let me taste you now... please.” The request surprised Arron but the pleading of it let him know Chet was riding the same desperate edge, so he shut off the shower valve, and turned around and watched Chet drop before him. When his hot mouth closed around Arron’s leaking cockhead, he gave in to the absolute pleasure of it. There was no doubt Chet knew what he was doing, and he had no intention of drawing this out. This was raw need for Chet, and he sucked and licked and nibbled with a dedication that bordered on frenzy. Arron had never had a blow job like this, and he was carried away by the worshiping his cock was receiving. He forced himself to open his eyes to watch Chet take most of him, again and again, in a perfect rhythm of suction and release. Arron’s eyes traveled over the beautiful man kneeling before him, taking in the line of Chet’s strong back down to the roundness of his ass, the cleft, so far an intoxicating mystery, and that visual pushed him up to the brink. Chet’s unbelievable technique took him the rest of the way over, and he blasted jet after jet of cum into Chet’s unrelenting mouth. Both men were making their own appreciative noises, as Arron’s release slowed to a dribble.

Watching the adoration of his cock continue, Arron saw Chet’s free hand grip his own cock and he reacted quickly, gripping Chet under the arms and pulling him upward. He planted a kiss on a man still in a sexual stupor, experiencing his own taste in that kiss, before he dropped to his knees. Chet’s cock was majestic in its hardness. Taking a few seconds to appreciate the heft and beauty of what he held in his hand, he admired the intricacy of the veins running along the thick shaft. Pulling the foreskin over the big head, Arron slid his tongue in beneath it, and swirled his tongue around, overdosing on the wonderful taste of his man for the first time. The powerful sensation he felt was doubly expressed by the loud moan mixed with his, coming from the beautiful man hovering over him, his fingers curled gently in Arron’s thick black hair.

“Jesus, wolf, I’m almost there… oh my God, don’t stop.” Arron had no intention of stopping as he went from licking to sucking. He could feel Chet’s thigh shaking from where his hand was gripping the back of it. His other hand was busy keeping rhythm with his mouth as it worked Chet’s length while Arron’s mouth concentrated on the big head. The co-ordination was perfect, and the fingers in his hair let Arron know his reward was coming. If Chet’s yell was any indication, Arron had done a good job, and Chet unloaded streams of cum into a very welcoming mouth. Arron nursed Chet’s dick for all he was worth, totally wrapped up in giving him pleasure. With a huge sigh, Chet weakly indicated for Arron to stand up. Arron was reluctant to let go of Chet’s cock but the urge to share a kiss won out. When both were standing they wrapped their arms around each other and grinned, raining soft little kisses on each other, everywhere they could reach. Chet looked into Arron’s eyes with a smug grin, “Told you so.”

“Yeah, you did, and you were right. That was fucking awesome. It was the best thing ever. I’ve never been so turned on before, and do you want to know something?”

“What, baby?”

“That was the first time I ever came from getting blown. You were unbelievable, Chet.”

“To tell you the truth, I don’t often come from a blow job either. That was intense. Do you think maybe it’s because we love each other?”

“All I know, is it felt so amazing because it was with you. I’m beginning to wonder if I was ever really in love before. I mean I know I loved Dwayne, but somehow, this is different, like there’s more depth to what I’m feeling. I don’t know how to say what I mean… I just know that was the best sex I’ve ever had, period.”

“I think you said it perfectly. I never felt this way about Ian either. There was always this feeling that something wasn’t quite right, but I ignored it for the most part. Maybe I wanted the relationship more than I wanted the man? Anyway, I don’t feel that with you. Everything clicks for me, with us. And that was without a doubt, the most intense sex I’ve ever had, too. Just think of all the things we have left to try,” he said with a grin. Arron responded by kissing him tenderly yet thoroughly, leaving Chet a little breathless at the gentle attack.

Thirty minutes later, finally showered, they each climbed into opposite sides of the bed, meeting in the middle. Facing each other, feeling exhausted, they shared a long and loving good night kiss.

“Big spoon or little spoon?” Chet asked.

“I want to be big spoon, if that’s okay?”

“Baby, that’s more than okay… anytime you want,” Chet replied. Turning his back to Arron, he felt strong, loving arms wrap around him from behind, and everything felt right with his world.

Arron planted soft kisses on the neck in front of him, and sent a thank you out to whoever or whatever stopped him from driving away today. He was right where he belonged… and he was never more certain of anything in his life.

Thank you, Timothy M, and all the wonderful people who review, like, and support my stories.
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Chapter Comments

My man beat me too it lol.

Once again you have failed to write a sex scene but managed to craft a beautiful, intimate love scene. Spectacular. Yes it was smoking hot but it was all about the connection, about two souls becoming one.

Chock full of maple syrup goodness with Aaron being open about his insecurities and Chet showing how far they have come.

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On 03/28/2015 09:32 AM, Timothy M. said:
I loved the way Arron came right out and asked the question. Sure took Chet by surprise. :lol:

Taking a day off together is a brilliant idea, they need to settle into their relationship before any new misunderstandings happen. I feel all warm and happy thinking about them sleeping in each other's arms.

No beating around the bush for Arron lol. His insecurities crop up, but Chet always knows what to do. I liked that it was Arron who took the lead with taking the day off...Chet brings that out in him ...and it's a beautiful thing. Big spoon, little spoon... glad you liked it... thanks for the great review, Tim... Cheers
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On 03/28/2015 10:51 AM, ColumbusGuy said:
Man, can Chet and Arron get even more compatible? I can't see how that would be possible. Wanting to wait until they knew each other better is the best way--but with what the events have been, forcing them to confront their emotions much more deeply than most at this stage, they saw just what they needed to, and their subconscious desires took over. I could hear the little voices echoing in their heads: 'Cut the bullshit--you know he's the one--he knows you're the one--all that's stopping you is other peoples idea of when the 'right time' is.'

Thank goodness, they had the common sense to trust in their partner and their own feelings rather than add to the tension between them. This is more than a case of 'if it feels good, do it'--it's far more than mere physical gratification--its the perfect example of 'if it feels Right--do it.'

I was glad to see there wasn't anything 'premature' about their first encounter--but it was close. All I can say is, when they have their next one, it will be without stress, tension or hesitation--and someone better have the Fire Department on speed-dial because it's going to be quite a conflagration.

I so much want them to yank Kendall and Michael's chains when they come back to town!

'If it feels Right--do it'... love it CG... that's the truth of it. What they feel is real and they both know it. Arron's leap of faith continues because Chet keeps giving him what he needs. These aren't kids... they are men who recognize this is something special, different from anything before it, and they are not about to throw it away...They will only build on it... another amazing review CG... Thank you for truly getting these guys... Cheers
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On 03/28/2015 11:21 AM, EagleIsaac said:
I am amazed how you can write a scene that is both steamy hot and incredibly tender and loving. Arron still has some doubts but it is good to see that he is able to overcome them quickly. I think spending the day together will be good for them. They fell in love quickly so it will be good for them to also build their friendship.
Thank you Isaac! I love hearing that you think that. Arron's still pop up, but Chet always knows what to do to reinforce him and help him get over the damage. That said, Arron has done a lot of the heavy lifting with regards to defeating demons from the past. I felt like that day, after all the trauma, was a necessary thing, as you say, to build their friendship... they deserve it. Thanks for your kind words and a wonderful review... Cheers...
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On 03/28/2015 11:38 AM, Bucket1 said:
My man beat me too it lol.

Once again you have failed to write a sex scene but managed to craft a beautiful, intimate love scene. Spectacular. Yes it was smoking hot but it was all about the connection, about two souls becoming one.

Chock full of maple syrup goodness with Aaron being open about his insecurities and Chet showing how far they have come.

That is a very nice thing to say, Bucket, and the kind of thing that makes me want to keep writing. This story really is about one of those very special connections, where souls literally collide and merge. That's what heals the damage of the past... maple syrupy at its best...I love this review, and I thank you for it, my friend...Cheers... you and your man are in tune :) ...
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Wow! That was so beautiful. You did a really great job describing the vibe between these two. It was so romantic and so sexy . What a turn on! Thanks for the wonderfully satisfying read. You're damn good.

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Wow Gary! That was just...wow! I agree with Bucket and Eagle....you write amazing love scenes. I can see how being cheated on would damage Arron's confidence and make him doubt his attractiveness/appeal. Good thing Chet is so pursuasive. :yes: Now what are they going to do on their day together? I assume they're going to do leave the bed at some point? ;)

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On 03/28/2015 01:43 PM, Jaro_423 said:
Wow! That was so beautiful. You did a really great job describing the vibe between these two. It was so romantic and so sexy . What a turn on! Thanks for the wonderfully satisfying read. You're damn good.
Thank you very much, Jaro...Telling me i'm 'damn good' crries a lot of weight with me... I will never apologize for the romantic in me... I am so glad romance came through in the chapter, which for me, was a whole love scene. Your review boosts me up, so thank you again... Cheers
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On 03/28/2015 10:00 PM, LitLover said:
Wow Gary! That was just...wow! I agree with Bucket and Eagle....you write amazing love scenes. I can see how being cheated on would damage Arron's confidence and make him doubt his attractiveness/appeal. Good thing Chet is so pursuasive. :yes: Now what are they going to do on their day together? I assume they're going to do leave the bed at some point? ;)
Thanks Lit! Love the wows. It's still a little nerve wracking writing about sex... I feel sort of vulnerable, myself, so when it goes over well, the relief and pride feel great! Seeing himself through Chet's eyes, helps Arron deal...their day off will be an enjoyable one...Appreciate the great review... Cheers
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  • Site Administrator

I think 'wow' is the only apt word to describe this chapter! Your writing just continues to get stronger and stronger. I think this is your best chapter yet. I can't wait to read about their day off together. ;)

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On 03/29/2015 02:26 AM, Robert Rex said:
GREAT job! Loving, affectionate, hot....helluva combo!

You did well on this one buddy!

Thanks, Robert... I am pleased that you approve... I know you understand the trepidation that comes with writing sex scenes. I wanted it to come across just the way it seems to have, so I feel so encouraged... the next chapter is in Tim's hands and it is... well, lets just say I'm nervous again.. Cheers, buddy... thanks for the review
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On 03/29/2015 02:26 AM, Robert Rex said:
GREAT job! Loving, affectionate, hot....helluva combo!

You did well on this one buddy!

Thanks, Robert... I am pleased that you approve... I know you understand the trepidation that comes with writing sex scenes. I wanted it to come across just the way it seems to have, so I feel so encouraged... the next chapter is in Tim's hands and it is... well, lets just say I'm nervous again.. Cheers, buddy... thanks for the review
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On 03/29/2015 03:05 AM, Valkyrie said:
I think 'wow' is the only apt word to describe this chapter! Your writing just continues to get stronger and stronger. I think this is your best chapter yet. I can't wait to read about their day off together. ;)
Wow, Val...thank you so much for saying that. I Have gained some confidence but that is high praise from such a gifted writer... I hope you like the next one as much... I think their day off is a pretty special one... It is always an awesome feeling to hear from you... thanks for an amazing, uplifting review...Cheers
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On 03/30/2015 01:03 PM, LadyDe said:
:worship::worship::worship::worship::wub::thankyou: Drops mic!
LOL... Thank You, LadyDe... in very few actual words you said a whole bunch! This is one of my favorite reviews ever...I am assuming you really liked it and I appreciate that immensely. Thanks for making my day!...Cheers...Gary
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Arron still needs a lot of reassurance and Chet is willing to give it to him. Although Chet has been hurt by Ian, I have the feeling that Arron suffered more because of what Dwayne did. Maybe that's just how he is. Good he has Chat now. Beautiful chapter, Gary.

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On 04/01/2015 03:52 AM, aditus said:
Arron still needs a lot of reassurance and Chet is willing to give it to him. Although Chet has been hurt by Ian, I have the feeling that Arron suffered more because of what Dwayne did. Maybe that's just how he is. Good he has Chat now. Beautiful chapter, Gary.
Thanks, Adi! Arron is getting there, but yes, he does. Dwayne did a lot of damage... and Chet's love is the cure. Chet sees Ian for who he really is now, so moving on is easier for him...Ian was not the same as Dwayne was... and it's taking Arron longer... I really appreciate the review and your support... Cheers...
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…damn…maybe one of my favorite moments to date in your work is when Chet was purely himself. “Deal, Wolfman. It’s a date. That’ll be two nights in a row!” Even before I read your next few words, I too was thinking, yes, his childlike wonder is restored because of Arron, and his faith in himself too. I can't tell how much I love that moment.

And btw, by the time they were talking about 'opening gifts,' I was the one who needed readjusting! Woof, woof, Wolfie! Damn, so hot…

Edited by AC Benus
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On 04/03/2015 01:33 PM, AC Benus said:
…damn…maybe one of my favorite moments to date in your work is when Chet was purely himself. “Deal, Wolfman. It’s a date. That’ll be two nights in a row!” Even before I read your next few words, I too was thinking, yes, his childlike wonder is restored because of Arron, and his faith in himself too. I can't tell how much I love that moment.


And btw, by the time they were talking about 'opening gifts,' I was the one who needed readjusting! Woof, woof, Wolfie! Damn, so hot…

Thanks for the nice review, AC... glad you liked it. Arron's taking the initiative meant a lot to Chet...he was happy that Arron stayed for him, and astounded that it would turn into two nights. It's such a great feeling when you realize you're on the same page with someone...liked the Woof's...Cheers...
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the levis thing got me :gikkle: . I also caught a glimpse of Chet's child-like and playful mentality. Made me like him even more and :kiss: him. though i'm sure Arron wouldn't approve :lol:

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On 07/04/2015 06:12 AM, Victor Gutte said:

the levis thing got me :gikkle: . I also caught a glimpse of Chet's child-like and playful mentality. Made me like him even more and :kiss: him. though i'm sure Arron wouldn't approve :lol:

LOL. I wouldn't want to mess with Arron's jealousy. I love the playfulness of Chet, and of Arron. It's so much fun to write. Glad you liked the levis/leaf-eyes thing... cheers...another great review... you are a master at this... Gary

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