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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

My Brother Daniel - 13. Chapter 13

Daniel is bouncing with excitement. He hasn’t stopped talking all the way home. His stammer is quite bad today but Sara assures me it’s all part of his recovery process so I’m not too worried. Of course the general level of worry about Daniel and what to do if something happens is still very definitely still there, making my chest tight.

As soon as we walk through the door, Daniel skips to the bedroom and dumps his bag on the bed.

“D…do you w…want to go to b…bed now?”

“Daniel, it’s two o’clock. It’s way too early for bed. Oh. Are you feeling tired? Ill?”

Daniel sidles over and loops his arms around my neck. “I’m f…fine. I w…wasn’t thinking ab…bout sleeping.”

I can be pretty slow to catch on sometimes, but not that slow. I put my hands on Daniel’s waist and kiss him gently. “We’ve only just stepped through the door, and already you want to get me into bed. Do you have no patience?”

“Not f…for you. I w…want to see you naked r…right now.”

“You’ve seen me naked before.” There’s a twinkle in his eye that’s rapidly wearing down my resistance. Oh, what the hell? What is there to resist? Taking Daniel by surprise I sweep him up in my arms and stride towards the bedroom, with Daniel kicking and giggling.

“If you don’t stop kicking I’m going to drop you.”

“N…no, don’t do that. D…drop me on the…the bed.”

I comply and Daniel bounces up and down excitedly.

“C…come here. No, ge…get undressed first. I w…want to watch you.”

Giving Daniel a hot look I tug the hem of my t-shirt out of my jeans. Daniel leans back on his elbows and licks his lips. God, he’s so beautiful, especially when he has that look on his face. I want to touch him so badly and certain parts of my body are starting to ache. They need to be free. Forgetting my t-shirt, I undo the button of my jeans.

“N…no. I want to see yo…your top half f…first.”

“Oi, mister demanding. Any other orders?”

“Not yet.”

Daniel’s grinning like a fool and I’m getting harder by the minute. I can’t wait to stroke that soft hair and smooth skin and wipe that look off his face. I want to see stress on it. I want to make him scream.

I start to tug my shirt up again when the house phone rings. “Shit.”

“Don’t answer.”

“There’s only one person who’s going to be calling, Daniel. Not many people have my number and none of them are likely to me calling me right now. I have to check in case there’s something wrong with Sara or your mother.”

“Oh. Okay.” Daniel looks anxious now and I kick myself for worrying him unnecessarily. “It’ll be alright, I promise. It could be anything. Maybe she’s taking your mother out for the evening and she’s calling to say she won’t be home.”

“Y…yes, that’ll be it.”

It isn’t Sara.

“Hi, babe. Where have you been? I’ve been waiting for you.”

“Andy. I thought you were...”

“In the police cells? Yes, I was. For some reason they seem to think you’ve pressed charges for sexual assault.”

“I have.”

“Don’t be silly. Why would you do that? I didn’t assault you. You wanted it as much as I did. You know you want me Rayn. Why do you keep fighting it?”

“You are the one who keeps fighting, Andy. Give it up and go away. I don’t want you. Get the message.

“Of course you want me. You’re still angry, aren’t you, for what happened before? I can understand that, but you can’t throw away what we have just because of that one mistake.”

“I’m not going to fight with you, there’s no point. Just go away and leave me alone. You’re not supposed to contact me and if you do it again I’m going to call the police and they’ll revoke your bail. Do you really want to spend the next couple of months in a prison cell?”

“That’s not going to happen. You’d never let things go that far. I trust you.”

“Then don’t, because I’m going to take this all the way. I can’t keep being scared every time I hear the phone ring or leave my flat, wondering if it’s you. I know you’re not going to go away on your own so if I have to put you in prison to get some peace, then I will.”

“Oh no, you won’t. You love me, Rayne. Stop fighting it.”

“Andy, you’re insane. Get the message. Leave me alone or it will all get worse for you.” Without giving him a chance to respond I slam down the phone. When it rings again, I ignore it. I’m angry with myself that my hands are shaking. What am I, some kind of battered wife or something? Taking a deep breath, I turn to head back to the bedroom, when there’s a knock on the door. I just about jump out of my skin. No, it can’t be.

Step by step, I find myself drawn towards the door.

“Rayn, what are you doing? Is everything alright?” Daniel calls from the bedroom and calms me a little. I’m just being stupid. So what if it is Andy? Maybe it would be a good thing to face him. Maybe it would be a good thing to punch the bastard in the face.

“I’m fine. Everything’s fine. I just have to take care of something. I won’t be long.”

I’m full of a new sense of strength and determination when I open the door. “Andy, just—.”

Not giving me a chance to finish, Andy throws me into the room and closes the door.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

Without saying a word, Andy grabs me and throws me against the wall, pinning my by the weight of his body and his hand around my throat.

“I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re doing Rayn. I get that you want to punish me for what happened but this is going way too far. You are going to go with me down to the police station and withdraw the charges. Right now.”

“Get off me, you psycho. Let me go.” I manage to kick him in the shin and he curses.

“Keep still. You little bitch. Maybe you need another reminder of how you really feel.” Andy grabs my crotch and rubs himself against me. I feel sick.

“Get the fuck away from me. I hate you. Don’t you get it? I hate you?”

Andy silences me with a kiss. He’s still got his hand around my throat and he squeezes until I feel darkness gathering around the edges of my consciousness. I moan and again feel his hand between my legs.

“That’s the way, baby. I know you want it and so do you. Let me just—.”

“Rayne, is everything okay? I thought I heard— Oh.”

At the sound of Daniel’s voice, Andy lets go and turns. “Well, well, it’s the retard. What are you doing here? I didn’t know Rayn was doing charity work.”

“You’re the b…bad man, and you…you’ve hurt Rayn again. L...leave him alone.”

“Or what? What do you think you can do about it, freak.”

“I’m n…ot a f…freak and I’m n…not a retard.” Daniel sounds calm and collected. I’m so proud of him, but I’m scared too.

“It’s alright, Daniel. Go back in the bedroom and I’ll take care of this then be right in.”

“N…no. He…he’s hurting you and I won’t let him.”

“Wh…wh…what do you think you’re going to about it, freak?”

“Don’t call me that. It’s not nice and you’re a bad man.”

It hurts to hear Andy laugh at that. I want to punch him but I’m scared. I’m so scared about how this could go. I don’t want Daniel caught up in this mess.

“Well done little man. You got through a whole sentence. Now why not be a good boy and just toddle back into the bedroom and get your things together. You can let yourself out when we’ve gone.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Daniel, please. Go in the bedroom. I’ll handle this then I’ll be in.”

“I’m n…not le…leaving you with the…the bad man.”

“Aw how cute. Do you hear that, Rayn? He calls me the bad man. You don’t think I’m a bad man do you?”

“No. You’re not bad, Andy, you’re evil. Now get the fuck out of my house.”

Taking me completely by surprise, Andy spins and, yanking me away from the wall, slams me back into it and my head slams into it so hard I see stars.

“Be nice, Rayn,” he hisses. “Wouldn’t want anyone to get hurt would we?”

“No!” Daniel’s next move catches both of us by surprise and I’m in total shock when Andy is yanked away from me and goes flying back. “Leave him alone,” Daniel yells at a stunned Andy who’s tripped and fallen onto the sofa. “Leave my Rayn alone.”

Turning his back on Andy, Daniel stares anxiously into my face and touches my cheek. “You’re bleeding,” he whispers touching the corner of my lip. For a moment I’m too stunned and too caught in the moment to be aware of anything but the blue of Daniel’s eyes and to feel a tremendous sense of pride and love. Then I see something move over his shoulder and reality crashes back.

“Daniel, be careful.”

Daniel looks confused and starts to turn, following my eyes.

“No,” I see a flash of metal and push Daniel away. I’m not in time and the table lamp Andy’s swinging connects with Daniel, although not on his head as, I’m sure Andy was intending. All the same there’s a sickening thud as is catches Daniel on the back of his shoulder. My stomach flips at the sheer heart–breaking abandon of his scream as he falls to his knees, clutching his shoulder.

“Daniel.” I’m so focussed on Daniel it doesn’t cross my mind that Andy would stop me going to him and I’m therefore surprised again, to find myself back against the wall with Andy’s arm across my throat.

“Let’s stop the games, Rayn, before someone gets really hurt.”

“Are you kidding?” I try my best to wriggle out of his arms but I almost pass out again with the force of his arm across my windpipe. “Andy, someone has got hurt. Let me go to him.”

Daniel’s still on his knees, sobbing like the child he is, whimpering my name.

“Still want to play with your puppy, Rayn,” Andy sneers. “He’s pathetic. What the hell are you doing leading someone like that on to believe they can be your boyfriend. Is it some kind of sick joke? Does it make you feel powerful to be with a defective?”

“Don’t say those things about Daniel. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s not defective. He beautiful and bright and funny and innocent and he makes me look at everything in a different way. He’s certainly made me look at you in a different way. I’m not scared of you anymore, Andy. You’d better get the hell out of here before you get into any more trouble because you’ve just made things a whole lot worse for yourself. Do you really think I’m not going to tell the police about this?”

“Tell the police? About what?”

“Are you serious? Are you really being serious about this? You have no idea what you’ve done that the police might be interested in? You’ve burst uninvited into my house, attacked me, assaulted by boyfriend.”

“Stop calling him that.”

“Why? That’s what he is. Now let me go. Let me see to Daniel and get the hell out of my house and out of my life.”

“I’d be happy to.” Andy smiles pleasantly as if none of this ever happened, and bends forward to kiss me gently. I turn my head away sharply and struggle to break free again. A knee in my groin takes the fight right out of me.

“Please leave us alone,” I moan, tears on my cheeks.

“I’d be happy to. All I want is one thing.”

“And you’re not getting it,” I say hastily, hoping the fear doesn’t show too much in my voice.

Andy laughs. “Honestly. Rayne, you’ve got a one tract mind. Sex wasn’t what I was thinking of at all.”

“It…it wasn’t?”

“All I want, is for you to come with me to the police station and tell them it was all a terrible mistake and you want to withdraw the charges. That’s all I want and when you’ve done that I’ll leave you alone. I’ll get out of your life forever. I promise.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Rayn, these last two days I’ve had experiences I never had before and never want to repeat. I’ve been arrested, thrown in a cell, marched before a magistrate, who really wasn’t very nice to me, and locked up again. I don’t want that to ever happen again. I really don’t believe I did anything wrong and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t get convicted, at least my lawyer says so, but I’m not naïve enough to believe the result is assured. I can’t go to prison, Rayn, I can’t.”

“So if I withdraw the charges you’ll go away and never come back? Never contact me? No text, no call, no turning up, no Facebook friend?”

“Not even twitter?” Andy twinkles and winks at me.

“This isn’t a game, Andy.”

“Alright, alright, not even that. I promise.”

“Don’t trust him, Rayn. Daniel’s voice is hoarse and filled with tears, but it seems that he’s more clear headed than I am. “He’s a bad man, a liar, and he hurt me. Please…don’t trust him.”

“Shut up, puppy,” Andy growls. “No one was asking your opinion.”

“He’s right. I don’t trust you. You’ve given me absolutely no reason to trust you.”

“No,” Andy sounds thoughtful and there’s a look and his face I don’t like at all. “That’s very true. You’ve no reason to trust me, so I guess I’m going to have to try something a bit different. If you won’t do it for trust then do it because of this.” He moves closer until our noses touch. “If you don’t I’m going to kill you. I’m never going to leave you alone, not for a moment. One way or another I’ll hound you until the day you die. You’ll always be looking over your shoulder because you’ll never know when I’ll be behind you with a knife in your ribs.”

For a moment, blind terror stabs me and I’m paralyzed. I believe it. I believe he will hound me. I believe he will make my life a nightmare. I believe he will have me living in terror for the rest of my life.”


“No.” Somehow, Daniel has got to his feet and is standing to one side, shaking his head. “Don’t listen. He’s n…not telling the truth. He won’t stop. He…he’s a bully, Rayn and Sa…Sara says you have to…to stand up to—”

With a snarl, Andy spins. “I told you to shut up, retard.”

Time seems to slow down as Andy swings, putting his whole body behind a punch that connects with the side of Daniel’s head. I’ll never forget the look of pure shock on his face in the instant before he spins and crashes through the glass coffee table.


Time rushes back and speeds up exponentially as I try to throw myself past Andy who grabs me and slams me back against the wall so hard my teeth rattle. I barely notice. All I care about is Daniel, and getting to him.

“Get the fuck off me,” I scream and something snaps inside. “You bastard. What the fuck have you done?” I surge away from the wall and swing for Andy. I think it’s more luck than anything else that it connects with Andy’s jaw and drops him. It’s not that I forget about Daniel, far from it, but the rage that flares in me has to be satisfied first.

“Who the fuck do you think you are? You’re no one. A sad bastard who gets off on terrorising weak people, or at least people you think are weak. Well, I’m not, and Daniel’s not, and you are not…going…to…terrorize…me…any…more.”

By now I’m kneeling on his chest and punctuate my words with punches. He tried to defend himself but he’s no match for my rage.

“Rayn.” The soft voice at me shoulder switches off my rage like a light bulb. Suddenly, Andy doesn’t matter anymore.

“Daniel. Oh my God, Daniel. Are you hurt?” I scour him with my eyes but there doesn’t seem to be any blood.

“Yes, but I’m okay. Look.” He smiles and holds up a little cube of glass. “It smashed pretty.”

Relief washes through me and his words strike me as so funny I can’t stop laughing, which makes Daniel smile even more. I immediately abandon Andy and pull Daniel into my arms, but he cries out and squirms.

“My arm hurts,” he complains, his lip trembling.

“How bad is it?” My heart pounds at the thought of my Daniel being hurt.

“It hurts a lot.”

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

“My heart bleeds for you,” Andy growls and I kick him in the side.

“Nobody asks your opinion. Get the fuck out of my flat.”

“You’ll be sorry for this. I’m warning you. I won’t give you a moment’s peace and you’re going to have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life. And he’s sure as hell going to have to keep looking over his. One of these days I’m going to get you, you fucking retard.”

“You lay one finger on Daniel and I’ll tear you apart.”

“It’s alright, Rayn, I’m not afraid of him.”

Andy staggers to his feet and sneers at Daniel. “Then you’re a fucking fool. You should be afraid of me, freak. Be really afraid.” Andy lunges at Daniel, not as if he intends to make contact but as if he expects him to cringe away. He doesn’t.

“I’m not afraid of you,” Daniel repeats firmly. “No, Rayne,” he adds, shaking his head at me, “you can’t fight my battles for me and I’m quite able to…to fight my…my own.”

“Oh please.” Andy turns away.

“I’m sorry, Rayn,” Daniel says, looking really sad. “I’m not supposed to do this. Don’t tell Sara.”

Before I have a chance to ask what he’s talking about Daniel…does something. He steps forward, grabs Andy, twists and the next thing I know Andy’s on the floor with Daniel’s foot on his chest.

“You’re a ba…bad man. I don’t…don’t like hurting people. It’s wrong. I don’t fi…fight to…to hurt people, but I will…I will fight to protect my Rayn. Leave him alone. Leave me alone. You’re a bad man. Go away.”

“What the fuck are you?”

“I’m Daniel,” he says smiling. He takes a step back and allows Andy to scramble to his feet and head for the door. “Stay away from Rayne,” Daniel calls after him and he turns.

“The pair of you are insane. You’re dangerous. Don’t worry, I’m never coming near you again.” He can’t get out the door fast enough.

As soon as the door slams behind him, Daniel collapses in my arms and stars to sob. “I was sc…sc…scared Rayne. He…he…hu…hurt m…me.”

“I know. I know he did and I’m so sorry.” I hold him as carefully as I can, gently rubbing his back and hair. “You were incredibly brave. I’m so proud of you.”

Daniel pulls back so he can look into my eyes. “You are?”


Daniel beams at me and throws his arms around my neck, only to stagger back with a cry of pain that tears at my heart. He falls to his knees, holding his arm against his side and rocking. “It hurts, Rayne,” he whimpers. It hurts a lot.”

“Let me see.” I really don’t know what I’m looking for as I run my hand over Daniel’s shoulder then ease up his t-shirt. “Everything looks alright.” There’s an ugly bruise starting to disfigure the soft, pale skin of his shoulder but it doesn’t feel as if anything under the skin is doing something it shouldn’t. “Can you lift your arm?”

“I can but it hurts.”
“How much?”

“A lot.”

“Will you try for me?”

“Yes.” Slowly. Daniel raises his arm and I feel the muscles slide under his skin. Oh god, it turns me on. I must focus. “It feels okay. I think maybe I should take you to the hospital to get an x-ray in case your shoulder is fractured.”

“I don’t want to go to the hospital again.” Daniel looks up at me and pouts. He’s so cute when he does that.

“You really need to have someone take a look at your shoulder, Daniel. They probably won’t do anything other than put it in a sling.”

“But I don’t wanna go. I wanna stay here with you and go to bed,” he wails.

“We can go to bed later. I promise I’ll make it up to you when we get home.”

“Promise?” Daniel smiles and I melt.

“I promise.”

“Okay, if you want to.”

“Sit down for a bit while I clear up the mess. Don’t want to have to think about that when we come home. I guess we’ll just want to collapse into bed.”

“Sounds good to me.

Copyright © 2016 Nephylim; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Recommended Comments

Chapter Comments

I can't believe this crazed psychotic Andy is gone for good. He's mentally ill, -some
species of malignant narcissist or something and those people don't just walk away
from their victims. They want revenge or blood, or both. Where's Sarah? Somebody
needs to take this to the police and fast, before he tortures and kills somebody.


This chapter has set me on edge for sure.

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On 04/06/2016 09:12 AM, Stephen said:

I can't believe this crazed psychotic Andy is gone for good. He's mentally ill, -some

species of malignant narcissist or something and those people don't just walk away

from their victims. They want revenge or blood, or both. Where's Sarah? Somebody

needs to take this to the police and fast, before he tortures and kills somebody.


This chapter has set me on edge for sure.

Don't panic!

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I was shocked Andy made the completely stupid move to open the door. He knows how Andy is. He has Daniel to protect as well. He didn't even call the cops or threaten to call them before approaching the door. To me, his response was not believable, given what he'd just been through. There are other ways Andy could've gotten in. He could've gotten a copy of the key, for example. Or broken the door down. Or pretended to be someone else.


Also: Daniel went through a glass table and there were NO cuts? His shoulder hurt, but not his face where he'd been punched? And Andy gave up just because Daniel used a martial arts move on him? That didn't ring true, given the nature of Andy's obsession. In fact, I would expect him to try again, but armed with a weapon. In addition, Rayn described Daniel crying 'like the child he is," but the entire story has stressed that Daniel is NOT a child, so I found that jarring. (And if Rayn thinks he's a child and he's having sex with him ... ew.)


I've enjoyed the main characters very much, Nephylim, so I hope you don't think I'm making these comments out of pettiness. I just want to help make the story stronger. I'm a fan of your work.

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Please have Rayn call the cops from hospital ? This must stop. Well that part of the story. Rayn and Daniel could mux through a few more chapters for sure. Your characters are always so beautiful and beautifully drawn... Then you pull them end us through the most exquisite pain. You are good?

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On 04/06/2016 10:27 AM, Geemeedee said:

I was shocked Andy made the completely stupid move to open the door. He knows how Andy is. He has Daniel to protect as well. He didn't even call the cops or threaten to call them before approaching the door. To me, his response was not believable, given what he'd just been through. There are other ways Andy could've gotten in. He could've gotten a copy of the key, for example. Or broken the door down. Or pretended to be someone else.


Also: Daniel went through a glass table and there were NO cuts? His shoulder hurt, but not his face where he'd been punched? And Andy gave up just because Daniel used a martial arts move on him? That didn't ring true, given the nature of Andy's obsession. In fact, I would expect him to try again, but armed with a weapon. In addition, Rayn described Daniel crying 'like the child he is," but the entire story has stressed that Daniel is NOT a child, so I found that jarring. (And if Rayn thinks he's a child and he's having sex with him ... ew.)


I've enjoyed the main characters very much, Nephylim, so I hope you don't think I'm making these comments out of pettiness. I just want to help make the story stronger. I'm a fan of your work.

Don't worry, hun I never take offence at criticism as long as it's thoughtful. In fact I welcome anything that might make my writing better. First, the table. Daniel himself comments that the table broke into little cubes. It was safety glass. It wouldn't have cut him. I'm pretty sure that Daniel's head hurt too but his shoulder hurt worse.


I agree that Rayne opened the door way too easily but he's so conditioned by Andy he didn't really have a chance and I don't think he's still realized how dangerous Andy truly is. Don't worry, he does go to the police. Once he's sure Daniel is safe with Sara he goes straight to the police station. Of course, they'll have to interview Daniel but they'll have to come to the house for that. I'm pretty sure Sara will convince Daniel to make his own complaint, although that will bring its own problems at court in particular.


The story is not over and Andy hasn't been frightened away altogether.


You're right. It was wrong of Rayn to think of Daniel as a child here. I'm going to change that.


Thank you so much for thinking to make such an useful comment.

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On 04/08/2016 09:17 PM, Gandalf said:

Please have Rayn call the cops from hospital ? This must stop. Well that part of the story. Rayn and Daniel could mux through a few more chapters for sure. Your characters are always so beautiful and beautifully drawn... Then you pull them end us through the most exquisite pain. You are good?

Don't worry. Rayn is focussed on Daniel at this point but he DOES call the cops, and Rayn and Daniel definitely mux through a few more chapters :) Thank you! *hugs*

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Actually, Nephy, I think your comment about Daniel crying like the child he is is appropriate since there are aspects of Daniel that will forever be child-like. That's one of the things that makes him so appealing. His being given to crying is such and Rayn can be completely forgiven for thinking such a thing, because it is so true. One has to appreciate, like you are earnestly getting us to do, how complex Daniel is. He's an adult-child. Please don't change it!
This was a very dramatic chapter, but takes the whole Andy thing to another level and is great in showing how Daniel and Rayn actually make an amazing team and are able to fight off a bully in spite of who they are. Go Daniel! Go Rayn! You did it! You chased the bully off! Yeah!
So now I'm caught up. Drat! I hate waiting for the next installment. That's when I lose the plot and get distracted by another story. Oh well! See you later - much later. Perhaps when the story is finished.

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This was an amazing chapter.. I was so mad at Rayn for being silly enough to open the door Andy after promising Sara he'd keep Daniel safe. But Daniel showed us up. He proved that he could take care of himself if he had to, and he made Andy run.
Maybe seeing how much worse it could have been will finally convince Rayn to call the cops and get rid of this guy for good..

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On 04/09/2016 03:01 PM, Jaro_423 said:

Actually, Nephy, I think your comment about Daniel crying like the child he is is appropriate since there are aspects of Daniel that will forever be child-like. That's one of the things that makes him so appealing. His being given to crying is such and Rayn can be completely forgiven for thinking such a thing, because it is so true. One has to appreciate, like you are earnestly getting us to do, how complex Daniel is. He's an adult-child. Please don't change it!

This was a very dramatic chapter, but takes the whole Andy thing to another level and is great in showing how Daniel and Rayn actually make an amazing team and are able to fight off a bully in spite of who they are. Go Daniel! Go Rayn! You did it! You chased the bully off! Yeah!

So now I'm caught up. Drat! I hate waiting for the next installment. That's when I lose the plot and get distracted by another story. Oh well! See you later - much later. Perhaps when the story is finished.

I'm so sorry I'm so late in giving a response. For some reason I stopped getting notifications when there was a review so, a year late, thank you for your review!

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On 04/18/2016 07:28 AM, Defiance19 said:

This was an amazing chapter.. I was so mad at Rayn for being silly enough to open the door Andy after promising Sara he'd keep Daniel safe. But Daniel showed us up. He proved that he could take care of himself if he had to, and he made Andy run.

Maybe seeing how much worse it could have been will finally convince Rayn to call the cops and get rid of this guy for good..

I'm so sorry for the delay. I stopped getting notificaations of reviews but I hope my thank you will still be of value even though it's a year late.

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