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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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My Brother Daniel - 17. Epilogue

Andy made good on his promise. He pleaded guilty and got away with a suspended sentence and probation. I haven’t heard anything from him since. Jamie’s mother called to ask if I’d been the one who send the flowers. I told her I had no idea who it was and she must have a secret admirer which lit her up like a candle. We had a long chat and I promised to visit. I haven’t yet, but maybe I will one day.

Daniel and I were married at Castell Henllys. It was Daniel’s idea. It wasn’t a legal marriage, we had that quietly in a civil service in town the next day, but it was our true wedding nevertheless. Daniel managed to get in touch with the re-enactment group and they conducted the ceremony. All our friends were there and, presenting me with one of those typically and uniquely Daniel surprises, my mother and sister were there. My father wasn’t quite able to manage attending a gay wedding but even he warmed to Daniel in the end. Everyone warms to Daniel in the end.

I’m looking at a photograph of the wedding right now. It’s been blown up and mounted over the fireplace in our new house. I know it’s not the usual kind of thing people have over their fireplace – a group of people, some in iron age clothing, some dressed for a wedding, with me and Daniel in the middle, dressed as Celtic warriors. Daniel’s brandishing a sword and looks so happy and so beautiful. Just looking at him makes me smile, no matter how I might be feeling, and at the moment I’m feeling about as nervous as I have ever been.

A pair of arms snake around my waist and warm breath tickles my neck. “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Daniel turns me round. He looks anxious and agitated. “You’re not having second thoughts? It’s a bit late now, really.”

“No, I’m not having second thoughts, how could I? To be perfectly honest with you, I’m scared to death. I’m not good with things like this, and I hate hospitals.”

“But this time it’s different. We’re not going there because someone is sick.”

“I know. It’s just…. Do I really have to go in there? Do I have to watch?”

“Yes, you do,” Daniel says firmly. You have to be there when our son is born. How else will he know you’re his father? I know it’s scary and very icky. I’ve watched videos and you should have too.”

“Eew. The less time I have to spend looking at a woman’s…bits, the better I like it.”

Daniel laughs. “You’re so gay,” he says and drags me out of the room.

All the way to the hospital, my hands grip the wheel until the knuckles are white and Daniel chatters on about what to expect when we get there. He’s actually excited about watching our son being born. He isn’t helping that queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

When we get to the hospital we check in and are rushed to the delivery room, with the news that things are well underway. I’m surprised my legs carry me. There’s not much I can do but follow Daniel, who’s towing me through the corridors.

A nurse meets us just outside and ushers us into the room, where Julia, our surrogate is screaming fit to burst. Before I know it I’m positioned with a clear view between her legs and there’s nothing I can do but look.

Wow, that’s messy. Wait. It hits me like a brick between the eyes. That slimy, bloody mass is a head, my son’s head. Suddenly my heart is beating fit to burst. Daniel is on the other side, holding tight to Julia’s hand and saying all the right things. I can’t think of a single word and I don’t think I could speak it even if I could. A hand slips into mine and I look down into Julia’s pale face. It appears we’re on a break and she manages to smile.

“I’m so glad you’re here, Rayn.”

I nod, still unable to speak.

“I thought I was going to go through it alone. I was so scared. I feel better now, safe with you and Daniel.”

We’ve become good friends over the last nine months. Everyone who gets involved with Daniel winds up as friends. He seems to attract only nice people. I guess only nice people take the time to get involved with him.

I nod again while Daniel continues chatting about how of course she’s safe with us and we’ll keep on taking care of her and we’ll be her friends forever and she can come see Ashley – my choice of name. Daniel wanted Rainbow for a girl or Raven for a boy – any time she wants. He hardly stammers at all these days and, in fact, we can’t shut him up a lot of the time. That’s fine because I love to hear his voice.

Julia smiles but it doesn’t last long because a spasm of pain overcomes her and she crushes my fingers to the point I yelp. Steeling myself I look down and see something wonderful. I see my son’s face.

After another break the rest of Ashley slides into the world and suddenly there he is, lying on Julia’s chest…um…bare chest. I have to look away.

The nurse is saying something to me. I missed it because Ashley chooses this moment to start crying. Wailing actually. “Sorry?”

“Would you like to cut the cord?”

I look down at the pulsing purple…thing, that connects Ashley to his mother. “Um…no thanks.”

“I will. I will,” Daniel pipes up and I watch as he takes the scissors and slowly and carefully snips through the cord. He hands the scissors back to the nurse, beaming. “I did it, Rayn. I cut the cord and made him separate. He’s here. Right here. Look, I can touch him.” He very gently strokes Ashley’s head. Julia looks up at him and they share a beautiful look. It warms my heart.

After a few moments the nurse whisks Ashley away to weigh and measure him and when she brings him back, wrapped in a soft, fluffy blanket, she lays him in my arms. Shocked, I look down and a pair of sleepy blue eyes stare back. Jesus, I’m a father. I have a son. Daniel appears at my shoulder and I look up, stunned again by the expression on his face.

“Hey little baby,” he says. “I’m your Daddy Daniel and this is your Daddy Rayn. I’m going to be the fun one and Rayn will take care of us both. It can seem like he’s a bit preachy and cross sometimes but it’s only because he loves us and wants to teach us to take care of ourselves. Not that we’ll need to because he’ll always look after us and protect us and love us. You’ll love him too. He’s the best husband in the world and he’s going to be the best daddy in the world.

“Oh, and you have a great mother too. Her name is Julia and she’s going to be around for you…to do the mother kind of things. You’re such a lucky little boy.”

I stare in wonder at Daniel’s face and realise that yes, Ashley is a lucky little boy, and I’m a lucky man.

Copyright © 2016 Nephylim; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Loved this from the start. Touches my heart. Fabulous ending. Almost wanted him to call those friends. :devil: Thanks for another fantastic read. :thankyou:

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This has to be one of my favorite stories on GA! Rayne is such a great guy, and Daniel's enthusiasm just bursts right off the screen! I ended reading the epilogue with tears of joy! Not only did they get married, like Daniel said they would, but now they're dads! What a great and joyous way to end such a wonderful story!

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this was beautiful.....you have filled my heart with happiness for Rayn and Daniel and now little Ashley............Beautiful story, full of love, hope and compassion.......Thank you so much for this gift..........Mike

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Well darn if that little slice of happy didn't make me tear up. After all Rayn and Daniel have been through, they deserved this wonderful ending.


A fantastic, emotional tale, very well told from the start. Thank you Nephy!

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Wow! Rayne and Daniel will join Silver as friends to pull out and get reacquainted with from time to time. Thanks so much for your work and another great tale.

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Beautiful ending to a beautiful story. This was one of the most unique and interesting stories I've ever read. I read to learn about different people, places, and experiences – this story definitely fits those criteria.


Thank you Nephylim!

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I knew I'd love this story because you wrote it, but WOW, I absolutely loved Rayn and Daniel. :wub::wub: Thank you for such a great story that I will definitely read again. :thankyou:

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On 06/30/2016 02:59 AM, jadelilac said:


Loved this from the start. Touches my heart. Fabulous ending. Almost wanted him to call those friends. :devil: Thanks for another fantastic read. :thankyou:

I'm sorry I've taken so long to respond. For some reason I stopped getting noticiations. Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed. i'm very fond of Daniel and I was pleased to get to tell his story.

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On 06/30/2016 05:31 AM, jaysalmn said:

This has to be one of my favorite stories on GA! Rayne is such a great guy, and Daniel's enthusiasm just bursts right off the screen! I ended reading the epilogue with tears of joy! Not only did they get married, like Daniel said they would, but now they're dads! What a great and joyous way to end such a wonderful story!

Thank you. I think the epilogue was important because Daniel has been struggling throughout with what he'd been told he can't do and it was important to see just what he could achieve with encouragement. I think he will make a brilliant father

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On 06/30/2016 10:45 AM, flamingo136 said:


this was beautiful.....you have filled my heart with happiness for Rayn and Daniel and now little Ashley............Beautiful story, full of love, hope and compassion.......Thank you so much for this gift..........Mike

I'm so sorry it's taken so long to say thank you for your review. Somehow I've stopped getting notifications. I'm really glad you emjooyed the story. It's scary to see how long it's been since I posted. I'd better get my act in gear and start another one soom

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On 06/30/2016 12:37 PM, Defiance19 said:

Well darn if that little slice of happy didn't make me tear up. After all Rayn and Daniel have been through, they deserved this wonderful ending.


A fantastic, emotional tale, very well told from the start. Thank you Nephy!

You're more than welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed the ending. i think it was important for Daniel's development to show Rayn's faith in him and his own faith in himself There is no greater expression of love and trust than to share your life with a child (In a way Rayn's got two :D )

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On 06/30/2016 01:11 PM, Gandalf said:

Wow! Rayne and Daniel will join Silver as friends to pull out and get reacquainted with from time to time. Thanks so much for your work and another great tale.

Thank you. So sorry for the delay. There is a similarity between Daniel and Silver. Not that Silver has a mental impairment like Daniel but he has the same simplistic way of looking at the world, and the same wonder for all that he finds in it :D. It was a joy to write Daniel although the first place in my heart will always go to Silver. When changing my pseudonym for writing I chose Nephy Hart (Hart being Silver/Matthew's name) I'm up to book 5 in Enigma, although I've only published 3 so far. Silver just won't let go. This is the only series I have ever written :D

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On 06/30/2016 04:40 PM, droughtquake said:

Beautiful ending to a beautiful story. This was one of the most unique and interesting stories I've ever read. I read to learn about different people, places, and experiences – this story definitely fits those criteria.


Thank you Nephylim!

Thank you. That's exactly why I write :D

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On 07/11/2016 09:20 AM, LadyDe said:

I knew I'd love this story because you wrote it, but WOW, I absolutely loved Rayn and Daniel. :wub::wub: Thank you for such a great story that I will definitely read again. :thankyou:

Aw thank you for the vote of confidence. I'm really glad you enjoyed dreading about Daniel and Rayn. I certainly enoyed writing them

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:sheep: it is over...

Joking, I loved this story:wub:

So interesting and special characters, Daniel struggle to was enlightening, make us think how people with mental or development disabilities are not kids, and how hard it is for them to find a place in society as adults. Thank you

Just one curiosity, how old were they now, when the baby was born?


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It was really awsome.You know when sometimes you want to read smth n anything will do.I started wid it just randomly and was pleasently surprised.The special relationship between Rayn n Daniel is so beautifully wonderful.You just made my day with this story Nephylim. ;)

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On 11/19/2017 at 9:16 PM, Sweetlion said:

:sheep: it is over...

Joking, I loved this story:wub:

So interesting and special characters, Daniel struggle to was enlightening, make us think how people with mental or development disabilities are not kids, and how hard it is for them to find a place in society as adults. Thank you

Just one curiosity, how old were they now, when the baby was born?



It was about five or six years later so they would be in their late twenties.  

Opps, forgot to say thank you. Thank you!!!! :D

Edited by Nephylim
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On 12/11/2017 at 8:23 AM, Caramel8 said:

It was really awsome.You know when sometimes you want to read smth n anything will do.I started wid it just randomly and was pleasently surprised.The special relationship between Rayn n Daniel is so beautifully wonderful.You just made my day with this story Nephylim. ;)

Thank you! I'm just so very sorry it's taken me so long to respond. You've made my day, too :D

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On 4/20/2018 at 7:52 PM, Sweetlion said:

This is a great story, I read it twice already.


I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I needed this today.

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2 hours ago, Sussins said:

Second time read still it 😊 


I'm so glad you enjoy it so much. It was great fun to write becasue I put so much of myself and my time doing  iron age reenactment into it :D

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Nephylim I have just finished the whole story in two days. Could not put it down except to sleep lol

I loved it. It was so engrossing, touching and beautiful from start to finish, hence why this is the first time I commented lol


I would love to here more about these two but understand if this is the end and what a beautiful ending and I was so proud of the way Rayn handled Andy in the end. Karma wins :thankyou:

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