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    R. Eric
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  • 2,255 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Cinderfella 2: A New Life - 9. Chapter 9

Seeing Deena Thorne’s execution was gruesome. In many ways it was anticlimactic. The only emotion I had was pity. Pity that a life was wasted! For Seth, it was the end of a nightmare he endured for two decades. For Samuel, it ended a life of witnessing his brother being tormented by these people and denied a life with his true family. For Alex, denied the opportunity to know or raise his sons, I could not even begin to comprehend the Hell he lived for those two decades.

Alex made a sound and began to collapse.

“Dad!” Seth gasped holding his father up. I was immediately on Alex’s other side. “Get the palace physician!” Seth called to no one and anyone.

Samuel, who had been on the ground level to witness the execution looked up startled and was instantly in motion to come upstairs.

Seth picked his father up easily and carried him quickly through the palace to Alex’s room. Putting his father gently on the bed he covered the man gently, Seth continued to hover over his father. “The doctor’s coming, hang on.”

Alex shook his head. “We both know what’s happening, don’t we?” He smiled as Samuel rushed to his father’s bedside.

“Dad!!” Samuel was crying now. He also knew what was happening. “You can’t go. I need you!”

Alex laughed weakly. “I don’t want to go, but no one really asked me. It’s just going to happen no matter what I do or say.”

“Aw, Dad.” Seth was crying now with his brother. Okay, I was, too. “This isn’t fair. We were just getting to know you. I was beginning to know you.”

Alex shook his head. “It isn’t fair. But that’s what is happening.” Then he smiled, running a hand over Seth’s face, then Sam’s. “You are both so beautiful. My sons.” Then he looked at me. “All my sons are beautiful.” His hand reached for me weakly and I shortened the reach, coming to the other side and taking his hand.

Terry came in with Michael, now two years old, she was looking very worried. Of course, Michael didn’t know what was going on, but he wasn’t smiling, he knew whatever was happening, it wasn’t good.

“I’m just sorry I won’t be here to watch Michael grow up.” Then Alex smiled. “But what do I know? I might be. There are moments I’m certain your mother sees me.” Then he got a far off look. “I pray I’ll see her soon. Not a day ever went by I didn’t think of her. I never met another to tempt me to marry again.” A tear ran down his face, then he looked back at his sons. “How I loved your mother. She is the one person I cherished in my life. And the lives we made together.” He looked up at Terry. “Don’t let Sam by with anything. Keep him on track.”

Terry nodded. “I always have.” She smiled running fingers in Alex’s hair. “Don’t worry about him or me.”

Alex nodded with a knowing smile. Then he looked at me. “You came here and brought my family back to me. I am so grateful to you. That you love my son as fiercely as you do was kind of shocking. But easy to see.” He chuckled. “He’s a good man.” He said about his son.

I nodded. “I know.”

“You are as much a son of mine as they are,” Alex swore. “Since he’s my son, know that he can be quite stubborn.”

I laughed at that. “I know that, too.”

Then he looked at Michael. “My precious grandson. I have some letters I wrote for him. From a former king to a future king sure, but also from his grandfather personally to him. I know he’ll grow to be a good man, and hopefully a great king.”

Terry sat on the bed, letting her son crawl to his grandfather which he curled up beside. “Well, I wasn’t sure, but I know now.” She smiled at Samuel. “I didn’t even tell you yet.” She smiled at Alex. “You’ll have another grandchild.” She rubbed her midsection. “In about seven to eight months.”

Alex smiled even wider. “That’s wonderful!” He sighed again, but very happy. “Both my grandchildren will be born from love. That’s how it should be.” He looked at Samuel. “When it’s time, you allow Michael to marry who he loves. Understand?”

Samuel nodded, but he was too upset to speak.

Alex nodded. “Now, I’m very tired. Just let me rest a moment.” He closed his eyes and his breathing settled as he drifted off.

I took Terry’s hand. “We better give him some space.”

She nodded, gathering her son who whimpered a little at being taken away. Seth and Samuel remained as we left his room.

This was one time that the passing of events just seemed to drag. I sat with Terry and Michael in their quarters. It was a couple of hours later when the door opened. Samuel walked in.

“He’s here,” Sam said to Seth who was in the corridor. Then he walked over with his brother. “It’s over. Dad died a few moments ago.”

I’ve said it before, knowing what was happening and have it happen were two different things. It still hurt. Seth walked to me as I stood up for Seth, he just gathered me up and hugged me. “I’m sorry.” Was all I could say.

Seth wept quietly. “He just didn’t wake up.” He sniffed a little. “It was very peaceful.”

I hugged him tightly. “It’s more than any man can hope for.”

Samuel let his wife go a little. “Of course, we need to let the people know. Plan the funeral, all of Blethos will want to see him.”

I nodded. “And we’ll help you.”


The announcement went out all across Blethos and her towns. People began gathering in front of the castle as people came to express their grief and support to the family. Alex was much loved. And the Church was there, not that Alex cared for any of them much. Alex was on display just briefly and people were allowed to see him as they came through the palace to do so. But it would have been bad for the family to allow their father to begin stinking, so he was buried by his wife. Seth and I returned to Royal Valley shortly after that. Neither of us were in too much of a hurry.


We spent a week just getting things back in order. Production returned of the vineyard and winery. Life was returning to normal. I sent an invitation to the families of Ezekiel and Gabriel to come for dinner with their parents that following Saturday night. When our guests arrived, they were…well…wondering why they’d been invited.

Ezekiel had gotten his dark hair and size from his father. That man was literally a bear of a man! Dark hair covered his chin. His mother had dark brown hair. Gabriel had gotten his blonde hair from his mother, his father had dark sandy colored hair, but more delicate features than Ezekiel’s father. Ezekiel’s father was the blacksmith. Gabriel’s father worked in the vineyard with Seth.

Condolences were expressed at Alex’s passing to us. But soon we were chatting and things were not so grim. Neither Seth or I thought we should bring up the subject of the evening and left it to Ezekiel or Gabriel. After dessert, Gabriel put his fork down and cleared his throat.

“Mr. Seth and Mr. Erik invited us here because we asked them to,” Gabriel said. “As a favor.”

Gabriel’s father sat back a little. “Oh?”

“What do you think about them, Dad?” Ezekiel asked his father.

Ezekiel’s father wasn’t ready for this question. How could he be? “What do you mean? They’re good at business. They took a business that was doing well and made it even better. They helped us become a real town.”

Ezekiel nodded. “I mean, what do you think about their marriage?”

Ezekiel’s mother frowned. “About their marriage? Why should we care? It’s their marriage.”

Ezekiel looked at Gabriel. “The reason we ask is….”

“Ezekiel and I are in love,” Gabriel said quickly.

All four parents looked at their sons in shock. “What!?” A mother said. “Impossible.” The other mother said. “You can’t be!” A father claimed. “Are you out of your mind!?” The other father asked.

Seth stood suddenly. “Stop!!” He shouted, stopping the conversations and outrage in its tracks. Then Seth leaned forward. “Think before you speak next. Is it shocking? Yes. But it is. Saying no, or denying it won’t change anything.” Seth said sitting again.

Ezekiel’s father glared at Seth and me. “This is because of you!”

I nodded. “I hope so,” I confessed. “We didn’t make them this way, but because we are, they felt safe to let us know first.” I took Seth’s hand. “Love between two human beings is hard enough. But to have your family deny it, hate you because of it…even want to kill because of it is pointless. It won’t change what is.” I looked at them all. “Do you doubt the love between Seth and me?”

“You’re different.” Gabriel’s father said weakly.

“How?” I asked.

“There was no real choice.” Gabriel’s father argued. “You made a decision to get a ruler for Blethos. Seth was the best choice obviously.”

Seth nodded. “But answer the question. Do you deny there is real love between us? That what we have is a real marriage?”

Ezekiel’s father hesitated. “Well…no, but….he’s our son.”

“So?” Seth asked. “You have a son that loves another human. That human happens to be male. What’s the problem?”

“It’s illegal!” Ezekiel’s mother said.

“So, what we have is illegal, too,” I argued. “The law changes, but people don’t. We, those like Seth and me. Or even Gabriel and Ezekiel have been around since mankind began. History is full of accounts to prove that’s true. Rare, but true.”

“Ezekiel and Gabriel knew you’d react badly,” Seth said. “They feared your reaction would hurt them, maybe even kill them.” He leveled a look to Ezekiel’s father. “Is that fear justified?”

“But how can they live?” Gabriel’s mother asked. “They can be prosecuted and even hung for it!” Then she shook her head. “They can’t marry like you two. The Church would never condone it.”

I shrugged. “They didn’t for us, either.”

“And what does the Church know?” Seth growled. “Love is love. It is. To put rules and regulations about it is stupid!”

“The scriptures, no matter what is said, as written by man for man.” I continued. “God never said a word about it. If he had said we shouldn’t, don’t you think there’d be eleven commandments? Not ten?”

Ezekiel’s mother shook her head. “That doesn’t mean they’ll be safe!”

“They will be here,” Seth stated. “This is their home. A person should be safe at home. And if anyone wants to press charges against them, they will have to press charges against Erik and me.” Seth swore.

“Agreed.” I nodded, then I grinned. “We sort of have favor with our king.”

“And his word is still the most powerful in the kingdom.” Seth grinned. “Let ‘em try and prosecute Gabriel and Ezekiel. They will be in for a fight they have no hope of winning.”

Gabriel’s mother looked at her son. “It’s just….so bizarre.”

I nodded. “It can be.” Then I looked at Seth. “Perhaps we should get Samuel to rule that law null and void. At least others like us can’t be prosecuted.”

Seth snorted. “He could.” He nodded. “But that would not be received well. People aren’t going to like something they refuse to accept.”

“Why should our situation be different?” I asked. “Because we’re princes? Sons of kings?”

Seth gave a grudging nod. “Well….yes.”

“It may take a while before a law is passed saying they can marry. But until then, they have our support.” I said smiling at Ezekiel and Gabriel. Then I looked at their parents. “I hope they have yours. Because your reaction is going to determine how Royal Valley reacts.”

“We just don’t want them hurt.” Gabriel’s father said softly.

“We can be.” Ezekiel took Gabriel’s hand. “We know that. But we’re willing to risk it.”

Ezekiel’s father rose. “Just…give us a little while to….absorb it. Okay?” He looked at his son. “Give us that, at least.”

Ezekiel nodded. “Of course, but…” then he smiled at Gabriel. “…its gonna happen. It already started. We can’t stop because you can’t accept it.”

I smiled at them. “Now, do we let them return with you? Or do we have guests for a few days?”

“Why would…” Ezekiel’s father began to ask but then shook his head. “…I’d never hurt my son.” Then he laughed. “Look at him! He’s almost as big as me now! I’m not sure I could!”

The fact that Ezekiel’s father was using humor was a very good sign. I grinned at Seth. “Well, you all raised good sons who are proving to be good men. You have to be proud of them.”

Gabriel’s father was taking it more seriously. “But I don’t like how dangerous their lives will be.”

I nodded. “So, make it less dangerous. Accept it.”

Gabriel’s father nodded. “I don’t have a choice.”

Seth nodded. “And don’t forget. We all know each other.” He leveled a look at the parents. “We’ll know if you don’t.”

Copyright © 2017 R. Eric; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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On 11/20/2016 07:40 PM, droughtquake said:

Gabriel and Zek's paren't took it better than I expected. But was Seth's threat really necessary?

I told you. He was a bear of a man! His taking it well could be faked. You didn't see him. I did. I told you. And there will be other threats to others. But you will find that father is the fiercest defender later.

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