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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Acquittal - 21. Chapter 20

Kyle was in a foul mood. The chilly late October air hit his face as he exited his office, preparing to head across the street to the courthouse. The murder case had gone nowhere in the last four weeks and his schedule had kept him busy through the week so much so he was taking work home to read over after Matt was in bed. To make matters worse, the court had moved the “People v. Simpkins” case three times since the end of September, this last time moving it to today instead of next Monday. And the judge also decided she would hear sentencing arguments after the plea was entered into the court right after, which gave him only a couple days to ready his argument to sustain the state’s position that the defendant serve the full twenty-five years that was agreed upon.

Judges in the state have wide discretion when it comes to sentencing convicted defendants and Judge Harper was one of those judges that would sometimes change the sentence from what was agreed upon by the state and the defense attorney. He knew if the defense made a credible argument, Mark Simpkins could walk out of the courtroom with just a ten year sentence or even less. He couldn’t allow that to happen. So he spent the last three days preparing his argument for the full twenty-five year punishment. Privately, he suspected the defense had something to do with the change in schedule but there wasn’t much he could do about it. They probably knew the moment his guilty plea was entered he’d be taken to jail while awaiting sentencing and they wanted to extend it out a few more weeks before the inevitable.

As he stood at the corner, waiting for the signal to cross, he realized part or most of his foul mood was that he hadn’t had a chance to go back home since Labor Day weekend. He and Jacob had stayed in touch through phone calls and text messages. It was a welcome relief at the end of the day each night getting to talk again like they did years ago. There was no more uncomfortable silence or fumbled words between them. They’d both found a new peace between them and it became fertile ground for their love to grow. Kyle kept him up to date on Matt and his work while Jacob kept him informed on what was going on at home. He wished he could go home to Jacob every day but for now, the phone calls were enough. He already knew that, if given the choice, Matt would be a lot happier spending his days with Jacob than with the kids at daycare. Since his time spent with his grandfather, Matt had started becoming less and less thrilled about going to the daycare center every day. Kyle tried to explain to him why he couldn’t just go to grandpa’s everyday but the simple logic of a three-year-old couldn’t grasp the concept of time passed going from one place to another very easily.

He sighed, waiting for the signal to cross the street. His hand was getting cold in the wind holding onto his briefcase. He just wanted this day to be over. Maybe if he could get this done before too late, he could leave an hour early and take Matt to visit his dad and Jacob. Considering his luck this past week, he doubted that would happen. The thing bothering him the most was his last night at his dad’s house. He hadn’t slept with anyone in awhile, much less had sex with them. But the sex with Jacob after so long had felt just so natural. There were no awkward moments and it lasted a lot longer than either of them expected. That thought brought a small smirk to his lips. He missed it and resented the slow investigation and this stupid kid he’s about to put in prison was making it harder for him to get home.

Kyle finally got across the street and headed into the courthouse. Taking the elevator up, he checked the time on his phone. Ten minutes left until the hearing starts. He hoped Stephanie remembered. The thought of texting her to check crossed his mind but he trusted that she would remember and be in the courtroom when he walked in. As he stepped out of the elevator and headed down the hallway, he still felt a slight thrill at the sound of his shoes clicking on the marble flooring passing columns as he headed down to the room the hearing was meant to take place. Kyle had been in the courtroom a number of times. He’s had a few cases actually go to trial but most of the time his cases ended the same way this one was going to end. A plea agreement which will save time and money for everyone involved. Getting a plea agreement always made him feel a little more triumphant than a case going to a jury. It told him he’d done his job so well that the defense had no defense.

Walking in, he saw his faith in Stephanie was well placed. She was already sitting straight up in her chair in the middle of their table. To the far side, Mike was sitting next to her. They seemed to be in deep conversation. He spared a glance to the other table in the courtroom as he stepped through the small swivel door and saw that Steve and his client, Mark, were sitting and waiting. He nodded to Steph as he sat down, putting his briefcase on the table and opening it, pulling out his notes.

“Waiting for the last second? How unlike you,” Steph whispered with a small smirk. Her blonde hair was up in a bun and her eyes were shining.

“The judge isn’t here yet so I’m not late,” he quietly before going over his notes. “Are the Alberra’s here?”

“Yeah,” she replied. “I already asked them and they’ve declined to make any statements to the court about sentencing.”

“That’s fine,” he replied, “I think I have enough to say that should put him away.”

Mike had been looking around at the people in the gallery. This was his first time actually in a courtroom and he was still a little excited about it all. He was hoping to learn a lot from watching Kyle. But for now, until the judge arrived at least, he wanted to check out the gallery. There were more people present than he expected but still enough space that he could easily pick out faces. He saw a middle-aged couple sitting just behind him that must be the parents of the victim in this case. He’d read over the motions and findings and the plea agreement. He’d also heard the news reports and remembers seeing Kyle on TV when he was finishing up law school.

He kept scanning the room for anyone interesting until he stopped on a guy sitting in the back of the room. He had a Pirates ball cap on with a light brown jacket. His face was attractive enough with a little bit of dark facial hair and the eyes were pale blue. What set him apart from everyone else was that his eyes never moved. The man’s gaze seemed fixed on Kyle enough so that he looked like a stalker. He turned back to Steph and nudged her to get her attention. “There’s this weird guy in the back staring down the back of Kyle’s head,” he whispered softly in her ear.

She gave him an odd look and casually turned her head slowly to get her own look. When she saw what Mike had been talking about she quickly turned her head and covered her mouth. Stephanie barely maintained her composure as she was getting ready to say something to Kyle but she was interrupted by the appearance of the judge coming into the room. She stood along with everyone else in the room, unable to fully suppress the grin on her face.

By the time the judge took her seat, Kyle felt prepared to deliver his argument. After taking his seat again, he waited expectantly for the judge to call him. “Mr. Howard, are you ready to proceed,” she asked in a formal tone.

Kyle rose to his feet. “The commonwealth is ready to proceed, your honor.”

“Very well then,” the judge said. “Mr. Dawson, is it your client’s intention today to change his plea from not guilty to guilty at this time?”

The defendant and his attorney rose before Steve replied, “yes, your honor.”

“Does the defendant understand that by entering this plea he will be waiving his rights to a trial?”

“I do,” the young man stated with a stony face.

“Are you entering this plea with no mental reservation or any act of coercion by another party?”


The judge’s eyes glanced down at the papers in her hands before stating, “in the case of the People vs. Simpkins, where the defendant, Mark Simpkins, is charged with first degree manslaughter involving the death of Jeremy Alberra, how does the defendant plead?”

The young man kept his eyes focused forward, looking at nothing as he said in a monotone voice, “guilty.”

“Is the defendant prepared to give a confession at this time?”

“We have a written confession, your honor, we can submit now,” Steve picked up a page and walked it up to the bench, handing it to clerk, who skimmed it before handing it to the judge.

The judge looked over the paper and made a notation before proceeding. “In exchange for the guilty plea, the commonwealth will dismiss all other charges that were pending in this case, Mr. Howard?”

Kyle nodded, “yes, your honor.”

“Is the commonwealth satisfied with the written confession?”

He nodded. “We are.”

“Very well then,” she turned her gaze to the defendant before continuing. “It is the request of the defense that we proceed to the sentencing phase today. Is the prosecution ready to proceed?”

“We are,” he replied, carefully keeping a frown from his face. He knew Steve did this on purpose, hoping that the lack of preparation could hinder Kyle’s argument. Normally, he would spend a couple weeks preparing instead of the four days he’d been given. He would have to hope that it would be enough. When the judge allowed him to proceed, he placed his prepared remarks on the small podium in front of him and began. “Your honor, all of us here in this courtroom would like to be somewhere else today. The defendant, no doubt, would like to be back in school. The rest of us… well… we could have a better day without having to remember the tragedy that brings us here today.” He paused for a moment to gather himself before continuing, his voice getting a little stronger and more confident. “Your honor, the defendant’s guilt was clear from the moment Jeremy Alberra died in an ICU ward over a year ago. It could have been an accident if the defendant or any of the other students involved in their ritual hazing had done the right thing at the time and called for emergency services. None of them called and every young man involved in this all say that had Mark Simpkins not forced them to stay quiet or to not call for help, they would have. And why did he do this? Because he was afraid of getting in trouble. He didn’t want the hazing exposed. He didn’t want to admit to making an error in judgement. He wanted to pretend that it wasn’t serious despite a number of his ‘brothers’ saying they should call for help. He used his position and his authority and his bullying tactics to silence them all which ultimately lead to Jeremy’s death.

“His parents are here today,” Kyle turned, waving his hand in their direction. His eyes went to the parents but then a familiar smirk caught his attention and his eyes went past them. He had the presence of mind to not react but it threw him off slightly so that his pause was noticeable. His eyes met Jacob’s for a moment before he forced himself to look back to the judge to stay focused. “There’s nothing we here can do to bring their son back to them.” He paused for a second, thinking over what he just said. He stopped reading from his prepared statement and went on without it in a softer tone. “I’m a father myself, your honor. And I am someone’s son. Many of us here can’t imagine the life they’re now forced to live. Thirteen months ago, they sent their young son off to college. He was only nineteen then. Now, he will forever be nineteen. There will be no more birthdays, no more accomplishments, no more news to share about his day or phone calls or text messages. They’ll never know what his life might have been. What kind of future he may have had. The grandchildren they’ll never get to see. They had no idea that a single night would change everything in an instant.

“The defendant..? He didn’t think about Jeremy, your honor. He didn’t care that he had a family or a dream or a future. All he was interested in was a good time, using his authority to bully a young impressionable kid who just wanted a place to feel like he belonged when he was far from home for the first time in his life. Jeremy trusted Mark Simpkins and that trust cost him and his family everything. We cannot let this crime go unpunished. We cannot let him off with a slap on the wrist. Jeremy deserves justice. The justice he deserves, what his parents deserve, what all the citizens of the commonwealth deserves is that Mark Simpkins is sent to a correctional facility for no less than twenty-five years of his life. Anything less invites others to do the same. We have a duty as a people to warn others to not make the same mistake that was made here. We need to set the standard. That we will not allow our children to be bullied and left to die without someone paying the price for it. And that the next time someone thinks they’re going to callously play with the welfare of another person that they will not escape from their responsibilities as members of our communities.” Kyle let that be the final word and took his seat.

He remained motionless as the defense rose to make their argument. He wanted to pay attention to what was said but that proved difficult with his heart thumping in his chest at the thought of Jacob being no more than twenty feet away from him. It was the first time being in a courtroom where he felt nervous. Not for any other reason than wondering how Jacob had reacted to his performance. An irrational desire sprung up inside him, hoping he had at least impressed him enough to prove that all those years in law school, apart from each other, had been worth it.

The defense ended their plea for leniency and retook their seats. Kyle was still in something of a stupor when Steph nudged him slightly. Realizing what was happening, Kyle rose again. “Your honor,” he said before he forgot, “at this time, the people request that the defendant be taken into custody until we reconvene for sentencing.”

The Judge looked up from some papers on her desk and said, “So ordered. Bailiff, take Mr. Simpkins into custody. He will be remanded to the county jail where he shall remain until we return in three weeks, at which time I will pronounce my sentence. This court is in recess.” The judge and everyone else in the room stood. There was a small cry in the gallery as the bailiffs took the defendant by the arms and began handcuffing him to get him ready to be transported out. Kyle glanced over at the scene. Mrs. Simpkins was tearful and her husband had a baleful glare in his eyes. Kyle didn’t care. Justice was served as far as he was concerned as long as this rich-kid bully was put away where he wouldn’t harm anyone else.

Stephanie was speaking to someone, causing him to turn around. She was shaking hands with the Alberra couple. Kyle stepped up to them, shaking hands with Mr. and then Mrs. Alberra, expressing his condolences to them again for their loss. They in turn expressed their gratitude for his hard work which he accepted humbly.

“So, that’s it,” Mike asked as they were gathering their things to leave.

“What were you expecting,” Steph quipped with a smirk, “a public execution?”

“Well, no,” he replied, chagrined. “It all seemed so…”

“...sterile,” Kyle offered, glancing over at him. When the younger man nodded, Kyle could only shrug. “It’s the law. It’s not meant to be a drama. We’ll be back in a couple weeks for her ruling and hopefully that will be the end of it.”

“How’s the other thing going,” Stephanie ask Kyle.

“Slowly,” he muttered with a frown. “Still waiting on forensics.”

“I meant the other other thing,” She tilted her head towards the gallery, prompting Kyle to look back again. Jacob was still in his seat, smiling at him.

He couldn’t suppress the smile forming on his face this time. “I guess I should go find out.” Picking up his briefcase he headed over to where Jacob was. As he approached him, those sky blue eyes never left him as Jacob stood to meet him. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming,” he asked, not bothering to hide how happy he was to see him.

“I wanted to surprise you,” Jacob replied. He took a step closer to Kyle as he lowered his voice. “Has anyone ever told you you’re kind of sexy when you’re up there like that?”

Kyle broke into a soft laugh. “Not until now.”

“I didn’t say you were,” Jacob corrected him with a grin. “I was just wondering.”

“Good thing I have you to keep my ego in check,” he replied, his eyes shining. “So, how long are you here?”

“That depends on how much longer your day is gonna be.” Jacob was wanting to touch him and kiss him but it didn’t feel proper in a public setting like this. He had been missing Kyle since he left nearly two months ago.

“Well…” Kyle pondered. “This is kind of the end of my day but I do have to go back to my office and close up. Would you like to come with me?”

“Yeah, I’d like that.” He grinned and followed Kyle out of the courtroom. They headed down the hallway together with Kyle occasionally glancing over at Jacob. He looked particularly rugged in his tan duck jacket with a hint of a blue flannel shirt underneath. He was wearing blue jeans and an old pair or tan work boots. His hair was still down to just past his shoulder blades wrapped in a ponytail.

They entered the elevator and headed down, Kyle leaning against one of the sides of the car, staring at him with a enigmatic grin. “You know, this is not what I expected you to look like thirteen years ago.”

Jacob chuckled as he grinned bashfully. “No more wearing black all the time, you mean?”

“Yeah. You look like a dead sexy lumberjack.” He kept his eyes on Jacob, not wanting to miss a moment of looking at him. “When did you get here?”

“About an hour ago,” he replied. “Well, maybe two. I stopped and got something to eat before heading here. You told me last night where you’d be around this time and I decided I didn’t want to miss it.”

The elevator door opened and they stepped out, heading outside. “So, what did you think?”

“Ask me later,” he said in a tender voice.

“Later?” Kyle slowed his steps to look at him. “How long are you planning on staying?”

“Well, I was planning on the weekend,” he said with a smile, “if that’s alright with you.”

Kyle chuckled, “it’s definitely alright with me. Matt too. Oh, he’s in for a surprise. What about Dad?”

“He’s the one who told me to come,” Jacob said as they were crossing the street. “Said something about he was tired of seeing me wander around the house moping.”

“Moping?” Kyle laughed.

“His word, not mine,” Jacob said defensively.

They made their way to the entrance, Kyle stopping at the security desk to have them sign Jacob in before they headed upstairs to his office. Jacob stopped in Kyle’s doorway, taking in the place, watching people move about the area. He also noted another desk just outside the door to Kyle’s office. “You have a secretary?”

“Yeah,” Kyle muttered as he stood behind his desk, looking over a couple small scraps of paper.

Jacob snickered. “I love how you’re so blase’ about it.”

Kyle shrugged as he read. “It’s just part of the job. Hold on one second.” He reached for the phone on his desk and punched in a number.

Jacob watched Kyle on the phone, asking questions that he didn’t understand. Standing there in his suit and tie, looking so confident and self-assured, he was a man in command of his surroundings. He had never seen this aspect of him in such stark relief. His feelings for Kyle started to take on a new depth as he was starting to understand the kind of person he’s become over the years. Maybe their time apart gave them both the opportunity to be themselves? Whatever the case, he was glad he came and got to see another side of this person who has meant more to him than anyone else in his entire life.

“Well, hello there, stranger,” a familiar voice came up behind him.

Jacob turned and saw Stephanie standing there with that quiet guy who had been sitting at their table in the courtroom. He still wasn’t sure what to make of her but Kyle seemed to like her. That was enough to give him the benefit of the doubt. He nodded and gave her a polite Smile. “Hey. How’s it going?”

She smiled pleasantly. “Very well now that that case is mostly behind us.” She motioned to the man standing next to her. “This is Mike, he’s Kyle’s intern right now since I’m not on his current case. He’s learning the ropes.”

A secretary and an intern? Jacob extended his hand and gave Mike a firm handshake. “I’m Jacob. Pleased to meet you. Kyle’s helping you out?”

Mike shook hands with this muscle bound guy with the handsome face wondering where he came from. “Uh, yeah. He’s been great. You’re a friend of his?”

“Hm. That’s a good question,” Jacob smirked and Stephanie covered her mouth, chortling. “Hey, Kyle,” Jacob turned around just as he was hanging up the phone. “Who am I exactly to you?”

Kyle looked up, seeing Stephanie and Mike standing behind Jacob in his doorway. The question came out of nowhere and he didn’t know what to say at first until he just stopped thinking about it. “The love of my life, last time I checked…”

Jacob blushed, not expecting such a direct answer. Stephanie hid her smile behind her hand, giggling to herself. Mike felt a little left out but he figured it wasn’t his place to say anything. “So, what’s next,” Jacob asked Kyle.

Kyle frowned and motioned them all into the room. “Mike, I need you to go talk to Harris. He’s got new information. Once you’re done with him, make another call to forensics and see where they are with our DNA evidence. After that, you’re done for the day. Call me if there’s anything interesting. I’m betting you’ll be calling.”

Mike nodded and headed out. “Have a good weekend.”

“Wait,” Kyle stopped him. He looked from Jacob and then back to Mike. “Actually, you can wait until Monday. I’m probably going to be busy this weekend.” Once Mike left, he looked to Stephanie. “Steph, what are your plans for Thanksgiving this year?”

She gave him an odd look, not expecting that question. “Ah… Hadn’t really made any yet.”

“Good,” he smirked, “then you can come join the rest of us at my dad’s this year.”

“Why….?” Her face a mask of suspicious curiosity.

“Because, believe it or not, you’re the mother of my dad’s grandson,” he spoke matter of factly but with a small playful smirk on his lips, “and that makes you family. So, you’re coming, end of story.”

“So, it’s your dad who wants me there,” she said dubiously.

“And me,” Kyle replied. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want you to come and you are my friend. Besides, I think you’ll like spending time there as much as I do.”

“I want you to come too,” Jacob said suddenly. Privately, he felt he needed to speak to her about some things. Maybe at home would make it easier.

Steph looked from Kyle to Jacob and back. “Well… I guess I’m coming to your dad’s house for Thanksgiving this year.”

“Great,” Kyle said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Jacob and I are going to go get Matt and then possibly go get some dinner.” He looked at Jacob before adding, “if you’re hungry, that is.”

“Oh, I can eat,” he said with a smile, happy to know he gets to spend the rest of the day with Kyle and Matt.

“Ok then,” he grabbed his stuff and started for the door, “let’s go get our boy.”


David couldn’t remember the last time the house was this quiet. Andy had just come to pick up Blake for the day and suddenly there was no one home but him. It was a sort of odd feeling knowing that no one else was going to be there the rest of the night. In another time, he may have considered finding some company. He smirked to himself as the thought wandered through his head. Those days were mostly gone now. Every once in awhile he could find some companionship but mostly, he just enjoyed having his family around.

Despite the slight loneliness, he was glad he pushed Jacob out the door. He could afford to be away for a weekend at the very least and picking season had ended weeks ago. Now, David was faced with the realization that this could become his new normal. A house with all the children gone. He couldn’t tell if he was ready for that part of his life just yet.

After eating a small meal and taking his medications he opted to sit quietly in the front room and read a book. It was still a small treat he rewarded himself with after a long day, even if his days are a little less hectic than they used to be in his younger years. Selecting one of his favorites from years ago, he settled onto the couch and lost himself within the pages. Even as he read, a part of himself was still thinking about his boys. His sons. Jacob really was a son to him, despite some of the things that happened in the past. Ever since Kyle left, he felt it was his responsibility to keep Jacob safe until he returned some day. Now, that day has come and while they took their time patching things up, he was pleased that they were making the best of the future that lay ahead of them.

Turning through the pages, he lost track of time until there was a knock on his front door. Immediately, his thoughts returned to the present. That someone was knocking on the front door of the house instantly informed him that whoever was there was most likely a stranger. As he rose to his feet he checked the time, finding it well after sunset. A quick glance out the curtains confirmed this as he made his way to the front door.

He flipped the switch to turn on the porch light before opening it. David was caught off guard by the sight of two familiar faces he never would have guessed would have shown up at his door. He kept his face as neutral as possible while at the same time avoiding the temptation to slam the door on their faces. He did his level best to at least sound friendly as he greeted them. “Harry. Barb. I haven’t seen the two of you in ages.”

The couple smiled what they probably thought of as a friendly manner but to David they were nothing more than plastic smiles etched onto their face. Fake and cold. Harry seemed to have gained more than his fair share of pounds over the years since they last met. The gray hair on his head had thinned out so as to seem almost gone on top with a few wisps desperately clinging on. Barb had a full head of dyed platinum blonde hair teased and sprayed it reminded him of what women had for hair in the 80’s. Bright red lipstick and eyelashes clinging together from too much mascara. These were the same people who disowned their gay son ten years earlier and left him with no home to call his own. David took him in and gave him a new home he could rely on. “We had heard about your trip to the hospital last month,” Barb’s cheerful voice even sounded fake to his ears but he rewarded with them something like a smile as she went on, “and while our schedules have been a bit busy, we just wanted to drop by and see how you’ve been doing.”

“Well, that’s very kind of you,” David said with a tight smile. “Come on in. There’s nobody else around tonight.” He moved aside to allow them passage. While their children were growing up, David had always been polite to the Whitman’s and had gotten the same in return. But he could always tell there was a little more self-righteousness under the surface. Harry was a local minister and Barb was a very active person in the community, traveling in a number of social circles in their small town. From PTA to Bible studies, bake sales and Sunday School classes, she seemed to have always had her finger in just about anything around town. To David, it always seemed like they were just keeping up appearances and he wasn’t all that surprised to find out he wasn’t entirely wrong.

As they stepped in, Harry took his hand and shook it. “I’m glad that the good Lord kept you here for awhile longer, David. Wouldn’t be the same without you and your apple orchard around here.”

“Much appreciated, pastor,” David shook his hand. Between the two of them, Harry always came off as the more genuine of the two, which didn’t say much for Barb. Where she was mostly about appearances, Harry did seem to have some level of genuine desire to be a good person. He just tended to be a little too conservative in how he presented himself. David lead them into the living room and offered them a drink which they both declined before they all sat down. “So,” Harry asked with a more relaxed look on his face, “how was the crop this year?”

“Oh, pretty fair,” he replied, taking a seat on one of the other sofas in the room so as to be able to watch them both closely. “The newer trees aren’t producing as much as I’d like but we’re expecting to see improvements next year. Time will tell.”

“That’s wonderful news,” Barb said, still with that artificial cheerfulness in her voice. “My, this room seems to have made some changes over the years.” Her eyes looked about the walls. Her smile seemed to become a little more forced as she looked at the many pictures on the walls of Kyle and his friends.

David smiled widely without effort as he said with pride, “Jacob has done a lot around here over the years. And I like keeping the pictures around of all of my boys.” He made it to not sound subtle at all. If it made them uncomfortable, so much the better.

Harry’s smile became a bit more nervous as he said with forced casualness. “How is Kyle these days? I haven’t seen him in years.”

“Oh, he’s just fine. He’s living in Harrisburg, working as a lawyer for the state. He was prosecuting that college kid case. The one with the boy who died from a hazing ritual.”

“Sounded like a such a dreadful accident,” Barb bemoaned. “God’s plan works strangely sometimes.”

“Well,” David couldn’t help but chuckle. “It was more a frat boy’s plan that went terribly wrong from the sounds of it. The boy who started the whole thing was in court today. Kyle was planning on getting him put in jail for twenty years for what he did.”

“Oh,” she said quietly, obviously uncomfortable. “Well. You must be very proud.”

“I always have been proud of my son,” he said candidly. “No matter how he ended up. He made me a proud father and a proud grandfather as well.”

“Oh, my!” Barb’s eyes widened with affected joy as she smiled with all her teeth, “I had no idea he got married!”

“Oh, he’s not married,” David corrected her politely. “He had a baby with a friend of his from college. She agreed to be a surrogate for him. Matthew Jacob is his name. Three years old, will be four in a few weeks.”

There was a confused silence between the couple. “Ah,” Harry sputtered, “well, as long as the boy is happy and healthy, I suppose.”

David’s mood was starting to sour. He had a feeling what they might have actually stopped by for so he decided to just cut to the chase. “Have either of you spoken to Brian recently?”

The looks on their faces faltered almost at the same time. Their plastic smiles replaced by more genuine anxiety. “No,” Harry said in a measured tone. “We haven’t spoken to him since…”

“... Since you disowned him.” David supplied, trying to keep any disapproval out of his voice.

“We, ah,” Barb said, her hands twisting slightly in her lap, “we realize that… we made a mistake. We miss our little boy and we want to try and fix what went wrong.”

“We realize now that we overreacted,” Harry said in contrition. He seemed embarrassed and saddened.

David looked at them both closely. He felt there was something being left out but, they seemed genuine in their regret. “That’s a good first step I suppose.”

Barb and Harry exchanged looks for a moment before Harry continued. “We heard that he was back here in town. We were hoping... that he was here and we could speak to him.”

David looked at them both, trying to gauge just how serious they were. He couldn’t fault them and he definitely couldn’t pass judgement on them considering what happened between him and Kyle. “I’m sorry to disappoint you but he doesn’t live here. He’s living with Andy across town.”

“Oh,” Barb seemed to shift uncomfortably in her spot. “Well, at least he’s staying with his friend, I suppose.”

“Well, about that…” David felt that if they were really wanting to reconnect with their son, they would have to be genuine and know everything. “It seems that he and Andy fell in love when they were together in school. They recently rekindled things between them and seem to be doing well.”

The Whitmans' eyes widened in surprise and what David might have thought of as embarrassment, having never suspected what may have been going on under their own roof. David’s eyes darkened slightly, expecting them to start spouting off scripture or whatever. If they did, he would be quick to end this farce. “So, he’s staying with Andrew then,” Harry asked with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

David sighed. “They’re living together, if that’s what you mean.”

The pleasant look on Barb’s face seemed strained while Harry seemed thoughtful as they both took in this new information. “Well…” Barb seemed at a loss for words.

“Is he happy,” Harry suddenly blurted out, looking at David with eyes begging for reassurance.

David smirked slightly and nodded. “Happier than I’ve ever seen him.”

“Well…” Barb said again with a sour look starting to appear on her face. “How nice.”

David’s eyes narrowed as he stared at her. “Why are you wanting to reconnect with a son you disowned over ten years ago, Barbara?”

Her face immediate brightened as she looked at David and shrugged. “He’s our little boy. Isn’t that reason enough?”

He leaned forward a little bit, keeping his eyes locked onto her’s. “Even if your little boy is in love with another man and they plan on building a life and raising children together?”

Barb nodded even as David could tell her eyes didn’t mean what her mouth said. He was starting to get disgusted with both of them before Harry broke in. “David… My son means the world to me. I want to be a part of his life.”

“And we want to help him,” Barbara suddenly said.

“Help him how,” David asked.

She shrugged giving him a knowing look. “Well, obviously he’s sick. It was wrong of us to just give up on him. We know people who can help him.”

“Help him…. How?” David didn’t mean to get an edge to his voice but they obviously heard it when both of their eyebrows raised in a little surprise.

“Help him not be gay, of course,” she said as if it should be obvious.

“Out.” David said as he got to his feet.

“I’m sorry?” Barb rose to her feet with her husband, looking at him confused.

“I said out as in get out!” The old marine in him roared. “I will not have Brian or Kyle or any of my boys taught to hate themselves by the likes of you.” He moved to the doorway, keeping his eyes on them, ready to throttle them out of the house if he had too.

Barb glared at him as she followed behind. “He needs our help.”

“What he needs,” he said as he threw the door open. “Is to be loved and accepted for who he is by his parents. I am as proud of him as I am of my son. I’d rather take a bullet for him than have someone tear down the exceptional man that he’s become just to have him fit into your tiny worldview of what is good and right in this world!”

“You’re encouraging him to be sinful,” she rose her voice in indignation coming up to his face.

David’s eyes stabbed daggers into her as he leaned in and muttered quietly near her ear. “I recall something in that book that said, ‘thou shalt not commit adultery.’ From what I know from your past, ma’am, you’d think twice about throwing stones from inside your glass house.”

Barb looked apoplectic as she stepped back from him. Her self-righteousness weakening a little as she made a hasty exit out of the house. Harry stared at David, not knowing what was said between them, before following after her. David gave the front door a satisfied slam before locking it and turning the porchlight off again and stomping back to his recliner. He picked his book back up as he got comfortable again and resumed reading. For a moment he contemplated telling Brian what took place but ultimately decided against it. The least he can do is protect him from the likes of them.


Jacob softly closed the door to Matt’s bedroom and made his way back downstairs as quietly as he could. The smile on his face was proof of the wonderful day he had had with Kyle and Matt. He got the best thrill watching Matt’s face light up and run up to him when he surprised him at the daycare center when he and Kyle showed up to get him. When he bent down to pick up the little boy, he was overwhelmed for a moment with the emotions that came into him. Like a piece of his heart had been in Matt’s hands all this time and he hadn’t known it until it was returned to him with his touch. Kyle had insisted his was the first face Matthew saw when he was brought out. He was also moved when Kyle added him to the list of people who could check Matt out of daycare, meaning he could show up any time to take Matt himself without Kyle having to be there. It was just another sign of the closeness and sense of trust that had been forming between them over the last two months.

After daycare, they stopped to get an early dinner at a local restaurant and just enjoyed each other’s company. There was no overt intimacy, just a strong sense of togetherness that didn’t need to be mentioned. The dinner was good but the company was better. They talked about their friends and Jacob’s plans with the orchard and his carpentry business. Kyle talked about the case he was still working on while keeping some details secret. While he may trust Jacob, talking about work in public could be overheard and rumors would start to circulate. Matt seemed to just enjoy the attention he got from both men and had a bright smile on his face any time Jacob asked him a question.

After that, he followed Kyle back to his townhouse. He was a little surprised at how spartan the place appeared when he first walked in. “I’ve never really felt the need to decorate the place. It’s just somewhere we live,” he explained simply. “Besides, having a kid makes me have to stretch my paychecks so I tend to ignore the little things that aren’t really important.” Jacob thought it would feel lonely in the house without any indication of the person who lived there.

They passed the evening away watching television and playing with Matt until it was time for his bath and then a story before bed. Jacob volunteered to tell the story if Kyle would manage the bath. Now, with Matt soundly asleep, Jacob walked quietly back into the front room and sat down next to Kyle. He saw the soft smile on his face and gave into the temptation to lean over and deliver a soft kiss on Kyle’s cheek. “It’s been a fun day,” he said quietly as he slid his arm around his back.

Kyle leaned back against him as they both laid down on the couch, Kyle’s head resting on Jacob’s broad chest. “I’m really glad you came,” he said with that gentle smile still on his face.

Jacob sighed in contentment. “I am too. I only wish I could’ve come sooner.”

“So, I asked earlier,” he said with a slight grin, “what did you think about court today?”

Jacob’s chest shook slightly in a silent chuckle. “Well… Do you want to know everything I was thinking while you were up there talking?”

“Yes,” he replied with a snicker.

“Ok,” Jacob’s voice softened a little. Putting both arms around him he said, “My first thought was how nice you looked. I’d never seen you in a suit before. You were so handsome but still you at the same time. That guy who wears shorts and tee shirts all the time in the summer. Then I heard your voice and how different it sounded. You seemed so in charge and so sure of yourself. You weren’t just reading something you were putting your all into it and I felt so proud of you. Then you turned and looked at me… and I had to stop myself from… from cheering. Like when you were at your swim meets back in school? After that all I thought about was how much I loved you and missed you.”

Kyle turned his head to look up at Jacob. “Do you think it’s weird that this just all seemed to fall back into place so fast between us?”

“Honestly, no,” he said bluntly but his eyes sparkled in the light as he gazed down at Kyle. “I think we worked through a lot. And, believe it or not, I think it wasn’t all a bad thing that we were apart. We both learned a lot about ourselves we may not have if we had stayed together. I think things could have been better but in the end I really wouldn’t change a thing if it meant not being here with you right now. We both have problems but we’re aware of them now. Since we know, we can support each other when we need it.”

“One thing is for sure,” Kyle quipped, “you are full of surprises.”

“I have an idea I want you to think about,” he said as he kept his gaze on Kyle. “I think we should stop discussing the past. Let’s just agree to leave it there and start concentrating more on our future.”

Kyle cocked an eyebrow and smirked. “No more second-guessing what might have been? No more yelling or resentment...?”

Jacob nodded. “No more being afraid of making a choice. No more keeping our feelings hidden from each other because we’re scared we might upset some delicate peace that’s stronger than either of us thinks…” Jacob ran his hand through Kyle’s hair lovingly. “No more dwelling. Leave it there and let’s focus on tomorrow.”

Kyle grinned and nodded. “I’m fine with that. Something tells me you already have a few plans cooking up.”

“As a matter of fact, I do.” Kyle moved to allow him to sit up again before Jacob continued. “The first thing I need to say is that ‘our bedroom’ is way too small for the both of us.” He reached behind his head to take out the string keeping his hair together and letting it rest just over his shoulders.

Kyle frowned curiously as he asked, “so, what do we do about it?”

“Well,” he sighed, despite his slightly pleased look, “I asked Dad for the original blueprints of the house and we found that there were some places where we could expand the house out.”

“Expand the house?!” Kyle sat up slightly, checking to see if Jacob was just joking.

“It’s not that big of a deal,” he insisted casually. “I’m working on some plans now. Dad, Troy and I talked about it and we agree we’ll get started in the spring and can be done by July.”

“How big of an expansion are we talking about here,” the thought of the home he grew up in changing dramatically seemed too foreign a concept for him.

Jacob smiled brightly, his excitement about the prospect evident in his eyes. “New bathroom downstairs since the old one is kind of crappy that hardly anyone uses. A small hallway leading to our sitting room that’s separate from the rest of the house and that leads to our bedroom which will be more than enough room for us both with an ensuite just for us.”

“And Dad is okay with all this,” he asked dubiously.

“Yeah,” he nodded, “we discussed it and he thought it was a good idea. Matt can have your room instead of that tiny room in the back. We can turn that into like a storage room or something.” He laid his hand over Kyle’s to reassure him. “You did say you wanted more children, if I remember right. I’m not gonna ask Dad to give up his room but, let’s face facts. He’s not going anywhere soon and I hope to keep it that way for awhile. But if we’re going to be together, I think we should have our own master bedroom too.”

“Right,” Kyle said absently. “Anything else I should be warned about?”

Jacob giggled playfully. “I’ll be making new beds for us. Us and Matt, that is. No more queen size bed for us.”

“No argument from me there,” He sat back on the couch, thinking through it all. “You’ve obviously been busy this last month.”

“I’m more than just a pretty face, dear,” he grinned.

“If you say so…” Kyle joked as he leaned over and kissed him softly.

Jacob let his lips linger on Kyle’s for a moment before he said in a more serious tone, “there is one other thing.”

Kyle rolled his eyes slightly. “What now?”

“It’s in my bag,” he got up and crossed the room to where he had set his duffel bag next to the door when he first arrived. Pulling a zipper open he reached inside and pulled something out, keeping it in his fist. He stood and returned back to the couch, sitting down with a more serious expression on his face. Kyle looked into his shimmering eyes, wondering what he meant. “Dad asked me to bring it to you. It was something he had put away years ago and had almost forgotten about until you reminded him last time you were home.”

“Ok…” looking at him quizzically.

He paused for a moment, looked down at his closed fist and then back up into Kyle’s eyes. He pushed aside his nervousness, determined to see this through. “Kyle, I know I said earlier no more talking about the past but I’m not going to forget the good things that happened to me. The more I think back on it, almost all of those good things and those good times were because of you. You have no idea the kind of hell I lived through every day before I met you. I was convinced then that the kind of happiness I dreamed about was always just going to be a dream.

“You changed that for me. You, more than anyone else, helped me to see who I really was and that I mattered.” His mouth closed as his lips pressed together for a moment before he found his strength again to continue. Kyle felt his eyes welling up and his throat had gone dry, rendering him speechless. He could feel a major change coming. “I can never thank you enough for that one simple gift you gave me.” A small tremor could be heard in his voice as he continued. “And... I feel so blessed to know that you love me and that we... we have a beautiful son and I’m hoping more coming in the future.”

“Jacob…” Kyle managed to whisper, his eyes going from the most beautiful blue eyes in the world to the closed hand between them and back to his eyes.

“Let me finish,” he interjected. “Kyle, we’re both grown men now. We both know how to stand on our own. We could live our lives on our own but I want to share my life with you. And I want you to share yours with me. So…” Jacob slid off the couch, onto his knees in front of him. As he did, his right hand opened, revealing a gold and silver banded ring with a diamond setting between two smaller gems. A blue topaz and an amethyst. Kyle’s mind oddly noted that the two stones were their birthstones. A tear ran down his cheek as he looked into Jacob’s eyes and heard him say, “Kyle Andrew Howard… Will you marry me?”


Brian was lounging on the sofa, resting against Andy’s big chest. He still couldn’t get over how much bigger Andy got since their days in high school. He wasn’t rock solid but he did have a much bigger build than he used too. It made him feel smaller. He had to admit he kind of liked that.

Leaned up against Brian was little Blake. He had never imagined being a father figure. He thought kids were nice and all but he never wanted or expected to have any. Then he met Blake and his sweet manner and his own version of his father’s little half-smirk that melted his heart. It was a little surprising to him how insidious children can be. One moment he hadn’t thought about having kids of any kind and the next, he’s sneaking peeks in their room to watch them sleep. He nearly cried the first time Blake looked at him and said “I love you.” Who does that?! And now, here he was, with the love of his life and the two new loves of his life all cuddled together under a blanket, watching “The Lion King.” It was Tanner’s favorite. He was also an interesting kid in his own right. Smarter than he lets on most of the time, Brian wished he could tutor the kid and get him moved up a grade. Kids need to learn, not just show up to class. That’s about all Tanner has been doing. The classes bore him so Brian has been doing his best to keep Tanner challenged and interested in new things before his desire to learn withers away.

Brian was also getting something of an odd enjoyment from the fact that Andy has gone out of his way to not mention anything about the check his brother handed him a month ago. It wasn’t his money so he didn’t really feel he had a right to ask what was inside it. He was intensely curious and he’d hinted around a few times but Andy remained tight lipped about it. He could tell though, his marine was up to something.

“Hey,” Andy muttered softly to him as they were watching the movie. “You got any plans for tomorrow?”

Brian looked up at him with an impish grin. The response he had in his mind wasn’t one that should be said in front of children so he had to dissemble it in a proper fashion for young boys’ ears. “Well, I was thinking we could have a nice weekend celebration in private for a couple hours and then see what the day brings.”

Andy’s silent laugh was an indication that the underlying message had been received. “No problem with that idea but we need to be finished before nine in the morning. I have an appointment at eleven and I don’t wanna be late. I was hoping you could take the boys for the day somewhere fun while I’m busy.”

Brian’s voice stayed soft but playful. “Busy? What’s his name?”

Andy grinned and rubbed his lover’s chest softy. “Her name isn’t important to this conversation. What is important is that I get this done. So, can you help me out?”

“Oh, you know I will,” he said with playful exacerbation. “So, no hints?”

Andy got the smug, half-smirk on his face. “I’ll just say I’m doing something for our future. All of us.”

“Ok,” Brian shrugged, “I trust you. But, you already knew that. I’m sure I can find something to occupy their time tomorrow.”

“I knew I could count on you,” he grinned before leaning down to kiss the top of Brian’s head. They laid there for the rest of the movie in silence until it ended. The boys got up when Brian instructed them to start getting ready for baths and bedtime. When the three of them went into the bathroom to get started, Andy just sat there, unmoving, listening to their voices carry through the house.

He remembered the house being a lot quieter when he was married. The boys were quieter because Stacy didn’t like them yelling or running around or generally just being boys. She always seemed resentful of Tanner as if he was to blame for her lot in life. Blake she practically ignored. He tried to be as good a father as his dad had been to him but working to provide for them all had been difficult. His PTSD was going unchecked and made steady work hard. He did his best to be as fun for his kids as possible, trying to do family things or go visit his friends with their kids. Stacy always seemed to grudgingly go along. It wasn’t too long after Blake was born that she started turning abusive.

It took awhile, and some intervention from a friend, but he managed to get her to accept a divorce. It sweetened the deal for her that she wasn’t required to have custody of the kids. She wanted her old life of partying and drinking back and they would just slow her down. He never loved her, he knew. But he tried to be nice to her as much as he could be. When she left he made sure she knew she wasn’t hated and could come see the boys anytime she wanted too. The day their divorce was finalized was the last day he ever saw her.

Now, he could hear the boys laughing in the bathroom at Brian’s antics. The boys had been wary at first but Blake and then Tanner warmed up to and developed affection for his best friend and his only love. This was what he dreamed of when he thought about having a future with Brian. Nothing fancy, nothing pretentious. All he wanted was a simple life with his family.

Then his brother handed him half a million dollars.

Now, he had to figure out a way to handle that and not let it go to his head. He wanted to, and planned to, buy a bigger house for all of them. But he didn’t want to let it get out of control. So, he planned on talking to someone who could help him make the most out of what his dad left him. He was desperate to do it right. And he wanted to surprise Brian when the time was right. And right now wasn’t the right time yet.

“What are you sitting there daydreaming about,” Brian’s quiet but cheerful voice broke him out of his reverie as he sat back down and snuggled close to him again.

Andy’s face brightened as he refocused on the here and now. Kissing Brian’s cheek tenderly. “I was thinking about how much I love you.”

“You’re a horrible liar,” Brian giggled. “And yet, somehow I love you even more when you try to just straight out lie like that.”

He gave Brian a challenging look. “How do you know I’m lying?”

“I just know,” he said sweetly. “It’s ok. You got something up your sleeve. I trust you to do whatever it is you’re doing.”

“And that’s why I love you.” He kissed him again, letting his lips linger for a moment. “Time for bed yet?”

“Not just yet,” Brian said softly. “Let’s give it a little while longer.”

“Why so worried,” he asked curiously.

Brian frowned slightly. “He was nervous last night. He thought about not going through with it.”

“Did you try and talk him out of it?”

He sighed, “no. I told him to just do what he felt was right. And I told him I loved him and that if he needed me, I’d be here for him.”

“You’re a good friend.” He squeezed Brian in his arms affectionately. “I’m sure things will work out fine.”

Brian smiled a little and laid his head back on Andy’s chest. “This has been the best nine weeks of my life. I just want you to know that.”

“And this is only the beginning,” he grinned. “Tanner and Blake love you.”

“I love them,” he replied softly. “They’re little parts of you. And I get to watch them grow up. I’m excited to see it happen.” He was surprised to find he meant it.

Andy laughed softly. Before he could say anything a phone chime sounded in the room, followed by a different chime from a different phone. They both looked at each other and leaned over to pick up their phones from the coffee table in front of them.

Brian was faster as he opened his phone to check his messages. As he looked at his screen, he broke out into a wide happy grin. Andy looked over his shoulder to read the text off of Brian’s phone. It was a mass text sent to both of them, David and Troy. It was only three words.

He said YES!


David was almost asleep on the couch when the loud buzzing from his phone snapped him back awake. He looked over at the device and pushed at the screen to see what was on it. When he read the message from Jacob he smiled and quickly wiped a tear from his eye before muttering, “Travis, you won’t believe what our boy did today…”

Copyright © 2018 Jdonley75; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

I hope you know just how much I have been enjoying this story...I cannot adequately express my thanks to you for sharing your gift of storytelling....You are giving us a love story...period.

The fact that it concerns the love between two men is just a detail.......In reality, love is love...........Thanks for reminding again of this................:)Mike

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On 10/7/2018 at 11:13 AM, Parker Owens said:

So very lovely. No matter what a judge may pronounce, or bitter misguided and hateful parents or even disinterested neighbors might say, the three texted words overshadow them all. You made a grey day smile. 

I didn't want to write the same old proposal scene where one person proposes to the other who then says yes all excitedly and then into the whole drawn out emotions involved in the moment.  So, cut the scene off right there and make the readers wonder, "what did he say? Has Kyle really come around?"  Also, the three words in themselves was enough to set the scene as to what happened. :)

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This the first time for a few chapters that I have stopped to comment as I have been so engrossed in the story I just wanted to read the next chapter.

Harry and barb are the sick ones, I have no time for judgemental Christians that believe in fairy stories.

I am pleased that Kyle and Jacob have got back together and are getting married.

Andy should tell Brian about the money and wanting to buy a house for them, keeping this a secret is not a good way to start a new relationship.

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6 minutes ago, Bft said:

This the first time for a few chapters that I have stopped to comment as I have been so engrossed in the story I just wanted to read the next chapter.

Harry and barb are the sick ones, I have no time for judgemental Christians that believe in fairy stories.

I am pleased that Kyle and Jacob have got back together and are getting married.

Andy should tell Brian about the money and wanting to buy a house for them, keeping this a secret is not a good way to start a new relationship.

I'm glad you're enjoying the story.

Without giving anything away, I think you'll find that everything will work out in such a way that things will both satisfy and surprise you. 😊

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Last night I watched Boy Erased, a movie about a minister and his wife who send their only son to a Gay Conversion Program. It was painful and difficult to watch and I almost stopped the movie. But I started playing a game at the same time instead.

There were some parallels with my own life, but my minister father never tried to make me straight. And they never disowned me like Brian’s parents. But we always knew we were second place in his priorities to my father’s church.

My very religious upbringing is why I am Agnostic today.

Edited by droughtquake
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24 minutes ago, droughtquake said:

Last night I watched Boy Erased, a movie about a minister and his wife who send their only son to a Gay Conversion Program. It was painful and difficult to watch and I almost stopped the movie. But I started playing a game at the same time instead.

There were some parallels with my own life, but my minister father never tried to make me straight. And they never disowned me like Brian’s parents. But we always knew we were second place in his priorities to my father’s church.

My very religious upbringing is why I am Agnostic today.

I totally understand.  I'd hinted here and there about Brian's fallout with his family before this and I had a place where I could expand upon it.  Also, that scene leads up to something bigger.

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Chapter 21/20: 

“I meant the other other thing,” She tilted her head towards the gallery, prompting Kyle to look back again. Jacob was still in his seat, smiling at him. - *happy squee*

“I wanted to surprise you,” Jacob replied. He took a step closer to Kyle as he lowered his voice. “Has anyone ever told you you’re kind of sexy when you’re up there like that?” - LMAO!

“Help him…. How?” David didn’t mean to get an edge to his voice but they obviously heard it when both of their eyebrows raised in a little surprise.
“Help him not be gay, of course,” she said as if it should be obvious.
“Out.” David said as he got to his feet. - Hell yeah. Go David! Kick them right out.

“Kyle Andrew Howard… Will you marry me?” - *more happy squeeing* Eeeeeeeee!

Brian was faster as he opened his phone to check his messages. As he looked at his screen, he broke out into a wide happy grin. Andy looked over his shoulder to read the text off of Brian’s phone. It was a mass text sent to both of them, David and Troy. It was only three words.
He said YES! - Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


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David was wonderful in his eviction of Harry and Barbara. Although Harry is a pastor I got the sense he was perhaps more reasonable than his spouse. His religious convictions appeared to be more about doing what he believes is good deeds whereas her's appeared to have been for self aggrandisement only. Religious zealotry is so unattractive, particularly when it masquerades as charity.

Jacob in particular was full of profundity in this chapter, from "Maybe their time apart gave them both the opportunity to be themselves? " to “I think we worked through a lot. And, believe it or not, I think it wasn’t all a bad thing that we were apart. We both learned a lot about ourselves we may not have if we had stayed together. I think things could have been better but in the end I really wouldn’t change a thing if it meant not being here with you right now. We both have problems but we’re aware of them now. Since we know, we can support each other when we need it.”

Brian and Andy are forging a stronger union, delighting in each other and Andy's children. Brian's arrival has no doubt made all three so much happier and more secure as a family.

And, the conclusion of the chapter "When he read the message from Jacob he smiled and quickly wiped a tear from his eye before muttering, “Travis, you won’t believe what our boy did today…”. Damn allergies or fur balls again @Jdonley75. Authentic, moving and deeply satisfying chapter. 



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19 minutes ago, Summerabbacat said:

David was wonderful in his eviction of Harry and Barbara. Although Harry is a pastor I got the sense he was perhaps more reasonable than his spouse. His religious convictions appeared to be more about doing what he believes is good deeds whereas her's appeared to have been for self aggrandisement only. Religious zealotry is so unattractive, particularly when it masquerades as charity.

Jacob in particular was full of profundity in this chapter, from "Maybe their time apart gave them both the opportunity to be themselves? " to “I think we worked through a lot. And, believe it or not, I think it wasn’t all a bad thing that we were apart. We both learned a lot about ourselves we may not have if we had stayed together. I think things could have been better but in the end I really wouldn’t change a thing if it meant not being here with you right now. We both have problems but we’re aware of them now. Since we know, we can support each other when we need it.”

Brian and Andy are forging a stronger union, delighting in each other and Andy's children. Brian's arrival has no doubt made all three so much happier and more secure as a family.

And, the conclusion of the chapter "When he read the message from Jacob he smiled and quickly wiped a tear from his eye before muttering, “Travis, you won’t believe what our boy did today…”. Damn allergies or fur balls again @Jdonley75. Authentic, moving and deeply satisfying chapter. 



I may have poured it on a little thick, but I was just writing what I "saw" in my mind.  There's still a few bumps but those are mostly just set up for the next book.

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3 minutes ago, Jdonley75 said:

I may have poured it on a little thick, but I was just writing what I "saw" in my mind.  There's still a few bumps but those are mostly just set up for the next book.

I thought he was remarkably restrained and rational in his behaviour. I would not have been able to be so polite. I think Kyle's description of Stacy is one which is most suitable for Barbara too. 

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What did you think Stacy needed some competition from Harry and Barb as the worst characters in the story? I would say they might be worst then the guy Kyle put away for manslaughter

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1 hour ago, weinerdog said:

What did you think Stacy needed some competition from Harry and Barb as the worst characters in the story? I would say they might be worst then the guy Kyle put away for manslaughter

I hadn't thought of it that way. 😆

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