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The Preacher's Kid: College and Beyond - 4. Heading For the Hills

The big separation has begun, and our boys are NOT happy about it! This was a fun chapter to write! For those of you who don't know a lot about football, or don't care for it--please don't give up on the story while Eddie talks about Matty's first game.
I hope you enjoy the chapter! I did!


Fuck me. It was pretty much non-stop tears as I drove myself up to Boone Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. wanted to drive me up, but I needed the alone time. Besides, I wanted to have my car up there—even though Freshmen weren’t allowed vehicles on campus. Haley and her roomies were pretty cool and said I could keep my car at their house.

I got through Wilkesboro, and the roads began to slope upwards. It’s weird—no matter how you’re feeling, you just can’t deny the beauty outside your car window as you drive into the Blue Ridge Mountains.

When I got into town, I could only thank God for Google Maps. Shit! There isn’t a logical setup to the streets like there are back home! Eventually, I made it to Haley’s house, and she ran out of the front door with her arms in the air and a huge smile!

“Maaaatttttyyyyyyyy! You made it!”

“Hey, Haley girl! You are a sight for sore eyes!”

We hugged, and I told her we needed to get to the dorms so I could get moved in. They want us there by 5:00, and it’s almost 4:00 already. I don’t need to get my ass chewed out before we even start practice!

“First, you need to call your boy and let him know you’re here. He’s called me twice in the last hour.”

“Geez. How is he?”

“An emotional mess. But he says Donald has already been a rock for him. How are you doing?”

“I cried most of the way up. That amazing boy has been by my side for 19 years. This is gonna suck in so many ways.”

“Well, if there’s anything I’m sure of is that the two of you are one of those rare couples that can do this. And you’re not that far apart. Now call your boy, Matty!”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed up my baby.

“Matty! I was worried. I thought you’d call me while you were driving up. I was gonna call you, but Donald said it would make me look like a pussy.”

“Oh yeah, Donald’s gonna be good for you, babe. And—just so you know—I couldn’t call you while I was driving up cuz I was pretty much bawling my eyes out the whole way. I already miss the fuck outta you, ya know.”

“Yeah, same here. Can you talk now? Or do you wanna call me when you get settled?”

“I’m at Haley’s right now. She’s gonna take me to the dorms and help me get moved in. We have a meeting while we’re eating supper, and we’ll probably be done around seven or eight. I’ll call you as soon as I can after, k?”

“Sure. I love you so much, Matty. We can do this!”

“I love you too, sweet boy. I’ll call you later, k?”

As nice as it was to hear Eddie’s voice, it only made the hurt come back. Fuck! I miss my boy so damned much!

Haley hugged me and told me to sit in the passenger seat. Ben and Mark, her roomies, climbed into their car to follow us. While we were driving, Haley said they insisted on helping me move in. She chuckled and added, “I’m sure they’re just hoping to see some young jock meat in various stages of undress.”

It didn’t take long for us to get to the dorm, and we were pretty lucky to find a place to park right in front. The guys had to park in the lot across the street.

I went into the lobby and found the check-in counter. Again, I was pretty lucky in that there was no line. I gave my name, and the sweet lady gave me a packet with 317-2 scrawled across the front.

“The packet contains information from your coaching staff, and you are on the third floor—room 317. Your roommate arrived a while back and may or may not be there when you get in. If you have people helping you move in, they will need to stay with you at all times. Welcome to ASU, Mr. Jordan.”

She smiled, and I went out to the car and found all my shit unloaded and sitting on the sidewalk. “I’m on the third floor, guys! Yay!”

We gathered all my shit and headed inside, taking the elevator up to the third floor. I knocked on the door before unlocking it. Hell, I didn’t want Haley to see anything weird! I opened the door just as a very cute boy was walking towards it.

“You must be Matthew. I’m Parker, your new roomie!”

“Awesome to meet ya. This is Haley and her roommates, Ben and Mark. They’re helping me get my shit up here. Sorry, I need to watch my language, I guess.”

“No worries, dude. I promise you—I’m probably the worse when it comes to swearing.”

“Ha! Wait ‘til you meet my brother, Eddie!”

“Eddie? As in your boyfriend, Eddie?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“Dude, the whole team knows about you guys—Hell, the whole country probably knows after you two were on national television.”

“Ahhhhhh. I hope that’s not a problem—being your roommate and all.”

“Naw. Hell, they probably put us together because we have something in common—like leaving our boyfriends at home?”

“Wow! Oh, wow!”




I finally stopped crying about an hour after Matty left. I know everyone has been super-encouraging with their words about how we can do it, how we’re gonna make this separation work, blah-blah-fucking-blah.

Donald was moving his shit into the guest room—well, his room now—and there was a knock at the front door. I really didn’t want to see anyone, but I had to see who it was. I looked through the peephole and saw Nate standing there. Well, Hell!

I opened the door and let him in. We went into the living room and sat beside each other on the sofa. “You okay, Eddie? You look like you’ve been crying.”

“Oh yeah, like a fucking fountain. I miss Matty a lot, little bro.”

“Well, you better! If you didn’t, there might be a problem or two that needs looking into.”

“How are you doing? You still feeling good about yourself?”

“Yeah. Things are a lot more clear to me now. I don’t know if I’m gay. I don’t know if I’m straight. I do know that I’m Nate Hamilton—and right now, I love Simon Middleton. His brother was in your third-week session and was a huge help to Simon and me. He told us to stop worrying about labeling our relationship and just love each other.”

“Oh! I didn’t know Simon had an older brother. And he was in our camp? What’s his name?”

“Mike. Mike Middleton.”

“Is his boyfriend named Noah?”

“Yeah. The football player. He was in the group, too.”

“Holy shit! This world is too fucking small. Why didn’t you say something?”

“Mike didn’t want me to. He wanted to be treated like just a random guy in the group. He was afraid he would be treated different if you knew he was Simon’s brother.”


“Whatever. You knew what I was saying.”

“Have you guys…?”

“No! I promised you and Matty that we wouldn’t. Remember?”

“So, what kind of shit do you do when you’re hanging out with your boyfriend?”

“Pretty much the same as we always have done. We play video games, go to movies, swim in their pool.”

“It sounds like things are really no different than before.”

“But they are, Eddie. It’s little things, though. Like we sit close together when we’re playing X-box. Or Simon leans against me when we’re watching a movie. That kind of thing. Okay, sometimes we jack-off together. And we kiss a lot—a lot!

“And how are Mike and Noah doing now?”

“Man, they have it real bad for each other. You can see it in the way they look at each other. It’s just weird. But Noah came out to his dad and wouldn’t let him say stupid shit to him. They talked things out, and Mike says they’re in a pretty good place now.”

I looked down at my phone and saw that it had been two hours since Matty left for Boone. “Hey, Nate—I need to call Haley real quick. Hold on.”

“Hi, Eddie. What’s up?”

“Hey, Haley. Just wanted to check and see if Matty had gotten there yet.”

“Bro—he’s been on the road for two hours. It takes two hours and twenty minutes. I’ll make sure he calls you when he gets here, k?”

“Yeah, sorry. I just thought Matty would call while he was driving up, and I haven’t heard from him.”

“Okay, I understand, little brother. You gonna be okay?”

“Yeah—Nate is here keeping me company.”

“Speaking of the little twit who’s no longer a twit—you guys did wonders with him at your camp! He called me after class the next Monday. Wow! I can’t believe I had an awesome conversation with a thirteen-year-old! He told me he loved me and apologized for being such a PITA. I howled when he told me that was your new nickname for him!”

“Yeah, Hales—I’m really proud of him. Can you believe he came over to make sure I was doing okay, and he’s made me feel better with his just being here?”

“Dad told me how proud he was of you, too. I hope he told you!”

“Oh yeah, he was great. It just makes me feel like I’m making the right decision for my future and all.”

“Right? Holy shit, Eddie—when Mom and Dad told me you were planning to be a preacher, I practically crapped my pants!”

“What? You don’t think it’s a good idea?”

“No! That’s not it at all! It’s just that you were always so pissed off at the world when I lived down there. But seeing the person you’ve turned into over the last couple of years, I can see how you would be an awesome minister. I just never thought that was something you would ever consider.”

“It kinda surprised me, too. Believe it or not, Donald Harper convinced me it was what I needed to do. And he’s going to be doing the seminary thing with me.”

“Speaking of—Is the guy who almost killed you really living with you? Are you safe, Eddie?”

“Yeah. The guy who almost killed me doesn’t exist anymore. We’ve totally become good friends since he turned his life completely around in Utah. He’s already been my rock since Matty left.”

“Is he gay now?”

“Oh, God no! Totally straight! That’s one thing that’s not gonna change about him.”

“Then, I’m sure Matty’s comfortable leaving you two alone then!”

I heard a beeping in the background, and Haley told me her late lunch was ready. She promised to have Matty call me as soon as he got there.

We ended the call, but after another twenty minutes, I couldn’t take it any longer. Haley laughed at me and called me a wuss. She’s right. I’m being a total big baby. I promised to wait for Matty’s call and ended ours.

Fortunately, Matty’s call came about ten minutes later. It was so fucking good to hear his voice! I couldn’t be upset with him since he told me he cried most of the way up. I know everyone says we’re one couple who can survive this kind of separation, but Jesus Christ! It’s going to be so fucking hard.

Matty told me he had to get moved into the dorm and attend a team meeting at dinner. He was going to call me when all that was done. Now I just sit and wait. Maybe a nap.



Between Parker, Ben, Mark, Haley, and myself—I was unpacked and loaded into my room in less than thirty minutes. Haley and her roomies left, and Parker and I sat down in the living room.

That's right. I said living room. The athletic dorms are more like two-bedroom apartments. You walk into a small living area with a kitchenette. There’s a bedroom with its own bathroom on either side of the living room. Hell yeah! It’s fucking good to be an athlete.

“Well, I hate that we lost our coach to one of the Power Fives, but at least the new guy was moved up from the coaching staff, so we should all be good.”

“Yeah, Coach Clark actually spent a lot of time with me when I came up here with Eddie to check the place out. He’s pretty cool. He was the one who told me they didn’t give a shit about the whole sexuality thing. He just wanted good football from his players.”

“I hear you didn’t accept the scholarship they offered. How come?”

“My dad was a pretty well-known author and speaker, and when he passed away—well, I’m in pretty good shape and didn’t need a scholarship. I figured other people did need one, so I wouldn’t feel right about taking money that someone else needed a lot more than I do.”

“And that’s why you just might be a true-freshman starting quarterback. You’re already making decisions for the betterment of the team. That’s the kind of shit coaches eat up!”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m probably gonna be a red-shirt. Anything else that might happen would just be the icing on the cake. Hell, even if they redshirt me, I can still play four games and not lose my status. That would be cool.”


“How ‘bout you? You gonna be fighting for a position like the rest of us?”

“I don’t know. When they were recruiting me, they said they planned to start me and look for a backup. The last I heard, I was the only kicker they brought in. I’ve not heard anything different, so I hope I’m still gonna be starting.”


“Hey, we need to head down to the cafeteria for the meeting and some food. Let’s hit it, k?”

Parker and I headed down to the second-floor cafeteria. Holy shit! This place did not look like a cafeteria—looked more like a restaurant. We still had to go through a line, but even the food looked awesome. I guess they knew that they had to take good care of their athletes’ appetites!

We were all seated at the far end of the room. Coach Clark got up to speak once we were all settled. He introduced all the assistants and then talked about how he was excited to be the new head coach. He promised to keep the team on the same track we were on with Coach Drinkwitz. Winning the conference and getting into the New Orleans Bowl was a great accomplishment for a relatively small I-A school, and if it ain’t broke—he’s not gonna try to fix it.

Coach went on to explain that everyone would be competing for their positions on the team. No one was guaranteed their position except for Parker, the only player recruited for the kicker position.

Then it happened.


It came from the back of the crowd. Coach Clark’s head shot up, and he scanned the room in silence. Then he just stood there. You could hear a pin drop in the room—well, except for the clanging of dishes and silverware at the other end of the dining hall.

Finally! Coach Clark began to speak. “That is the last time I will hear that kind of bullshit from anyone on this team. Every single one of you was recruited and interviewed by at least two members of this coaching staff. You were each asked about your ideas on the game, how you related to your teammates in high school, your family dynamics—that sort of thing. Not one person in this room was asked about the gender of the person—or people—he has had relations with. Do you know why?”

Silence—dead silence.

“Fine. I’ll tell you why. It doesn’t matter. Our goal was to put together the best damned team in the Sun Belt Conference. Now—as far as that disparaging remark we just heard. Unacceptable! No exceptions. And I promise you boys this—if I hear any disparaging remarks about any of your teammates—you will be suspended from all team activities for two weeks. The second time I, or any of the coaching staff, hear a disparaging remark from you—you will be removed from the team. Your scholarship will be redistributed, so you will not be able to return to the team. Is that clear?”

More silence.

“I said—Is. That. Clear?”

Shouts of “yessir!” and “yes coach” filled the room.

The meeting went on without a hitch. The different coaches introduced their players to the rest of the team. The quarterbacks were the first to be introduced. I’ll be competing for the starting spot with Devon Brown, a first-year sophomore, and Johnny Wilson—another freshman who was from Florida. Bet you can’t guess who I’ll be Googling tonight!

After the meeting, we all headed back to our rooms. Parker and I both went into our bedrooms to call our boyfriends. Damn! It was sure nice to hear Eddie’s voice.

I told him about the meeting and the “faggot” remark. He was pretty impressed with the way Coach handled the situation and was happy the comment wasn’t directed towards me. I told Eddie that I would make arrangements for him to be at all my games and that he’d have a plane ticket and hotel room for the away games. He made some kind of stupid comment about how that was too much money to spend—apparently forgetting that money was not even close to being an issue.

By the time we ended our call, we had shed a lot of tears—and experienced our first phone sex. It was a blast, but nothing even close to the real thing. It will have to do for now. Maybe tomorrow night we’ll do some Facetime sex!

I walked out into the living room to watch some television and found Patrick on the sofa watching some ESPN. His eyes were as red as mine. I guess he had an emotional call with his boy as well.

“At least the phone sex was fun.”

I blushed and looked up at him, and we both started laughing.

“Tomorrow night, I’m Facetiming Eddie. That seems like it might be even more fun.”

“Oh! I think I’ll do that with Lincoln. Just surprise him and all!”

“I think we’re gonna get along just fine, Parker. Just Fine.”



To say the least, I was more than surprised when I answered the Facetime call from Matty and found him totally naked and stroking that cock I miss so much! Watching my beautiful boy—along with some of the nastiest dirty talk I’ve ever heard—had both of us nutting all over the place. It still was nowhere close to the real thing, but it was a lot better than what we did last night!

I think the thing that made the next four weeks miserable was that I was sitting around and waiting for school to start. Matty was working his ass off and was usually exhausted, but we talked every night—Facetimed most of those calls and watched each other stroke off a load.

Donald was great and always brought me out of my funk whenever I started feeling lonely and shit. Nate continued to surprise the shit outta me with the honest conversations we were having. It was just so weird having this kind of relationship with a fucking thirteen-year-old! It was like we were becoming besties and leaving the brother thing on the sidelines.

The weekend before I started classes, Mom, Dad, Nate, and I drove up to Boone to see Matty’s first game. They were playing some small college—Morgan State—that agreed to be some kind of sacrificial lamb.

I wanted to drive up Friday, but Matty said not to bother since the team was stashed away in a hotel to make sure all of the guys were focused and in the right place (mentally) for the game. He did make reservations for a hotel room for after the game. I was not planning on getting much sleep at all! I was gonna be with my boy!

We got to our seats, and all of us were blown away at how beautiful the stadium was. Okay, okay—so the stadium itself wasn’t so beautiful, but it was tucked into the mountains, and everywhere you looked was just stunning beauty.

The ASU marching band gave a pregame show that was totally outstanding. It ended with the football team running onto the field. There he is! Matty ran out in the front part of the team. He was wearing number 12, the same number he had in high school. By the way, Matty was the first backup quarterback to the sophomore dude who was already on the team. Matty said they were going to red-shirt the kid from Florida. That meant he was a part of the team but wasn’t allowed to play except in four games. That way, he can still play four full seasons with the team. It doesn’t make much sense to me, but Hell—I didn’t give a fuck! Matty was standing down there live and in person!

In the first half, ASU totally dominated Morgan State and went into the locker room leading 41-0. For the second drive of the third quarter, the coach sent Matty out to play! Most people didn’t know who he was, but we heard a couple of comments behind us about Matty being that gay kid who was on Good Morning America. Fuck me! Will that bullshit ever stop??

Matty’s first drive got the ball to the Morgan State 21-yard line, and his roomie kicked a near-perfect field goal. I mean, it was great that we scored and all, but I could tell Matty was nervous. Hopefully, he’ll calm his cute ass down and score some points on his own!

Even ASU’s second-string defense was too much for Morgan State’s offense, and it didn’t take long for Matty to take the field again.

During Matty’s second drive, they were about to cross the 50-yard line, but one of the running backs fumbled the ball behind the line of scrimmage. Yes! Matty threw himself on top of the loose ball and saved the play, but they ended up having to punt the ball away.

The punt was near perfect, placing the ball on the Morgan State 4-yard line. Those poor guys never got a first down and punted the ball. The punt was returned to the MSU 35-yard line, and the home crowd was going wild.

Matty and the rest of the team ran out to the field with purpose. I could feel it—something big was about to happen.

On the first play of the drive, Matty faked a handoff to his right and took a few steps back. He had plenty of time to find his target and threw a beautiful pass to some dude already in the end zone. Yes! Matty Jordan threw his first touchdown pass as a college player!

That touchdown was all Matty needed to relax into the game. Holy shit! No matter how hard they tried, nothing could stop Matty! He led the team to two more touchdowns, and with about four minutes to go in the game, Morgan State’s defense was so worn out, they couldn’t stop shit. Matty was looking to pass the ball again, but his guy wasn’t where he was supposed to be.

Matty just took matters into his own hands and ran that fucking ball 43 yards, right into the end zone! Dad and I had to laugh when we heard the guy behind us say, “Who gives a shit if he’s gay? That boy can sleep with whatever he wants to sleep with. He keeps playing like that, and he’ll be the starter before we get into conference play!”

The final score ended up being 61-3. It was freakin’ awesome to see Matty take control of the game the way he did! Afterward, we were standing with other families outside the ASU clubhouse—waiting for our boys to finish their postgame shit. Matty was one of the last ones out, but when he walked through the door, the people left cheered him.

What happened next shocked the shit out of me! He ran straight to me and threw his arms around me. He literally lifted me off the ground and swung me around in a circle. When I landed, Matty Jordan—collegiate quarterback, mind you—placed my face in his hands and fucking kissed me!

There was a mixture of cheers and groans from the people witnessing Matty’s little show. But I have to say it was pretty damned cool that at least ¾ of the noise was cheering. Matty moved next to Nate and kissed him on the forehead while hugging him. It was so fucking cute! Nate was grinning from ear to ear! Mom got the next hug and a kiss on the cheek.

As Matty was moving to Dad, the old man beat him to the chase. Dad wrapped his arms around Matty and swung him around in a circle. When Matty landed, Dad planted a kiss on Matty’s forehead and told him how incredibly proud he was of his “other” son.

Mom and Dad took us all out to eat at this place called Daniel Boone Inn. It was this huge, old, white clapboard house—which we learned was the area’s first hospital way back in the day. We had to wait about twenty minutes for a table, but when we walked into the dining room, a few people recognized Matty and started to applaud. He was so fucking cool about it! He waved at them and then went about his business with the family.

Dinner. Oh. My. God. This place really shouldn’t be legal! They served the food family style—which means they bring everything out on platters and in big-ass bowls. You don’t get to choose what you want, either. They brought out fried chicken, country-fried steak, country ham biscuits, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, coleslaw—shit! There was enough to feed the entire football team—just at our table!

As we were finishing our desserts, a man and his teenage kid walked up to the table. He apologized for bothering us, but his son really wanted an autograph. The dad told Matty that he was sure this autograph was going to be valuable one day. Matty blushed! It was so fucking cute!

Matty leaned into the kid and asked his name.


“Thanks for stopping by, Josh. You’re the first person ever to ask for my autograph!”

The kid handed his game program and a Sharpie to Matty. Matty wrote:

To Josh:

Live your dream every day

Matty Jordan

“Thank you, sir. I thought you were the best player out there today. It was so cool to get to see you play in your first college game. I’ll never forget it!”

“I don’t think I will either, Josh. It was pretty awesome being out on that field today.”

His father looked at Mom and Dad, saying, “Josh loves football but isn’t athletically inclined. He gets bullied every now and then because he has some problems walking. He’s been following your boys on Instagram ever since he saw them on YouTube. You should be extremely proud. They’re both exceptional role models—and they’ve had a wonderfully positive effect on my son. It’s an honor to meet y’all in person.”

He looked at me and asked if I was going to keep up with baseball in college. “No, sir, I’ll be working my way towards seminary and then join my father as a pastor in his church.”

“And this is why I will continue to believe that the world is going to be just fine. We need more young men like you, that’s for sure!”

While all that was nice and everything, I kinda wished we would get a move on. Sitting this close to Matty after a month apart had me hard as a rock, and I needed to get naked with my boy—NOW!

Fortunately, we got checked into the hotel within 30 minutes. Mom and Dad got a suite for them and Nate. Matty insisted on getting our room and finally won that argument! You’ve never seen two boys get naked so fast or clothes flying so much once when we hung the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door and clicked the deadbolt.

Matty had me pressed up against the wall right next to the door. He was kissing me and grinding into me so hard that I ended up nutting all over us in less than two minutes. I didn’t need to be embarrassed. Matty followed up about twenty seconds later! Damn! We were two horny boys!

Next stop was the shower. We kissed and touched, cleaned and fondled, and stroked each other to another mind-blowing nut. After cleaning each other yet again, we finally got out of the shower and dried each other.

We made it into the bed and slid under the covers. God, it felt so good wrapping my arms and legs around Matty! Four weeks apart was way more than I ever want to do again!

Between all the food and two amazing orgasms, we both dozed off. I think I fell asleep mid-kiss!

I don’t know how long I was out, but I woke to Matty’s talented mouth working my hard cock. Yeah, that’s the best fucking way ever to wake up!

“Good, you’re awake. You’re hard. You’re fucking beautiful. And I’m gonna ride this big boy! I need my boy inside me sooooo bad!”

Somehow, a bottle of lube ended up on the bed, and it was soon in Matty’s hand, and he poured some of the silicon magic all over my cock. Once he spread it around, Matty rubbed his hand in his ass and positioned himself over me.

Once my cock broke through his outer ring, Matty let go a sigh that told me he was in Heaven. Matty groaned all the way as he lowered himself on my cock. Once I was all the way in, Matty looked down at me and said, “You are all the good in my life, Eddie Hamilton. Everything that’s good is because you are mine—and I’m yours. And now for something totally new, baby. You ready?”

“Oh, my God! I love you, Matty. I’m a better man just for the fact that you are my soulmate. I love you more than life, Matty! More than—WHAT. THE. FUCK??”

I have never felt anything like this in my entire life. Matty wasn’t moving—at least it didn’t look like he was moving! He was looking into my eyes—no, my soul—and was doing something with his ass that was like—I don’t know! It’s almost indescribable! He was flexing his ass in a way that the pressure was moving up and down my cock.

Matty continued and gave me the hottest fucking smile I’ve ever seen. It was like he was planning to pretty much milk the nut outta my cock without moving! Matty was definitely working hard, though—sweat was pouring down his body. That only made his defined muscles even more defined. I don’t think either of us ever broke our stare into each other’s eyes.

After about five minutes of this—I don’t know—ass-milking I was getting, I suddenly felt that all-too-familiar tightening at the base of my cock. That was followed by it expanding into the muscles surrounding it, and I exploded like a fucking nuclear weapon inside my amazing boy.

I think I was in shock. I didn’t even make a sound. I was just gasping for air. I’ve never had a more intense orgasm in my life! I felt that thing from the top of my head all the way to my toes. When I finally rejoined the land of the living, Matty eased himself off my still-hard cock with this shit-eating grin on his face.

“Did you like that, Eddie?”

“What the fuck did you do to my cock?”

“Part of the routine our strengthening coach has us doing is a shitload of glute work. I got this idea the other night when you were fingering your hole on Skype. I’m so glad it worked! And just so you know—the next time I’m home, I’m tying you to the fucking bed so I can do the same thing!”

“Holy shit, Matty. You might just kill me with that ass of yours! But Fuuuuuuck! What a way to go, right?”

Matty smiled, leaned down, and kissed me with all the love and emotion I’ve ever felt from this beautiful boy. “Have you recovered enough yet? Are you ready for me to make love to you?”

“Matty, it’s been four weeks. Right now—I need you to fuck the everliving shit outta me! Bend me over the chair and pound my ass—hard!”

“Are you sure, babe?”

“Yes! Fuck me hard—we’ll make love later.”

Matty pulled me out of bed and took me over to the wing-backed chair. He put my hands on top of the chair’s back and bent me down towards the seat. Before I could even begin to think about what would happen next, Matty had his tongue working its magic on my aching hole. Jesus! Can that boy rim!

Y’all know what Matty Jordan can do with his tongue, and he had me dripping precum in less than a minute! That fucker had his hand under my cock, collecting all the pre that he was gonna need to lube up his cock! He kept rimming—I kept dripping (and moaning like the whore boy he was turning me into!)—he kept collecting and slathering.

“You ready, babe? You want this dick in you?”

“Fuck me, Matty! Fuck me hard!”

Boy! Did he ever fuck me hard! The sounds of bodies smacking together got me so fucking hot! At one point, Matty was pounding me so hard that he knocked the fancy-ass chair down with me hanging over it. That put is in a hot-as-fuck, doggie-style, sweaty skin-slapping fuck that I’m sure the neighbors were hearing. Matty had me babbling like a fool. I couldn’t even tell you what I was saying, but I was sure glad the family was two floors below us!

“Bed!” I wanted to be on my back, so I could see my hot and sweaty boy’s face while he nutted inside me. Besides, if we stopped for a few seconds to move around, he’ll last longer. He’ll fuck me longer—we’ll both nut harder. It’s a win-win-win!

Matty pulled me up from the overturned chair and into a kiss for the ages! He pushed me back onto the bed and scooted my throbbing ass to the edge of the mattress. My legs were up on my boy’s shoulders, and his cock slammed into me in one hard thrust.

“Fuck me hard, baby! I need you to breed me hard! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Pillow!”

Matty reached over my shoulder and grabbed a pillow, stuffing it under my ass. There! That perfect angle! It wasn’t gonna take me long to blow my third nut of the night!

I know I can’t come close to the ass-magic Matty pulled earlier, but I knew he would be nutting with me if I squeezed my ass every time my boy was pulling out. It didn’t take long at all before we were both howling at the moon. Matty didn’t stop pounding as he unloaded his nut deep in me.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Here I come, Matty! Make me nut! Ooooooooooooh! Fuuuuuuuuck!”

My nut flew all over the room. Holy shit! Just when you think you’ve already had the most intense nut of your life, Matty Jordan comes along with the sole purpose of proving you wrong. I don’t know if I could survive a nut more intense than the one Matty just gave me.

We finally fell asleep, and both woke up early in the morning. We were starved! But—believe it or not—there was one thing more important than food. Matty and I made sweet, tender love before we got out of bed. It was a session of making love filled with kisses, giggles, and even a few tears.

Neither of us wanted it to end, but we knew we had to get out of bed and into the shower. We were cleaned, dressed, and meeting the family in the dining room for a breakfast buffet by 10:00. We had an excellent breakfast and were soon checked out, in the car, and driving Matty back to his dorm.

When we got to the dorm, Matty and I hugged in the back seat and whispered our love to each other. He stood outside and watched Dad pull away. I kept looking out the window—even long after Matty vanished from view. Fuck! I hate this part! At least we’ll see each other next weekend. That’s a helluva lot better than four weeks!

I fell asleep in the back seat with Nate leaning up against me. I was tired. So. Fucking. Tired. But what a weekend! Matty began his college football career, and we had some of the most intense sex of our young lives. And now we were heading back to Charlotte. School starts tomorrow. Whoah—college starts tomorrow!

The next chapter is going to come out sometime between Christmas and New Year's. Here's wishing you a wonderful holiday season (whichever holiday you celebrate) and hoping that all of us start off the new decade kicking ass and taking no prisoners!
All I want for Christmas? Comments, reviews and reactions!
I love you guys!
Copyright © 2019 FlyOnTheWall; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

My absolute favorite part as the guy going he can sleep with whatever he wants. That's exactly how it should be! Just cuz he likes "sticks and stones" doesn't mean he can't play ball!!!

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It was nice that the very first autograph Matty signed was for a teenager who is bullied, but is inspired by Matty & Eddie.

I think that even if Matty becomes a championship NFL quarterback, there will still be mention of the PromPosal.

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1 hour ago, Wesley8890 said:

sticks and stones

I thought we didn’t like those two things!

Isn’t it supposed to be something about ‘twig and berries’?

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Loved the chapter; it was a great Christmas gift to your readers.  It’s also beginning to feel like the happy calm before trouble begins to develop. I’m trying so hard not to predict where and with whom the first problem will occur.  There are several possibilities-some worse to contemplate than others.

Nate continues to warm my heart and surprise me, but sometimes I wish Eddie would ease up on him and Simon.  The no sex rule is going to become increasingly difficult to honor, and it seems like an unnecessary developing source of stress (or maybe I’m just projecting).  😏 I wonder if they make it to age 14.  😈  I mean… blow jobs wouldn’t hurt them.  I worry about the burden of guilt that Eddie is potentially placing on their shoulders when they almost inevitably “slip up” one day.

Wishing you the happiest of holidays, Geoff!

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Wow! An early Christmas present - another chapter in the story of our favourite boys (alright - college men) Matty & Eddie.

Many thanks @FlyOnTheWall for giving us another peek and promising us another between Christmas & New Year - you know we'll hold you to that!

I'm sure someting is going to develop from the "faggot" comment at Matty's first team meal.

I love how Nate is growing in to such a fine young man.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone who participates in those festivities.


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5 hours ago, Brokenbind said:


However, I imagine Housekeeping's reaction when they saw the state of the room was something like:


They say you don’t want to use a blacklight in a hotel or motel room. I don’t think housekeeping is unused to those sorts of conditions. Not a job I’d want to have…

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22 hours ago, Howzat said:

I'm sure someting is going to develop from the "faggot" comment at Matty's first team meal.

You are so right. Either the guy is going to have an epiphany about the wonderful world of tolerance, or he's going to be (and get into) real trouble.

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Excellent chapter! Matty’s debut as a back up quarterback went amazingly well. His first autograph goes to a bullied teen who is inspired by he and Eddie. Nate has matured so much. The separation becomes more lengthy and more difficult. Lots of temptations. Are they strong enough to resist? I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😃❤️

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I agree with Richard - something is going to develop from that comment - probably off field and even off campus!!!

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