Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Please Note: This story contains the use of "Alien words". The Earth term will be explained at the bottom of each chapter if it is the first time of it's usage.
Please note: This story deal with drugs, rape, sexual scenes and and extremely coarse language
Purity - 24. Chapter 24
Earth - Heidgate - Mid Morning
Brandon was just entering the valley of the homeless that was Heidgate. The low morning sun stung his eyes as a building made way for the bright disc in the sky. He had planned to come the previous night but ended up having a rather drawn-out argument with his parents about why he seemed to be out all the time. He had explained that he was looking for Adam, to which his father responded, 'If you find him, don't bother to bring him here,' proving that still, no love looked like it would ever be rekindled.
The concrete was slippery as Brandon walked along, left like that after an aggressive early frost that had settled in, making the damaged tarmac twinkle like millions of tiny gems. He planned to stop at the launderette looking for Sage but was suddenly distracted by what was going on up ahead.
Brandon gathered speed while trying not to slip over as he eyed a group of scruffy-looking men standing around an NHS ambulance. As he approached, he noted that one of the boys was wearing a blue puffer jacket, not so unlike the one he'd previously seen Sage wear.
Rather than going up behind the group, just in case of an altercation, he decided to cross the road to get a sideways look that the one particular boy he was now hoping was Sage. As he got to the other side, there was a flurry of voices as a bed on wheels appeared from one of the dwellings, complete with a bagged up body. Brandon drew in breath quickly as he looked at where the trolley had come from. He decided to abort his plan of finding Sage and continued to walk past the ambulance and crowd to the other end of the street.
His shoulders seemed to automatically relax as he could feel the voices getting further away. That was until a stealthily individual had somehow been following him undetected.
"Guess he'll be taking all his fantasy stories to the grave with him. You should do the same!"
Brandon turned around, seeing Sage standing just feet behind him.
"So it is him then?"
"Fred? Yep," Sage replied, kicking a frosty patch of pavement with his beat-up sneaker,
"Do you…"
"Do I know how? Yeah, heart attack, a big one apparently."
"I'm sorry," Brandon offered softly.
"No need to apologise. It's him that's dead.
"Yeah, I guess so," Brandon replied solemnly.
"So why are you here? Were you hoping to see old man Fred or something, cos you're a bit late, as we both know."
"Actually, I came to see you, but the sight of that ambulance got the better of my curiosity."
Sage folded his arms. "See me? What for? I said all I had to at that University."
"Can we go somewhere to talk?"
"Didn't you hear me? I said I have nothing left to say."
"I know you've been having more of these visions. Tell me I'm wrong?"
"So what if I have? And let's be clear, they are not visions or any other hocus pocus you seem to think they are. It's probably just a dream I'm trying to remember.
"And your eye?" Brandon asked, looking directly into it."
"What of it?"
He moved closer to Sage, causing Sage himself to take a step back. "Why don't you like talking about it?"
"What's there to talk about? It's probably just an infection of some kind."
"Oh, C'mon Sage, you don't believe that do you?"
"As I said, I don't have anything more to say to you, now Fred is dead. So you don't have a reason to come back here unless you want Tasty Tina to give you another hand job!"
Brandon blushed slightly but shook the comment off. "Look, I think I can help you find out what these images are that flash into your head."
"And I think that maybe I don't care."
"Oh, but I think you do. I think that they are baffling you, and you'd love to know what they are."
"Pffft, and you think YOU can help me with that?"
"I can; I have a friend. She is a hypnotist… she can probe you. Look, Sage, whatever you believe or don't believe, I think there is some connection between that artefact I showed you, your eye, and these visions. If I can help you figure out what they are, then it's likely you'll help me in my quest."
Sage tilted his head. "Which is?"
"Uh DUH! Like finding my brother, which is, if I recall, is something, you wanted to do too. That is unless, of course, you've got bored of that ambition?"
"I'm a realist. Adam is gone… and it's somewhere on THIS planet, so, sorry I can't help you. Now I better be going." He turned and started to walk back.
"Hey, look, wait a sec, I-"
Sage turned around, angry. "You just don't get it, do you? You have nothing to offer me, so just piss off, okay?! And this time I'm not askin pal!"
"Well, tell me then, tell me what I could offer you to make you do this… you want another lunch or something?"
Sage laughed sarcastically, "Dude, we did the lunch thing okay, and for what you're asking, it's gonna take a lot more than a stale burger!"
"So what then, money? Is that it?"
Sage tilted his head and pulled his lips down. "It certainly talks, but looking at you, I'd say you were just out of college and wouldn't have the… 'facility' to entertain me shall we say?"
Brandon was seething inside but felt desperate to get him in front of Debbie nonetheless. "Okay," he started through gritted teeth, "What is your price?"
"To have my mind probed by a stranger, not to mention letting you have the knowledge that comes from it? I'd say two hundred should do it."
"WHAT?" Brandon cried, reeling back. "Two fucking hundred, I don't have that kind of money."
Sage shrugged. "Pfft, see ya then!"
"A hundred," he blurted quickly as Sage began to walk away again, "Take a hundred. It's all the money I have, like anywhere!"
Sage stopped and thought about his offer. "A hundred and your ass," he settled on, causing Brandon to frown.
"Ass, your shit tube, chocolate escalator, your poop chute, you dig now?"
"Okay, okay, I understand, my ass! But what do you want with my ass?" Brandon asked, genuinely not knowing.
Sage laughed halfheartedly. "Eh, I want to fuck it?"
Brandon stepped back, looking horrified. "What the fuck, Sage? I ain't into that, look you get a hundred out of me, that's enough surely!"
Sage walked towards Brandon until their chins were almost touching. "Two things, dude, firstly, you want this deal done, well you are fifty per cent down on my offer and in my world? That's a no deal! But, second, if you ain't got that kinda money, then I have just offered you an alternative. Now to me, it's simple! Either you give me a hundred and let me get off inside your cute little straight ass to get this deal of yours done, or you…can…go…fuck…yourself," Sage stated, prodding at Brandon's chest as he spoke each word.
Brandon swallowed hard as Sage backed away before turning around and walking once again.
"I'll be at the launderette if you change your mind!" he called, as Brandon let out a lung full of air it felt like he'd been holding for a week.
Later that day, Brandon had made his way to the University to see Sam in his room between his classes. Sam had the artefact out again, studying it under a microscope he had borrowed from a lab. Brandon sat quietly, lost in his thoughts.
"There a reason why you're here?" Sam asked, his eye still firmly over the glass piece
"What?.. oh, erm, what do you mean?"
"Well, since I opened that door to you, all I've had is a hello. Everything okay?"
"Fred's dead."
"Huh? Really? When?"
"Dunno, today, I guess. I went to see if I could find Sage, and there was an ambulance parked up. They brought him out just as I got there."
"So uh, I guess you can keep this thing," Sam said, holding up the artefact.
"Yeah, I guess so."
"Anything else wrong? You look pretty cut up about a bloke you didn't really know?" Sam asked as he went back to what he was doing.
Brandon closed his eyes briefly, took in a deep breath and looked over at his friend, who was again fixated with the scope. "Sam?"
"Yeah?" he replied dreamily.
"If you really needed something and to get it meant you had to be fucked anally by another guy, would you do it?" he asked deadpan.
As Brandon finished his sentence, Sam slowly looked up from the microscope and fixed his gaze on his friend. "S-s-sorry, could you just run that one by me again because I could have sworn you just said-"
"Yes, I did just say that… so answer the question, would you?"
"Brandon, have you taken some fucking street drug or something? I mean, is this really a serious question?"
"I'm gonna take it from your reaction that the answer would be no."
"What, did you really think I was gonna turn round and say, hell yeah Brandon, and while you at it, why don't you give double penetration a go for the hell of it if you need something that bad."
Brandon sighed, not fazed by Sam's reaction. "Just thought I'd ask."
Sam shook his head. "Look, man, we all got a little bit of gay in us deep down, but the whole 'in out in out' ass play pumparooni? Well, that's not cricket! Anyway, why in God's name are you asking me?"
"This Sage dude won't go under Debbie's spell shit unless I give him two hundred big ones!"
"Sorry, so where does you getting dicked come into this?"
"I said I didn't have two hundred and offered him a hundred. He said he would accept the hundred and a fuck."
"And you said no, right?"
"I didn't say anything in the end; I just let him walk away."
"But you're gonna say do one, right? Right Brandon? RIGHT?"
Brandon lifted his head and looked at Sam, saying nothing for a second, until, "Would it really be that bad?"
Sam put his finger up to his lips. "Hmm, let me think about that. Oh no, I can't because I ain't never let a guy put his dick in my ass."
"I better go," Brandon said, getting up from the beanbag he'd been laying on.
"Are you sure? You're welcome to stay if the folks are still giving you grief? I got class soon though, if you don't mind entertaining yourself for a couple of hours?"
"Nah, I need to get home and eat. I'll speak to you soon, yeah?"
"Yeah, cool, Bro, and hey, maybe you can find out what happened to your brother without all this weird shit that's being floated around."
"Yeah, maybe," Brandon replied dejectedly. "See ya soon."
It was approaching eleven o'clock at night when the beat-up door to the launderette opened, and a sad-looking Brandon exited. His face was wet, followed by Sage, who was grinning. Sage patted him on the back before flicking through a wad of notes held in his other hand.
"Pleasure doing business with you, and thanks, you were pretty good."
"Whatever," Brandon mumbled as he began to limp away, his belt still flapping loose.
"Hey, don't look so down. You should be proud; you have a very tight ass. There are not many people who could get me to spunk that quickly without foreplay. But I must admit, your grunting was a turn on."
Brandon turned around. "You are Satan's fucking child, do you know that. Just remember we have a deal!"
"On this street, we keep our promises; I'll see you at the address you gave me in four days at midday!"
"Yeah, just try not to OD with the money you ripped off me!"
Sage laughed, shaking his head before heading back inside, leaving Brandon standing cold in the street as one more stray tear ran down his face.
Two Moons Later on Purity
An invitation by Commander Moorabak had led Adam and Sage to visit his two-story apartment down on the coast. As the Commander showed Castro the different animals and plants in his yard area, inside the apartment, Moorabak's life partner was looking at pictures of Earth and some of the material that was available on the multicom to do with Adam's home planet.
"So what is this huge line that runs the length of this area here, Adam of Earth?"
"Oh, that's called the Great Wall of China."
"I see, and what does it do?"
"Yes, what is its function?"
Adam shrugged. "Well, nothing new; it's ancient. A long time ago, it was there to keep enemies out of China."
"And this China is called a country on Earth. But, you see, it's a little different on my planet as there are different countries."
"Uh, how can I explain it?"
"What he means to say, Tharason is that different factions rule Earth," Moorabak said, walking towards his partner and Adam as Castro followed.
"Yeah, that's right, factions. So like, on your world, you have one guy who rules the whole place, but where I come from… and let me see if I can remember this… there are over a hundred and fifty recognised areas called countries, and different people lead these countries."
Tharason chuckled. "Sounds like absolute chaos, young earthling."
"It is, but we think it's better than absolute rule by one old dictator," Adam replied and suddenly wondered if his comment sounded arrogant.
"Adam, you know why I asked you here?" Moorabak asked, changing the subject.
"The Grand Master thing?" Adam replied, feeling nervous all over again after having relaxed for two days.
"The World Vote will begin tomorrow, Adam, now listen, I-"
"Whoa, can I have a minute before you rush into this? And I really would like you to include Castro in whatever you say; I don't want him left out. We are equal!" Adam said a little offended he's life partner had been left standing behind Moorabak." Castro, come and sit down; you need to be involved."
"Yes, Adam, I apologise."
Adam rolled his eyes. "Castro, how many more times…submissivezero!"
"Yes, submissivezero, I must remember."
Submissivezero was a term Adam came up with to remind Castro when he was letting either Adam or someone else dominate him. Adam thought of the term after feeling like he was berating him all the time when he felt Castro was being undermined, most of the time by Adam himself. It was also a way to not embarrass Castro in public by using a code word instead. However, Castro had said he was incapable of embarrassment as it was a uniquely human emotion. Still, none the less Adam and he agreed submissivezero could be used.
"I apologise, Castro, please join us."
"Thank you, Lord Moorabak," Castro replied, sitting down.
"Now, Adam, we must urgently start thinking of a strategy for power. As I am moving around the planet frequently, I am very happy to be your main kanatoth. With your status already known throughout, I am certain I can get another fifty Kanatoths to campaign for you. All I need to know is what you stand for?"
"Huh? What I stand for, how the hell should I know? Up until recently, I was a guest on your planet. Even now, I don't know what makes this place tick."
"Then think of Earth. If you wanted to create a utopian world, what would you do?"
"Pfft, I dunno, heal the sick?"
"Adam, medicine is not an issue on Purity. Think of another."
"Save the whales?"
"Whales, it's a fish," Adam said, giggling.
"Moorabak stood up and looked down on him. Master Adam, I must insist we take these matters seriously. If you wish to win power you-"
"Yeah, well, what if I don't? You just assume that I should be grateful for having the opportunity to do this. Still, you know what, Lord Moorabak, I'm scared… more scared than I have ever been of anything. I'm… I'm just this kid, a long way from home trying to make a life on an alien planet with the boy I love, and I'm about to be asked to lead a planet with hundreds of millions of people on it."
"One point four billion actually, Look Adam. You have my undying support and the support of a council of your choosing."
"Support, support, but what does that actually mean? What support can you give to a person who knows nothing!"
Moorabak tapped his mask. "Morals, loyalty, trust, kindness, belief, strength, understanding!" He reeled off ."Adam, those are your existing building blocks… those are the foundations this planet can sit on with you in power because that is you!. Support is the act of building branches based on those qualities, and this is how we will build a NEW Purity, a BETTER Purity and a STRONGER Purity for all our children and theirs too," he went on pounding his chest. "Adam, Castro, let us do this, let me and the other Kanatoths HELP you do this, and I promise you that YES, while it may not be easy, while it may not be a quick fix, I absolutely believe you can be what this planet needs, because Adam, you ARE the right person, you ARE the one… the one we have all been waiting for, the one the whole planet has been waiting for. So don't sit there and say you can't do it. Stand up and shout out for yourself, Relshek, and Skada, shout out for all of Purity, the planet you love and say… I will make this planet the greatest place in the universe, and I will do it because I am the right person TO do it!"
Adam got to his feet, his jaw still dropped open, a wave of pride, confidence and motivation suddenly running through him. He got up, and with a fist pumped into the air, he shouted. "I WILL MAKE THIS PLANET THE GREATEST PLACE IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!"
"Good! now tell me what you stand for!" Moorabak asked again passionately.
Adam's eyes narrowed, his face taking on a steely expression. Then with anger making his lips quiver, he leant into Moorabak's masked face. "Before anything can be done, I want to CRUSH the Silga. THAT'S what I stand for most of all!"
Underneath his mask, Moorabak smiled before adding. "As a Commander in Space Operations, I could not agree with you more."
"We need to make the military stronger."
"Yes," Moorabak agreed.
"We need to build more ships, bigger ships, more powerful ships, more weapons, more guns, more officers. We need to make Puritas a military Super Power. Then and only then will we be strong enough to take the fight to the evil that keeps returning!"
"YES, Adam!" Moorabak shouted excitedly.
"Castro, thoughts?" Adam asked.
"The Silga killed Lord Relshek; they need to be punished!"
"So, a strong Purity through military rebuilding, A cure for our afflicted citizens, what else, Adam?"
"I want to have the science quarter research into getting rid of these masks you wear so the beauty of a Puritan face can once again be seen."
"Okay, and how are you going to resource this?"
"Are you going to train more people in the field of science and create a separate branch to facilitate this huge undertaking?"
Adam looked puzzled. "Yeah, why not? We just train thousands more dudes and ask them to create a vaccine or something, right?"
"And how will you balance the economy?"
"There's no money here; what is there to balance?"
"Adam, surely Lord Relshek told you about the trading system that allows our planet to function. There may be no money, but we all must trade something with another to keep the system working. Oversupply in the Science Quarter, and you tip the balance with the Manufacturing Quarter sending it into undersupply."
Adam sat there trying to recall a conversation he'd had with Relshek about this exact problem. Finally, he disappeared into his thoughts for a few moments while Moorabak's voice faded into oblivion.
"The craftsman who makes the furniture trades it for something he wants in return. For items that cannot be traded because there is an absence of someone to trade it with, High Command issues tokens that can be used for luxuries such as vacation time or better education for their children."
"So there is a currency then, these tokens?"
"Tokens are not classed as currency Sage. To have currency requires that items must be worth something more or less than another item. To use your furniture question again, a chair, for example, is worth no more or less than a family vehicle. Since everything is of equal value or no value at all, then there is no need for currency."
Adam slowly came back to the present…
"That was when we had twenty science officers come back to the ship," Moorabak said, chuckling. Adam just looked at him, not having a clue.
"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" Adam asked.
"Never mind, so do you wish for me to launch this campaign?" Moorabak asked.
"Yes, but one more thing,"
"Tell them, if I do get power, I want a new way of doing business here; otherwise, the way I see it and correct me if I am wrong, nothing will ever get built fast enough if we have to keep this stupid balance between the Quarters."
"Yes, well, that one will be hard to sell; I'll see what I can do."
Brandon, now back at home after his 'visit' to see Sage, gently lowered himself into a hot bath. "Ssssssup, tah tah tah taaaaah," he hissed as the steaming water made contact with his sore behind. The pain kept sending images into his mind of the ordeal he had been through. He felt ashamed, embarrassed and used as he gently placed his fingers to the entrance of his anus as if checking to make sure it was in one piece. Sage had been rough with him, not taking a single consideration that his sphincter had only ever been used for one way traffic. He'd made Brandon lean over a stainless steel table at the back of the launderette and, while fucking him, held his hands down with his own as Brandon grunted in pain. As he now laid feeling depressed in the tub of water, he started to wonder if this would all be worth it, worth the humiliation, worth the money and worth the…pain!
On Purity, Adam and Castro were being driven back to their apartment by Magnacar after Adam had paid two further visits to see Commander Moorabak. The journey home was slow due to immense waves of Puritans lining the streets as the World Vote was now in full swing. All over the planet, people were visiting other people and enjoying the considerable feast provided by the High Council.
"What would you like to do when we get back, Adam?" Castro asked, leaning his chin on Adam's shoulder.
"I hear we can look at the results coming in on the multicom; I would like to keep an eye on that, seeing as I am one of the candidates."
"A wise choice… are you excited?"
"Scared more. I don't think it has sunk in what this means if I win."
"I am excited for you. The Commander is correct; you are the right person for this."
Adam squeezed his lover's hand. "How can you be certain? You haven't been conscious that long to know, Castro."
"I don't know… you're right that I haven't been around long, but Lord Moorabak made a good argument to your cause, and from what I have found out about Grand Master Telstrek, he was not a good leader."
"Yeah, but he knew stuff. He knew how things worked around here… he knew about balancing the economy thing, or whatever they do here."
"That's true, Adam, but you will be able to pick your advisors to help, just like Lord Moorabak said."
The magnacar pulled up in Adam's road, and he and Castro got out. Adam walked briskly to the hatch and walked into their apartment with Castro in close tow. He immediately asked Optimus to turn on the screen, threw himself on the sofa, and held out his arms.
"You wanna snuggle while I watch this?"
"I am going to get on with my home assignments ready for life school."
"Wow, and you didn't even ask this time; I'm impressed."
Castro took his mask off and smiled. "See, I am learning!" Adam winked at him, and Castro disappeared into the bedroom area.
Adam turned his attention to the multicom where there was a live feed playing of the World Vote. On the left were the top 20 candidates, and he got up to take a closer look at the list.
His eyes went wide as he approached the screen. "Baby, baby, come here!" he cried. Castro came running out.
"What's happened? Are you okay?"
"Castro, I'm in second place! Omigod!"
Castro gave Adam a deep kiss and placed his arms around him. "That proves a lot about what people think of you, Adam."
"Yeah," Adam replied dreamily as he backed up towards the sofa again. "I wonder who this Sigmedow guy is," Adam muttered to himself as Castro had gone again. "Optimus, in the World Vote, how many candidates are currently standing?"
"Hello Adam, there are currently one hundred forty-two candidates enrolled for the title of Grand Master of Purity."
"Thanks," replied Adam as he watched an interview taking place with one of the candidates. "Hmm, no one asked me to do an interview," he grumbled before seeing his position drop to 3rd place.
Earth | Two days later
"So, where is he?" Debbie Landers asked, just as the clock had hit five past midday. Brandon went to the window again and looked down onto the path below.
"Little fucker," he hissed. "He'd better be here; we had a deal!"
"A deal?" Debbie asked, raising a brow.
"Never mind… oh, I see him, there he is," Brandon said, rushing out of her apartment and down the open staircase before flying through the door and onto the path outside.
"How's your ass?" Sage asked, sniggering.
"Shut the fuck up, and where the hell have you been, Midday I said!"
"Uh, and it's just gone?"
"Just get inside… oh, and if you breathe a word of what happened to that girl up there, I won't be responsible for my actions!"
"Pffft, drop the hard act, pal. It doesn't suit you. C'mon, let's get started, the sooner this is over, the sooner me and you can move on. That is unless, of course, you would like to continue meeting for a little bit of bump and grind action?"
"Go fuck yourself, you evil little shit!"
Brandon made his way back into the building and up the stairs while Sage followed. Debbie was waiting at the door when he got to the top and gave him a 'where the fuck have you been' look.
"Sorry," was all Brandon said as he walked past her and into the lounge.
Sage stopped outside her door and smiled. "So you're the one who is about to probe my brain?"
"That's right, I'm Debbie, and you must be Sage."
"Yeah, so what do you want me to do?"
"Well, you better come in first that would help."
"Hey, easy on the sarcasm, at least get to know me first," Sage said, a hint of playfulness in his voice.
"Don't take no shit off him, Debbie; he's an idiot!" Brandon called from the lounge.
Debbie raised her hand, gesturing for Sage to come in. He did so, walking past her and joining Brandon in the lounge.
"You might wanna be careful how you treat me, Brandon. You know, just in case my tongue slips on certain subjects."
"Where the hell did you learn to be so nasty," Brandon asked steely, shaking his head.
Debbie walked back in, and Sage decided not to answer Brandon, choosing instead to look up and smile at the girl he'd just met.
"So, you want me to lie down or some shit like that?"
Debbie just rolled her eyes.
Brandon had been sitting in a chair for almost half an hour, looking on as Debbie took Sage deeper and deeper into a hypnotic state. At first, Sage had acted up, causing Debbie to call the whole thing off. It took Brandon to remind him that he had shelled out a hundred pounds for this and demanded him to start taking it seriously. He did, however, leave out the fact he'd also let Sage fuck him, something Debbie would have certainly had something to say about.
"Ask him about the artefact!" Brandon demanded, getting impatient.
"Shhhh, I am still in the first stages!"
Brandon sat back again and huffed.
"Sage, I want you to concentrate on my voice only."
"Okay," Sage responded dreamily.
"Sage, where are you right now?"
"Heidgate… the laundrette,"
"Do you see anyone,"
"No, it's empty… there is no one here."
"Sage, how long have you been in the laundrette?"
Brandon suddenly came to the edge of his seat. "Ask him about Adam," he hissed, getting impatient again. Debbie furiously waved her hand in a shooing way. Then, finally, Brandon sat back and rolled his eyes.
"Sage, before the laundrette, where were you?" There was a pause as Sage twitched a little and frowned. "Sage, are you somewhere else now?" Debbie asked in a calm, smooth voice, trying a different approach.
"Shiny, white," Sage mumbled, his forehead creasing again.
"What is shiny and white, Sage?"
"All over, lots of things, white. It's… its hot, warm."
"Where are you, Sage?"
"Not sure… very bright."
"Is there anyone with you?"
"Can see a… no, no one with me. Someone far away… has no face."
"Has no face?" Debbie asked, looking briefly at Brandon, who just shrugged. "Sage, who has no face?"
"Mask… shiny mask." Sage paused, and then ever so slowly, a smile began to appear on his face.
"You are happy, Sage? Tell me why you are feeling happy?"
"I can see my friend Adam. I remember us speaking, but not sure where… not cold like Heidgate. Warm…I can see…." Sage stopped again, his smile fading.
Brandon had again come to the edge of his seat, now engrossed in Sage's words. "Where do you think he is?" Brandon asked.
"I don't know, I'm as in the dark as you are…only he knows."
Debbie waited before asking any more questions as Sage was becoming fidgety. Finally, after a few moments, the boy seemed to lie still again.
"Sage, Adam is with you, yes?"
"I think so… we were just talking. I was watching his mouth move."
"Sage, what was he saying?"
"Someone was going away, maybe me… not sure, perhaps him. We are both sad."
Debbie paused again for a moment allowing Sage time to immerse himself in the possible conversation he might be having. Brandon sat watching silent, his hands clasped together, resting his elbows on his knees. He looked tense.
"Sage, I am going to read out a list of words. I want you to focus on those words and tell me if any of them have any meaning or remind you of anything."
"Okay," came Sage's slow response.
"Dog… family… sunshine… grass… teacup… lamp… alien."
Sage twitched as he heard the last word, his face contorting.
"Pure… pure… mask, Pure," Sage said, causing a confused look to appear on both Debbie and Brandon's faces.
"Sage, tell me what is pure."
"A long journey… being held down, can't breathe… can't breathe."
"Sage, what is holding you down?"
"Can't breathe, pure… they have masks."
"Sage, who has a mask? Who are these people?"
"Taking me somewhere… I'm screaming, can't breathe."
"Sage, is someone with you?"
"Masks, they wear masks, I can see them now…Pure."
"Pure masks, Sage tell me what this means, who are they, what is pure?"
"They helped Adam. He changed. They helped him get well."
"Who did, Sage? What was wrong with Adam?" Debbie asked, her tone becoming more urgent.
"HIV… Adam had HIV," replied Sage.
Brandon dove up from his chair. "Fuck, my brother has HIV?!"
Debbie got up and grabbed hold of Brandon's arm before pulling him out into the hallway. "You need to shut the fuck up if you want him to reveal where this is going. You keep blurting out stuff, and it could bring him out of this, and it will take ages to get back there… that's even if we could again, got it?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just…."
"Look, he might reveal stuff that is going to shock you or make you wanna shout stuff out, just don't, okay? We can talk about it after with him."
Debbie walked back into her apartment, leaving Brandon to follow. Sage was still under, still twitching now and again.
"Sage, Tell me about pure?"
"No, it's not pure, sounds like that, maybe different…oh yes, oh yes… Purity"
"Masks, they were called Puritans."
"Sage, where do these Puritans live? Are they here? Are they from Heidgate?"
"Cold, Heidgate is cold… Purity…hot."
"Sage, what is Purity?"
"It's a… it's a… It's a planet."
Brandon put his hand up to his mouth. "He has got to be winding us up!" He blurted again, angering Debbie.
"I assure you he is under," she hissed quietly. "Whatever he is seeing is real to him, now shut the fuck up!"
"Okay, okay!"
"Sage, these people called Puritans, are they from Purity… the planet?"
"Sage, now this is very important. I want you to think hard about the question I am going to ask you and only answer if you are certain you know the answer."
"Sage, is Adam with the Puritans?"
Sage paused, his eyes flickering. Debbie bit her bottom lips and waited. Brandon was almost off the edge of his seat.
"Yes!" Sage finally responded. It was causing Debbie to form a smile of satisfaction.
"Sage, how do you know Adam is with the Puritans?"
"I was there, I saw them, I saw Adam," he responded in a floaty tone, as a smile of his own returned to his face.
Brandon began silently tearing up as he thought about Adam and where he might be. "I knew it," he said softly, his voice strained.
"Very good, Sage, very good indeed." Debbie turned to Brandon. "Well, you got your answer. Shall I bring him out now?" she whispered.
"Will he remember all this?" He asked, wiping a tear from his face.
"He should, and sometimes a patient will remember more as time goes on."
"Wake him then, or whatever it is you do."
Debbie nodded before turning back and looking at Sage. "Sage, we are going to end your hypnosis now, and as I count up from one to ten, you will feel yourself becoming more awake, do you understand?"
"Okay, Sage, you can start coming back now…. One, two, three… and becoming more alert as the number increases… four, five, six, seven… and starting to wake up now… eight, nine and ten. Finally, you can open your eyes and feel totally awake and alert."
Sage's eyes flickered open, and he lurched up as if in panic. "That was weird!" he said.
"How much do you remember?" Brandon asked, trying to forget how much he disliked the boy.
"Everything. It's weird, I know these things are real, but I'm questioning myself as to how they can be. I can't explain it. It's like a dream… you know, like one of those where you wake up and for like five minutes you are convinced whatever happened was real. That is what this feels like. I know… I know one hundred per cent that it's real."
"Good job, Sage. You are one of my more susceptible patients; it was exciting for me to work with you."
"No worries… Shit, I have been to another world. That is so fucked up!"
"Then why don't you remember being there then and like when did you go, how long were you there, how did you get back. It all just seems a bit hard to believe."
"Don't know times four, Dickbrain, I just know I have, okay?!"
"Just as long as you are not making this all up!"
"Oh fuck off, Brandon, how the hell would I make all this shit up? Where would I get these names from, you stupid fuck? I know what I saw!"
"Boys, please!" Debbie shouted. "Time out, grow up, make friends!"
"Sorry," Brandon muttered.
"So Sage, this must be exciting for you. What do you plan to do now?"
Sage shrugged. "Nothin'"
"Nothing?" Debbie repeated, looking shocked. "Don't you wanna contact someone like NASA, for example."
"Pffft, and say what exactly. Oh, hi guys, just thought I would give you a call to let you know I am recently back from another world, but hey, really sorry, but I have no evidence."
"Actually, we just might have, Sage," Brandon said, thinking. "We have your eye for a start."
"Yeah, I noticed that. So what have you got there, some kind of infection?" Debbie asked. "I didn't wanna ask just in case you were embarrassed by it."
"He is, and don't bother asking because he won't talk about it."
"Oh fuck off, Brandon; I won't talk about it because I don't know why it's like this, okay!" Sage retorted.
"It's like that because something happened to you that I am sure has got something to do with these… these Puritans, or whatever you called them. So either you can't remember yet or won't tell us, but I think whatever is going on with that eye has alien connections. PLUS, going back to evidence, we also have the artefact, which you claim is a signal booster if I recall.
"You just need to leave this alone, Brandon; it's fucked up; that's what it is. We need to just forget about it and move on with our lives. That starts by pretending we never met, okay?!"
"Never, I won't rest until I find my brother."
"Dude, if he is with these people, then you will never see him again. We can't even get to the fucking moon anymore, let alone jet across the milky way. So it's unlikely you are ever going to be able to take a trip to this place to find out why your brother is sucking alien dick!"
Brandon lept out of his seat and took a swing at Sage, landing a fist hard on his nose. Debbie winced as she saw blood trickle down Sage's top lip. Brandon waited, tense as Sage got up from the floor, somehow expecting to be hit back, but instead, Sage just wiped his nose with a sleeve and marched out of the room, slamming Debbie's door behind him.
Debbie turned to Brandon, her face angry. "Well, good one Brandon, I hope you're proud of yourself!"
"Me? Did you hear what he said about Adam? My brother is supposed to be his friend!"
"That is no excuse to hit the kid," she shouted at him.
"To be frank, after the way he's been acting and how he has treated me, he had it coming, and I should have punched him long before now!"
"Very mature answer. Anyway, what do you plan to do now?"
"Honestly? I don't know! He's got a point, though, thinking about it. Who IS gonna believe him? Sure, he has that eye, and I have a piece of metal, but trying to use those examples to say he has visited another world is stretching the imagination."
"Then what was the point of doing all this. Wouldn't you rather have not known?"
"No, I needed to know, and I'm glad I do. He's right, I may never see Adam again, but you heard him, Adam is alive, and he is well."
"On another planet?"
"I know, I know, it sounds ridiculous… probably always will no matter how much I try and rationalise it. But as you said, if he was under and said those things, somewhere, he believes it's true. So, hey, do you think it might just be a dream he had, and that's what is making him think all this stuff is true?"
"Unlikely. Usually, the mind can easily separate fact from fiction. No, whatever he saw while he was under, I'm certain he believes it has happened."
"So how does it work then, this stuff you do?"
"Hypnosis enables the mind to travel more easily across the dimension of time. Regression, which is what I did with Sage, is the process by which a hypnotist guides the patient back through time to particular events that need to be examined by asking simple but targeted questions while under hypnosis."
"Sounds complicated," Brandon remarked.
Debbie pulled the sides of her lips down. "It's actually relatively simple; you are suggested to travel back through days, months or years to recall specific memories. There are several effective techniques to facilitate this process. The hypnotic trance enhances your ability to remember events that you otherwise cannot recall."
"Hmm, so how come you can remember some stuff and not other stuff?"
"Good question. Part of this answer can be attributed to Freud, who-"
"Sorry, who?" Brandon asked, looking confused,
"Sigmund Freud, he's my hero! He was an Austrian neurologist who was like the father of Psychoanalysis. Most of what I do is built on the foundations of his work."
"I see."
"So anyway, he described the function of the unconscious mind in great detail. Although many of his theories are widely contested, the idea that the mind is made up of different levels of awareness and activity has been substantiated by research and the observation of countless experts in psychology. You see, Brandon, your mind has many activities that operate outside your awareness for good reasons. The brain evolved to economise our focus of attention to limit what is in our awareness. Consequently, there can be a large amount of mental stuff that you are not aware of but may still have an important function. It is very unusual for such a big event to be forgotten, which puzzles me with your friend."
"He's not my friend!"
"Yeah, no shit!" Debbie replied, chuckling. "So as I say, what he saw would be counted as a massive event that his brain is unlikely to just forget, so In Sage's case, I am going to hypothesise that either one of two things has happened as to why he can't remember."
"Which are?"
"Either his contact with these people involved a traumatic event, and his brain has blocked out a huge part of what happened, if not the whole event." Debbie started but then went quiet.
"Hmm, well, this is a bit more theoretical but, perhaps these aliens did something to him to cover his memories up using some kind of hypnosis of their own. But, like a say, it's just a theory. I mean, you don't know what kind of technology other worlds might have out in the huge universe, right?"
"I guess not. Grrr, it's so frustrating. I am having to deal with a complete cunt!
"BRANDON! Don't use that word. I hate it!"
"Sorry, but if that little fucker would just work with me instead of being such a childish prick, then we might uncover what happened."
"Brandon, what else exactly do you need to know? Ask yourself that, I mean whatever you know, it will not bring Adam back any time soon, nor will it make you feel better. Maybe Sage is right… maybe you just gotta accept Adam is gone and move on with your life."
"But I can't, it's like being one of those people who have a sibling go missing, but a body is never found. It eats away at you! It sounds horrible, but I would probably feel better if he was dead and I could see a grave. Or, if he was alive, and I got a letter or something telling me to stop looking for him, at least I would know he was alive, and then yeah, I would probably just leave him to it. But I have nothing. Nothing but a stupid, arrogant prick with a purple eye and a useless chunk of metal sitting in a friend's room! God, I wish I had taken more interest in what Fred had said, then maybe I would be further along by now."
"Then go see him again, see what else he knows."
"I can't; he's dead."
"Oh… oh, I'm sorry, when did that happen?"
"Couple of days ago… look, I should probably be going. Thanks, yeah… here, it's all there." Brandon said, holding out a wad of banknotes.
Debbie smiled. "You say you had to pay that kid a hundred?"
"That's right."
"Brandon, just keep the fucking money. Something tells me if I make this, my conscience will have a go at me, and I can do without an argument with myself. Besides, I actually enjoyed today, and Sage was a good candidate to improve my skills. So I guess I can thank you for bringing him to me."
"Thanks, Debs. Maybe one day you'll be able to call me a friend."
"Depends. Are you gonna disappear for months again and just turn up when you feel like it?"
"I only stayed away because I was scared."
"And because mummy and daddy said so."
"Okay, that too, but I am my own person now, okay?"
"Good, pleased to hear it."
"Cool, well look, take my number," Brandon suggested, eyeing a pen on the table and scribbling his number down on the corner of a gas bill. "Maybe we can have lunch some time, you know, if that's not too forward of me, of course?"
"Lunch would be nice, Brandon."
"Cool, well, I'll see ya… text me, yeah? Then I'll have your number.
"I will. See you," Debbie said as they both walked to her front door. Brandon gave a quick wave before heading down the flight of stairs and into the elements. Before walking off, he focused his gaze up into the sky and sighed.
"Where the fuck are you, Adam!" he mumbled before setting off for home.
"It's this way," Brandon stated as he and Sam walked along a path. To their right was a high stone wall that ran alongside them. Sam started jumping as he walked, seeing if he could get a glimpse of what was on the other side.
"Are we nearly there yet?"
"Yes, it's just at the end of this road, and then we turn right. As soon as we do, we should be at the entrance," he replied, following a map on his phone.
"I really don't see why I had to come; it was you who knew him. In fact, I don't even know why you are going."
"Sam, you didn't have to come. I asked you if you would. I wanted to go because I can't help thinking how utterly upset I would be if no one turned up to my funeral," Brandon replied as they turned right into another road. "Here we are; shit, we are a little late too."
The boys walked through a large gate and up a narrow path, grass on either side. Scattered all around were gravestones of the dead, and Sam tried to read a few as he tried to keep up with Brandon's quickened pace.
In the centre of the large plot of land stood a small church which Brandon appeared to be heading straight for. "Hurry up, Sam; we'll look like pricks walking in alone."
"The place looks deserted," Sam commented, eyeing the large brown door. Brandon reached it and put some pressure down, making it open. He peered inside and let his eyes wander along the pews until ending up looking at the altar.
There was no one there!
"Are you sure this is the right fucking church?" Sam asked, sounding exasperated. "If you're gonna tell me we are at the wrong-"
"Shut up, it is. Look at the message on my phone!" Brandon hissed, holding the screen up.
"Now look at the map! Brandon flipped back. "See? same name, same road."
"So where is the box? Where is the Priest?"
Brandon ignored him and stepped backwards out of the doorway, turning around. "Ahh, look, over there," he pointed.
Sam looked over in the direction of Brandon's finger, seeing a small group of people standing by a freshly dug out grave over in the distance. "That him?"
"Must be, service said three-thirty, it's three forty-five. So they must have done a quick service in the church and come out here."
"A funeral in fifteen minutes?"
"Well, I don't know, maybe they skipped that bit; I'm not an expert on funerals. But, come on, let's go pay our respects."
"Can't wait," Sam muttered as Brandon headed off.
As the two boys approached, Brandon noted a few scruffy people had turned up from Heidgate. He remembered seeing them when the ambulance had come to bring Fred's body out. He and Sam did their best to blend into the small gathering while the Priest read from a holy book.
"I wonder who paid for this?" Sam whispered in Brandon's ear. "Usually, when there isn't a family, they just chuck em' in an oven; it's cheaper."
"Sam, you really know the right things to say at the right times, don't you."
Sam winced. "Oops, sorry."
Brandon had yet to bring up the topic of Sage to his friend so far today, fearing he might ask about certain 'things'. He had, however, already scanned the area, wondering if the boy would be here, seeing as he knew Fred. But no, Sage was nowhere to be seen, and as much as he hated him strangely, he felt a tinge of disappointment.
As the Priest read the final few words, an old woman in her late seventies seemed to move out of the group before appearing next to Brandon and Sam. Brandon had noticed her move and was trying to work out why. After that, she just stood there, silent, dressed all in black, looking at the coffin. A few moments later, he switched his attention back to the Priest, who gently closed his book and smiled.
"For those of you who wish to stay a while and say a private prayer for Fredrick, please do so. Thank you for attending."
"Well, at least we saw him off," Sam commented. "Shall we go; it's pretty cold out in the open."
"Yeah," Brandon replied, just staring at Fred's casket.
They both began to move away as Sam suggested when a strange-sounding voice spoke. "You knew him?"
Brandon turned around to see the old woman standing behind them. Sam looked back, too, seeing Brandon had stopped.
"Briefly," Brandon replied. "He was a nice old fellow." He added, keeping his answers short.
"You have something of his, I understand."
The combination of her creepy voice and the words she uttered made Brandon's blood run cold. "I'm sorry, and you are?"
"That is not important. What is important is that the item you have is returned! It is not meant for this place."
"Lady, you are really starting to freak me out now. I don't know what you are talking about… C'mon Sam, let's go."
Both boys started briskly walking away from the creepy lady. "Who the fuck was that?" Sam asked as they hot-footed it across the grassland.
"Fucked if I know, but she was weird."
As they both approached the gate to the church, Brandon felt like his day was just getting stranger as Sage came skidding to a halt outside. He looked at Brandon and Sam, his face etched in worry. Brandon watched as Sage took his gaze and focused it on the small group of people now walking back from Fred's grave.
"What's up with you?" Sam asked.
"Did… did you see her, did she speak to you?"
"You know her?" Brandon asked. "That crazy old bitch knows about the artefact. Did you tell her or something?"
"Look, she ain't what you think she is!" Sage declared, his tone panicky.
Sam sighed. "She's just some crooked old girl who is probably just senile. Now, if you two wanna stay and chat about an old woman, then please yourselves, but I am fucking cold!"
"Sam shut up a moment… Sage, what do you mean she isn't what I think she is?"
"We need to get out of here," Sage demanded before jogging off into the distance. Brandon looked at Sam.
"Are you coming?"
"Brandon, you're my friend, always will be, but this is not my bag, man. I just wanna go home to the warm."
"Do you mind?" Brandon asked, nodding towards Sage's direction of travel.
Sam held out his hand in the same direction. "Be my guest; I'll be back at my dorm. Just be careful, will you?"
"Thanks, Sam, take care. I'll see you soon!" Brandon took off at speed in pursuit of Sage.
Brandon had lost Sage but had a feeling he couldn't have gone anywhere else but back to Heidgate, so he made his way there. It had started to rain, and he could feel his shoes starting to squelch as a cold wetness soaked through to his feet. He was chilly and getting hungry but needed to know what the hell was going on. Turning into Heidgate, he ran down the bleak road and came to an abrupt stop outside the old laundrette. He arched his spine back, panting before falling forward and resting his hands on his knees.
"SAGE! He hollered, pounding on the door. "You in there?"
He put his ear against the door listening for signs of any movement, but the rain was now beating down so hard it was drowning out any chance of hearing anything. Then, just as he was about to curse himself for wasting his time, the door opened up to a crack, and Brandon saw one purple eye staring through it.
"Let me in; you need to let me in!"
"I don't need to do shit! You're lucky I made an effort to come and warn you about her… or that!"
"Warn me about what? What the fuck is all this about?"
Sage quickly opened the door, looked out into the street both ways and grabbed Brandon by his collar, pulling him inside. He closed the door, and Brandon felt somewhat relieved as the noise of the rain disappeared along with some of the coldness he was feeling. He stood there dripping, waiting for Sage to say something.
Sage shook his head. "What I saw… Jesus, it was fucked up!"
"Hey, just calm down and tell me."
Sage blew ait through his lips. "We gotta be fucking quiet, man; if that thing comes back, I think it will kill us. It's looking for that artefact!"
"Please don't tell me you told that woman I had it!"
"It's not a fucking woman, damn it!" Sage hissed.
"Right, okay, from the top, what happened and why did she… it freak you out so much?" Brandon took a seat on a rickety chair just behind him, and Sage leaned against the opposite wall.
"I went to Fred's place looking for stuff, okay?"
"Looking for stuff? What for?"
"To sell, I needed money for food. I thought he'd have some old junk in there I could get a few quid for, so I broke in. You don't know how hard it is to survive out here sometimes. It's hell!"
"So I pulled back a board on one of the back windows and flipped the latch with my knife. I'm tryna be really quiet, and eventually, I get in and close it back up. So I'm tiptoeing from room to room, and I can hear this rustling noise upstairs. I'm thinking, fucking fox has got in or something… I got my knife on me; I'm not worried. So I wander upstairs, and in the bedroom straight ahead is this…."
"This what?" Brandon asked, perplexed as Sage stopped talking.
"It was like an old woman, but it moved towards me as agile as you or me. Then it grabbed hold of me, and so I pushed my thumbs into its eyes, hoping it would let me go. Brandon the eyes they… they were like the consistency of play dough. As I saw my thumbs go in deeper, it felt like inside was glass. It felt the same as touching a glass bottle… cold, smooth."
Brandon scratched his head. "Glass?"
"Yeah… look, I know that doesn't make sense, but that's what it felt like." Sage let his head drop. "Whatever was under that skin… under those eyes was not bone and brain, it was-"
"A mask, Sage?" Brandon asked, suddenly taking a wild but calculated guess.
Sage looked up. "A mask," he repeated, his jaw-dropping open. "Like a glass mask! Shit, I feel like I'm gonna be sick," he said, heaving, as images flashed through his mind. Brandon observed him as he seemed to zone out, staring ahead at the wall.
"You can see them can't you," he asked, already seeing the answer etched on Sage's face.
"I remember them, that room I was in… it was metal, and I remember being held down on a table of some kind. THAT is when I first saw the mask. It was shiny and glass looking," Sage exclaimed, his tone dreamy as he looked to be in deep thought. Brandon was eager to keep Sage in this agreeable mood and decided to speak around the edges of what was happening here gently.
"You said during the hypnosis that Adam was with them… you said he was okay, and they looked after him."
"Yes… yes, I remember. There was a guy who was always there. He looked after Adam… FUCK, I wish I could see the images more clearly. I know him, I know I do, but I can't focus my mind on making the image."
"Okay, just try to take it slow. Do you remember anything else about the masks?"
"No, they were masks. That's all I know."
"You say you left earth… well, you didn't say that, but you described a place that was not here, do you remember?"
"Yes, but I can't see the images now. The only things I remember are it being hot all the time, and I remember there being a huge bluish sun in the sky… not yellow like ours."
Brandon shook his head. "Fuck, do you have any idea what you are saying?"
"Yes, and I hardly believe myself even when I know it happened," Sage replied obnoxiously.
"Do you think there could be a way-"
"Shhh! Sage hissed. "Do you hear that?" He pressed off the wall, tilting his head.
Brandon listened but shrugged, not hearing anything. "What was it?"
"Dunno, it was coming from the back of the shop."
"Nice, and now I'm creeped out!"
"How do you think I feel? I gotta live in this place!"
"You sure the noise wasn't just a little bit of paranoia after what happened today?" Brandon asked. He noted that Sage didn't answer. Instead, his eyes seemed to be gazing off towards the darkened area at the back of the laundrette. "Sage?"
Brandon watched as Sage's Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed hard over and over. He was just about to ask what the hell he was looking at when a figure in black immerged from the darkness.
"F-f-fuck this, I'm outta here!" Sage spat, starting to run. Just as he headed towards the door, and before Brandon had even had a chance to digest what he was looking at, the creature pulled out what looked to be a gun-shaped object and fired it at the door. A bright blue blob of plasma came shooting out and sizzled as it hit the lock. Brandon and Sage froze to the spot, trembling. They both slowly turned their heads to look at the creature now standing in the middle of the room, stationary and silent.
Sage was rapidly thinking of options but coming up with nothing as Brandon looked on. Then without warning, the creature, still in the guise of an old woman, took both its wrinkly hands and placed them in a claw-like position in the centre of its head. Then, still completely silent, both boys looked on in horror as it proceeded to slowly peel off the skin looking material, revealing what was underneath.
"Is this the mask you seek in your mind, Sage of Earth?"
On Purity, Adam, Castro and Commander Moorabak were flown by Podling to the High Council chambers and slowly descended into a designated landing zone. Adam looked out of the window in astonishment as a sea of Puritans as far as his eyes would take him were gathered outside the main chamber walls.
"How many people is that… I mean, that is just sick!" Adam gasped, shaking his head.
Moorabak patted him on the shoulder. "All here for you, Adam. How does it feel?"
"Like I wanna explode and at the same time cry?"
"I am so happy Adam, I just want to cuddle you all day," Castro said, leaning over and rubbing his mask on Adam's face.
"I feel like my bones wanna jump out of my skin. Is this happening?" Adam asked as the pod touched down with a gentle thud. As the air and sound tight door opened at the back of the podling, the image of what they had all just seen was driven home in clarity as a deafening cheer of what sounded like hundreds and thousands of Puritans all cheered and banging their feet on the ground. Voices rang through the air, and the surface rumbled beneath them. Plasma bursts were seen to be exploding in the sky as utter jubilation blasted out in all directions.
"We need to get inside," Moorabak said as the pathetic amount of military personnel were struggling to hold back the crowds. The huge five white gates, over 25 metres tall, looked like they were about to buckle as Moorabak ushered Adam and Castro into the main chamber before two guards closed the door.
Silence immediately took over as the noise from outside was shut out. Moments later, several sets of footsteps could be heard coming from a distance until Adam saw 6 Puritans wearing full dress military uniforms come into view. Behind them was another Puritan in purple, blue and white robes made from the familiar hexagonal material common on Purity.
The military people lined up against the walls of the wide corridor, three on each side. The remaining Puritan with the robes stopped right in front of Adam before pulling out a scroll from inside his garments.
"Adam of Earth, as deputy leader of the High Council of Purity, I do submit that the current official role of Grand Master of Purity, leader of the Puritan people and all planets hereby granted under territorial claim has been dissolved."
Moorabak reached into a case and pulled out a flexipad, and passed it to Adam. Adam cleared his throat and looked at the screen, trying not to fuck up what he'd been practising.
"By order of the elder scrolls, I come to this place to seek the power of Grand Master. A World Vote has been held, and the council will now cede power to me and only me as the confirmed winner. The people of Purity and all planets held by territorial claim have chosen as is their will."
The deputy leader took a deep bow. "The high council accepts your demands to cede power and as of this moment has done so under my authority. The will of the Puritan people will now be claimed back into the hands of the elder scrolls and now come under the sole control of the Grand Master of Purity."
Adam clenched his fist, trying to stop himself from trembling. Once again, he held up the flexipad and spoke. "I Adam Smith have been voted in by the will of the Puritan people and proclaim myself Grand Master of Purity and all planets granted under territorial claim. Under the rules and traditions of this planet, I shall rule until my body and mind are inactive. I swear to uphold the principles and traditions of Purity as spoken by the elder scrolls and hereby dismiss this council of advisors immediately.
"The High Council is now dismissed. Your primary Kanatoth will now assume deputy duties. "
The now ex-deputy leader took another bow and took five paces back. Moorabak stepped into his place and got to his knees. "I Commander Moorabak of Purity, primary Kanatoth for you Adam Smith, Grand Master, now submit my body and being to you. Under the laws of the elder scrolls, I will make no attempts to grasp power and will only serve to advise for a limit of ten moons. Under the rule of this law means any abandonment to it will result in termination of my body." The room fell silent, and Moorabak got up. "Congratulations, Grand Master"
"Uh… thanks, I think!" Adam said, grinning.
Castro went and stood in front of Adam and took a bow. "Grand Master, I give my life to you. My honour is to serve!"
"Stand up, you fool, we'll have none of that," he said, rolling his eyes. "So what now?"
Moorabak picked up his case. "As your temporary advisor, I would say you should let this Puritan leave to tend to the outgoing group of advisors."
"Let's do that then… uh… you can go now if you like," Adam said to the patiently waiting ex-deputy leader. The Puritan bowed before walking away.
"So now I think we should visit the main chamber. There is a large chair you will probably want to try out," Moorabak suggested. Adam felt like a kid in a candy store and nodded excitedly.
As they made their way down a series of wide corridors lined with ice-white marble, Adam, Castro and Moorabak eventually ended up at a set of two titanic doors that led into the main chamber. Two guards were seeing them approach and instinctively pushed them open, revealing the splendour filled room inside.
"I remember standing in here when that Jackass said they were going to scrap the Selsha!"
"I fail to understand the term of which you uttered Grand Master; however, what I can say is that nothing will now be scrapped unless you give the order."
Holding Castro's hand, Adam walked to the centre of the room. He looked at the dramatic chair on a beautifully decorated plinth. It was draped in luxurious soft material, and to the side lay a thick jewel-encrusted staff made of fine wood.
"The council members will meet here once every six days. It is often a good idea to schedule a meeting with your advisors as you will often need to give the members lots of information that they will then take back to their constituents."
Adam blew air through his lips. "It all seems so peaceful like I am here on this planet alone."
Moorabak laughed. "Sometimes the meetings can get quite lively, Adam, make the most of the solitude. All Puritans will never question your authority. However, some will argue a point. It is a tradition to let them do this, but you do not need to be afraid. No Puritan will ever overstep their position in your presence."
"Good to know," Adam replied, stepping onto the plinth. "So what can I do and what can't I do?"
"The Grand Master is answerable to no one except the elder scrolls. There are certain rules set by them a Grand Master cannot break, but we will explore those at another time."
"So what are they? Are they kept in a book or something?"
"The elder scrolls are Purity's most valuable items. It… or rather they are not books. They are carved Selentean stone tablets that are over seventy-five thousand doons old."
"Seventeen stone?"
"It is an ancient stone created from when the planet was young Grand Master, pushed up through many-"
"Please just call me Adam, Lord Moorabak!" Adam said, feeling slightly embarrassed.
"As you wish, Adam… So the stone has been pushed up through millennia and is now very rare after many doons of corrosion."
"And these carved stones, are they kept here?"
"Yes, Adam, in the Grand Vaults deep under this structure. It takes fifteen heshtons to reach the vaults by elevator."
Adam pulled his lips down and nodded. "So a long way down then."
"Castro, baby? Wanna sit in the chair?"
"NO!" Moorabak shouted. "I am sorry, Adam, my apologies sincerely, but no ordinary Puritan can sit in the chair. It is a rule of the elder scroll."
"Who's gonna know?"
"That question, Adam is highly un-Puritan. No Grand Master has ever questioned the rules of the elder scrolls. Therefore, I must ask that you do not as well… a humble request as your advisor, of course."
Castro stepped back from the chair and went and stood next to Adam. Adam looked at him and shrugged. "No chair then, baby, perhaps I'll have one made for you next to me, we can be like King and… hmm, Nah actually that's a horrible thought. Okay, so what about advisors? I understand we got some time limit?"
"Yes, Adam, ten moons. A Grand Master must have a full set of advisors in that time. Failure to do so will result in another world vote and your power removed."
"Let me guess, a rule of the elder scrolls?"
"Yes, Adam."
"Right! So uh… how do I choose them and whom shall I have?"
"That is solely your choice Adam. As your advisor, I am unable to influence you in any way it is against the"
"Rules of the elder scrolls, yeah! Okay, so what do you advise I do to get advisors?"
"Traditionally, I learned that it is usually made up of the Grand Master's Kanatoths that campaigned for the candidate. As you will imagine, these Puritans are the most aligned with what you stand for and will advise in total support of your cause. So I would say that would be a good place to start. However, I say it in an information giving capacity."
"So, if I pick you to be one of my permanent advisors, is that okay?"
"I would be honoured."
"Great, at least we got that sorted today then… in fact, as I recall, there is a leader, right, like a deputy?"
"Indeed there is Adam,"
"Then I want you as my deputy."
"Oh Adam, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to serve you in this role."
"Okay then. Now, let's try out this chair!"
Adam was just about to sit down when there was a bang on the doors, sending an echo round the chamber.
"Come in?" Adam replied, not knowing if that was the correct protocol. But, moments later, the doors were opened by the guards and in walked High Commander Tristometh.
"Grand Master, I understand you are only heshtons into your new position, but I have urgent news from the Sol system."
Adam stepped down from the plinth. "Hey, aren't you the guy who was going to scrap the Selsha and then had a go at me in the middle of this very chamber?"
"Grand Master, I beg forgiveness."
"So, what do you want?"
"My high Lord, Space Operations has been attempting to locate a device that was left on your planet some time ago. In the process of trying to find this device, one of our agents equipped with gelling serum has been identified by two humans."
"Gelling what?" Adam asked, creasing his forehead.
"A gelling serum Adam is a substance that allows a Puritan to visit another world in the form of its native species."
"For what reason?" Castro asked.
"I'm sorry, but who is this young Puritan, and how dare he speak in this chamber without permission?" Tristometh asked, looking Castro up and down and seeing he wore no rank.
"That PURITAN happens to be my life partner, and as I am now Grand Master, he can say whatever the fuck he likes!"
"I apologise, Grand Master. I was not aware."
"Please continue," Adam said, buzzing with excitement in being able to tell the High Commander how it was.
"We do not know the full details as yet, but the agent has transmitted his signal from earth advising of his true identity being revealed."
"How? Earth is light-years away."
"It is a basic signal that can travel through minute wormholes that are opened up by small Triton dishes left inside the Deltazones."
"So, what do I do now?" Adam asked, turning to Lord Moorabak. As a former ship commander, he was able to advise on this issue, fortunately for Adam.
"I'm sure the High Commander is aware that we could use the dishes to send through an uplink? I propose this will be easier than dispatching another vessel to the Sol system, not to mention much faster."
"I agree," Tristometh said. "What should be said? But, unfortunately, we have limited bandwidth for much information to get through."
Adam stepped in. "Why was his cover blown, who are they, names, do they know Sage and-"
"Adam, why are we asking about Sage? Bringing back information regarding him will limit the other information we can squeeze onto the signal beam."
Adam sighed. "You're right; I need to think of the planet and the Puritans now, enough of this self-indulgence. Just get the name of the agent and the whereabouts of the device."
"Of course, Grand Master."
Sage's face felt like it was paralysed as he tried to speak. It was almost like he wanted to dribble while standing there looking at the Puritan in front of him. Brandon was equally overcome with utter paralysis, pondering if he was actually… ACTUALLY looking at his first being from another planet.
"Humans… Sage, do not be alarmed. I mean you, your companion or this planet no harm."
"You're… you're real, I mean you are actually real!" Brandon stammered, slowly lifting his arm to point at the strange-looking being."
"I exist, Brandon of Earth, just as you do. Now please, I must ask, where is-"
"I remember now!" Sage blurted, cutting the Puritan off. "You were the guy who held me down on that trolley in the stainless steel room."
The Puritan tilted his head. "Stainless steel room?"
"At least I think it was. Anyway, the point is, you forced me to come back to your planet. I remember getting there and feeling much better and… and… and, and YES, Adam WAS there, I can see him now, and he was talking to you!"
"Me? Sage of Earth?"
"I am not aware of the full details of your extraction, but I assure you, the Puritan you speak of was not me."
"So it's true, he was taken… taken from here?" Brandon plucked up the courage to ask.
"The events your companion talks about Brandon of Earth was not something I was part of. However, I can confirm when the boy discovered our existence. After that, there would have been a decision to be made in regards to his future."
"His future?"
"Yes, Brandon, it is Puritan policy to terminate all species who discover our existence on another world."
"Terminate, you mean kill?"
"That is affirmative," the Puritan replied.
"That's… that's barbaric." Brandon retorted.
"It is our way nonetheless. Now, I realise my-"
"My brother… Sage said, my brother, Adam is on your planet. So do you know him?" Brandon asked.
"Yes, Brandon of Earth, I am aware of your brother's existence and the gift he beheld. Unfortunately, our vessel has been in space for quite some time, so I am unable to give any further information that I would be able to report is accurate."
Brandon shook his head. "This is all just unreal. I can't take it in!"
Sage looked a little calmer now and had a question to ask. "So your purpose here, is it for the artefact?"
"Yes, Sage, as I say, I and our people mean you no harm. However, if you would just hand over the device to us, we will then dispatch it to our ship, painlessly terminate you and then leave your system."
"Terminate us?! What the fuck!" Sage blurted. Brandon's eyes went wide.
The Puritan looked confused. "I assure you this process will be completely painless."
"Listen, pal, I dunno what kinda sick rituals you have on your planet, but here we don't just kill people!" Sage said as another flash of memory hit him. "Hang on; I remember this… I remember being told this while I was being restrained. I was… I was about to be terminated, and then Adam saved me."
"Adam?" Brandon asked, surprised.
"Yeah, as far as I remember, I went with them back to the planet, and that's how I was able to stay alive!"
"Hey, Mister," Brandon started. "Can't you call your ship people and-"
"One moment, please humans, I am being communicated with," interrupted the Puritan as he went towards the back of the laundrette. He appeared to bend down and pick up something.
"Pssst, hey Sage… shall we make a run for it?" Brandon whispered.
"Uh… and where would that be? He has the fucking door zapped closed."
Adam was sitting in his new chair when there was a pounding on the large chamber doors. Moorabak stepped to the side as they opened up, and High Commander Tristometh walked back in.
"My lord, Grand Master… our vessel, the Lumstrek, has contacted Space Operations regarding the agent that was sent to retrieve the signal booster. We were able to dispatch a message using the methods agreed and have received an answer from them."
"And?" Moorabak asked as Adam listened.
"The agent was only able to communicate some information due to there being a situation at his location. However, we now know at space operations that the agent's name is Pluterfon, and two male humans have discovered him. Grand Master, we were able to confirm that one of those humans is Sage."
"And the other?" Adam asked, curious.
"The other… and we have rechecked the communication to be sure… the other is being reported as Brandon and is said to be your brother."
"MY BROTHER? With Sage? Impossible. I haven't seen Brandon for ages, and why would he be in Heidgate? He never knew I was there. I mean, why would Sage be with him anyway?"
Commander Tristometh just looked at Adam, not sure what he was expecting him to reply with. "We do not have the information you are asking Grand Master. All we know are these details I have communicated."
Commander Moorabak turned to Adam. "Master, I do not have to remind you of our procedure when an outsider discovers one of our people on their planet."
"Yes, it has just hit me… termination, right?"
"Yes, and regardless of Sage already being here once before, he was placed back on Earth with his memory altered. To him, this will be like discovering a Puritan all over again, and so the same procedures will apply. Of course, it goes without saying that Brandon of Earth will also have to be terminated, regardless of your blood connection."
Adam got up from his chair and paced the hall. "We need to stop this… tell me how we can stop this. I will NOT see any more people die because this planet cannot get its house in order. Purity is responsible for keeping itself undetected. If we visit other words and are discovered, then that is our fault, not the innocent people of that world. No, no more. That rule changes. My brother and I did not see eye to eye before I was ejected from my home by my parents, but I will not stand by and see him killed!"
"Tristometh, is there a way to get a message to the Pluterfon to have the terminations stopped?" Moorabak asked.
"Well, yes, but I must advise… I must ask, what are we to do with these humans?"
Adam looked up and smiled. "Simple, do what you did the first time."
"Which is?" Tristometh asked.
"Bring them back here, of course!"
"But Grand Master, we-"
"And while you are here, Commander Tristometh, I would like a report of all vessels that are still yet to return to Purity from their missions. I want all ships back here as soon as possible. Until further instruction, all exploration is forbidden."
"But Grand Master I…I… I mean, we can't-"
"I believe the Grand Master has spoken," Moorabak interrupted, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.
"Yes, of course, I apologise and will return with a report as soon as it is produced." Tristometh took a bow and backed away before leaving the hall.
The doors closed, and Moorabak turned to Adam. "I didn't wish to say anything in front of the Commander, but although I respect your decision to repatriate all our vessels to Purity, I am slightly at a loss as to why?"
"Simple, and three reasons… firstly we keep fucking up! Second, if the Silga comes back even with a small fleet, we are defenceless and third, I wanted to show that bastard who is in charge because he clearly has no respect for me."
"Hmm, your second reason makes sense. I will have to assume the others is a testament that things will be done differently under your rule," Moorabak chuckled. "So, it appears you have given your first order.
Adam smiled. "Hey, what's that door over there?" he asked, pointing to a relatively less grand opening than the main entrance.
"That is an annexe. It serves as your private area for official business."
"Can we go take a look?"
"You are Grand Master, and yet you ask ME?"
Adam laughed. "Castro looks engrossed, C'mon, let's go take a peek."
He and the Commander walked over to the small entrance and opened the door. Inside was a desk made of blue marble on which sat a Multicom. In the corner hung on a rail were some lavish-looking robes Adam assumed were Telstrek's.
"Is this it?" Adam asked, feeling the room was so plain compared to what he'd just been standing in.
"It has a purpose Adam, and that purpose is a private area for you to be if needed. Ahh, look, it appears you have a message," Moorabak declared, pointing to the Multicom.
Adam placed his finger on the screen, and it picked up his print before coming to life. "Hmm, it is for me… It's Lord Kelshen," Adam commented, looking back at Moorabak.
"Would you like me to leave?"
"No, no stay, you are my advisor." Adam turned back and played the video message from Kelshen, and sat down. It looked like Kelshen was in his apartment, and he had removed his mask.
"Greetings Adam, I am so very pleased you have been victorious in the world vote. I wanted to send you this last message before I pass on and say how proud I am to have known you and overseen your recovery. Your gift to this planet will be remembered in history, and some might say even as prevalent as the carving of the Elder Scrolls. As you know, the genetic extraction has been a complete success, and I'm sure you yourself will be fully updated on the progress as you begin your new role. My, what a journey you have been on. I am so happy for you, and I know… I know SO much that Lord Relshek would have been overjoyed to see you now. Adam, work hard for Purity, work to make it great again. I must leave you now; my life is at an end. My work is done, and I will die happy knowing all that has been achieved. Take care, my son, and be happy with your life partner. Goodbye."
The screen went blank, and Adam touched it with his fingers looking sad. "I will miss him,"
"A great man. But Adam, this is his choice. When a Puritan gets too old to keep up with life, choosing their ending time is the final honour. So Lord Kelshen would have gone happy, not sad."
"I know," Adam replied. "It's just different from where I'm from."
"Yes, I have noted that humans find sadness in death and that sometimes they have to endure great suffering before they are allowed to pass on. This is thankfully not the Puritan way, and we are grateful our people have this choice."
"I feel like I've lost so many people, even here. Christian, Sage, Kelshen, Skada… where does it all end?"
"And you will lose many more in your lifetime, Adam. Sometimes it is not in the best circumstances, but occasionally, like Lord Kelshen, it is. So let it make you strong and give you drive to live."
Adam nodded and slowly walked back out into the main hall.
"What would you like to do now?" Moorabak asked.
Adam turned and looked over at his lover, wandering around the great chamber, looking at the exquisite artwork before turning back to Moorabak. "He needs me, and as arrogant as this sounds, his happiness is more important to me than all the power in the world. So right now, I'm gonna find somewhere nice and comfortable and just be with him for a while. Are you able to do stuff in the meantime?"
"Stuff?" Moorabak repeated, a little confused.
"Yeah, like… can you run this planet while I take care of my boy over there?"
Moorabak put his arm around Adam's shoulder. "You know, young earthling, I think Purity is in great hands, of course; I'll take care of things for a little while. Go see your life partner and then prepare your speech. There are a lot of Puritans out there waiting to hear what you have to say."
Adam smiled and wandered over to Castro, taking hold of his hand. "Where are we going," Castro asked.
"You'll see."
Brandon and Sage had been standing in the launderette for almost an hour now, wondering what the end game was going to be. Brandon knew the artefact was in Sam's dorm and knew the Puritan who had come to collect it did not. He hoped this would be enough of a bargaining chip to keep him alive until he could think of an escape route. Still, as these thoughts were going through his mind, the Puritan returned and placed down a small case from the darkness.
"Humans, it appears our superiors have given you a choice. Suppose it is not termination you are willing to accept. In that case, we are to take you back to our vessel before departing for Purity."
Brandon seemed to laugh hysterically and not through choice he felt. "I'm sorry, could you just run that by me again. You mean we either come with you or die… not much of an option. And I know this might be a silly question, but how the hell are we supposed to leave this planet?"
"We will dispatch a transporter podling, of course," The Puritan replied as if it was something Brandon would see as an everyday thing.
Brandon giggled again, not being able to help his now unstable state. "Wait, wait… you mean to tell me you have some kind of spaceship hovering above this planet?"
"Our mother ship is currently stationary behind your fifth planet to avoid detection. Therefore, we will depart via a smaller craft to enable us to dock with it. But first, I will need the location of the artefact."
"You got some ship out by Jupiter?" Brandon asked incredulously. "What the fuck am I listening to here? Is this like some sick joke?"
"Brandon, it ain't a joke man, these people have that kind of stuff, I remember."
"Now, what is your choice, young earthlings? Shall I prepare the serum for your painless ending, or shall we depart this place?"
"What if we were to overpower you and make our escape? We would have a third choice then, wouldn't we," Brandon stated, impressed he had to guts to say that.
"Indeed, you have that option, but it would be futile. Another agent would be dispatched in my place and would locate you again. Brandon of Earth, our visit here is not one of hostility; we are simply here to retrieve a device that does not belong on your world. We come in peace, but if necessary, we have the authority to use force to extract the device. The matter concerning you and your companion here is very clear. It makes no difference to the outcome of this mission."
Brandon looked at Sage, who had gone a little quiet, seeming to be lost in his thoughts, trying to remember more and more about his recent past. "So, what do you think?"
"I think the choice is pretty clear, Brandon!"
"But I have family… parents, friends. So I just leave all that behind?"
"Or die pal, that's the alternative. Family and friends ain't gonna mean shit if you are dead, right?"
"You make this all sound so easy," Brandon hissed, angry at Sage for not getting them out of this.
"Man, I ain't got anyone, but I would rather live. I think that is a no-brainer, family or no family."
"Earthlings, I must insist we move this situation to a conclusion. I am getting a report through saying that all vessels must return to Purity immediately."
Sage looked at Brandon. "Didn't you say you hated your parents?"
"I don't hate them, I just…."
"The fact you said 'I just' means you do! So let's just give him the fucking artefact and go with him. As I remember more stuff, I am inclined to say it is quite an adventure.
Brandon blew air through his lips. "Something tells me I am in for a little more than a trip across the sky in a plane."
"Earthlings, do I assume you will be joining me. If this is the case, please direct us to the device's location, and I will dispatch a podling to extract us once this is complete."
Sage looked at Brandon. "Well?"
Brandon took a deep breath. "This ain't a dream, is it? I really am about to go with this guy and to another place."
"While you take that all in, let's get the artefact before a new instruction comes down that just says to kills us!"
"Shall we leave?" the Puritan asked. Sage and Brandon nodded, and moments later, the door to the laundrette was being made operational again. The Puritan quickly made up a new guise using the gelling serum, and they left through the door into what was now late afternoon darkness, disappearing down the street. Sage wondered if he was ever going to see Heidgate again and Brandon? Well, he wondered if he would see anyone again. But, the truth was, what he was about to leave behind might just set him on a path to connecting with the one person he had been seeking all this time.
A chance to see his brother again.
Any reviews, comments and opinions on Purity would be amazing and really goes towards making me a better storyteller.
Thank you all again. I have such appreciation so many of you take the time to add your thoughts. I of course read every one.
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