Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Elemental - 1. Elemental 1
With a click of his mouse, the camera activated as he connected to the video conference. The black suit and silk tie, elegant leather chair, and mahogany desk top were the only things visible to the other attendees. No discernible details could be recognized. The faces and locations of the rest were clearly displayed, yet they knew better than to question his anonymity, and that was just how he liked it. Melbourne, Adelaide, and Sydney shuffled papers around as they waited. The Hobart and Perth attendees appeared anxious. Darwin was in quiet discussions with the staff at his side. Brisbane’s representative feverishly tapped away on his phone. There was still one black screen forcing everyone to wait.
The final window opened to indicate Alice Springs had joined the meeting. “Sorry for the delay. Thought I had a possible informant. Turned out he didn’t know anything. What’d I miss?” While his face was obscured like the man in the black suit, none of the others could miss the white cloth he used to wipe his hands turning red.
“We hadn’t started yet. I wanted everyone present.” A well-tanned hand moved a piece of paper a few centimeters to the left. “Was this one really just an excuse to get your hands dirty, or did you actually think he might have had some useful information?”
“Oi, mate. I’m a dedicated worker I am.” The Alice Springs representative’s sinister laugh caused a few others to flinch. “Naw, I thought I had somethin’ on account of him being on the run, but what the bloke did know had nothing to do with what we’re looking for.” He dropped the rag on his desk, leaving it in plain view. “He still knew more than he should have about other things for his pay grade. I got the full interrogation on video and will send it to ya. Was gonna let him leave, but me flower garden was needin’ some attention and it’s so convenient when fertilizer gets dragged in the door. Well, that and he didn’t have the tattoo we give the ones allowed to know about us. Once he started talkin’ he kept diggin’ himself a deeper hole. People just need to learn when to shut it.”
There was a heavy sigh as the black-clothed arm turned slightly, light shimmered off the object held between his thumb and finger. He sliced off the end of a cigar and raised it.
“I got me one of those too.” Alice Springs chuckled. “Never thought to use it on a ciggy.”
A red glow emanated from just above the camera’s view. With a flick of his thumb, a flame rose from the tip which the black-suited man used to light the stogie. The orange glow did little to illuminate anything identifiable to the others. “I want the Wind Bender brought in and an identity on the dead Torch. We shouldn’t even need to be having this conversation. Sydney?”
“Our people have been checking and so far nothing.”
“Not good enough. They were working in your territory.” The glow from the cigar increased before the image on the camera was obscured by smoke. “Those two American pups thought they were the only ones in existence. Our kind has spent millennia carefully crafting our own legend. Letting the weres think we randomly appear in times of their need. All while making sure our true numbers remain unknown if not our entire existence. The shapeshifters bought our bullshit hook, line, and sinker.” The man took another long drag of his cigar. “They’ve come to worship us, and when we need to guide them in the direction that best suits us, we choose one to reveal. We could have easily waited a couple of decades before an accident caused them to pass from existence in their ignorance, but then someone had to come into contact with them. Now they know they aren’t the only ones. We know they’ve told the wolves already. This revelation could unravel everything.”
“The American leadership should have told them. Or at the very least managed the situation better.” The Perth representative appeared smug. “At least it didn’t happen in my territory.”
“It isn’t our call how another country handles their own.” He tapped his finger aggressively on his desk. “What matters is this happened in our country, which makes it my problem.”
“Sir, we’ve done a full census in New South Wales and all our people are accounted for. Whoever the purported dead woman is, she isn’t one of ours. Perhaps one of the other states will find someone missing.” The Sydney representative leaned back in her chair. “Maybe they aren’t even from Australia.”
“If NSW has been able to complete a count of its people, the rest of you should be finished as well. Your numbers are far smaller than hers.” A fist crashed down on the desk. “One of your states has to be missing that woman. I refuse to accept the possibility that an unregistered Elemental was roaming around the country.”
“Shouldn’t we be more concerned that she was enhancing the fire in Narooma?”
“Why the fuck do I care about that? At this point, we don’t know what she was doing. Only what those wolves think she did.” He flicked the end of his cigar against a crystal ashtray. “The whole country was burning on its own. We had our people in place to ensure our interests weren’t affected. Narooma was of no consequence to us.” He leaned back in his chair. “Besides, I know how exhilarating it is to walk through a firestorm. The sensual feel of the flames licking at your body as it consumes everything else around you. Drawing energy from that incredible fury. It’s almost as good as sex.” He glanced at an obscene text from the Alice Springs representative and tried not to chuckle. “Sadly, that’s something many of you will never experience.”
“Victoria isn’t missing anyone, sir. All fire and wind workers are accounted for. The readout provided says the Americans thought they’d likely encountered an Elemental on multiple occasions based on successful versus unsuccessful attempts to control the blaze. Plus, the incident that caused hail to fall in two states.”
“Amateurs. Young and inexperienced fools stumbling around trying to figure out how to use their gift. Unable to tell the difference between trying to control the uncontrollable and going against one of us.” The black-clad man thumped his desk with his index finger. “All my Aussie brethren combined would have been hard-pressed to bring those fires safely under control. Even with my age and experience, I know not to meddle with a firestorm of those intensities without there being consequences. It’s sad really. To be gifted with all four, the rarest of the rare in our world, he had to make himself a public figure among the shapeshifters. Uniting them in ways we’ve always managed to prevent.”
“Lack of experience or not, the hail storm did start with him, and it expanded because of what he started. It was really quite impressive. As you said, consequences of actions.” The Victoria representative’s eyes glowed blue as she toyed with the water in her glass. Mist in the form of changing geometric shapes hovered above the rim of the goblet. “He was also powerful enough to initiate a storm front that extinguished most of the eastern fires. My kind could see it forming and were happy to assist with its progression. The Water Sprites were tired of the destruction. It should have never been allowed to go on that long.”
“Water Sprites always have an aversion to flames.” He took delight in causing his own glass of water to boil off as steam. “We’re naturally opposites, yet we enhance one another. You’re typically as sedate as the Earthers. Well, perhaps with the exception of Alice Springs. Though as unpredictable as the Wind.” His deep laughter lasted only a moment. “The fact this council didn’t come down on you for extinguishing the fires should show you we didn’t disagree with what you wanted to do. We simply can’t step in every time something happens. Also, until that February storm, the weather wasn’t right to even try something like that. The way the humans treat this planet, more and more problems are going to come up.”
The Sydney microphone activated. “Yes, it’s sad he wasn’t known at birth,” the woman whined. “The child should have been properly raised and taken his place among our kind. Hopefully, the American organization dealt with the parents for their betrayal. They could have had the only known level four in their grasp instead of being a trophy to the wolves.” She shifted uncomfortably at the sound of drumming fingers. “I know we still need to identify the woman and the Wind Bender. It may not be of interest to the senior-most members of the ruling body, but that pair was enhancing that particular fire. For what purpose though? That might lead us to who they were. I want to know how many other places in NSW suffered from that.”
“Careful how you press things and what demands you try to make.” He held his clenched fist before the camera as a tiny spark expanded as his fingers opened. “You’re only in that position until someone more powerful comes along. Unless we decide you’re more trouble than your efforts are worth.”
“A contact of mine in the United States told me the gene had gone dormant in the child’s bloodline several generations back. There was no reason to keep tabs on them since there weren't even latent abilities.” The gentleman from Perth appeared pleased with providing that tidbit to the discussion. “The fact it resurfaced is beyond unusual, but they thought it was because of that wolf he took up with.”
“You Wind Benders and your useless gossip. Spreading what you hear on the breeze as if it were fact. It’s a wonder one of your kind didn’t create Twitter or Facebook. Do you really think that rumor’s something I hadn’t already heard?” The man in the black suit let the red glow of his eyes indicate his level of annoyance. “While you try to shift the topic, you fail to address the one of urgency. Where the bloody fuck did that woman come from? Find me that fuckin’ fart in the wind who helped complicate my life before I deal with this personally. Get me answers!” The cigar’s glow was an angry crimson as he switched his camera off.
Dante Reid took a long drag on his cigar and pressed a button on his desk raising the window coverings to allow light to flood the previously dark space. The sensation of the smoke filling his lungs brought him pleasure and lessoned his aggravation. After several moments he exhaled the cloud. “Albert, who’s my next meeting with, and at what time?”
The Australian billionaire had his fingers in projects all over the country, as well as his global empire to run. Politicians, foreign governments, and corporate leaders vied for his time and investment potential. Despite looking like he was in his early to mid-thirties, Dante looked forward to celebrating his eightieth birthday in December. One of the benefits of being an elemental was the exceptionally long life compared to the humans and even the shapeshifters. Officially going by Dante Reid III, he was well into the process of crafting the life of his nonexistent namesake son, Dante IV, when he could no longer delay questions about his youthful appearance. Eventually, his looks would catch up with age, but that was still some time off.
“You have the Special Assistant to the Thai Deputy Consul General at three o’clock, sir.”
“He didn’t agree to my demands at our last meeting, so he can impatiently wait for half-an-hour. Make that forty-five minutes.” A smirk slowly formed. “Find one of the lower staff to inform him of my busy schedule. That should piss the guy off.” He sucked on his cigar once more. “On second thought, after he’s waited, send one of our people of equal rank to meet with him. I know a few have already been briefed on those negotiations. If the Thai government wants to deal directly with me, they can send someone a little higher up.” Although the somewhat reclusive billionaire was well known in the human world, his influence within the Elemental community was not. Only those exceptionally close to him had any idea he was the mysterious man in the shadows, the one some called, The Wizard of Oz, and that anonymity was just how he liked things.
“Don’t forget, and I will remind you again, you have your niece’s school play tonight at seven.”
He stepped in front of a mirror to adjust his tie and ran a hand over his closely trimmed black hair. Absent-mindedly, Dante brushed a finger over his goatee and along the jawline. It had only been a few days since he decided to let the rest grow in as a beard. He thought it set off his darker complexion nicely. “Make sure–“
“The driver and bodyguards know and will have the car waiting when you need to leave, sir.” Albert glanced away from the tablet to his employer. “Yes, a few days in the sun made you look darker. Everyone will still say you’re stunning to look at.”
Dante strolled to the window of his penthouse overlooking Sydney Harbour. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Albert.”
“Nor do I, sir, as someone needs to keep you on schedule and out of trouble.” He moved to the outer office, turning as he stood in the doorway. “You need to review those papers and sign where indicated if you approve.”
“I’ll deal with them. Oh, and you’re a dick sometimes, Albert.”
“You’re quite right as always, sir.”
The banter between master and servant had gone on for many years.
“Uncle Dante! You came.” The little girl looked to the man behind him. “Hi, Dino.”
“Of course I did, Charlotte. I’d never miss a play you’re in.” He scooped the young girl off the floor causing her to giggle. “You were a beautiful fairy.”
“Hi, Miss Charlotte.” The bodyguard smiled brightly. “You’re uncle’s right. You looked stunning up there.”
“Thank you.”
“I didn’t see your mother. Did she not come?”
“No!” The child’s mood changed immediately from cheerful to sour.
“What’s going on, Charlotte? Did you two argue again?”
“Mummy hasn’t called in over a month. Probably having fun with her new boyfriend. Daddy said not to bother you with it, but I miss her.”
The girl’s father approaching caught Dante’s attention. “Charlie, what’s this about Mia not calling for a while?”
“Good to see you too, Dante. Your sister’s my ex-wife, and I’m not her keeper. Never was or will be.” Charlie lifted Charlotte out of his former brother-in-law's arms, then glanced around. “Where are your sons? I figured at least one of them would make it. Hey, Dino. Still looking as hot and sharply dressed as ever. I know you wear a shoulder holster, so you must be happy to see me.”
The blond, former rugby player winked and nodded.
“Yeah, yeah, I saw you yesterday, but it’s good to see you too.” Dante leaned in and kissed Charlie on the lips. “You and the hubby wanting to play Dip-the-Wick again so soon?” His mischievous smirk was radiant. “Virgil and Charon are out of the country on business. I thought you would have known. Indonesia for Virg, and Char got Singapore.” Dante shrugged. “Minos is in Perth. He’s temporarily overseeing operations there. Antaeus is in Darwin. Something about an insatiable United States Marine stationed there that's just his type. The boy’s got a thing for men in uniforms at the moment. He’ll be back after the weekend. To be in my twenties again.” He delighted in having named his offspring after characters from Dante’s Inferno. “Now, what’s this about Mia having a new boyfriend? Oh, and where’s Tau? It’s not like him to miss a school event.”
“I haven’t met the guy. Charlotte did once the last time she spent the weekend with her mother. Your sister’s doing things without you knowing?” Charlie glanced at his phone. “Last text said Tau was stuck in traffic in the M-1 tunnel.” The look he got from his brother-in-law prompted a follow-up. “A client in North Sydney was in a panic about making changes to the drawings for their house before the construction crew did something. He told the guy he’d charge him triple for his time if this made him miss his daughter’s play. There’s times he hates being an architect.”
“Papa and Mum missed me dancing.” The girl was in full pout mode.
“Yes, they did. But it wasn’t his fault. He tried his best to be here. Other people delayed him, Charlotte. As to your mother, who knows.” Charlie returned his focus to his former brother-in-law. “With Mia being your twin, I thought she told you everything. That, or you just knew from that weird ESP you two seemed to share at times. You knew more about my marriage than I did.”
Dante rolled his eyes. “You can only push that so much. I’ve had over three-quarters of a century to learn to read her moods. You only had to deal with her for a short time.” He glanced at his niece. “At least she did something right in her life by giving birth to this one. Just as long as you don’t take after your mum.” He kissed the girl’s nose. “I was on your side in everything, Charlie, which is why I fully supported you getting full custody.” He poked his niece on the belly to try and get her to smile. “That and I know how flighty she could be. When was the last time she picked up the little princess?”
“Oh yeah, you totally didn’t have ulterior motives for staying friendly with me. Did you?” Charlie licked his lips suggestively earning a muffled laugh from the bodyguard. “I wouldn’t mind her taking off like this if it didn’t bother the munchkin so much.” He brushed a few stray hairs from his daughter’s forehead. “On the flip side, she keeps hurting our daughter by vanishing the way she does. That was around two months ago, maybe a little longer. There were a couple calls after that, then nothing.”
“You don’t happen to know the guy's name, do you?”
“I don’t.” Charlie shook his head.
“It’s Hudson. He was nice and made my doll dance in the air.”
“My sister’s dating a Wind Bender?” He felt his anger build only to have it replaced with dread.
“It’s news to me. She hadn’t mentioned the thing with the doll before. Or his name. Just that Mia had a new male companion and he was friendly.” Charlie set the six-year-old back on the ground. “Can you remember anything else about Mummy’s friend?”
“No, Daddy.”
“If she calls to talk to my niece, let me know immediately.” As an afterthought, he added, “Please.”
“Sure thing, Dante, but it’s not like she hasn’t taken off before for months on end. She’ll burn through this new guy and return to her own kind. Always happens.”
“I hope so.”
Charlie appeared genuinely puzzled by Dante’s attitude given his ex-wife’s history.
“I’ve gotta go. There’s something I need to check on.” He kissed the girl’s forehead. “You did so good tonight.” Dante turned towards his bodyguard.
“I already notified them to have the car out front, sir, and where we’re going. It was wonderful watching you perform, Miss Charlotte.”
“See you Saturday for dinner, Dante.” Charlie shook his hand. “Don’t let him work you too hard, Dino. That’s Tau’s and my job.” He winked.
“Thank you for coming, Uncle Dante. Bye, Dino.”
The billionaire brushed his hand over his niece’s hair. “Goodnight, my sweet princess.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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