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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

BEAU - 3. Chapter 3

I arrived at Beau’s parent’s place with my esky. Beau’s mother, Carol, greeted me at the door. “You must be Chris. I seem to know everyone else. Come and join the party. I assume the dessert is in there.” She pointed to the esky.

I had talked to Carol (Skye gave me her number) during the week about what I should bring and after what Skye told her she suggested dessert. The esky contained a pavlova, a cheesecake, an apple crumble and lots of whipped cream, all homemade.

After putting the contents of the esky into the fridge, Carol introduced me to Skye’s mother, Helen, and pulled me out the back to where the party was happening. Beau’s parents' place is a newish double story house backing onto Ettalong beach. That is, their large lawn ended at a low concrete wall where a sandy beach began. I stood looking out from the house. To my right I could see Lion Island and much closer, Half Tide Rocks, and the expansive waterway which included the boating channel between Broken Bay and Brisbane Water.

Beau’s father was obviously in charge of cooking the plentiful supply of various meats. Carol took me across and introduced me to Lachlan. He relinquished the tongs long enough to firmly shake my hand. He looked across at Beau and Skye. “So, you’re Chris. I don’t know how you did it but thanks. We’ve been trying to get Beau and Skye to get hitched for a couple of years without any success. We’d almost given up” He motioned to the man standing next to him. “Oh sorry, you haven’t met Skye’s dad have you. This is Bill.”

“I’m also pleased to meet you, Chris. Me and the Missis had almost given up as well.”

“I think you’re giving me more credit than I deserve.”

“Rubbish! They both say they’re grateful for your help.”

Someone else had joined us and Beau’s father turned and pulled him closer. “Do you think you can work you magic and get this one hitched?” I looked at the young man. He was clearly related. He was handsome with similar features to Beau, except that being a few years older he had lost some of Beau’s youthfulness to be replaced by more mature features. He shook off his father’s hand and extended his own hand to me. “I’m Andre, Beau’s big brother, but you’ll find it harder to get me hitched than it was with Beau.”

“That sounds like a challenge.”

“It is if you want, but you won’t win.” He smiled at his father. “Chris, you need a drink. How about we go and get one. Would you like us to bring another back for you dad?” Beau and Skye’s dads both nodded. The “bar” was a help yourself tub full of ice, beer, wine and soft drink. Andre pulled out two beers. “I’ll take these over to the dads. I’ll be right back. Grab yourself a drink.”

I’d just opened my beer when Andre arrived back and grabbed a beer for himself. “You’ve met the ‘rents, now for the party crowd.” He directed me into the younger crowd. Beau and Skye stopped us and with hugs, thanked me for coming and then the two brothers and Skye started introducing me to their friends. I noticed that they were mainly couples. Some already married. It was obvious that everyone knew what the party was about. So much for keeping it a secret!

Skye and Beau stood on the low concrete wall between the lawn and the beach and formally told everyone what they already knew. Everyone still cheered, genuinely happy for the couple. They had formally announced they were getting married.

The food appeared straight after that. There was plenty and we all ate more than we should have. Andre was still there introducing me to people and then telling how they fitted into the group, which was important with a couple of aunties, uncles and cousins. As a result I got to meet everyone at the party, which I probably wouldn’t have done by myself. It was a very friendly gathering.

I was careful how much I drank, so I would be able to drive. As the party started to wind down to just the drinkers, I said my farewells. Skye and Beau both gave me warm hugs and thanked me again for coming. I said good night to Beau and Skye’s parents who were inside talking. They said they were pleased to meet me. Andre walked with me to my car.

“Are you sure you’re OK to drive?”

“Yeah. I’m OK.”

“Well, drive safely.” He gave me a hug. He seemed a bit drunk and hung onto me. When we separated, “well are you going to accept the challenge of getting me hitched?”

I slid into the driver’s seat. “I haven’t decided yet, but probably.”

“You won’t win, you know.”

“If you say so.” I smiled, closed the door and drove off.


Beau and Skye thought they had given themselves plenty of time to prepare for the wedding but discovered that organizing even a simple wedding took more time than they realized. As time closed in on them, they acknowledged that the stag party and hens party had to be held on the same night. That would be the Friday night before the Saturday afternoon wedding. Skye had plenty of choice for a venue but decided to use there apartment. In Beau’s case the venue was the Woy Woy house of his friend, Kyle. The house was available because Kyle’s wife would be at the hens party. He was under strict orders not to let anyone trash the place.

I had arranged with Skye that I would use an Uber and pick Beau up on the way to the stag party and return him to her after the party. The pickup worked fine. When we arrived, I gave the driver extra because he had waited while I collected Beau. I know the fare was already paid. This was a bit extra. He thanked me and asked how we were getting home. I replied, “I’ll call an Uber.” He smiled and handed me his number. “Just call me.”

The stag party was typical of stag parties. Boys behaving badly! Beer, spirits, pizza and drinking games. Lots of talk of “ball and chain” and loss of freedom. A very mediocre female stripper organized by one of the guys who decided to remain anonymous.

Actually, it was still milder than some stag parties I’d been to. No doubt they were the type Kyle’s wife was aware of. I made sure Beau and Andre enjoyed themselves and had fun but would still be good for the wedding the next day. When I thought it was the right time, I told everyone I was taking Beau and Andre home. There were a few muted complaints but really everyone knew I was right. I called the Uber driver and he said he would be there in ten minutes. Both Beau and Andre decided that was enough time for another beer.

The Uber arrived and I found myself in the back seat with Beau on one side and Andre on the other. They both slumped towards me and rested their heads on each of my shoulders. They both fell asleep. I noticed the driver checking us in the rear vision mirror. I smiled at him to let him know I knew what he was doing.

At Andre’s place (well he lived with his parents) he struggled out of the back seat. I took him to the door where he kept drunkenly hugging me. I opened the door and he wandered in.

Back in the car Beau again leaned sleepily against me with his head on my shoulder. As we approached North Gosford, I sent a text to Skye so she was waiting outside the apartment block. I helped Beau out of the car. Skye took him. I asked if she would prefer if he stayed with me. She smiled at me. “Chris, I expected him to be much drunker. Thanks, but I can easily cope from here as long as you can pick him up before eight tomorrow to get him ready for the wedding.” They both hugged me.

I sat in the front passenger seat on the way to my place. “Are you three brothers?”

I looked at the driver. “No. The other two are brothers. I’m just a good friend.”

He kept his eyes on the road. “You three are so comfortable with each other. You are more than a ‘good’ friend. You all behave like brothers.” He paused. “Or like lovers.”

He caught me by surprise. Before I could answer he had pulled up outside my townhouse. “How much do I owe you?” He was an Uber driver but this was a private hire. He told me an amount which wasn’t really enough. I opened my wallet and took out what he requested and added more. He looked and tried to hand back the extra. I refused. “Tonight was difficult. You have provided wonderful service. I couldn’t have asked for more. You deserve all that.”

He looked up at me. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate that. Have a good night.”

“Thanks. What about you? Any more calls.”

“No. I had a few during your party but now I’m finished for the night.”

“Yeah, I’m probably finished for the night too. Maybe a nightcap before bed and that’s it.”

“Would you like company for that nightcap?”

I looked at him. He smiled. I responded. “Why not. Come in for a nightcap but it can’t take long.” He turned off the ignition and locked the car.

Inside, we introduced ourselves. He was Calvin. We briefly discussed what to drink and I opened a bottle of wine. We sat on the couch and talked and finished our drinks. He found an excuse to stand and then sit closer to me. I reached over and pulled him towards me. He melted into me. We kissed. He put his hand on my bulge. “It would have to be a quickie. I need to sleep.”

He whispered, “I can suck you off.” I looked into his pleading eyes. He added, “I’m really good. It can be quick and still mind blowing.”

I nodded “OK” as I removed my shirt and he reached to undo my jeans. He paused and ran his hand gently through the light hair on my chest. He was almost in a trance.

“Take off your clothes.” He stripped naked. He had Asian ancestry, so his body was naturally smooth. However from the neck down he was completely smooth, almost unnaturally smooth including where I would have expected pubes and pit hair. His hard uncut cock jutted at right angles to his body. As I ran my hand over his exposed torso, I realized I’d never felt such a smooth male body. He returned to undoing my jeans. I helped him slide them down to my ankles. His mouth swallowed and worked my rock hard shaft. He was being modest when he said he was “really good”. He was amazing.

“Stroke yourself too. I want you to cum as well.”

It wasn’t long before I downloaded into his mouth, and he followed immediately after. He somehow caught all his cum in his hand and then licked it clean. I pulled him up and we kissed.

He looked at me with pleading puppy eyes. “Can I stay the night. I’m a bottom.”

I spoke softly. “Sorry Calvin, but no. If you stay I won’t get any sleep and I need to have a good sleep to make sure two brothers do the right thing at the wedding tomorrow.” He was disappointed. “I have your number and you have mine from when I called you. There’ll be another night so get dressed now. You can go home, and I’ll get some much needed sleep.”

He dressed and I pulled up my jeans. We hugged and kissed and I watched him walk to his car and drive off. I was exhausted and slept solidly until my alarm at 7am.

Copyright © 2023 Paladin; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Posted (edited)

There were a few typos but I forgot my Editor's 'Blue Correction Pencil'. 

A family BBQ where a disagreement (fight) didn't break out after too many drinks? I guess when your waterfront home is $900K+ that's just not done.

Chris arrives with: "... esky contained a pavlova, a cheesecake, an apple crumble and lots of whipped cream, all homemade", and ends the night getting Ubered ? 🫢

Edited by Anton_Cloche
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I do my own editing @Anton_Cloche so I accept full responsibility for the typos. Arriving with the esky etc and the uber are different parties. The first is the wedding announcement and the second is the bucks night.

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On 3/7/2024 at 1:24 PM, Anton_Cloche said:

A family BBQ where a disagreement (fight) didn't break out after too many drinks? I guess when your waterfront home is $900K+ that's just not done.

Thank you @Anton_Cloche for encouraging me to have a look at house prices in Ettalong. Yes in that location they are currently in the $!m range. That doesn't mean that Lachlan paid anywhere near that much when he bought it 25 years ago. Beau and Andre grew up in the house. The intended back story is that Lachlan bought the house after getting married and as a builder he has been able to maintain and improve the house over the years. Good thing capital gains tax does not apply when you sell the house you're living in. Having bought it so long ago it still has a large yard which makes it a great place for a party.

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I sure wish getting laid was that easy for me when I was young and randy!

Hmm, Chris is a sex magnet?

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30 minutes ago, Al Norris said:

Hmm, Chris is a sex magnet?

Or just lucky he was last in the Uber. Calvin was hot for all of the three guys and would have accepted an offer from any of them.

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An enjoyable BBQ with no fights, just Andre's challenge. I'm guessing Andre is gay but is he interested in Chris or does he like playing the field? As for Calvin well, what's his number? Drat, his Uber is too far away, lol. :gikkle:

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