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    Lee Wilson
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
This story is an original work of gay fiction. None of the people or events are real. While some of the town names used may be real, any other geographic references (school, events) are purely fictional. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. This story depicts sexual situations between adult males. If reading this is illegal where you reside, or you are not at least 18 years of age, you are reading at your own risk. This work is the property of the author, Lee R Wilson, and shall not be reproduced and/or re-posted without his permission. Story ©2023 Lee R Wilson.

Jail Cell Love Affair - 1. The Crime and Arrest

The description of the crime is somewhat graphic and may be upsetting to some. I will note where this description starts and ends, should you choose to skip the details.
Sodomy and murder are the crimes perpetrated against Stephane. As usual, the standard homophobic slur warning applies.

Bully Williamson, who didn't like his given name of Bullard, started watching the two fags soon after they moved into the apartment next door. He first noticed them when they kissed each other goodbye one morning. He'd stepped out of his apartment while they were still lip locked. He felt disgusted the rest of that day. He kept his eyes open for an opportunity do make them pay for their perversity. One hot summer night, he got it.

He'd prepared in many ways to attack them. Late each night, he would walk out of his apartment and check to see if they forgot to lock their door. One night, he hit the jackpot. He walked in quietly and looked around. They were asleep in bed, both above the covers. He left quietly to get latex gloves and the two hypodermic needles he'd prepared. The propofol he stole from the hospital's surgical prep room would do the trick.

********Graphic violence warning********

He came back to the fags' apartment. One was sleeping on his back, Stephane, while the other, Fred, was on his side facing the first. He was using the smallest hypodermic needle he could find, hoping the needle prick wouldn't wake them. But just to be sure, he held his hand over Stephane's mouth while he drugged him. Stephane tried to scream but couldn't. Within a minute, he was out cold. He got behind Fred and stabbed him in the ass with the second needle, immediately plunging the entire dose and jumping on top of him. Fred struggled a little, but was no match for the much bigger man, who by then, had straddled him. Second fag subdued.

Next, he yanked off Stephane's shorts. He put on a condom, pushed Stephane's legs up toward his chest and forcefully entered him. He thrust as hard and as fast as he could. When he came, he didn't realize that a tiny bit of semen escaped the condom through a pinhole. Kneeling over Stephane's chest, he strangled Stephane until he was no longer breathing.

He moved over to Fred's side of the bed, pulled down Fred's shorts and began masturbating him. The irony of the homosexual act escaped him. Once Fred came, he scooped some up and rubbed it around Stephane's ass, pushing some into his anus. He took the bloody rubber and rubbed it all over Fred's cock. He pulled Fred's shorts back up. He pulled the blanket at the foot of the bed over the two men. As he was about to strangle Fred, he heard a voice, probably coming from outside the apartment. He panicked, running to the door to wait for whomever it was to pass. He didn't want to risk staying longer. Thinking Fred would be accused of the murder, he smiled, locked the door as he left, and thought to himself 'one fag dead, another will spend his life in jail. Not a bad night's work.'

********Graphic violence end********

The next morning, Monday, the alarm went off at 7:00 as it did every weekday. Fred struggled out of bed, thinking he was more tired than usual. He couldn't wait to tell Stephane about the weird dream he had. Some big guy pinched his ass and then sat on him. Fred wasn't large by any stretch of the imagination, so big guy was relative. Bully was five foot-ten, one hundred and eighty-five pounds. Fred was five foot-five, and one hundred and forty pounds if he had rocks in his pockets. Short, black hair, dark blue-grey eyes, and clean shaven. Twenty-eight, but he looked closer to fourteen.

"Wake up sleepyhead. Stephane? What the fuck?"

Fred saw Stephane was naked under the covers but didn't look close enough to see beneath his lower abdomen. He never slept like that. Then it got worse. He couldn't wake him up and he didn't seem to be breathing.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"

Holding back tears, Fred told the operator, "My partner's not breathing, I can't wake him up. Send an ambulance."

The operator confirmed the address, and Fred started crying and pacing. He was beginning to realize his dream may not have been a dream after all. Whether imagined or not, it was now a nightmare.

The police arrived before the ambulance, knocking loudly. Fred went to let them in, wondering why the deadbolt wasn't engaged. They confirmed that Stephane was dead, but the official call would have to come from the coroner, whom they contacted. They questioned Fred about what happened.

"I woke up, tried to wake Stephane, but he didn't wake. Then I noticed he wasn't breathing so I called for an ambulance."

"Nothing else?"

"Well, at first I thought it was a dream, but I guess it wasn't. I dreamt that someone pinched my behind then sat on me. I'm thinking now, maybe I was sedated."

"When the M.E. gets here, we'll want to get a blood sample to confirm that."

"Of course."

The police then lifted the blanket off Stephane, seeing a small pool of blood beneath his lower body, and what looked like ligature marks around his throat.

"Mr. Jamers, would you mind letting us see your, um, penis?"


"It looks like your partner was raped."

"Oh my God."

"Will you show us?"


"I'm sorry, then. We'll have to detain you, on suspicion of murder."

"What? Murder? I didn't do anything."

"That may be true. But it's not our call to make."

Officer Arnold Linton read Fred his Miranda rights and handcuffed him. Detectives were called and a backup patrol car was dispatched to transport Fred to the station, where he would later be booked and charged with murder. Bully had heard the commotion next door and stood outside his door to watch, along with a few other neighbors. He was overjoyed when he saw the faggot he left alive being led away in handcuffs.

At the station, Fred requested a lawyer. Since he didn't already have one, a public defender was called. He was a real estate lawyer, so he had no qualms about getting someone more qualified to represent him.

"Mr. Jamers?"

Fred was sitting, staring blankly at the table when he heard his name. Looking up, "Yes."

"I'm Mark Watson from the Public Defender's office. Can you tell me what happened?"

Fred recounted what happened and what he told the police at his apartment.

"They asked to see your penis?"

"Yes. I looked after they put me in here. There's blood on it. I don't know how it got there."

"Did you have anything alcoholic to drink last night?"

"No. I almost never drink. They wanted to take blood as well, to see if I was drugged. That would be good if I was, right?"

"In most cases, yes. The DA may argue that you drugged yourself to avoid suspicion."

"If I did that, wouldn't I have washed the blood away?"

"Yes. But I'm on your side. They'll do whatever they can to make you look guilty."

"When the police knocked this morning, only the door was locked, not the deadbolt. That probably looks good for me, right?"

"Was the deadbolt locked when you went to bed?"

"I don't know. Probably not. I guess it couldn’t have been."

"If you could remember for sure and that it wasn't locked, that could help your case. But I have to tell you. On the surface, it doesn't look good for you."

After about an hour of waiting, locked in the interview room, an assistant DA finally arrived.

"Hi Mark. Hello," looking down at some papers, "Mr... Jamers. I'm ADA Patrick Lofton. You're being detained under suspicion of the murder of one Stephane Thibedeau. I understand you refused police at the scene to view your penis. I have a court order here instructing you to do so, and allowing the collection of any evidence found thereon, plus blood to be taken. You can read that while I get a detective and nurse to perform those tasks."

The ADA left.

"Do I have to show them?"

Reviewing the order, "Unfortunately, Mr. Jamers, you do."

"You're on my side, so you can call me Fred. But if they do that, it's going to look really bad."

"I can't argue that. We'll hear everything they have against you at the arraignment tomorrow morning. But like I said, so far, it's not looking good for you."

A detective came back with the ADA and nurse. He temporarily uncuffed Fred, with a warning to not do anything stupid. Fred lowered his shorts as requested. The detective took three photographs, then gloved up and ran wipes over the dried blood and semen on Fred's penis, bagging each of the wipes separately. He handed Fred a couple more wipes so he could clean off the rest. The nurse then took two vials of blood.

"He'll be processed and placed in lockup now. You can see him again once he's there."

The ADA knocked on the door and a uniformed officer took Fred to be fingerprinted, photographed, and whatever else.

The next morning, Fred was taken across the street to the courthouse for the arraignment. Mark Watson was already there. It was a slow crime day yesterday. Fred's was one of only a small number of cases. Lucky for him, he was called first. His pain would move to the next phase quickly.

"State of Texas vs. Frederick J. Jamers. The charge is murder in the first degree."

"Thank you, bailiff. Mr. Watson, how does your client plead?"

"Not guilty, your honor."

"Accepted. Mr. Lofton?"

"Thank you, your honor. The defendant is charged with the murder of Stephane Thibedeau. Mr. Thibedeau was found in his bed, naked, blood and semen in and around his anus. Evidence of strangulation was present. No evidence of forced entry. When the arresting officers arrived, they noted that the exterior door to the apartment was locked. The defendant was found to have blood and semen on his genitals. Preliminary DNA tests indicate the blood was consistent with Mr. Thibedeau's, type matching as well. The semen found in Mr. Thibedeau and on the defendant's genitals was also consistent with Mr. Jamers' preliminary DNA results. A complete test will be performed on the samples to determine an exact match."

"Thank you. Mr. Watson?"

"Mr. Jamers avows no knowledge of the incident and believes he was drugged prior to the murder. He believes the apartment door was unlocked the previous night, allowing free entry to the apartment by the perpetrator of the crime. He was also unaware of the blood and semen on his genitals until he arrived at the police station. Finally, he believes the semen was obtained without his permission and the blood was placed on his genitals by an unknown third party."

"Your honor, if I may?"

"Yes, Mr. Lofton."

"The state believes the defendant drugged the victim, performed the rape and murder, and subsequently drugged himself to avoid suspicion."

"Objection, there is no foundation or way of proving that statement."

"Sustained. Facts only today, Mr. Lofton."

"Sorry, your honor."

"Anything else gentlemen?"

"No, your honor."

"Court finds sufficient evidence to hold the defendant for trial. Request for bail, Mr. Watson?"

"Yes, your honor. The defendant has no prior record, is gainfully employed, and does not possess a passport. We believe he is not a threat to leave the jurisdiction."

"Mr. Lofton?"

"Due to the severity of the crime, we believe that the defendant is indeed very likely to flee the jurisdiction and request bail be denied."

"Agreed. Bail is denied. The defendant will be remanded into custody. Trial will be set for... eight weeks from today, October tenth. Will that be enough time for the prosecution?"

"Yes, your honor."

"The defense?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Very well. Preliminary motions will be due six weeks from yesterday, September twenty-fifth. Mr. Lofton?"

"Fine, your honor."

"Mr. Watson?"

"That is acceptable, your honor."

"Then we are adjourned."

Next up - "Jury Selection and the Prosecution's Case"

Copyright © 2024 Lee Wilson; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Posted (edited)

8 hours ago, Lee Wilson said:

The semen was detected, simply not identified, i.e. Bullard wasn't in the system.

Or, the ME being tasked by possibly conservative Texas DA to match Fred's semen to Stephane's body would dismiss a "minute DNA trace of 'other' semen" as being consistent with gays promiscuity.   

8 weeks in lockup does not bode well for Fred. Maybe someone from ACLU or an LGBTQ lawyer will see report on news and offer to assist Fred? They could request  toxicology test results that show Propofol and tissue samples from injection site will also show propofol, and Fred has no access to the drug. Police should run record checks on anyone on building (BullSH*T) who might has access.  And BINGO.


Edited by Anton_Cloche
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4 hours ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Or, the ME being tasked by possibly conservative Texas DA to match Fred's semen to Stephane's body would dismiss a "minute DNA trace of 'other' semen" as being consistent with gays promiscuity.   

8 weeks in lockup does not bode well for Fred. Maybe someone from ACLU or an LGBTQ lawyer will see report on news and offer to assist Fred? They could request  toxicology test results that show Propofol and tissue samples from injection site will also show propofol, and Fred has no access to the drug. Police should run record checks on anyone on building (BullSH*T) who might has access.  And BINGO.


Keep guessing. I'm having fun reading it.

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Oh vey…it is gonna take a fortitious set of circumstances to clear this mess up….

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56 minutes ago, drsawzall said:

Oh vey…it is gonna take a fortitious set of circumstances to clear this mess up….

That is if it ever clears up at all. Oops, did I really say that?

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On 3/4/2024 at 10:47 AM, Lee Wilson said:

Looking for an editor. Until I get one, I'll probably post chapters MWF. Otherwise, the story is complete.

Sorry I couldn't help with this one. Way too much on my plate right now!

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44 minutes ago, kbois said:

Sorry I couldn't help with this one. Way too much on my plate right now!

No worries. Hope it’s all going well. 

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On 3/4/2024 at 9:47 AM, Lee Wilson said:

Looking for an editor. Until I get one, I'll probably post chapters MWF. Otherwise, the story is complete.

Have you found an editor? It’s hard to find someone to edit your work in this genre. I’ve found that reading it over and over, like twenty-five or thirty times helps a lot, both in phraseology and finding errors.

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No, just decided to go ahead. I know what I learned from @kbois has helped me make this better. And you’re right about the re-reading. I’m probably well over five cycles. I find something every time through, but less each time.

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35 minutes ago, Lee Wilson said:

No, just decided to go ahead. I know what I learned from @kbois has helped me make this better. And you’re right about the re-reading. I’m probably well over five cycles. I find something every time through, but less each time.

Try twenty-five times. I’m amazed at the small mistakes and revisions I’ve found to correct or make to chapters I thought were perfected.

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That murder sequence … tough …

On 3/4/2024 at 6:06 PM, akascrubber said:

Fred has no hope right now. Perhaps, if the real killer messes up and brags to others he thought he could trust to hate gays that he was the real killer--???

Well, some evidence slipped through a tiny hole. Question is: Will it be found before it can't be anymore?

On 3/4/2024 at 6:08 PM, weinerdog said:

you can detect the mixed samples of semen

Well, that's a hint, but if they considered Fred guilty, their reasoning would still work with two suspects.

On 3/4/2024 at 6:08 PM, weinerdog said:

all murders have a motive what would it be here?

People sometimes rape their partners, be it because they don't get what they want in terms of sexual preference or power display or whatever. If they really want Fred to have a motive, they'll find one.

On 3/5/2024 at 2:34 AM, Anton_Cloche said:

Or, the ME being tasked by possibly conservative Texas DA to match Fred's semen to Stephane's body would dismiss a "minute DNA trace of 'other' semen" as being consistent with gays promiscuity.   

Unfortunately, this bias is still very much in peoples' minds nowadays.

On 3/5/2024 at 2:34 AM, Anton_Cloche said:

tissue samples from injection site will also show propofol

Stephane might be stabbed somewhere, one can access by oneself, but Fred … that's a little trickier. Unless one has a thing for blindly stabbing oneself where one can't see oneself.


"Objection, there is no foundation or way of proving that statement."

Unfortunately, this holds true the other way round just as well.

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