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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Another Ordinary Guy - 4. Chapter 4

There was a hit drama playing on Broadway at the time Ricky contracted to cut his album. The plot concerned a very handsome young gardener, who is seduced by the beautiful, equally young, lady of the house. He becomes totally obsessed by her and her beauty. She sees him merely as a play thing, and begins to become uncomfortable about his obsession for her. Fearing that he will reveal their sexual activities to her very wealthy older husband, she kills him, and buries his body deep in the garden he had tended. She believes she has successfully gotten away with murder, but in true Shakespearian fashion, the young man’s ghost keeps appearing to her, accusing her of terrible things, until finally she is driven mad. All hail Lady Macbeth!!!

The play had reached its first birthday, and the contracts of everyone in the cast needed to be renewed. The young actor, who played the gardener, did not renew. He had been offered a very big role in a very big movie, and he was leaving for Hollywood on the day his contract expired. His understudy had gone on for him three times during the run, and he forgot his lines each time, so the producers were looking for a new actor to play the gardener.

Larry called Ricky and told him that he got him an audition for the role of the gardener. The producers knew that Ricky was great in musical comedy, but they were skeptical of how well he could act in a straight drama. Ricky read one of the ghost scenes for them, and to a man (and a woman) they all got goose bumps on their arms. So Ricky found himself doing something he swore he would never do again.

He was doing two strenuous gigs at the same time, but he could not complain. He had promised Larry the album, and he had begged Larry for the role. He promised himself that he just wouldn’t take on another project until the album was cut, or the play was closed. Just like in the stressful days of The Sons of Song, Ricky found that his first day in the recording studio coincided with his opening night in ‘Lady Macbeth of Scarsdale.’ He came to the theater thoroughly exhausted, but the second he made his entrance on the stage, he was renewed.

Of course, before that night, Ricky had worked many long nights with his drama coach, Red, preparing for the role. Ricky insisted on compensating Red, who objected vehemently. “All I want is to have sex with you. That’s pay enough for me.” But in the end Ricky prevailed. They had sex, and Red accepted a small stipend for his services.

The producers informed the critics of the change in roles, and Ricky’s name brought them all to the theater on his opening night. Their reviews were unanimous: Riveting, Hair Raising, Brilliant. “Mr. Albert made me believe that ghosts really do exist,” one critic wrote.

Mama Alberto reported that Enrique had scared her to death. “He was my worst nightmare,” she said, “a mother’s dead child.” She got so completely carried away by his acting, that she forgot it was only a play in a theater.

The album was released two months later. It was moderately successful at first, but one song on the album got to the top of the charts at supersonic speed, and that increased album sales tremendously. It was a song that Ricky had written himself. Even though disco was dead, the song had a masterful blend of disco and Latin beats. Teen agers and adults were gyrating to the rhythm all over the world. The words concerned mama’s apple pie, but they were of no consequence. It was not going to win any Grammy Awards.

As a result of the success of “Apple Pie,” Larry was once again besieged by requests for Ricky to tour in concert. He would call Ricky several times a week. The monetary offers got bigger and bigger, but Ricky remained adamant in refusing to go on tour. Larry said that he wanted to come over to his apartment and talk to him face to face about the opportunities he was throwing away. Ricky wanted to maintain his anonymity in Queens, and he didn’t want Larry to see how meagerly he lived, so he agreed to meet him one morning in Larry’s office.

Ricky’s earnings were still going into a trust fund, but his parents had generously raised his allowance from $100 a week to $500. After all, he needed to pay his rent and he needed subway fare. Ricky was early in his twentieth year on earth when he boarded the subway to Manhattan to meet Larry. He took the same subway every afternoon to go to the theater, and he rode it home after the show. No member of the paparazzi would suspect that he used the NYC subway system, so he was able to avoid them most of the time. The only disguises he used were a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap pulled down low over his brow.

When he arrived at Larry’s office, Larry’s secretary said, “It’s so nice to see you again Ricky. It’s been ages since we saw you last. I’ll let Larry know you’re here.” Ricky realized that although he spoke to Larry often, it had been nearly six months since he had seen him. He felt guilty and vowed to ask his agent to dinner in the near future.

When he walked into Larry’s office, a perfect stranger stood up, walked around the desk to greet him, and with open arms, he said, “Hey Babe, it’s been forever. Come give your friend a hug.”

Ricky’s jaw dropped open. The guy in front of him could not be Larry. He was way thinner. He was not wearing glasses. His hair was styled at the cost of at least $150. He was fairly muscular, and he was wearing too tight blue jeans with a V necked white tee shirt, Simon Cowell style. Who was this handsome imposter?

Before he could react, he was strangled in a bear hug by this unknown someone. He could feel very small love handles, and the stranger’s package straining against his.

“Who are you? What did you do with Larry?”

The stranger let Ricky go and returned to his chair. Ricky sat down in a chair facing the desk.

“Geez, I forgot. I guess it’s been months since you’ve seen me. Look Babe, I don’t mean to sound like I’m accusing you of anything, but remember when I foolishly told you that I had feelings for you? I know it was crazy of me. I know you’re straight and all, but your rejection hurt me nevertheless. In fact, it hurt me a lot. But now I have you to thank for all this, the new me. I joined a gym, got a personal trainer, hired a nutritionist, got contact lenses, and here’s the new Larry you see before you. So thanks for rejecting me, Babe.”

Ricky continued to stare at Larry with his jaw hanging open.

“I think you’re starting to dribble,” Larry said with a twinkle in his eye.

“Larry. You’re gorgeous. I’ll bet you’re much more successful with the ladies now.”

“With the boys,” Larry corrected Ricky.

“Larry, even though I rejected your sexual advances, you gotta know how much I love you. I love you for your generous heart, your nurturing soul, and most of all for the way you treat me, and how you work so tirelessly for me. That’s more love than any poke up the ass, my dear friend. That having been said, you are absolutely gorgeous. Maybe I wouldn’t reject you now.”

Larry was silent for a moment. “Does that mean that you are….that the rumors are….” His voice trailed off. Ricky nodded slightly.

Larry didn’t want to overplay his hand. Things were going too well. He just said quietly, “I love you too, you know. Now let’s talk about your career. I have a 10% vested interest in it, lest you forget. I could order lunch in, or we could go to a restaurant where you would be besieged by your fans. It’s your choice.”

“There’s a third option,” Ricky offered. “We could pick up lunch at the deli on the corner, and go to your apartment, where we know we won’t be disturbed while we discuss my future and my career. That is unless you have a harem of men waiting there for you.”

Larry’s eyes teared up even more. “There are no men waiting for me at home. I think your option is the best one of all.”

“Larry,” Ricky confessed, “I loved you when you were fat and nerdy, but I was too blind to see. I don’t love you any more right now. I just love you with different eyes. Don’t you think it’s pretty damned cool to love one of your best friends?”

“Let’s get out of here,” Larry said with constantly teary eyes. On the way out he told his secretary that he and Ricky were going on a little business trip, and that he would be gone for the day.

When they got to Larry’s apartment, they threw the bagged lunches, which the deli had very carefully packaged, on the kitchen table. They fell into each other’s arms. “I’m so happy, I’m so happy,” Ricky kept repeating. “How could I have been so blinded by a few extra pounds?”

“I loved you from the time you came into my office, before you signed the contract with The Sons of Song, but geez, Ricky, you were jail bait, and I almost didn’t care.”

“Sorry, Larry, but at twelve, I wasn’t heavy into sex, but fear not. I am now.”

“I’ll bet you’ve had some pretty good teachers,” Larry said jealously.

“Yes, and you are about to be the beneficiary of all those erotic lessons. Breathe in and fill your lungs with plenty of air. You’ll need it.”

Larry pulled Ricky into the bedroom, where they undressed in a flash. They had gone to a Turkish bath together once, just after Ricky graduated High School. At the time, Larry had a slab of stomach fat covering most of his cock. What showed, seemed miniscule to Ricky, and he had actually felt sorry for his friend. Not so now! The slab of fat was gone and Ricky stared at five, fat inches of cut cock. It was a beauty, and as Ricky stared, it started to harden and rise. In just a few seconds, Larry’s cock was pointing to the ceiling and had grown to at least eight inches.

Ricky was mesmerized. He fell to his knees and grabbed hold of Larry’s magnificent manhood. He started to lick all around Larry’s balls and up and down Larry’s shaft. Larry was crying softly all the while. He just couldn’t stop himself from blubbering.

“Get into bed and lie on your stomach,” Ricky commanded, taking full charge of Larry’s bedroom. As soon as Larry did what Ricky asked, Ricky lay down on his stomach on top of Larry, engulfing Larry in a cocoon of human flesh. Ricky’s cock rested comfortably in Larry’s crack. He started kissing and nipping Larry’s neck and ears. Little by little he worked his way down Larry’s tightly toned body until he reached his bubbly ass. Ricky pulled Larry’s southern cheeks apart and started to rim his friend. By now Larry was whimpering blissfully.

He couldn’t take much more of Ricky’s love making. “Fuck me,” he yelled. “Fuck me now, and fuck me hard.” Ricky remembered Red’s warning never to go commando. He wanted to ignore it and go right in, using only spit for lubricant, but instead he said, I need a condom and lube.”

Still sobbing, Larry reached into the drawer of his nightstand and handed a rubber and a tube of lube to Ricky. “Hurry, please hurry,” he cried. Seconds later, Ricky entered him effortlessly. Larry has been fucked a lot, Ricky thought.

By now Ricky had learned to control and prolong his orgasms. He was motivated to delay even more than usual, when Larry kept begging him not to cum yet. After awhile, of course, the inevitable happened. Ricky came into the condom, screaming out one of his beautiful singing notes. Larry collapsed his body and Ricky followed suit. He was lying on top of Larry’s backside, and nipping lovingly at Larry’s ear. Eventually Ricky slipped out of Larry’s ass and the two men lay side by side thoroughly exhausted. Larry grabbed hold of Ricky’s cock which was still sheathed by the condom, and was all squishy. He pulled off the condom and threw it on the floor. He leaned over Ricky, and took his cock into his mouth. He sucked up all the cum that remained on Ricky’s cock.

Ricky’s cock head had lost its sensitivity by now, and he had grown hard again. At that moment, Ricky crowned Larry the king of cocksuckers. He could feel a second orgasm growing, and he knew it would be stronger than the first. Larry could sense it also, and wished he was ten years younger. Ricky’s body began to buck and he emptied a second load into Larry’s throat. Larry did not release Ricky’s cock until it grew softer and smaller than normal.

They lay quietly side by side. Finally, Ricky leaned over and took Larry’s pulsating cock into his mouth. He sucked until he felt that Larry might blow. Then he stopped. He took another condom from the drawer and rolled it down Larry’s shaft. He lubricated his ass and Larry’s covered cock. Then he straddled his good friend. Facing each other, Ricky slowly lowered himself on Larry. Before Larry’s cock was fully inserted, he came with a sobbing scream.

Eventually they showered together, but did not dress. They lay down in Larry’s bed totally naked. They turned to each other, wrapped their arms around one another, smashed their cocks together, and dozed for a couple of hours.

Before he fell asleep, a terrible thought came to Ricky. Red told him not to fall in love with him or anybody else. But he had disobeyed Red. In fact, he was very much in love…with two men…Red and Larry...at least he thought he was. He didn’t know how in the world it was possible to love two people, and he wondered if he could handle it. Red told him that a virgin always falls in love with the guy who takes his cherry. If that is so, maybe he didn’t love Red at all. Maybe he should go on the road and get away from both of them.

Suddenly, he heard a devilish voice whisper to him, “Have sex with both of them, and enjoy them both. No harm done, unless one of them stupidly talks about moving in together. Then drop him like a burning coal.”

There was nothing either Red or Larry would have wanted more than to live with Ricky, but would either one of them be foolish enough to suggest it to Ricky, who was still very much in the closet, professionally, and obsessively protective of his privacy?

Ricky did not go home that night. Like a star struck fan, Larry patrolled the stage door. He picked Ricky up at the theater, took him home, and they made love all night.

Copyright © 2024 chris191070; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Posted (edited)

Money can't buy happiness, but it can hire a trainer to lose the fat and buff the bod, fix the eyesight and put hair on your head (and not on your palm 😉.)

Larry or Red? Better the devil you know (greedy agent?), or go with Sam's empathy? 

    homer simpson episode 21 GIF

Edited by Anton_Cloche
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13 minutes ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Money can't buy happiness, but it can hire a trainer to lose the fat and buff the bod, fix the eyesight and put hair on your head (and not on your palm 😉.)

Larry or Red? Better the devil you know (greedy agent?), or go with Sam's empathy? 

    homer simpson episode 21 GIF

Swinging Heat Wave GIF by lilcozynostril

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