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Silent Heartbeats - 8. Chapter 8: A visit to Carter's painful past. And what happens in the morning?

Hey guys, thanks again for engaging. I am truly humbled and thankful. I would love to hear from you on this chapter. Thank you so much and keep on being in touch. I love you all
feel the passion 😘

Over a year ago…


He had been happily cleaning his room, a joyful tune on his lips as he hummed and danced slowly around the space. His movements were light and carefree, his heart filled with love. Elias, his husband, wasn't home, but that only made Carter's happiness more palpable—he felt so much in love, as if possessed by happiness like a demon on Halloween night.

He opened the wardrobe, carefully arranging the clothes with a smile on his face. As he worked, a sudden gust of wind blew through the open window, ruffling his hair and sending a chill through the room. A loud thud echoed behind him, startling him. Carter quickly turned, his eyes scanning the room, and he noticed some files scattered on the floor. His brow furrowed in confusion as he looked around to see where they had fallen from, but there was nothing out of place.

Cautiously, he moved from where he was standing, kneeling to pick up the scattered papers. Just as his fingers brushed the edge of one file, another gust of wind swept through the room, sending more papers flying. One of them landed directly in his hands. He slowly brushed a strand of hair from his face, his fingers trembling slightly as he held the paper.

As his eyes landed on the words written there, his entire world seemed to collapse. His face drained of color, his eyes widening in disbelief. The bold, stark words "Divorce Papers" stared back at him, mocking his earlier joy.

Shock gripped him in full force. His hands began to tremble uncontrollably, and tears fell in torrents onto the paper, soaking through the ink. His heart pounded wildly in his chest, each beat like a drum echoing in his ears. His mouth shook, and he could barely force the words out, "Divorce papers?" The phrase sent chills down his spine, each word slicing through his heart like a knife.

His eyes frantically scanned the document, his gaze landing on Elias's signature. It was unmistakable, right there on the dotted line. His strength left him, his legs giving out as he collapsed to the floor. His breath hitched, and his fingers fumbled as he flipped through the pages. Every place that required Elias's signature was already signed—only Carter's signature was missing.

His life flashed before his eyes, memories flooding him in rapid succession. He remembered Elias promising him that as long as they lived, he would love only him. Those words, spoken with such conviction, now cut through Carter like a knife through butter. He recalled telling Elias that he was the only family he had left, the only person he could rely on. Elias had sworn on his dead mother's life that he would always be with him, that he would never make him cry for any reason.

The promises, the kisses, the passionate nights—they all came rushing back. The happiness they had shared now felt like a cruel joke. Carter's tears turned into bloody red streaks in his mind as he remembered everything. His grip on the divorce papers tightened, his hands shaking with fury and disbelief. His head shook violently, and he rose from the floor with a sudden burst of energy, his heart pounding with a desperate need to deny the reality before him.

"This can't be true," he muttered, his voice trembling. "It's all a lie. There's no way... no way Elias could divorce me. It must be a joke. It has to be."

Without a second thought, Carter sprinted out of the room, his mind in a whirlwind of confusion and agony, driven by a desperate need to find Elias and demand answers. The echoes of broken promises and shattered dreams chased him down the hallway as he ran, his heart shattering with every step.


Carter burst through the front door of the house, his voice echoing through the halls as he shouted Elias' name, desperation lacing every syllable. His eyes darted around frantically, searching for any sign of his husband. The house seemed eerily silent, every corner void of the presence he so desperately sought.

"Elias!" he called out again, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and hope. He spun around, scanning the rooms as his heart pounded against his ribs.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted the tense silence.

“What are you doing here?”

Carter quickly turned to find a man standing in the doorway, arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. The man was tall and muscular, his broad shoulders accentuated by the tight muscle shirt he wore. His arms were covered in intricate tattoos that snaked down to his wrists, and his face was partially obscured by a thick beard. His eyes, dark and piercing, revealed a distinct dislike for Carter.

Without hesitation, Carter rushed toward him, holding up the divorce papers like a weapon.

“Do you know about this?” he demanded, his voice shaking with a mixture of anger and desperation.

The man, Lopez, let out a mischievous laugh, his eyes narrowing with amusement.

“Looks like my little brother finally grew some balls,” he sneered. “Should’ve done it a long time ago. Why should he continued being with a spoilt brat who doesn't know how to cook but only frustrates him from morning till evening?”

Carter’s shock was palpable. His voice wavered as he asked,

“You...you had something to do with this, didn’t you?”

Lopez’s laugh echoed through the room, dripping with mockery.

“You're a fool if you think I had to do anything. But it’s about time he did what he should’ve done ages ago.”

Fury and pain collided within Carter, his tears flowing freely as he furiously wiped them away.

“There’s no way Elias would divorce me!” he cried out, his voice cracking. “He loves me! He would never hurt me like this!”

In a sudden burst of rage, Carter grabbed Lopez by the shirt, his fingers digging into the fabric as he pulled the larger man closer.

“Did you have a hand in this?” he demanded, his voice trembling with anger.

Lopez’s expression darkened as he roughly released Carter’s grip, shoving him backward with enough force to send him crashing to the floor with a painful thud. Carter winced, the impact knocking the breath out of him.

Before he could even gather his thoughts, he noticed a pair of shoes standing in front of him. Slowly, he lifted his gaze, his breath catching in his throat as his eyes met the face he had been so desperate to see.

There stood Elias, the man he loved more than anything in the world. He was as handsome as ever, with features that seemed to be carved by angels—a strong jawline, beautiful lips that Carter had kissed countless times, and eyes that held a depth of emotion that Carter knew all too well. Those eyes, however, now looked down at him with an unreadable expression.

For a moment, the world around Carter faded away. Seeing Elias, his heart swelled with a rush of emotions—relief, love, and an overwhelming need to hold him. Carter pushed himself up from the floor, a tentative smile forming on his lips as he looked at the man who had been his everything.

“Elias...” he whispered, his voice filled with hope and longing.

Carter reached out, his hands trembling as he cupped Elias' face with a tenderness that belied the storm raging inside him. His eyes, red and swollen from tears, softened as he gazed into Elias' eyes.

“I missed you so much,” he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. “I found some papers earlier that didn't make any sense when I was cleaning the room, but now... now I know they were just a mistake. I know you love me. You wouldn't hurt me like that.”

He forced a smile, a hopeful, desperate smile as he continued, “Let's just go home, Elias. We can be happy again, just like before.”

But Elias remained silent, his face void of any emotion, his eyes reflecting none of the love and warmth that Carter had been clinging to. He simply stared at Carter, as if weighing the weight of the words he was about to speak. Then, out of the blue, he uttered the words that would shatter Carter’s world.

“I wanted to tell you,” Elias said, his voice devoid of the affection it once held.

Carter’s heart crashed to the floor, the weight of those words too much to bear. Tears instantly welled up in his eyes, dropping in rapid succession down his cheeks as he stared at Elias in pain, disbelief, and betrayal.

“What do you mean?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, as if speaking louder would make the reality unbearable.

Elias looked at him with a calmness that only deepened Carter’s agony.

“I don’t want to be married to you anymore, Carter. I’m in love with someone else.”

Carter’s entire world crumbled in that moment. His shoulders slumped, and he felt a wave of weakness wash over him. He looked at Elias with utter devastation, his face streaked with a billion tears that seemed to fall endlessly. The man he had loved with every fiber of his being, the man who had promised him forever, was now standing before him, tearing his heart to shreds with just a few cold, indifferent words.

Elias called his name softly, “Carter…”

That was when something snapped inside Carter. The sound of his name, spoken by the man who had just destroyed him, sent a jolt of fury through his veins. He raised his hand, his vision blurred by tears, and slapped Elias across the face with a force fueled by all the pain and betrayal coursing through him. The sound echoed through the room, sharp and stinging.

“Don’t call my name!” Carter cried out, his voice breaking with anguish. He slapped Elias again, and then again, each strike a desperate attempt to release the hurt that was suffocating him. “Don’t you dare call my name!” he sobbed, his hands trembling as they fell to his sides, his body shaking with the intensity of his grief.

Elias stood there, unmoving, his face still turned from the impact of Carter’s strikes

Carter's chest heaved with sobs as he looked into Elias' eyes, searching for a trace of the love they once shared.

“What do you mean?” he choked out, his voice breaking under the weight of his emotions. “You shattered everything... my love, my trust, my self-esteem. What do you mean you're in love with someone else? What about all the promises you made to me? What happened to those?”

His words were laced with a mix of anger and desperation, his heart pleading for answers that he feared would never come.

His tears fell freely as he continued, “I left the world I knew to be with you. I gave up my father, my family, everything! You promised me you’d be my family, that you’d love me forever.”

His voice grew louder, more frantic, as if raising it would somehow force Elias to take back the cruel words. Elias turned to him, his eyes glassy, yet cold.

“I don’t love you anymore, Carter. Maybe I never even did. I love someone else, and I can’t bear to stay with you any longer.”

The words were like a dagger plunging into Carter’s heart, each one twisting deeper, tearing him apart. A sharp pain shot through his head, like lightning cracking through his skull. His hand flew up, and he slapped Elias so hard that he staggered back a step. The shock on Elias’ face mirrored the fury in Carter’s heart.

Before Carter could react, Lopez was in front of him, his tall, muscular frame casting a shadow over him.

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on my brother,” he warned, his voice a low growl, “just because he made a decision he should have made long ago.”

Carter’s gaze flickered to Elias, hoping, praying for him to say something—anything—that would make this nightmare end. But Elias remained silent, his expression unreadable, his eyes avoiding Carter’s.

Tears streamed down Carter’s face as he cried out, “The whole world was right... I was a fool! I was blind! I kept believing in you, in your love. I thought it was my strength, but it was my weakness!” His voice trembled with raw pain as he spoke, each word slicing through him like a blade. “Why did you tell me you loved me, all those times, if you didn’t mean it? Why did you let me leave my family for you, if this was how it was going to end?”

The only sound in the room was Carter’s sobs, his heart breaking more with each unanswered question. “Why did you do this to me?” he pleaded, his voice barely a whisper now. “I was nothing but a good husband to you. What was missing? Why did you make a mockery of my love?”

Carter’s body shook with the force of his tears as he cried uncontrollably, the pounding in his head growing stronger with each passing second.

“I left everything behind for you,” he said, his voice thick with emotion, “and I considered you my world.”

He moved closer to Elias, gripping him by the shirt, pulling him close.

“Why?” he demanded, his voice cracking as he looked into Elias’ eyes, searching for an answer. “Why did you choose someone else over me?”

But Elias didn’t answer. He simply stared back at Carter, his expression as cold as stone. Carter’s legs gave out, and he dropped to his knees, his hands slipping from Elias’ shirt as he crumbled to the floor.

“What am I supposed to do now?” he sobbed, his voice filled with despair. “It was all a lie. Every vow, every promise... it was all a lie.”

He stayed there on the floor, crying for what felt like hours, his body wracked with sobs that seemed never to end. But then, he heard something that made his tears stop. A voice—soft, affectionate—calling someone “baby.”

Carter’s head snapped up, and his tear-filled eyes locked onto the man who had just entered the room. He was tall, with blonde hair and a confident smile. The man moved quickly, crossing the room to Elias and wrapping his arms around him. They kissed right there in front of Carter, their bodies pressed close together as if Carter didn’t even exist.

In that moment, Carter’s heart shattered completely. His chest tightened with a pain so intense it felt like it would kill him. He felt weak, his limbs heavy as if all the strength had been drained from his body. He heard Elias’ voice, calm and assured, telling the man not to worry about anything. Then, turning to Carter, Elias said, "Sign the papers, Carter. I’m done with you."

With his arm draped around the other man, Elias walked away, leaving Carter behind, crumpled on the floor. The door closed behind them with a soft click, leaving an echo of finality in its wake.

Carter sat there, staring at the empty space where Elias had stood, his mind unable to process what had just happened. Time lost all meaning as he remained on the floor, his thoughts spinning in circles, playing tricks on him.

Lopez’s laughter broke the silence, a harsh, grating sound that cut through Carter’s haze of disbelief.

“Well, I guess that’s it then,” Lopez said, a sneer in his voice. “Time for you to leave our lives.”

Carter didn’t respond. He didn’t even look at Lopez. Slowly, he rose from the floor, his body moving on autopilot, his mind still numb. His steps were slow, unsteady, as he left the house. He looked like a ghost, a shadow of the man he once was, his heart left behind in pieces on the cold, unforgiving floor.

Carter became a shadow of his former self, a ghost wandering through the ruins of what had once been his life. The vibrant man who once hummed and danced around his home was gone, replaced by someone hollowed out by heartbreak. Every day was a struggle, every breath a reminder of the love that had been torn from him. The world around him lost its color, everything dulled by the overwhelming grief and betrayal that consumed him.

The memory of Elias’s cold words, the sight of him with another man, replayed in Carter’s mind on an endless loop. His love had been shattered, crushed under the weight of broken promises and lies. The pain was too much to bear, and one night, when the darkness inside him became unbearable, Carter decided he couldn’t go on.

In the dim light of his bathroom, Carter took a razor blade and made deep, deliberate cuts across his wrist, the pain a welcome distraction from the agony in his heart. Blood flowed freely, staining the tiles beneath him, and as his vision blurred, he felt a strange sense of relief. The world grew quiet, the pain fading into numbness as he slipped into unconsciousness.

But death didn’t come for Carter that night. But death didn’t come for Carter that night. He was found and rushed to the hospital, where doctors fought to save his life. He woke up days later in a sterile room, the smell of antiseptic heavy in the air, with bandages wrapped tightly around his wrists. The physical pain was nothing compared to the emptiness that had settled in his chest.

Days passed in a blur as Carter lay in the hospital bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. He didn’t cry, didn’t speak. He was numb, the weight of his despair pressing down on him until it felt like he couldn’t breathe


Present Day…


Jeremy woke up groggy and disoriented, the remnants of sleep still clinging to him. He shifted on the bed, moving slowly like a child who didn’t want to leave the comfort of his blankets. But the pressure in his bladder demanded attention, and he let out a groan as he reluctantly rolled out of bed. His eyes were half-open, and he moved on autopilot, not fully aware of his surroundings.

He stumbled his way to the bathroom, barely noticing that it wasn’t his own. The door creaked as he pushed it open, and he shuffled over to the toilet. Jeremy unzipped his pants and relieved himself, still too drowsy to register anything out of the ordinary. When he was done, he flushed the toilet and walked out of the bathroom, his mind still foggy.

As he stepped back into the room, a loud scream snapped him out of his daze. Jeremy’s eyes flew open, and he quickly looked around, suddenly realizing where he was. He was in Carter’s room. The memories of the previous night flooded back, hitting him all at once. He saw Carter standing with his back to him, clearly the source of the scream.

Jeremy felt a rush of embarrassment and confusion as he tried to process everything. He called Carter’s name, his voice uncertain. Carter, without turning around, replied in a quiet voice, “You need to zip up.”

Jeremy’s eyes widened in shock, and he quickly glanced down to find that his pants were still unzipped. Fortunately, only his briefs were visible, but the embarrassment burned all the same. He hurriedly zipped up his pants, his face flushing as he cleared his throat, trying to regain some composure.

When Carter finally turned around, their eyes met, and an awkward silence filled the room. Jeremy struggled to find the right words, but everything he wanted to say seemed to get stuck in his throat.

Jeremy cleared his throat, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude as he sheepishly said, “I’m sorry, Carter. I thought I was in my room... old habits die hard, I guess.”

Carter managed a small smile, the tension easing slightly as he asked, “How are you doing this morning?”

Jeremy, still a bit flustered, nodded. “I’m doing much better, thanks. But I really want to apologize for invading your privacy like that. It wasn’t right, especially after everything.”

Carter waved a hand dismissively. “I’m glad to help, really. But I didn’t expect you to show up... or look like that.”

The memory of his disheveled state brought a deeper flush to Jeremy’s cheeks. He still couldn’t quite believe he had ended up at Carter’s place, of all places. “I don’t even know what I was thinking, but I somehow found myself here. And... I wanted to properly thank you.”

Carter raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. “Thank me? For what?”

Jeremy looked down, his usual confidence replaced by a shy awkwardness. “For not throwing me out last night, considering the state I was in. And especially after how badly I’ve treated you.”

The silence that followed was heavy, both men feeling the weight of unspoken words and shared emotions. Jeremy, unable to bear the awkwardness any longer, broke it with a quiet, sincere, “Thank you. And if I said something stupid last night... and you felt bad about it... I’m really sorry.”

Carter chuckled softly, a lightness returning to his eyes. “You didn’t say anything of the sort. And as for your apology, the answer is... you’re not welcome,” he added with a teasing smile.

Jeremy blinked, caught off guard by Carter’s playful response. Jeremy cleared his throat once again, the awkwardness of the situation still lingering. "I should probably leave. I don’t want to bother you any longer."

Carter nodded, understanding. “You’re right, you should. But... my father always told me that if you receive a visitor, you should never let them leave without eating. I made some breakfast, and you need to eat before you go.”

Jeremy was caught completely off guard. He stood there, staring at Carter like he’d just suggested something outrageous. Carter raised an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his lips.

“Come on, follow me.”

Jeremy didn’t need to be told twice. He followed Carter to the small living room, where a modest but inviting table was set up with breakfast. The aroma of freshly made food filled the room, making Jeremy’s stomach grumble despite the turmoil in his mind. There were fluffy scrambled eggs, golden-brown toast, crispy bacon, and a bowl of fresh fruit. A pot of coffee steamed invitingly beside it.

Jeremy sat down at the table, still somewhat dazed, and stared at the food as if it were a mirage. Carter, sensing his hesitation, smiled softly.

“My father always used to say, ‘A good meal can heal a weary soul…’”

“…and strengthen the heart for another day,” Jeremy finished, the words slipping from his lips as if on instinct.

Carter’s eyes widened in surprise. “You know that?”

Jeremy nodded, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Ethan used to say that every morning when he made breakfast for me.”

They both fell silent, the weight of shared memories pressing down on them. Jeremy couldn’t help but see the resemblance between Carter and Ethan, the familiar ache in his heart intensifying. It was as if Ethan’s presence lingered in the air, connecting them in an unspoken bond.

The moment was interrupted by a sudden, desperate knock on the door. It was frantic, continuous, shattering the fragile peace that had settled between them.

Carter hurried to the door, his mind racing as he wondered who could be knocking so insistently this early in the morning. He quickly opened it, and the surprise of his life greeted him—Jeff and Dexter stood there, both looking worried.

Jeff immediately apologized, his tone urgent. “Carter, I’m so sorry to disturb you, but we’ve been looking for Jeremy. He’s been missing since last night, and we’ve searched everywhere. He left his phone behind, and we couldn’t find him anywhere we thought he might be.”

Carter felt a shiver run down his spine. He was struck silent by the revelation, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. Dexter, as usual, was less patient, groaning in frustration.

“Why are we even bothering with this? This would be the last place anyone would think to look for him.”

Carter didn’t respond, his thoughts racing as he glanced back over his shoulder at Jeremy, who was quietly eating breakfast, lost in thought. Without a word, Carter opened the door wider, revealing Jeremy sitting at the table, a picture of calm amidst the chaos.

Jeff’s eyes widened in surprise and relief, while Dexter’s expression darkened. Something seemed to hit him hard, his body trembling with barely contained anger. The sight of Jeremy in Carter’s home, the implication that he had spent the night there, was like a sledgehammer to Dexter’s chest.

Jeff quickly entered the house, his relief palpable as he approached his brother.

“Thank God we found you, Jeremy.”

Jeremy looked up, his face a mix of surprise and embarrassment. Before he could say anything, Dexter’s voice cut through the air, sharp with anger. “What are you doing in an employee’s house?”

Jeremy met Dexter’s gaze, seeing the fury in his eyes. Before he could respond, Dexter’s voice rose, laden with accusation.

“Do you have any idea how worried we were all night? You didn’t show up, didn’t answer your phone. We thought something terrible had happened.”

Jeremy sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. “I wanted to be alone,” he said quietly.

“Alone?” Dexter repeated, his voice trembling with barely restrained anger. “If you wanted to be alone, you wouldn’t have been with the most useless employee we have,” he spat, pointing at Carter, who was slowly making his way into the living room.

Jeff quickly intervened, sensing the tension escalating. “Dexter, there’s no need to overreact. We’ve found him, and that’s what matters.”

Dexter reached out, stopping Jeff from moving any closer to Jeremy. “It’s not okay,” Dexter insisted, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and hurt. “Jeremy left without telling anyone—the people who love him—and came to spend the night in a stranger’s house. If he wanted to be with someone, he could have asked any of us.”

Jeremy sighed in frustration, dropping the spoon he was holding on the table with a clatter. The tension in the room grew thicker as Dexter continued, his voice rising with every word. “Look at him! While we were worried sick, he’s here, having some cheap breakfast like nothing happened!”

Carter's surprise was evident, even for someone used to Dexter’s outbursts. This was more than just anger—it was something deeper, something personal. Dexter’s tantrum continued, escalating as he berated Jeremy. “You were wrong to do this, Jeremy. You—”

Before Dexter could finish, Jeremy rose abruptly from the chair, his patience snapping. “Stop shouting at me!” he barked, his voice laced with anger. His eyes, normally calm, were sharp with intensity, and they cut through Dexter like a blade. “I’m old enough to make my own decisions. You’re neither my parent nor my husband, so don’t talk to me like that.”

Dexter froze, shock and hurt evident in his glassy eyes. He had never expected Jeremy to speak to him that way. “I was just worried about you,” Dexter mumbled, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jeremy, his anger still simmering, shot back, “I don’t need your worries, Dexter. I need you to focus on yourself.” With that, he stormed out of the room, leaving a stunned silence in his wake.

Jeff shook his head at Dexter, a mixture of disappointment and frustration in his eyes. “Are you happy now?” he asked, his tone heavy with accusation. Without waiting for a response, he ran after Jeremy, disappearing down the hall.

Dexter stood there, rooted to the spot, the reality of what had just happened sinking in. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, his anger still simmering, but now mixed with a deep sense of regret. The room felt emptier without Jeremy’s presence, and Dexter found himself staring at the door where Jeff had gone.

He stood there for what felt like hours, the silence pressing down on him, before finally directing his gaze toward Carter. His chest tightened, and his face flushed with unresolved emotions. Without a word, he turned on his heel and stormed out, leaving Carter standing there, bewildered and wondering what on earth had just transpired.

To be continued…

Copyright © 2024 vanalas; All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks a lot to everyone that took the time to read my work. I love you guys a lot. Don't forget to drop your comments about what you think about my work. Ciao!
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Wow, that was a brutal way to end Carter’s marriage.  Then attempted suicide.  He has moved on, but that will make him question any one coming close in the future.   These guys have been through a lot.  Jeff seems to be a good brother. Dexter, acting like he should be next in line for Jeremy’s relationship is in for a very rude awakening it seems.

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Well, Dexter seems to be headed to the door of 'no return'...hopefully ASAP!! Of course, he won't leave without a bit of nastiness...its in his DNA😏 Sooo, we'll wait to see him and Carter's ex get karma due them both! Wonderful stage setting chapter ❣️💯

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Elias is predator - an evil and cruel man. The way he treated Carter is unforgivable. Anyway, I'm sure we'll see more of this bastard!

“I don’t need your worries, Dexter. I need you to focus on yourself.

These are the words Jeff should have said to Dexter a long time ago. Now is a too little too late. Dexter is too deep emotionally involved and as a hurt beast, he can make a lot of damage!

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