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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
Mature content, explicit male-to-male sex.

How the Coronavirus Jump-Started my Sex Life - 1. Chapter 1

For Mature Audiences.

Campus Changes

Like the rest of the world, we heard about this weird new virus several months earlier, but it was just in some god-forsaken place called Wuhan, until it wasn’t. It seemed sudden to me, but it went from this isolated zone of contagion to a scary, world-wide epidemic in, like, 2 weeks or so. By the beginning of March there were rumors that sports events would be cancelled and maybe even classes.

On March 12, right before our Spring Break was scheduled to begin, the NCAA cancelled the national basketball tournament. Die-hard Lobos fans cried like it was the end of the world, no matter the number of sick and dying was mounting by the day.

“Holy fuck!” my roommate Bert exclaimed. “Do you know how much money the NCAA will lose on that?” Before I could guess, he went on. “They’re really taking this virus shit seriously, huh?”

Jessie, who was our neighbor down the hall popped in later to say, “I hear the University is going to close.”

Cindy, one of Bert’s high school friends from Los Alamos, called him to see if he would give her a ride home for Spring Break. She went on for a long time about the ridiculousness of the idea of self-isolation she’d been hearing. “They expect me to stay at home and not see Blake? I don’t think so!”

“Oh, Cindy,” Bert laughed, “you can live without his big ole cock for a while.”

“Hell, no!” she giggled. “Gotta keep that itch in my vagina scratched!”

Bert laughed so hard he dropped the phone.

I was planning to take a Greyhound to Las Cruces on Saturday for the start of Spring Break. I wasn’t particularly looking forward to a week at home, but there wasn’t much else on my agenda. After dinner that night, I called to talk with Mom.

“Honey,” she said, “your dad and I have talked about you coming home for break and, well, we don’t think you should.”

It took a second for that to sink in. “Huh? You don’t want me to come home?”

“Well,” she waffled, “we do want you to come home, but it’s not a good idea. The virus, you know?”

“I’m not sick.”

“You don’t know that you aren’t. I mean, you’re around a ton of people all the time in your classes and your dorm. You’d be crammed on the bus with all sorts of people. We can’t take the chance that you might bring it to Grandma. You know her breathing isn’t very good anyhow.”

I hadn’t thought of that, but I understood her concern. “Okay, sure, I’ll just stay here, I guess. No sweat.” That really wouldn’t be so bad, I thought. Get a jump on some class assignments. Sleep. Porn.

Sexy Stranger

Bert left on Saturday morning and most everybody else was gone by Saturday evening. By that night, I didn’t think anyone else was still on my floor.

About 5:30 I heard someone coming down the hall knocking on every door and calling out, “Anybody here?” I wondered if I was about to be tossed out into the street or get some more bad news.

Before he reached my door, I opened it and stepped up to the doorway. I was pleased to see it was the hot guy from room 315, not a campus cop or other official. I didn’t know this guy’s name, but I had been getting furtive looks at him whenever I could since September.

He looked up at me and gave me a big, friendly grin. “Oh, man, am I glad to see you!”

Taking in his handsome face framed by his sexy dark hair worn short on the sides and curly on the top, his smoking-hot neatly trimmed 4-day stubble, and his pearly teeth, I was caught off-guard. I could not prevent my gaze from dropping across a neon-yellow tank that hugged his meaty pecs and tight abs, revealing sexy dark curls escaping at the edges, to rest on his groin, a full mound of balls and cock encased in gray spandex workout shorts strained by powerful thighs covered with more of that sexy hair.

After several seconds, I realized I was telegraphing my attraction to him in a very dangerous fashion. With no one around to help me, he could easily beat me to a pulp and blow my carefully constructed façade right off, outing me to my whole world. Profoundly worried, I pulled my sight from that very exciting display of male sexuality back up to check his expression to see if he was as furious as I expected.

When I finally focused my sight on his face, he had cocked his head to one side a bit and met my eyes with his somewhat surprised gaze. I realized his eyes were not the pools of darkness I expected given his hair color. No, they were light brown bordering on amber, a shade of eyes I had not seen before. “Fuck,” I breathed as I encountered a fresh wave of attraction; no, hell, it was a tsunami of animal lust. I’d never seen a live human being I wanted as much as I wanted him. Shit, I thought, this is so damned dangerous!

“Fuck?” he echoed in a quiet, questioning voice. His eyebrows narrowed and his brow crinkled a little as he stared intensely into my face. There was no trace of anger, only the look of someone suddenly presented with a great mystery. This perfect specimen of masculinity was obviously not furious at me. He was curious about me.

Involuntarily, my head bent slightly as I snuck another peak at his magnetic crotch.

“Oh my god, man!” this stud muttered in a smoky sexy voice. “You didn’t just lick your lips!”

Copyright © 2024 KKirk; All Rights Reserved.
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I hope you are enjoying the story of Cal and Alan as they get acquainted during the quarantine.  Thanks for reading.  Your comments are very welcome at author.Kenneth.Kirk@gmail.com .  Kenneth Kirk
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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After about 5 tall Gin & Tonics, with a dash of Roses Lime Juice, I'm guilty of the same forward behavior...Loved this!!!

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16 hours ago, drsawzall said:

After about 5 tall Gin & Tonics, with a dash of Roses Lime Juice, I'm guilty of the same forward behavior...Loved this!!!

You never told! 

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Two comments: 

1 great things can come in small packages …of chp lengths!  I really love this story.

2 This is the most wonderful chp ending, possibly, that I have read in years

Oh my god, man!” this stud muttered in a smoky sexy voice. “You didn’t just lick your lips!”

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On 8/27/2024 at 9:13 AM, drsawzall said:

After about 5 tall Gin & Tonics, with a dash of Roses Lime Juice, I'm guilty of the same forward behavior...Loved this!!!

You are not a cheap date if it takes 5 tall Gin & Tonics @drsawzall. After 5 G&T I'd expect you to more than just lick your lips, you had better "put out" big time.

"Sexy stranger's" choice of outfit sounds very alluring, and more importantly readily removable. Now I just wonder is he wearing a jockstrap underneath. 


Edited by Summerabbacat
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