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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Troublemaker - 12. Chapter Twelve



Thursday afternoon couldn’t come fast enough. Ever since chatting with Todd and asking him on a date on Tuesday, the only thing on my mind was, of course, Todd Miller. I tried to distract myself with work, but the week has been pretty relaxed so far, which was both good and bad. Because of the extra free time, my mind was busied about what to wear, what cologne I should put on, should I let a strand of my hair hang on my forehead like Superman, etc. I knew I shouldn’t overthink this date, already knowing Todd, but my mind still wandered to the worst-case scenario.

I haven’t been on a date with anyone other than Sabrina for a long-ass time, and I wasn’t sure I had enough experience. Sabrina was the one who planned our nights out, just like our first trip to Bottoms Up. Sure, I brought up the idea to go there, but Sabrina set the date and time and almost had to drag me through the front entrance. I was always the more passive person in terms of planning out dates or times to hang out. So, asking out Todd and deciding where we should go was definitely a change for me.

I tried my best to not overthink my soon-to-be first date as I scanned the supplies inside the ambulance once again to make sure everything was fully stocked. So far, today was another uneventful day, which sucked too since I didn’t see much of Anthony who was my partner in crime as we administered IV’s and stabilized clients.

I could just muster up the courage and find him, so we could talk it out. I rarely argued with my best friend, and whenever we did disagree, we would make up within a minute. This time was different, though, since this dispute between us involved his family. I normally wouldn’t have pressed Anthony about his opinions on his brother, but being right there as they argued, Todd looking completely defeated like when he cried that one night, caused me to take action.

As I checked IV bags again, someone called out from outside the ambulance.

Sticking my head out, I saw a man in a red polo and black jeans carrying what looked like a box of pizza.

Oh, Anthony.

“I got an order for a double-pepperoni pizza with extra cheese and a side of ranch,” the guy called out.

Hopping out from the back, I approached the man and said, “Yup, sounds about right.”

I thanked the man who handed me the pizza that was piping hot at the bottom before jogging away to deliver another order. Peeking inside, I saw that the restaurant didn’t skimp out on the pepperoni along with the ranch that was drizzled over the pizza like icing on a cupcake.

“Hey! That’s mine.”

I saw Anthony approaching me with a scowl and said, “Of course, it is. Now tell me, is this lunch or dessert for you?”

Anthony grumbled something incoherent before reaching his hands out to the pizza. “Come on, man. Just hand it over.”

“Oh, and I thought you wanted to hug and make up with me.”

“What? No. I mean, I want to, but… Just give me the pizza! I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

I stepped back as Anthony tried to grab the heart attack in a box from me. “Not until we talk.”


“Yes, now. I just want to talk to you about what happened on Tuesday.”

Anthony huffed. “Can I eat as we talk?”

I nodded.

Sighing, Anthony said, “Fine.”

I handed him his pizza, so greasy that it seeped to the bottom of the box and dirtied my hand. Wiping my hand on my pants, I motioned my other hand to the ambulance where we always had our lunch.

Sitting down at the back of the ambulance, Anthony placed the pizza between us and took the largest slice from the pie and chowed down. He hummed in satisfaction, and I waited patiently as he enjoyed his food that must’ve totaled double the recommended daily calorie intake.

After eating his first slice, Anthony grabbed another one. “Want one?”

I shook my head. “I’m good… You want to start talking?”

Anthony frowned. “About what?”

Scratching my chin, I said, “Maybe about what happened on Tuesday, with Todd.”

“What’s to say? I was mad at him, and there you were taking his side rather than mine… I thought friends backed each other up?”

“They do. But Todd has every right to be angry at your dad for not accepting who he is. See it from his perspective.”

“I get what you’re trying to say.”


“But, well, Todd needs to understand that Dad’s real old school. And he was raised by our grandparents who were ultra-conservative and went to church every Sunday and Wednesday. Did you know there are people who go to church more than once a week?”


“Yeah, so, Todd just needs to give Dad another chance is all. I don’t believe in abandoning family so easily…even if they’re a pain in the ass.”

I hummed in thought. “Have you ever considered talking to your dad instead?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you’re trying to convince Todd to let go of his anger against your dad’s prejudices, but maybe you should talk to your dad and ask why he can’t let go of said prejudices and love him for who he is.”

Anthony grumbled. “I…I can’t.”

“Why can’t you?”

“Because I’m not like Todd. I can’t just confront Dad and say stuff like that. I don’t want to upset him.” Anthony chuckled. “Growing up, I used to tease Todd all the time about being a momma’s boy, while I did everything to please Dad.”

“I guess someone would say you’re a daddy’s boy,” I teased.

“Ugh, don’t ever say that again.” Dropping his slice of pizza in the box, he said, “I don’t like to disappoint Dad. I’m a man almost approaching thirty, and I still live for Dad’s approval. At least Todd has the courage to disagree with him and do his own thing.”

“A little envious are you?”

“Maybe…and maybe you’re right that I should just talk to Dad. It won’t be easy though. He’s just as stubborn as Todd.”

I chuckled. “At least they have that in common.”

Anthony looked at me. “If you don’t mind me asking, is there another reason why you were so defensive about Todd?”

Uh… Shit. Do I tell him?

Sensing my discomfort, Anthony placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and said, “Something you want to tell me, friend?”

I held back saying the whole truth and instead said, “Well…I came out to him and told him I’m bi.”

Looking forward, Anthony gazed at something in the distance.

“And that’s why I defended Todd, since we’re both similar. Not being straight, that is.”

Anthony was silent for a few more seconds, and then he laughed.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, confused with a tinge of concern.

“Nothing. It’s just… You look so serious!”

“What? I told you I came out to your brother! Of course, I look serious.”

“Yeah, but Todd’s gay.”

It was my turn to laugh. “Sorry. I’m not used to coming out to people yet. I still need practice, I guess.”

“You definitely do. You’re my best friend, and I’ll be by your side if anyone gives you shit for being who you are,” Anthony asserted and squeezed my shoulder.

I grinned. “Love you too, man.”

“He was cool with it, right? I mean why wouldn’t he be?”

“Yeah, he was totally cool with me coming out to him.”

Anthony then said, “Does anyone else know?”

“Sabrina knows, and you…and other than Todd, no.”

Anthony moved the pizza and scooted closer to me. “Concerned how others might react…like Andrea?”

I nodded. “My mind keeps thinking about the worst-case scenario.”

“I’m sure she’ll be totally okay with you coming out to her…and if the worst-case scenario does happen…I’ll still be here for you.”

I hugged my friend. “Appreciate it. I really do.”

Anthony patted my back. “Of course.”

I released him and said, “So, we made up now?”

“Yup.” Looking forward again, Anthony said, “And I’ll consider talking to Dad about Todd.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“Well, if we’re done being sappy with each other, I have a pizza to finish,” Anthony said, grabbing another slice. “Want some?”

“I’m good.”

I was about to mention going out later to eat with Todd, but I decided to withhold that information. Though I doubt Anthony would be angry about what I arranged with his brother, he wouldn’t be ecstatic over the idea of me dating Todd either. And we were on good terms again. Didn’t want to ruin the moment.

“Hey, boys! Put that pizza away! We have another emergency,” Jenny announced.

Anthony grumbled but closed the pizza box and placed it in his special cubby.

Wiping his hands on his pants, he said, “Ready?”

I nodded. “Like always.”

Anthony then chuckled.

“What’s up?”

“Nothing. It’s just…I had this image in my head of you and Todd holding hands and being a couple. That wouldn’t happen, right?”

“No…Of course not,” I lied.

Anthony smirked. “Good because even imagining my best friend with my baby brother together is wild, you know.”

“Heh. Yeah, that would be crazy.”

As Anthony and I hopped into the ambulance, I felt somewhat guilty for not admitting the whole truth to my friend. That I had feelings for Todd and was actually going on a date with him right after our shift ended. But as Jenny started driving, I just told myself that what was happening between us wasn’t serious, thus not warranting any confession.


The routine trip to a client who lived in the downtown area of the city turned more serious when he suddenly had a seizure during the drive to the hospital. As always, Anthony and I managed to situation quickly with Jenny taking two detours to reach the destination in record time. Though the client was going to be okay, we received another call soon after and the day suddenly became busied by client after client of various conditions needing emergency transportation to the ER.

It was almost five when my shift finally ended, almost an hour longer than when I was supposed to get off work. I still needed to drive home to shower and put on some clothes appropriate for a date. The digital clock in my car’s dashboard urged me like a timer to just drive to Todd’s house despite still wearing my uniform that had a speckle of what had to be blood on the collar. I could text him that I would be arriving a little late, but I really wanted to make a good first impression. Knowing that Todd’s apartment was closer to reach was the deciding factor that led me to take a sharp turn and head towards his location, much to the surprise and annoyance of the driver behind me.

By some miracle, I managed to reach Todd’s place with two minutes to spare. I checked my appearance in the rearview mirror, maneuvering strands of hair with my fingers before getting out of my car. At the door, I reached for the doorbell button and rang it twice.

Just then I realized I didn’t have anything like flowers or chocolates to offer Todd. Questions about whether that was too traditional, especially for two dudes and the fact that I could’ve used a mint or something to freshen my breaths crowded my mind.

Before I could overthink everything, the door opened and revealed someone stunning.

Todd was dressed in a collared shirt and pleated slacks. Though not elaborate, they were clearly ironed and fitted perfectly to his lean frame. And his hair was styled smoothly with a curl of hair purposely hanging from the center of his hairline, giving him an even more model-like appearance. Also, his glasses looked different too, matching his outfit.

“Uh… Is there something wrong? Am I underdressed?” Todd asked, looking down at his outfit nervously.

Realizing I was staring, I said, “What? No! You look great! Sorry, I should have greeted you before ogling you.”

“You were ogling me?”

“Y-Yeah. And you’re kind of overdressed compared to me since I’m still wearing my work outfit. Sorry about that. I only left work ten minutes ago because it was a busy day.”

“It’s cool. You know what they say about men in uniform.”

I smiled. “True... So, do you want to get into my car and start this date?”

Todd nodded and stepped out of his apartment before locking the door. We then walked side by side to my car, abruptly turning to the passenger side door and opening it for my date. Todd smiled affectionately and sat inside. I was completely out of my element when it came to dating, but hopefully I can do small gestures like opening a car door for him that would compensate for my attire and my other shortcomings.

I was soon driving again, our destination about ten minutes away. I adjusted the car’s AC and the volume of the radio that was playing generic pop music.

“Feeling comfortable?” I asked.

“Yup! Oh, um…is that blood on your collar there?” Todd asked.

Tugging the stained stain fabric, I said, “Yeah… I’m sorry. Like I said, I was in a rush to get here on time. If you’re queasy, I can–”
“No, no. It’s all right. Getting scrapes and cuts a lot as a kid and the Internet pretty much desensitized me to all blood. And gore. And mutilation.”

“You should’ve been with me and Anthony the other day. Fingers and knives do not mix.”

Todd chuckled. “How’s Anthony by the way? Are you two talking again?”

“Indeed, we are. I also came out to him not too long ago. I don’t think I told you that yet.”

“You didn’t. Wow. He took it well, right?”

Nodding, I said, “It feels good to be finally open with him. I’m sure you can relate.”

“Yeah. I was a nervous wreck when coming out to my mom. But when she just smiled and hugged me tightly, it was like a mountain was lifted off my shoulders… I wish I could say the same thing about my dad.”

I frowned. “Your dad needs to get with the times, honestly.”

“Eh. I guess I should be fortunate he didn’t disown me and just put the knowledge that one of his sons is gay in the back of his mind. I heard horror stories of kids being left homeless and ostracized from their families and even their whole communities.”

I swallowed a lump in my throat at the idea of Andrea doing something similar to me. At least I had a job and his own home unlike those poor kids being forced to live in the streets to fend for themselves. Still, the possible rejection of the person who was the closest had to a mother would hurt undoubtedly.

“Hey, let’s not ruin the mood by talking about anything serious,” Todd said.

“Agreed. What…What do you want to talk about then?”

“Maybe start with where you’re taking me?” Todd asked, his eyes glinting.

I smirked. “You’ll see soon enough.”

Copyright © 2024 Superpride; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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My Mancher-born Nan and mum used to say, “Liar’s need long memories”. It scared me so much I never lied until I knew I was gay, and boy did I need a good memory…

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9 hours ago, Gary L said:

My Mancher-born Nan and mum used to say, “Liar’s need long memories”. It scared me so much I never lied until I knew I was gay, and boy did I need a good memory…

Honesty doesn't require eidetic memory.

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On 9/2/2024 at 4:13 AM, Cane23 said:

Unfortunately, not, at least not yet! He'll do anything to please his father, at the cost of his own happiness. As I've mentioned before, there is lot of 'emotional manipulation' their father use and Anothony is not strong enough to resist. You know those kind of parents - You can do whatever you want, but you know my heart is weak...ok, ok...don't be sad if I die, I'm not judging you...go live your life, I'm not important...blah, blah, blah...

Oh my Sanford and son! You gave me this ultimate throwback.

Heart Attack Fred Sanford GIF by MOODMAN

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On 9/6/2024 at 2:13 PM, drpaladin said:

Honesty doesn't require eidetic memory.

But honestly can be a run through the briar patch too; once on the other side, with thorns removed and cuts mending, it might be still be subject to hindsight 20/20. 😛 Then the question is whether it should have even been a discussion at all; like religion, politics, and money…best to leave off those personal opinions/decisions. So now days maybe sexuality should be added.

Curiosity alone is not justification for casual acquaintances wanting to know sexual positions and preferences; man that always gets me, hmm 🧐, so likewise Harry and Sally, do you guys only practice missionary positions? Any kinks or role play? Is anal a part of your birth control method of fun? If we’re having an open conversation about everyone’s sexuality I’m curious about your practices too. 🤪 After all, it’s just a question many people share.

hey arnold nicksplat GIF

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half way and i cant stop reading, this is wonderful. great job on the story so far.  have my theories of possible out comes to some situations and cant wait to see how it goes.  

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