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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Troublemaker - 13. Chapter Thirteen



To say that I was nervous about my date with Barrett would be a massive understatement. I spent almost an hour just deciding which top I should wear and another two hours were spent cycling between pants and shorts and how I should style my hair. I kept waking Dillon in his bedroom for his opinion even though he was resting from his night shift plus overtime at the nursing home. After a pillow was thrown at my face, I then facetimed Channing who was more awake and helpful. He suggested that I style my hair with the hair flick that actually looked really good as I stared at the mirror, fidgeting with my chosen outfit for an additional thirty minutes.

Then the doorbell rang, and I took a breath before leaving the bathroom and opening the front door to see Barrett…still wearing his paramedic uniform. Any other person would’ve been offended by the idea of their date still wearing their work clothes since first impression mattered. However, I internally sighed with relief knowing that this was just a casual date and not something momentous. And the way Barrett ogled me, his eyes scanning me slowly from head to toe and back up again and made me both nervous and confident. I definitely picked the right outfit that made Barrett speechless.

Also, I had to admit, Barrett didn’t look bad at all in his uniform that hugged his body in all the right places. I didn’t think I had a kink for men in uniform until seeing Barrett in his light blue shirt and navy blue slacks which might have looked inferior compared to a firefighter or police uniform, but to me, he was wet-dream material.

During the car ride, Barrett and I made small talk, while the radio played a catchy pop song. The sun was still shining above, and rush hour was already waning as Barrett continued to drive nearer to downtown.

My questions about where Barrett was taking us on our date were finally answered as he pulled into the small parking lot of a place called Bedside Cafe. I never heard of his particular establishment, and the simple exterior of the building made me wonder if I was overdressed this time. My clothes were more fitted to a ritzier restaurant that require reservations to dine in than a place that served burgers and fries. However, I withheld further judgment as Barrett parked his car and we got out.

Barrett opened the door for me, and I smiled my appreciation before entering inside. I was floored by what I saw.

“What is this place?” I asked, eyeing the staff who were wearing nurse uniforms.

“They serve hospital food here,” Barrett answered.


Barrett chuckled. “Don’t worry. It’s much better than the gruel hospitals usually serve. Let’s grab a table.”

I followed Barrett to a square table in the middle of the venue where we sat across from each other. Not long after, a waitress appeared with a bright smile and handed each of us a menu.

“Welcome to Bedside Cafe. Can I get you some drinks, while you peruse the menu?”

“Sure. Some orange juice would be nice. What about you, Todd?” Barrett asked.

“Uh…make that two.”

“Great! Be back in a minute.”

As the waitress walked away, I took in more of my surroundings. The interior looked like it was ripped straight out of a hospital from the tiling to the ceiling above. However, a homey feeling also shined through that somehow comforted me.

“I know this is an unusual place for a first date, but I thought you might like the theme,” Barrett said.

I smiled. “I do, actually. And let me guess, the food is very greasy and one meal would require a visit to an actual hospital.”

Chuckling, Barrett said, “No, the total opposite. This cafe serves very healthy meals with no expense to taste. Take a look at the menu and see for yourself.”

I did just that, and I was surprised by not only the variety of meal options, but also that they were made with healthier ingredients and used alternative cooking methods such as baking rather than deep frying onion rings and fries. And the calorie count, sugar, salt, and allergens were also listed under each one. There was even a section of completely vegan dishes that seemed tempting.

I decided to play it safe though and scanned the selection of sandwiches, deciding upon an Italian grilled chicken sandwich with a side of baked fries.

The waitress soon returned with our glasses of orange juice. We then gave her our orders, Barrett ordering a small vegetarian pizza with baked onion rings.

“I’ll have your meals ready within ten minutes. If you need anything, just press the button on the buzzer attached to the table.”

I looked at the buzzer that was attached to the center of the table by a coiled cord and chuckled.

After she took our menus and walked away, I returned to gazing around the cafe that currently only had six other patrons. Aside from the tiling and ceiling, the bar area resembled a nurses’ station and the paintings of landscapes on the walls were the same ones a person would find in a real hospital.

“It’s like Firehouse Subs, but with cool hues of a hospital instead of red bricks,” Todd noted.

“Yeah, this place has been mistaken for a clinic at least a few times over the years,” Barrett said.

“It’s really cool. I didn’t even know a place like this existed?”

“I searched online for restaurants that served healthier food options and saw its name as one of the first results. I ordered a black bean burger here and have been a returning customer ever since. I tried to drag your brother to this place a few times, but just the idea of non-deep-fried food turned him off.”

“Uh, that’s Anthony for you. I swear if he didn’t have such a high metabolism, he’d be bedridden already.”

Barrett chuckled at my comment.

Things then became quiet between us, and I shuffled through a list of possible questions to ask him. I felt weird not knowing much about Barrett other than him being my brother’s best friend and his career, especially since I knew of him since my middle school days. I was still stunned by the revelation that he was bisexual since he didn’t give off any indication that he was into dudes, though that could just be me stereotyping. Though, the fact he and Sabrina were a couple for years threw off any suspicions on the matter of his sexuality.

And here I was, on a date with Barrett Jones. However, the quietness continued to stretch, and I didn’t know what to say next since every question or topic in my head sounded dumb. I lightly tapped my fingers on the table, trying to think of something to talk about.

Barrett, looking nervous as well, held up napkins that resembled a roll of gauze and chuckled. I smiled in response and looked at the eating utensils with handles similar to the ones of scalpels.

“So…” Barrett said as he fiddled with his fork.


Barrett then sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m not really good at this date thing.”

“No, don’t be. It has been a long while since I went on a date myself. So, I’m a bit rusty.”

“I can relate. When Sabrina and I were still together, we’d go to different places like restaurants and clubs, but we did so more as friends than as a couple. That’s one reason why we broke up and… Ah, crap. Sorry. I shouldn’t have brought up my ex. I mean, that’s one of the big no-no’s when going on a first date, right?”

I chuckled at how flustered Barrett looked. “Don’t be so stressed. It’s not like this is the first time we’re meeting or anything.”


“And I’ve committed plenty of no-no’s myself on first dates before.” I grinned as I recalled a specific one. “Like this date I had during my second year in college. We met through mutual friends, and he asked me out to see a movie. A bit cliche, but I thought he was cute, so I said yes. We went to see a romantic comedy, and for the whole one hour and thirty minutes I was laughing my ass off at how ridiculous the plot and characters were and not the actual jokes. When it ended and the credits started rolling, I turned to ask him if he thought the movie was stupid too, only to find an empty seat next to me.”

Barrett’s eyes widened. “Woah.”

I nodded. “Yeah. Apparently, he got sick of me mocking his favorite actor in the movie and left halfway through. Definitely didn’t get a second date after that.”

“That’s a no-no for sure.”

“More like a hell-no.”

Barrett laughed, his white teeth on full display.

“So, don’t stress yourself out. Whatever awkward thing you say or do on this date won’t compare to the ones I’ve been on.”

“Thanks for the reassurance. I guess I’m nervous because I haven’t been with anyone other than Sabrina for the past decade.”

“Oh. Did you get along for the most part?”

“We did. But any romance between us fizzled away a long time ago. We’re much better off as friends.”

A question popped in my head, and I had to ask. “And have you been with any…guys?”

Barrett bowed his head. “No. I came to terms with my bisexuality only a few months ago, and even after Sabrina and I broke up, I haven’t really explored that side of me…until now.”

“I’m…the first man you’ve been with?”

“Yeah, which sounds very weird, I know. You must’ve had plenty of experience with other men and dating in general. Me? I’m basically a virgin.”

“I was active in the dating scene during my college years, I won’t lie. But you shouldn’t be ashamed by your lack of experience, or if you have a ton of experience. Virginity is a social construct anyway.”

Barrett nodded.

“With that said, I’m still somewhat floored that you’ve only been with one person for so long.”

Barrett crooked an eyebrow. “Meaning?”

I chuckled nervously. “I mean, look at you. You can get any woman or man you want. You’re the epitome of masculine beauty.”

Blush crept into Barrett’s cheeks. “O-Oh… Thank you. I don’t know if I’m at that level though.”

“And you’re incredibly humble. That’s even more attractive,” I spilled out before I could stop myself.

“You’re not bad yourself.”

I rolled my eyes. “Sure.”

“I’m serious,” Barrett said with a firm gaze. “I wouldn’t be on this date with you if I didn’t also find you attractive. With your hair and glasses, you pull off that Kent-Clark look really well.”

It was my turn to blush. “Thanks. If only I had the muscles to go with the disguise.”

“Well, I don’t think that your ass of yours needs to be hidden.”

I sputtered by that comment, and Barrett seemed to be surprised by what he just said too. He looked down and tried to hide his face that was even redder, and god dammit he looked so cute with how embarrassed he was.

I didn’t know what to say next that didn’t lead me to asking him how often he was checking out my backside and if he wanted to stick his dick in said-ass.

Thankfully, the waitress returned just in time with our food. My sandwich and fries looked so delicious and also served as a great distraction as I started digging in. Barrett looked like he was enjoying his meal as we ate in mutual silence.

“Ah. You should try their special sauce,” Barrett said, grabbing a condiment bottle and squeezing the sauce on his pizza that looked and had the consistency of blood.

I chuckled and said, “Why not?”

Sliding the bottle to me, I squirted some onto my plate and dipped a fry into it. I hummed in satisfaction from the tangy, herby flavor with enough spiciness to boost the taste without being overwhelming.

“Good, right?” Barrett said.

I nodded and smiled. “Do they by chance sell this at grocery stores?”

“Nah. They’re not big like other restaurant chains. But they do have all the recipes available, which you can view online for free on their website and that includes the sauce. I can make you some if you want.”

“Oh, thanks. If it’s not too much trouble.”

“Not at all. I love cooking.”

“Me too, though I don’t always have the time. And with Dillon working long hours, we usually take turns ordering and paying for delivery, which isn’t very healthy, I know.”

“I can offer you some quick recipes that take less than ten minutes to prepare and are much healthier. They do require some special ingredients though.”

“That’s not a problem since I work at a grocery store, which offers its employees a discount on all items.”

“Oh, good. Since we’re on this topic, what kind of salads do you like eating?”

The rest of our time was spent eating and chatting about what type of foods I preferred, which allowed Barrett to mentally compile a list of recipes that I would probably like. This conversation also allowed me to get to know Barrett who was all about healthy eating but still wanting to enjoy what he consumed as well.

Our plates were eventually cleaned, and I was left very sated by my meal. We decided to split the bill, and we both left a generous tip to our waitress before leaving the cafe that was beginning to fill with more customers.

The sun was still in the sky but was sinking closer to the horizon. Rush hour was already over and the temperature was very mild.

I patted my belly and said, “That was a great meal.”

“Glad you liked it. I’ll text you the links to the recipes that you can try out.”

“I appreciate it.”

Shuffling his feet, Barrett said, “Um…if you don’t mind, I’d like to take you somewhere not too far away from here. Then I’ll drive you back to your place.”

“Oh! Sure. May I ask where you’re taking me next?” I asked with a smirk.

“Another surprise. You still have room in your stomach?”

“Yup. It’s a shame the cafe doesn’t serve desserts or sweets.”

Barrett flashed a sexy smile. “Then you’ll love this place.”


Barrett and I laughed as he walked me to my apartment. I still couldn’t believe he took me to another hospital-themed eatery, this time a food truck that resembled an ambulance that was parked on the side of the street and had a couple dozen people surrounding the vehicle.

Barrett ordered for the both of us and soon we were served slices of cake on paper plates. I was stunned to see the fondant layer looking like human skin with the red velvet cake underneath oozing with what looked like blood. Barrett laughed at my reaction before taking a bite of his cake. The dessert looked like it was sliced directly from a human body, but damn did it taste good.

We only stayed there for about fifteen minutes, and Barrett also bought a dozen cookies that were made to look like finger bones before leaving. We ate them on the drive back to my place, laughing as we pointed and poked each other with the vanilla-flavored biscuits that was a good note to end our meal.

We stopped at the front door, both of us still buzzing from our laughter.

Clearing his throat, Barrett said, “Well, I hope you enjoyed our date.”

I smiled widely. “I definitely did. Best date I had in a long time actually.”

“Really? So, can I expect a second date in the near future? You won’t end up ghosting me?”

“I’m totally down for a second date. And no way in hell am I ghosting you,” I assured Barrett.

“Good. Because I know where you live, and where you work, and where you hang out with your friends every Friday night. I’ll know where to find you.” Barrett winked.

“That’s good to hear. I always wanted my own stalker.”

“Nah, I’ll be your paramedic ready to resuscitate you if you ever have another asthma attack.”

“Or…you can be my Prince Charming ready to rescue me by taking my breath away with a first kiss,” I said, stepping closer to Barrett.

Eyes widening, Barrett stepped forward as well until we were only a breath apart. “Do you need rescuing now?”

“Depends. Did you already slay the dragon?”

Barrett snorted. “I didn’t know there were dragons in Snow White.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

Barrett gasped, and I wondered if he was even ready to kiss. But then he closed the space between us and locked his lips with mine. And God, what a kiss. It was gentle at first, his soft lips moving curiously against mine, but it quickly intensified with me slipping my tongue into his mouth and his into mine. We didn’t hold back as our kiss became hungrier, the pleasure only increasing as our hands roamed the other’s body. I didn’t intend to go further than a kiss, but I was already lost in the feelings of Barrett’s hot mouth on mine and his big hands groping my ass.

I was so close to grinding on Barrett, my dick pushing tightly against my jeans, when the door suddenly opened.

We both froze, and I slowly turned my head to see Dillon eyeing us with sleepy eyes.

“What the…? Oh. Never mind. I heard some noise and thought you two were someone else,” Dillon said before yawning. “Sorry for interrupting.”

The door closed, and I looked back at Barrett who was also wide-eyed. He then dropped his hands from my body and took a couple steps back.

“Sorry. Got a bit carried away there,” Barrett said, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Don’t be. I’d invite you inside, but I don’t think my roommate would appreciate that right now.”

“It’s okay. Maybe next time. Or I can invite you to my place soon, and we can make that special sauce.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t mind making some spicy sauce with you.” I smirked.

Barrett seemed to realize the innuendo he made and looked away to hide his blush. Damn he was so sexy.

“I…wouldn’t mind that either. But it’s getting late, and I have somewhere to be in the morning.”

“An early shift?”

“Nah. I’m heading to an agency tomorrow that could help me with finding my mother.”

“Oh, that’s great! I hope you get the info you need to find her.”

“Thanks,” Barrett said, taking another step back. “ Hope to see you again soon.”

“Me too.”

Barrett smiled and offered me one more kiss before leaving, and I was left standing there already wanting more.

“Enjoy your date?” Dillon asked as I entered the living room.

“Do you even need to ask?” I said as I pulled my shoes off.

Dillon chuckled. “Sorry again for interrupting. You probably wished I was at work like always, so you two could have the place to yourselves.”

“Only a little. I don’t want to rush things anyway… Were you expecting someone?”

“Just my mom. She called me earlier, worried about me, and I was expecting her to arrive unannounced later today with a tupperware filled with adobo.”

“Why is she worried? Are you okay?” I asked, worried myself.

“I’m totally fine. She’s always worried about nothing.” Dillon yawned again. “Well, I’m heading back to bed. Good night.”

“Yeah, sleep tight.”

“And don’t let the gay demons bite.”

Dillon trogged back to his bedroom, and that was when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw it was Barrett who texted me links to a few recipes as he said he would. I texted back a heart emoji in which he replied quickly with a heart pierced with an arrow.

I giggled like a schoolgirl, and I knew right then and there that I was not letting Barrett go.

Copyright © 2024 Superpride; All Rights Reserved.
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2 hours ago, Tonyr said:

Will Barret? I mean, open up? 🔥

Did I really write that?! 😱

  • Haha 5
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