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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Stories in this Fandom are works of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. <br>

TJ's Journey to Recovery - 8. Chapter 8

“What do you mean we have to talk?” I asked worriedly

“First, we need to stop killing people on a whim, it’s not a good look” JC said

“I know I know but they wanted to kidnap or kill me.” I said

“Don’t let them provoke you babe; they could set you up and I can’t lose you.” JC said

“I guess I am going to need you to help me keep my cool.” I replied

“Hey didn’t they say we were team that eventually I’ll be like you?” JC asked

“I do remember them saying something like that and something about maybe consummating our marriage too.” I said and wiggled my eye brows

“You always think with your dick” JC said laughing

“Hey, I have had any complaints” I replied

“I heard the Kaiden and Lucas both propositioned you and you turned them down.” JC said getting serious

“Yes, there is only one man for me and he’s sitting right in front of me.” I said

“I am glad you have some constraint; I heard Kaiden has bedded our brothers.” JC said

“From what I’ve been told he has and CC cock blocked him, Bob and Randy.” I said snickering

“Maybe her new name should be CB.” JC said laughing

“Oh that would go over big.” I said laughing

“Is this what you wanted to talk about?” I asked

“Yes. I wanted you to know I love you but stop blowing people’s heads up.” JC said

“I think I’m going to my room.” I said peeling off my shirt

“Hey, that’s not fair.” JC said

“From what I’ve heard, you’re healed” I said making my way out. JC stood up and smiled and I took off running up the stairs to my room. He was hot on my heels and closed and locked the door.

“I think we should consummate our marriage but first I need a shower.” I said and walked into the bathroom. I heard JC double check the door and then he joined me in the bathroom.

“Hey there sexy, let’s make this quick before my husband gets back” I said with a wink

“He’s a lucky man” JC said and kissed me passionately. We showered in record time and went to the bed and had mind blowing sex over and over both alternating who was on top.

“Well this was mighty fun” JC said giggling

“We better clean up before my husband gets home, he may want a threesome and I’m not sure I have the energy.” I said as I kissed JC

“Well we definitely need to clean up and wash the sheets.” JC said. We hopped in the shower and put fresh clothes on, stripped the bed and went downstairs

“Ahhh someone’s glowing” CC said

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I said

“OH OH RIGHT THERE JC.” Beau mocked

“COME ON FUCK ME Teej” Trace said laughing

“I think it’s safe to say the whole house heard you.” Kaiden said with a smirk

“We weren’t that loud.” I said

“We couldn’t have been” JC replied

“Let’s just say some of us went on the terrace for peace and quiet.” Bob said laughing

“While other’s wanted to watch” Randy said glaring at Bob

“Hey, they are both studs” Bob retorted

“Bob, you aren’t as young as you used to be; you’re liable to have a heart attack.” CC said seriously

“Oh there you go Cock Blocking CC.” Bob started to rant

“Hey Bob, she’s just looking out for you.” I said

“Besides, TJ and I do like our privacy.” JC said

“Maybe Bob should have showed you both how to turn on the sound proofing.” CC said

“I think he likes to hear it” Randy said

“I’m hungry; is there any food?” I asked

“I’m guessing after a session like that you’d be starving.” CC chuckled

“What would you like, I’m a whiz in the kitchen” Kaiden said

“Don’t whiz in the kitchen, but how about some burgers?” I asked and JC nodded in agreement

“Ok, I’ll make some burgers for the sex fiends” Kaiden said and left

“So Bob, do we still have our house in Oakland?” I asked

“No, you don’t” Bob said

“TJ, are you angry?” CC said worriedly

“No shit Sherlock” I replied

“It’s just your face is red and steam is coming out of your ears.” CC said

“What?” I shouted

“TJ, calm down; you are letting your emotions show.” Bob said

“Why did we lose the house?” I said trying to calm down.

“The others knew about it so we had to keep you safe. We “sold” it more say rented it out to make it look like you didn’t purchase it.” Bob said

“Ok, what about our other places?” I asked

“Compromised too but we have them rented and it’s bringing you in a tidy sum of money.” CC said

“So what else do I need to know?” I asked

“Kaiden will need to be with you every time you leave the house. He is a protector and can help shield you.” Bob said

“I don’t want him in our room” I said

“Didn’t say he had to be but he is a protector that is assigned to you and JC.” CC said

“JC are you feeling alright? You look a little green.” Trace said

“I feel a bit weird.” He replied

“Maybe he just needs to eat.” I said and Kaiden then walked out with our burgers

“Just in time” JC said and started to chow down. I noticed Bob and CC were looking at him weird

“So Kaiden, any prospective boyfriend yet?” I asked

“Nope, kind of hard when you work security and live with the folks” Kaiden said and chuckled

“He does have a point” Beau said

“TJ, are you upset that he sleeps with us?” Grayson asked

“I guess I’m bigger on monogamy than you guys are.” I replied

“This is what I love about you TJ” CC said

“You shouldn’t knock something you haven’t tried” Beau said

“You shouldn’t shame me for not wanting too” I said and started to eat. I noticed that JC had become quite the bottomless pit and he was starting to take my food

“You ok babe?” I asked concerned

“Just suddenly super hungry.” He replied

“Kaiden, could you whip up a few more for my starved guy?” I asked

“No problem” Kaiden said

“TJ, when did you become a prude?” Grayson said

“I’m not; I guess my views on relationships are different.” I said

“Boys, it is obvious TJ doesn’t want to have a relationship with Kaiden. It would also be respectful if you guys didn’t flaunt your relationships with Kaiden either.” CC said

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Lucas said

“What she is saying is stop talking about it.” Aunt Kat said coming out the door. I jumped up and ran over and hugged her

“Hi Aunt Kat” I said

“Hello TJ, how are you sweetheart?” she asked

“I am doing better.” I said

“That’s good; all I can ask for” She said and kissed my forehead

“Mom we don’t flaunt our relationship with him” Lucas said

“Lucas dear you do. The fact that I know you, Beau, Grayson, Trace, Kellan and Jordan have slept with Kaiden is too much information.” Kat said

“Wait, Kellan and Jordan slept with him?” Lucas asked

“That is what I said.” Kat replied

“He must have one hell of a sex drive.” Beau said

“Okay, enough about sex.” Bob said

“So TJ, did you know you had those powers you used to kill Ethan?” Bob asked

“Honestly no, I was just so angry at his deceit and him for using me that I wanted him dead.” I said

“You seem to have more powers that everyone originally thought.” CC said

“I wonder if he can read people now” Bob said

“What do you mean?” I asked

“Usually people like us will gain a power when they witness something.” Bob said

“So I witnessed a head explode?” I said

“We don’t seem to know where you are gaining your abilities from.” Bob said

“I don’t either.” I replied at that moment Tristan, Damian and Nicky appeared

“Bob, we have been doing as you asked” Damian said

“They are going to try to take TJ and JC again.” Nicky said

“I disabled their car” Tristan said

“They survived me tossing them in the air?” I said

“Not everyone died, just Alex did.” Nicky said

“Liz and Jackie are angry you made a fool of them.” Damian said

Tristan was looking at JC and smiling.

“Tristan are you ok?” I asked

“Yes. J-wack-sin is pregnant.” Tristan said

“Uh buddy that is impossible.” I said and I touched his arm and there was a flash and I saw what Tristan was saying

“Bob…” I said

“JC, give CC and I your hands” Bob said and he complied.

It looked like they were in a trance.

“Well I’ll be damned. Congratulations guys” Bob said

“He can’t be pregnant.” I said falling back into a chair

“Well normally yes, men can’t get pregnant but JC is special and has the capability.” CC said

“This is a bit shocking.” JC said

“Wow, were going to be dads” I said and smiled

“Does it mean Trace can too?” JC said

“Trace, give me your hands” Bob said and did a reading

“This is way weird” Lucas said

“I agree.” I said

“Well Trace does have the same ability.” Bob said

“What?” Trace said

“You have the ability to have a baby. I think everyone of you does” Bob said

“Why haven’t we gotten pregnant then?” Trace challeneged

“Certain conditions have to be met very similar to woman getting pregnant.” Bob said

“Am I going to lose my dick?” JC said horrified

“No, your body will adjust” CC said laughing

“What’s so funny?” JC asked

“You all are in for a hell of a time.” CC said

“Birthing is no fun” Bob said

“Have you had a baby?” I asked

“Yep” Bob said

“Come on spill” I said

“You’ve met him” Bob said

“Oh so we are playing games now?” I asked

“You really don’t know who it is do you?” Bob said

“Pretty sure I don’t know.” I said

“Huh, figured you’d have guess by now.” Bob said

“Is it Kevin?” I said

“Winner, Winner chicken dinner” Randy said

“How?” I said

“Well certain people like us can have kids and Kevin has the ability too. He tells his surrogacy story as it would be weird to say he had a kid.” Bob said

“Brudder, you not know he my grandpa?” Tristan said

“No he has a different last name.” I said

“Kevin has his other father’s last name.” Bob said

“His other father? Have I met him?” I asked

“No, he passed away when Kevin was little. I then met Randy and he’s been in Kevin’s life ever since.” Bob said

“So are there any others?” I asked

“No, Randy and I decided just the one was enough” Bob said

“Like we said conditions have to be right and you both have to want kids” CC said

“So how long will this all take?” I questioned

“A week tops” Bob said

“A week?” JC said

“You should be happy it doesn’t take 9 months.” CC said

“We will have to get a nanny” Bob said

“Wait till my dad hears about this.” JC said

“Well he won’t be too surprised.” Bob said

“What do you mean?” JC asked

“Liz isn’t your mother.” Bob said

“What do you mean?” Trace said

“Jack or Tracy” I asked

“Neither” Bob said

“What do you mean neither?” I replied

“Well this is about to get really weird.” Bob said

“Oh your telling me” CC said

“Oh no, I didn’t marry my brother.” I said

“Yes Tristan is their father, but he’s not your brother.” Bob said


Copyright © 2020 AquariusGuy; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction that combine worlds created by the original content owner with names, places, characters, events, and incidents that are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, organizations, companies, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Stories in this Fandom are works of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. <br>
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Chapter Comments

4 minutes ago, Wesley8890 said:

When you go weird you go all out!!!!!!

Hey what can I say... It was something I thought would be an interesting twist. 

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Since this is your creation you can go a lot of ways with this for example will a baby given birth from a man  be able to do different things than one born from a women etc. part of me doesn't want to know.One question in this universe I guess Liz isn't an partner in the law firm.

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14 minutes ago, weinerdog said:

Ok what kind of hallucinative substance did you take before you wrote this chapter.

And can you share it?

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4 hours ago, weinerdog said:

Ok what kind of hallucinative substance did you take before you wrote this chapter.


4 hours ago, Wesley8890 said:

And can you share it?

Nothing at all.... I have an active imagination. 

Don't forget what Tristan Sr. mother was into..... 

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1 hour ago, chris191070 said:

Well we have officially entered the twilight zone. Let JC enjoy his pregnancy, in this timeline.

He will and it will be an interesting week for him.

Spoiler: Someone else will get the same news in the next chapter.

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18 minutes ago, Anton_Cloche said:

Fried chicken and cheese puffs from a 'UGE' MEGA bucket? 


Nope, nope and nope.

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4 hours ago, weinerdog said:

Since this is your creation you can go a lot of ways with this for example will a baby given birth from a man  be able to do different things than one born from a women etc. part of me doesn't want to know.One question in this universe I guess Liz isn't an partner in the law firm.

Liz will be addressed soon.

She is not with the firm either. Is it even still around? hmmmm

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